Fakes that write about it but don’t or can’t do it.

I have no respect for this sort. And there are many, they come in various shapes, sizes and avatars.

Fat doctors telling their patients how to live a healthy life, giving idiotic lectures on the dangers of tobacco, liqor etc (government regulations in certain countries that require graphic pictures to be put on top of cigarette packs – while they promote flu shots and other nonsense – really – you think that shyt will stop someone that wants to smoke? It has the opposite impact. Maybe they know this?) …

Fat nutjobs promoting their version of “it’s fine to be fat” fitness and those that Tom Tom a different body type when they’re in reality one thing – BLUBBER. True, we all have different body types. But there’s simply no excuse to be fat and have excess weight around the midsection – period.

Then a pet peeve – idiots in the fitness world who wrote books on pull-ups – yet can’t do a single fucking one themselves. I can’t tell you how pathetic it is to hide behind someone else doing them “because he’s so good at them”. True, business wise different team members have different strengths. This particular guy did what he had to make money – but the Universe sees all my friend, and the level of respect he garners in the fitness community in general says it the fuck all.

My life is an open fucking book – not so much the good part – but the grind, the nasty stuff that is unavoidable but noone wants to talk about. It will always be that way.

Put it out there on the busiest fucking highway in the world like Goggins rightly said. I’ve done that by default all my life.

Then you have these idiots that write books on motivation, overcoming adversity, rainbow after storm bullshit etc – when they’ve never been there themselves.

I know this one idiotic fat lady running on treadmills because it’s easy but won’t do the hard stuff that helped out a friend with a hundred or so bucks when he needed it. Minute she gave it (apparently more than what he originally asked for), from what he says, despite him giving her a return date she was on his ass indirectly “oh my! My moneyyyyyyy!”. Finding every excuse to badger him, chat to him, half hoping he’d give back what he apparently very reluctantly accepted from her since he knew that sort of shyt might happen.

This lady runs around the world living it up in 5 star hotels globally. Has all the money in the world via a rich second husband that she never worked for. Probably drove her first husband to death too with her attitude. Wrote a book on overcoming adversity etc, promotes it daily. Even asked ME to do it (I haven’t).

Yet, a hundred or so bucks – the amount she whined to this guy (a coaching client) – finding every excuse in the book from emotional crap like “my hard earned moneeeeeeee” to “I need it to procure a death certificate for my ex”( poor guy) to “she’s asking” – to whining about “Covid did this ” (it has nothing to do with it) when in reality she could lose ten times that amount tomorrow and it wouldn’t even affect her financially.

Now I told the guy she’s right to want her money back.


When you help a man out – either fucking go all in or not at all is what I’d tell the woman, whoever the person is.

If you don’t want to, don’t.

But don’t do it to make yourself feel better and then “regret” the decision instantly. That’s pathetic. Most importantly, remember if someone asks for assistance – there is a reason.

It’s easy to write about being compassionate, having faith etc.

Doing is where the rubber meets the road, where most fail.

Nothing of that nature in Zero to Hero! , Gumption Galore, and the 10 commandments of Successful Sales – or ANY of my fitness products.

I DO first. I grind for years. Then I bring to you what works. Simple as that.

Then idiots who claim to love stray dogs,yet won’t let the dog in their house.

In India, “dhobi ka kutta, na Ghar ka na ghat ka”..

“Washerman (or woman – in India “dhobi” or “dhoban” refers to males or females that wash, iron etc for a living)s dog – Neither here nor there” – as I see the poor dog running around everywhere, tail wagging, desperate for more than a few crumbs, desperate for family. I know how that feels. For years I felt the same way growing up.

Don’t feed the damn thing if you don’t want to.

But if you do, you owe it to the dog to not just throw it a few crumbs so you can feel good about your fat self  – but to give it what it deserves – love and affection. As my Uncle said all those years ago, the dogs come to you (and my younger cousin at the time) not so much for the free biscuits but the LOVE you give them. And he was right. It pisses me off to see morons on social media petting stray dogs then going about their way. Go all in or not at all, idiot.

Last but not least, a rash of joinees on this list that clearly are here just for the free stuff and never have any intention to buy anything. If that’s you, you know who you are – you’re just fucking pathetic man if you’re just haunting this place as many do to “see what’s new”. More than pathetic. Like the gawking Rihanna fan that pays a premium…for what? A glimpse of her ass on stage amongst millions of others and then she’s gone. I know a lot of you feel I’m a celebrity, far above you – truth is, I ground myself to a fine dust to get there and continue to daily. And if that’s you reading – please have some self respect and unsubscribe now before I boot and ban you the fuck off the list…

And thats that for now. Back to the grind.


Rahul Mookerjee

Real world fitness

Yesterday I was walking back from the beer store – who questioned with the amount of beer I guzzle, how it doesn’t show and how I stay so fit …and why I don’t just get cases at once instead of walking to the store all the time. (Daily).

Great questions! The first two I’ve addressed galore. The last?

Well,part of staying savage. I can’t run as much as I used to because of my leg injury so now I walk like a maniac all over town. Did that last Saturday, a 13 km walk which took me to the hairiest part of town where the vibe was “stay away from this mofo. He’s crazy”!

You know you’re doing something right fitness wise when you can feel that sorta of respect from tough men and women, hustlers and fellow savages.

Part of why I don’t own a car is why David Goggins doesn’t. Same reason above. Forces me to walk long distances even if I can run and don’t “want” to. I simply have to. No choice. And that’s how I like it.

Yes,I got everything delivered by the case in China but I had the hill and four long walks there!

Walking back, I spoke with one of these guys pushing and selling fruits on a cart. Brutal job, out there in the heat, rain, pushing and walking all day. Most are fat. This dude isn’t.

He knows me from a young age apparently, and smiled when he saw my beer.

“Do you drink” I asked him.

No bad habits. No smoking, drinking – but I have a lot of clarified butter – the genuine stuff – daily.

And it shows in the X shape he has. As I wrote about on the other site (do a search) – clarified butter is great. So are natural data despite what the so called experts say. There’s a reason the wrestlers in India guzzle tons of it.

I do everything, I laughed – and he laughed back.

Well, not everything. I’m just a huge beer enthusiast. And I love me a good smoke.

Never got into weed – it never even affected me when I tried it. Rather have regular tobacco.

Certainly no hard liquor which I hate. Vodka sometimes with lime but that’s it.

Diet which most would consider horrendous. As opposed to his.

Yet we are both in great shape….

See the connection?

I said my goodbyes and then walked down the road. Crossed it. And behold – the guy – who was standing there with his cart when I left, I hadn’t seen him move – was there too!

I’m sure a carrier piegon didn’t drop him off either.

That’s real world functional fitness for ya.

Quicker than me with that huge cart. I didn’t even see the dude move! Man, you’re fit I wanted to tell him. Haha.

Like our ancestors did, walk long distances out of compulsion. Push, pull all day long not for reps, but to survive all day long.

Carry heavy objects all day



And so forth.

Get back to the basics. It’s how you stay sharp. And in the modern day world, getting away from gadgets, gizmos, and useless machines at the gym and getting back to what our Creator intended us to do ie work with our own bodyweight is what does it for you physically.

Stay lean. Stay mean. Stay hard. Maintain that edge. Stay savage.

It’s what life for a real man, we are all born to be warriors – is all about.

The 0 Excuses Fitness system will give you a flying headstart in the right direction.


Rahul “Gengis” Mookerjee

Why I hiked that hill for hours upon hours ..
- More reasons.

I’ve spoken about it before. My hill climbs are the stuff of legend – starting with the legendary Brooks Kubik when he found out about it asking “was I in the military”.

And so he should. Tough workout, and he wasn’t to know I’d amp that by hours for years upon years later down the line!

I’ve spoken about the hill galore.

And one reason, and this should really hit home for a lot of you – it’s impossible to perform at your full potential as a weightlifter, bodyweight guy etc (or girl) unless you have your weight (and by extension core) at an optimal level.

Pull-ups, you simply won’t be able to do them if you’re fat around the core.

Pushups, you’ll never reach your future potential.

And here’s the thing – when I was fat and obese I still did more pushups and pull-ups than most. But I remained fat – albeit strong.

I swam for years. Was still flabby. Look, it’s impossible to swim with proper form if you’re fat. I have written before about how being taught how to swim incorrectly when I was young and doing that for years led to more imbalances in my body than I care to mention.

Humans were meant to be land animals.

Sure, we can swim.

But nothing works better than land based workouts overall, gravity, sweat etc. Ask Michael Phelps. He will be the first to extol the benefits of pushups and pull-ups!

The hill got me into the best shape of my life.

Nothing beats heavy duty leg and core work. It’s why I keep emphasizing high rep squats.

Can you lose weight with pushups alone – yes, but it will be a far longer, more incomplete and torturous road than if you did it with heavy duty leg work involved.

And that, my friend, in addition to all else I keep saying is why I did it.

I became as lean as possible.

Then I became a stud at pull-ups, pushups etc.

Far harder, if not impossible – to do it the other way around.

Lesson learnt I hope?


Advanced Hill Training and 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections are the products being pimped, pumped and ho’ed in this here email.

For damn good reason too.

Get them NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee


Rahul Mookerjee

Traditional gender roles are not mysogynist (which by its very definition is a ridiculous term)

YouTube banned this video twice.

No expletives. No cussing. Very calm video. Just facts. Said nicely. Very nicely. And yet…

Truly proves what Andrew Tate keeps saying about the Matrix trying to take everything over.

Thought of posting on tik tok. But nah. Here is it here.


Rahul Mookerjee

All male/female gyms???

I’ve heard a lot of men talk about why women shouldn’t work out in the same gyms as men. I’ve always found this a bit odd.

Please don’t get me wrong though. There are SOME environments women should not be in – such as active duty special forces for one. All male platoons chasing the few women in it with all the ramped up T that comes from hard daily workouts and real routines – well, there goes team spirit and camaraderie. Not to mention women have obvious biological limits (and bodies) not suited to this sort of rigor.

Similarly, men aren’t probably the best choice to raise young babies, though a lot do a damn good job of it anyway. . . I know i remember my time there with much fondness, changing diapers etc when need be and such (even my mom wouldn’t do it which should tell you something about my so called family).

I remember my Dad teaching me how to clean up after a dump…(when I was little)…

Anyway – gyms??

I get what these men are saying. Being grouped with a bunch of hard tough men naturally makes a man tougher – more competitive. Which is great.

But I work out outdoors in the heat and sun doing things that would make most billy goats puke due to the combo of weather plus tough workouts.

And I’ve always had nothing but women around me on the hill, right from Ann Lee initially to Carol to a gaggle of giggly Indian girls these days wondering why the so called upwardly mobile man is squatting so called obesquiously on the ground while they recline on benches. Yes, they all tell me “sir aap aise mat betho” (sir, don’t sit like this) – apparently it’s shameful.

Like I give a rats ass about what society thinks. The Rahul Mookerjee patented squat is one of the best workouts ever. Still remember a guy who was “supposed” to sit like that socially and not in chair begging me not to do it around him, then confiding in me he was too fat to do it himself even though his physical labor should have kept him in shape. It didn’t.

But anyway.

If you can as a man control and transmute your sexual energy naturally amped by women around you into your workout, you’ll understand what I mean.

Napoleon Hill spoke about the importance of sexual transmutation in Think and Grow Rich.

The presence of many a nans beautiful secretary, as he writes, was the secret to their inspiration and ideas for success at a lot they did.

Real men don’t chase women.

They love to be around women.

Any time. Most times!

Yes, there’s other guys there too. Some ogling the girls, some not. It’s never bothered me an iota or impacted my performance. It’s about FOCUS!

And for me, it’s always proven to be very inspirational and my results back it up.

And that, my friend is that. Not to mention this


Rahul Mookerjee

Am I crazy for practising what I call “self talk”?
- To most of you idiots out there, probably so

To most so called normal people (idiots) – yes, I probably am. Most folks looks at me as if I’m crazy anyway even if I’m not doing or saying anything. That vibe of constantly being on the edge, wanting continuous improvement, getting pissed off at how the world is becoming even lazier and more butt useless by the day (it was bad enough before), dumbphone addiction etc …

… I talk to myself all the time.

People around me hate it – specifically even the ex who stopped short of “threatening” me not to talk about her on Twitter.

Obviously I don’t care about that BS. I’m a very helpful person by nature and everything I say, do, is intended to help others if taken in the right logical spirit.

That don’t mean I molly coddle.

It dont meant I say “it’s ok to be fat” or have a different body type or call you thick when you’re more fat than thick – et al.

It doesn’t mean I say “poor thing, it’s ok not to make a lot of money,to be depressed exhausted, tired”…


The best form of help is self help that forces you out of comfort and kicks youg ass – forces you to acknowledge your failures and continually improve daily.

To control emotion.

Be stoic.

Even in the face of unrelenting horseshit all around us – my ex is a prime fucking example – you cannot let your emotions overcome you no matter how much you “feel” like it – and trust me, the more you improve yourself, the more you’ll want to fucking blast others for being losers.

Remember though you can only take a horse to water. You cannot make it drink. Neither can you, unless you’re the big guy in Bloodsport, hehe – bang your skull against a brick wall and hope for it to shatter – it won’t.

Talking to losers is a waste of time. That’s the vast majority of people out there these days.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m unfit”.

Looking at me “who the hell does he think he is”.

“Yeah he’s so fit, so what”

Deep down inside they all want what I work so hard for.

This sort of idiotic BS always comes from folks several or many levels beneath you. Never above. How the hell can someone say “so what if Im fat”.

“So what if I can’t run several miles without fatigue”.


How the fuck can you even think that way?

It irritates me beyond any fucking comprehension. This morning was one prime example – and hearing the self talk coming out of me, you’d probably have called the cavalry in. “Smoke coming out of me”.

And that’s what the point of this email was about.

I reminded myself that certain thoughts need to be kept our of mind. Especially for a fucker like me who thinks and manifests all he thinks!

I spoke to myself like a true good friend would be.

I was brutal with myself. I did pushups while doing it – and 10 pull-ups too.

How the fuck can someone say it’s ok not to do pull-ups, that angry voice kept saying as my lazy ex turned up the volume on her dumbphone as soon as I showed up to do pull-ups. Feet in a massage machine since the morning, planted in the couch she’ll remain in the rest of her sorry ass fucking loser inspired life – on both her devices whining about the cold or some bullcrap.

You’ve no idea how irritated I get just looking at her. And the feeling is likely mutual. Losers can’t stand winners and vice versa and that’s how it should be too.

Calm down, that voice told me.


Let it out while doing the damn pull-ups .

Do a 100 more pushups.

But never let the negative emotions take over.

We all have them.

We are all human.

Key lies in this – when you’re continually pushing yourself – continually tired, broken down and exhausted and you keep the fuck going anyway – last thing you want is the other bs around you.

But you’ll get more of it.

That’s Father Life testing you, son.

How the fuck you gonna respond now?

….and that sort of self talk,I practice this all the time. Consciously pushing negative images out of my mind. Making room for nothing but positive even when surrounded by shit all around.

Like Andrew Tate’s experience in a Romanian jail cell.

Truly, you gotta experience it ALL to be truly exceptional. (Still remember my buddy from the Marines saying “but you’re exceptional”).

So that’s why people think I’m insane. Hehe. Maybe I am.

More such life tips in Gumption Galore and Zero to Hero. 

Also, please, if you’re sitting on the list and have no intention of ever buying anything – kindly GTFO the list as I don’t want you there – thank you!

And that’s that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Grinding and the subconscious mind.

Sitting out here in the park, getting through another workout in the heat of afternoon (yes, Charles, I don’t know how I do it either but I do!) the very LAST thing I feel like doing is writing this to you. Cant it wait until a nice shower back home?

Not owning a laptop – waiting for eons for the right one. All this might sound crazy. Probably is, even more so for a voracious writer like me. One that hates dumbphones!

Speaking of which, the daughters expression today after the ex finally forced her off the dumbphone onto the school books she’s been avoiding for so long. Daggers shooting out of her eyes. That scowl. Priceless!

Sitting here after a smoke I really don’t want to do more pull-ups. My entire upper body hurts.

But I will.

It’s a commitment to myself, a promise to grind forever.

I’ve got tons of issues that need resolving.

But right now I feel so at peace none of that matters.

That don’t mean the issues don’t matter.

Of course they do.

But exhausted as I am, the keys to my ultimate success at everything I take up – and yet another reason that I didn’t even know when I did it – for the years of torturous grind in the hill in horribly hot weather, grade three typhoons etc – the subconscious mind.

The way you activate your subconscious mind and get it to solve problems is to pass the message on and let go.

You do that by focusing on other things after a prolonged period of thought on the problem.

You let go.

This is where most fail. There is a very fine line between obsessing and over obsessing. Or overthinking as Marc the African Silverback Gorilla termed it once.

Find it.

The way you do , the easiest way at least is to grind your self into a state of exhaustion work wise. Mentally. Physically. Every which way.

You’ll be too exhausted to think at all.

And that, my friend is when the subconscious mind takes over and works it’s magic.

That’s the connection between the relentless, unforgiving grind true doers out themselves through very willingly and their nigh stupendous success at all they do.

There’s no fucking hack.


Stay hard.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Gumption Galore Volume Two will be out soon. In the meantime, feast on Zero to Hero and Gumption Galore – Volume One, both choc a bloc with real life practical success tips that just flat out work.

No excuses mofo.

Get after it.



Grind, you SOB. Grind!
- It's the only fucking way.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. When it hands you juicy fruits on a platter or after a lot of hard work, meaning you “deserve it” – make it give you more lemons and then grind more.

Noone cares about what you did yesterday, the big sale you made, the breakthrough you achieved.

It’s about today.

Live in the fucking moment. Make the most of it.

Be a fucking beast.

I don’t care if you’re so exhausted as I am that you’re blinking to keep your eyes open – can’t do a single more pull-up – or what not.

That’s tough shit.

Take a cue from the drunken cop in Jannat 2 who finds a way to keep his eyes on the prize even in the alcoholic stupor he’s in all day – and GETS it.

People don’t just stare at me because they think I’m a movie star – that’s part of it, yes.

But the other unsung part?

“That’s one obsessed crazy motherfucker!”

That I am, friend. Always will be. Never wanted it different.


Get back to it, bro.

Grind another 10 reps out.

Keep going.

Most folks are content to wail, blame the economy, other shit for their problems. They’re quick to mouth BS affirmations like “I’m rich” 108 times.

None of that shit works. You know that.

Grinding is what does. Or, persistence, truly to the character of man as carbon is to steel, like the great Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich.

Giving up is never an option. It never has been for me.

If you’re breathing, you’re in the game.

Grind, mofo, grind. Welcome it. never shy away from it.

Do more squats.



Breathe. Refocus. Not solved?

Do more pushups.

Repeat. Problem solved finally?

Do more pushups anyway.

Like water against rock, nothing can stand in the way of determined “pounding” away. . .

Problems, rocks, mental barriers, they all eventually disappear and disintegrate into nothingness if you grind long enough.

Very unsexy advice,but it’s the only thing that works in life.


The pain you’re facing is not just temporary. It’s an opportunity to GROW regardless of your current level at anything. Welcome it. Want more of it.

Be savage.

Do the thing.

Put aside the “I’m exhausted, depressed” and other horseshit excuses.

Be a fucking animal.

And there it is.

More such down to earth motivation in Zero to Hero, and Gumption Galore – two of my most acclaimed books.

More later.


Rahul Mookerjee

A feeling only a true SAVAGE would understand.
- Goggins would!

Savages by their very definition definitely are usually male. Usually very stoic like me. More than happy to walk away from a screaming contest with women because you know it’ll never go anywhere – yet, put a man in front of you, and he best be polite and respectful or look out.

Years ago, I had this incident – many actually – with guys that were savage then while I was fat, civilized and happily married.

Logically, I was right in those situations.

But these guys had the savage VIBE which even though there was no chance of any real physical confrontation involved – made me back down ultimately though I was right.

Man to man, player to player, nikka to nikka – eye to eye. Men can sense it in each other.

I often think back to those days.

Picture how it would have panned out “now”.

We can’t change the past. We CAN however change what would happen if those same things happen again – in those situations, in my mind’s eye – the guys don’t even come close to me now.

Women do though. It’s amazing how I think of a woman and she manifests later on that day. Savages attract women by their very vibe. Simple as that, as it was meant to be. We were meant to be hunters. Right down to the brand of beer we guzzle – in my case – hehe. Woodpecker. Kingfisher. Hunter. Hehe. Emperor of Good times. And so forth.

Like Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once pointed out

“You’d tear then apart”!

Same thing has been said by many others.

I’ve never seen a female savage in the true sense of the word as yet. That don’t mean females can’t do certain exercises better than men or excel more in sports, biz etc. No.

Only a real man that understands the true meaning of being savage will know what I’m talking about here. Goggins. Tate. Those guys in the old decrepit gym in Rocky III. Hustlers forced to do it or else (so they become savage because they have to).

Andrew Tate once had this story of salesmen – the ones that did the best were not the ones with the most talent or good at sales.

It was the ones, as he says with a terrible thick Indian accent that had to feed their families in Bangladesh or else.

Those motherfuckers just kept calling!

And they always ended up in the top bracket of salesmen results wise.

Like Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich, many men become successful because they’re so closely pushed, HOUNDED even, by circumstances that they have no option BUT to.

And they just keep grinding. Like water, if you attack something repeatedly, it eventually gives up.

Simple truism and lesson on dogged persistence – mix that with true FAITH and you get all you wanted and more.

None of the feel good BS, none of the “if you feel like it” etc. None of the wake up in the morning thump your chest BS “I feel great!” Horseshit that the so called self help gurus spout. No affirmations etc.

Just get up and fucking grind like your life depends upon it.

It’s part of being a true SAVAGE, an elite group most will never come close to be being remotely part of (like the Ship – like Tate’s War Room, this is ONLY for the best of the best, folks willing to give it their all and then some in ALL regards – nothing else allowed to pollute the energy) …

This morning , I was so busy with work I did a Churchill. Worked in bed till 10 AM.

Oops. Not enough time left for a workout before picking the kid up.

A duty my ex “assigned” me and believes I do it because I’m scared of what would happen if I don’t.

I have never disabused her of that notion. I don’t plan to. Scared. HA!

To me it’s a privelege to be able to do that. I haven’t been able to for many years – now I can…

Still got in 100 perfect pushups, 15 perfect slow pull-ups – 20 minutes of stretching. Off it was.

Smoking a quiet cigarette, I had people all around staring holes through the movie star as always.

He was irritated.

They felt it.

Didn’t come close. Goggled from a distance.

I was truly irritated and pissed. Utter chaos all around as always. All I wanted was a quiet fucking fag…

… Kids from school showed up. One little boy tugged at my lapels. I call him Superman – I love his Mom too. Cool lady! Her mother in law actually once invited me over to their place too. Haven’t gone as yet. Might someday.

He complained about how my little girl calls him a “tamatar”.

Red tomato.


My girl did her own version tugging at my lapels.

Both semi punched me. Hehe. Not listening!

A maid showed up to take charge though I could have.

The feeling of being a true savage, a real man is indescribable. Few men will ever understand what it means.

And that’s fine. Not everyone is meant to be that.

When you’ll fight any man in the world, lift and push any fucking obstacles in your oath until they evaporate – do what it takes – but end up being the most “submissive” in a real man manner around women and kids.


That’s what being a man is all about


Let her take the lead when it’s her right to. Simple.

And that feeling I’ve described above is indescribable.

To be a true savage you have to train mind and body as one, both equally hard.

And pushups and pull-ups in high reps daily will turn you into a beast incarnate.

Ask Iron Mike. Herschel Walker. Goggins. List goes on and on…

I teach you how in the courses above.

Customers have said the same thing after doing.

The tale of John Grimek going behind his wife’s back to allow his kid one more try at the sport he was playing as opposed to listen to Mommy holler “come on inside!”.

That’s what being a real man is all about.

And that my friend makes it all worth it. Later!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I read this so called fact once spotted by an idiot “fitness so called expert” who claims “if you can do 40 pushups non stop your chances of heart attack decrease by x percent”.


People need to be specific.

I could make those pushups last for an hour. If you read ..what book? Ah yes, Convict Conditioning, you’ll see how the author was doing pushups – one set – one hour later guard comes back to his rounds, guys still on the same set.

40 pushups ?

Most couldn’t do 10 slow strict pushups…

Where they feed people with these bullshit stats is beyond me.

Guy on Twitter just asked me for advice working out in response to my post about how I cured my fatty liver – genetic mostly – through hard work, not listening to what fat docs told me to do “don’t swim because it taxes the liver”.

Heavy duty leg work is step one, I replied.

Do it daily regardless of how you feel. At least an hour a day. Work up to more.

Squat. Hike. Run. Whatever it is.

Do pushups, pull-ups, and you’ll whittle that core down (a Brooks Kubik term hehe “waist whittling”) in NO time.

Like Herschel Walker said. Get the core ready – you can handle anything.

I’ve said that too in corrugated core – the feeling of that X shape, more than the looks is IN fucking describable.

And a strong fat free core means organs within are forced to become that too. And they do. Simple.

I pointed him to Advanced Hill Training – a must grab for all serious trainees.

But really, in a nutshell, there it is.

Grind motherfucker!!!!