Amazon Pay – Live!
- Took a while, that.

It took a while to be sure, but it’s “finally” live.

In addition to credit cards , Paypal and bitcoin etc – not to mention your site wallet (which is highly recommended if just because of the ease of checkout, automatic 10% discount etc) – we now have Amazon Pay live and ready on the site.

Checkout using your Amazon account – and cards etc associated with your Amazon account.

This is something I’ve been wanting to do for ages, we’re finally live on this one.

Enjoy – let me know if it works well for y’all (I’m sure it will).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Should work with Amazon accounts in all countries. Amazon’s great about making payments “easy and cross border” as far as possible, which is not something I can say about all other companies.

Squats improve your performance – at everything.
- YES.

Over the past month or so, indeed since somewhere around Jan 5 – if there was ONE exercise I could say I’ve been doing – it is this – SQUATS.

Before that it was jumping rope for a couple of months, if not more, but NOW?

SQUATS, squats, and more squats. Morning, squats, afternoon, squats, late night, squats. I’ve even cranked them out while drinking a few cold ones. Hehe. (not recommended, but hey!).

Mostly bodyweight and Hindu squats.

Some others too, some patented Rahul Mookerjee squats, but mostly, I’ve been focusing on the basics – the heavyweight “to go” exercises – bodyweight – and Hindu squats.

I covered Hindu squats in 0 Excuses Fitness, of course – the books and the videos.

But if there was one exercise I would have really gotten into in that book, if I could go back and redo it (which I yet might someday) – it is bodyweight squats, a great, great alternative, and even guys that  are great at knocking out sets of Hindus – well, you should never ignore the bodyweight squat.

Along with this, pull-ups and Indian club work.

And thats that.

And the results over the past month or so have been nothing short of splendid – and fantastic.

Done right, deep breathing included, in proper cadence, there is nothing that beats this exercise, my friend – not pull-ups, not handstands, except maybe certain types of pushups – nothing.

The “legs do indeed feed the wolf”! (as many an author has said).

Work the legs and back hard, you work the ENTIRE Body – period.

Not only that, the mental focus you build while doing these?


Do 500 squats in a row without stopping, then come back and tell me about your goals, and how you RACED towards them – and past ’em!

There is nothing that builds mental toughness quite like squats do – except perhaps long hours of hiking in hot weather.

In 0 Excuses Fitness, I termed pushups as being the big dog of fitness – rightly so.

But if there was an exercise I could call the GRANDDADDY of fitness – it is the SQUAT.

And I Really should have emphasized the squat more in the book, I feel.

That don’t mean, of course, that the great videos and such I put out were “wrong”.

Doing 250 – or 500 pushups – a day – or more – is something ALL The greats did.

From Mike Tyson to Herschel Walker to Walter Peyton and countless others, they’ve all done it, and so thats a great direction to point you in.

But squats, my friend – if you’re looking to burn fat – build muscle – and in general get a workout for the entire body nothing else can give you – and FAST – then squats will do it.

Not only that, your performance on everything else will improve – dramatically.

Pull-ups, pushups, all will improve even if you dont work them heavily while doing squats – provided you do the squats right!

So if you’re not squatting by now, my friend, GET to it – today – now.

It’s that important.

0 Excuses Fitness gives you all you need to know about these sort of workouts, get the book, the videos, and get CRACKING.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Please dont listen to the idiots, and there are plenty of them who tell you “dont go all the way down”. This is right up there with the retarded “bounce of the floor” pushups you see, and the “swanging in the breeze” pull-ups. YES, you DO go all the way down in the squat, the purpose is to build the entire body, especially the BACK of the body, hamstrings, butt, and NOT just the “thighs”.

And if you dont “because you ain’t flexible” enough – well, get on Isometric and flexibility Training now.

If you have the initial book, get “Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training” – TODAY.

The level of “BLA!” I felt this morning – and the utter, exact POLAR OPPOSITE NOW!
- Sometimes I wonder how people function in general...

Sometimes I wonder how people function in general…

The Bozos, the nuts, the idiots who claim “exercise is not required daily”, the jackasses claiming “train hard one day, take the rest of the week off or light”, the maroons jerking off to the tunes of “train different body parts on alternate days” – and in general, again…

I mean, honestly.

Most people treat working out as a chore, hardly do it, even the easy stuff, if at all, and stuff their gullets with all sorts of crap and “comfort food” while beamoaning the state of their health and claiming masks will save the world or other rot …

Yesterday, I took a very rare break from working out.

Not because I was tired.

Not because I was busy.

Not because I did not feel like it.

(I was busy, yes, and I didnt feel like it, yes, but that was not why. It was one of those truly unavoidable “life happens” reasons that even I could not get around, so be it).

Note I still did way more than what most people do on  a day of what I Consider “strange but utter rest”.

I stretched, and did a workout out of Isometric and Flexibility Training, I trained dead hangs, and I walked. More than what most people do in a week, I’d say.

Yet, this morning when I woke up – something was missing.

The OOMPH I normally and naturally have – no coffee or tea required – was not quite there – I mean, it was there, the mojo, but “not quite” if you get my drift.

And I didnt even eat anything out of the ordinary compared to what most idiots do.

I ate bananas during the week, some healthy sweet options – and for dinner, it was a light meal of vegetables (potatoes, cauliflower, some carbs, and that was that).

I slept well.

But still …

Working out was number one on my list today as it always is.

And as I sit here breathing like a runaway train after 200 squats, a mini isosmetric workout – I was pondering … Just HOW do most people get through their days.

No exercise, or the wrong kind, certainly no deep breathng, the key to it ALL …

And plenty of crap shoved down their throats daily both mentally and otherwise.

No wonder the world is in the state it is.

I keep telling my friends that ask me how I stay free of the usual sniffles and waffles most people think are “endemic”.

Or “because of the weather”.

Or, other crap.

I hammer it out of my system via workouts, is what I Tell my friends.

They scoff – those that don’t believe.

Some claim “we workout – but not like YOU, Macho Man!”

And some claim “you’ve built a great body” and do nothing to further their own aims and secret ambitions in that regard.

Sad, the way people kill of their own dreams and desires, don’t even know it, settle for less than what they want.

Did I just talk about the majority of people out there?

Yup, I thought so.

But anyway …

Life without exercise is like going through life with your valves plugged, the energy flow stopped and drained – hell, I even felt dehydrated this morning after doing what I consider very little, after tons of water, green tea and the like … if I dont work out, my system dont function, period – and the SAME holds true for YOU reading this, bro – or sis – or whatever you classify yourself as .

I simply cannot imagine the alternative.

Maybe some people can, but I Can’t.

No excuses, and certainly NOT without deep breathing, the key to it all …

To get on workouts that keep you in top shape, and dont take forever and a day – my squats for one took roughly 10 minutes from the 7 or so they take, and that was because of isometrics WHILE doing them …

…. get on the train HERE.

See you aboard!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Those of you ordering paperbacks, DO write back with your full address and phone number. In the future, I’ll have a shipping address section added to the checkout form along with billing address (which is there now) – but until then, shoot me an email and let me know (or it will go out to the billing address on file). Dont forget your phone number either – it’s needed for the shipping process (again, until I have that option on the checkout form).

PS #2 – Not to mention, the addiction most people have to their dumbphones – ugh.

Potbellied Bozo tries to train Rahul Mookerjee
- Ugggggghhhh

The afternoon was pretty cool, I had a sumptious lunch after a tough workout which encompassed, amongst other things, 450 squats – 150 odd Lumberjack swings – patented squats included – lots of stretching – the horse posture – dead hangs – pull-ups, 40 of them – and more.

Walks too.

So I had a nice rest after lunch, watched a bit of ESPN (from 2019) – an ole George Foreman interview, which I loved – one of the many great things he said

Muhammed Ali was the greatest man that ever fought; Joe Louis was the greatest fighter that ever fought!


So apt…

It’s not SIZE that makes a fighter. It’s This, he said – pointing to his heart.

Again, so true – it’s never the size of the dog that (ultimately) matters ,its the size of the FIGHT in the dog.

Then, this –

You gotta get up after every knockout blow – and not when the referee tells you to. BEFORE That, or its too late went the legend, citing an example from his own career – before – and after. (when he learned).

So true again, for life, fighting, boxing, anything, everything.

He was referring to the never stay down mentality of a TRUE contender, and of course, by proxy and extension why it’s one thing to get to the top, but STAYING at the top, now that, as Claude Bristol rightly said in the Magic of Believing, Success is a fickle bird, if you pause to rest on your laurels, it grows wings and flies away.

So it does, sir, so it does.

Quite the nice start to the evening, of course, that wasn’t to be when I went out in the park for a bit of an evening workout – loonies out everywhere.

First thing you know, there was a top heavy puffed up dude with a huge gut – potbelly, rather – that screamed two things out loud.


And …


Certainly not someone that does a lot of squatting – the right way.

As I was doing sets of rapidfire squats, 50 in each set while doing pull-ups, ALL The way down and up on both squats and pull-ups, I noticed him watching me, but I ignored him, yet, I knew what was going to happen.

Sure enough it did.

“Sir, you shouldn’t go all the way down”, he came up to me uninvited and started on. 

I ignored him.

He repeated himself.

“Well I like it”, I said, hoping to end it there.

“Sir, you dont build the thighs that way” he went on.

“I dont do these to build the thighs- I build the entire body when doing ’em”.

he seemed aback at the vehemence with which I said this, the confidence, and the statement itself.

He then introduced him as “having a gym and yoga center” and “he’s a personal trainer”.

You dont look like it, I thought – but said nothing.

(well, to be honest, I did say “I dont do yoga”, after which he scooted off – thankfully).

Literally, guys with pot bellies wanting to be personal trainers, not to mention the beach boy “puffed up” look… is one thing.

But when they come up to yours truly telling me not to go all the way down in the squat, after listening to me tell them about flexibility and strength (of course – he pooh poohed the flexibility part) – then it’s too much, wouldn’t you say.

I was going to challenge him to do sets of TEN squats, let alone 50, ass to grass, regular bodyweight, not even Hindu, but I didnt want to waste my time – not to mention give him a coronary most likely.


Then another dude at the pull-up bar, of course, he had to show up with his phone blaring idiotic rock music while training.

“Can we turn that off”, I grimaced at him.

To his credit, he did.

His pull-ups, well, he WAS going ALMOST all the way down – but he ruined it by jerking up and not using his thumb.

For Gawd’s sake, guys, I’ve said this in the book on pull-ups – “Gawd” gave you your thumb for a reason, I see no reason why you wouldn’t use it, not to mention, you build your grip so much more when you do them that way as opposed to thumbless.

I guess the latter is better than nothing, but still…

Anyway, the way dude was contorting his way up in the leg raise, his weird interpretation of how to do it … UGH.

Luckily an “angel” showed up ahead of time and wanted to go home, so I did.


The angel was feeling the “idiot” vibe too at the park.

So that was the evening …

Back soon.

And in the meantime, remember, DO go all the way down and up in the squat and pull-up – BOTH.

Full range of motion is what does it.

Not saying semi range is useless, you’ll see plenty of basic and advanced isometric poses for both, but when doing exercises with motion, high reps, you do full range or not at all, in other words, right form or go HOME.

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

“Stretching is just fantastic for the whole body!”
- So he said...

So said a somewhat “tubby” yet great guy – out there in the park today while I was doing pull-ups in the evening.

At least, thats the gist, I forgot the exact words, but thats what he meant.

“Stretching is great for the entire body!” he said, and then told me “why”.

It ensures that the “calcium” remains in your bones according to him …


Stretching right is indeed GREAT, and one of the best things you can do for yourself, period, but bone strength, density, I’d say while certain poses can add to them, its really pushups, pull-ups, squats, sprints and other heavy duty stuff that really get the bones robust in that regard.

Dont get me wrong, again – there are tons of good things I could say about stretching, and have in both the books (and compilation) on it.

“Thats pull-ups though”, I smiled.

But you’re right, I went on. Dead hangs do indeed stretch the entire spine out – and build STRENGTH throughout the upper body – ferocious strength to boot.

Then I went on to give him the old martial arts maxim of “it matters not if you have the flexibility to kick someone in the head without the strength / power behind the kick to knock him out”. Hehe.

Think about it…

Anyway, my routines have been drawing a lot of attention as of late…

I remember writing to you last week about kids being great imitators, and how a barely a year old or so kid was trying to imitate me in one of the groin stretches I do.

“Stretching……………….” the lady was saying.

(before I said my part about kids being great imitators!).

Out there today there were some ladies jumping rope.

“From 9 to 12, thats progress”, giggled one.

I dont know what to say to that one. So I didnt! Hehe.

(though she’s right, it IS progress in a sense, and if you’re that far gone that 9 jumps is too much, and many people ARE,then yes, that is precisely how you progress).

One step at a time…

Then, some ladies jumping rope – and doing jumping jacks with light weights.

All well and good, but I kept wondering, and constantly do when I see folks working out …

where be the SQUATS – high rep squats that form the foundation for it all.

The pull-ups – or dip – or both.

And of course, pushups – at least a 100 of them …

People ignore the basics – way too much.

Hey, I’m not saying you have to do 100 pushups and 1000 squats daily, even if you did 500 Hindu squats daily, thats still a hell of a workout.

My own routine is currently squats, pull-ups (and pushups, but the main focus is not on them) – and lumberjack training …

And stretching, plenty of it – and STRENGTHENING while I’m at it.

Speaking of which, all the interest in stretching, well, it just explains why both my books on isometrics are so damn popular, my friend.

And if you’re looking to save a few bucks, here’s the compilation for you …

Get it NOW.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee


How to build flexibility even if youre “stiff as an iron dog” or BORN that way.
- .... and it "dont" take near as long as you might think.

I’ll tell you one thing, my friend.

We all have weaknesses that we need to work upon.

That weak link in the chain is often what leads to one’s “downfall” – both physically – and otherwise.

Strengthen the weak links, and the strong ones get stronger automatically – and the weak changes into “Strong”.

For me, thats always been (as people that know me would attest) my GRIP – and my hamstrings.

For years now, my grip certainly hasn’t been one of my weak points, I’m sure anyone that is even halfway accquainted with this site knows that!

But my hamstrings – I’ve spoken about them often.

No matter how much I train them, no matter how much I stretch them – they’ve always remained a super weak point for me.

I’ve never been able to touch my toes – until a few years back.

Yes, the bodyweight exercise Guru is saying this!

And, I’ve never been able to get into some of the awe inspiring stretches – like the splits etc – until a few MONTHS ago.

More than awe inspiring, and I’ve often said this – when you stretch RIGHT – while strengthening at the same time, and this holds especially true for the hamstrings, you do more than just open the meridians of the body up in a super charged, turbo manner you cannot do otherwise – you open your life up.

In Isometric and Flexibility Training, a very well received book on this – a book that will have you touching your toes within minutes even if it’s been a chore your entire life – I spoke about the feeling of sang froid.

Being on cloud nine – all day long.

And a “relaxed” feeling that cannot be replicated even with fine babes massaging you on the beach while you sip your beer, margarita or whatever.

OK, maybe it can’t replace the babes Hehe.

But … point stands.

The splits are often something people want to do, yet cannot.

Most people think it takes years and years of “hard” training to do ’em right.

Well, you’d be amazed, I’m sure if I told you that DEEP BREATHING – and DAILY progress – are the keys to this.

I can increase your flexibility in the splits by INCHES – more than one inch – within a DAY if you follow the instructions in my advanced book on isometrics – Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training.

I can have you touching your nose to your shin in some of the hamstring stretches I teach very easily indeed with the right BREATHING.

My coaching clients will attest to this as well.

THe mistake most people make is to stretch BEFORE they train.

Mistake numero uno that  – you stretch either WHILE Training, or after, but not before.


Trying to “force” the stretch – especially some of the back bends and forward stretches.


You BREATHE into the stretch, and command your muscles to “do the thing”, and slowly, they will if you visualize it right.

Yes, you need to put in the time training, but not nearly as much as you’d think, my friend.


Thinking “it’s all about genetics”.


Much like anything else, being genetically predisposed – or not – to anything doesn’t mean you can’t excel at it – flexibility included.


It’s just flexibility! Pah!


Kicking someone in the head repeatedly from a standing position as done in martial arts requires flexibility, strength, BALANCE, timing and co-ordination.

If all you did daily was 100 kicks on both legs properly – you’d be in great shape, my friend.

And many more mistakes people make that I haven’t covered here.

Yes, I realize what I have to say on the topic takes most “expert opinions”, kicks them in the can and out the window – but results speak, mine back up my words.

And that, my friend, is all there is to it.

Last, but not least, remember, this world famous series is now available in compilation format HERE – if you’re looking for quantum leaps in strength and flexibility, and improved performance in all (exercises and otherwise) you do then you owe it to yourself to get this NOW.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’ve been amazing even myself with some of what I can do, which I’ll be sharing shortly – which in 40 plus years, I’ve never been able to do. Not while doing 500 pushups daily, or 100 pull-ups daily, or climbing hills for hours a day, but I can do it NOW.

This book Is the TICKET, my friend, get it NOW.

The hybrid squat I’ve been doing that works WONDERS.
- And quick.

Yup, it works wonders, and quick!

Fat loss, core strength, stability – all done old fashioned and “Indian wrestler” style.

Over the past month or so, I’ve been doing two of these “hybrid squats” I have NEVER covered fully, but will in an advanced book on squatting once I “get to it”.

There is so much more to squats than what I teach currently.

In the past, I’ve focused exclusively on teaching you Hindu squats, and these are great, but …

For SOME people, when you first start, you tend to ignore two things – or three, those being deep breathing – the right way – bringing the arms into it – huge – and the BACK of the body – even huger.

The focus tends to be on reps and thighs which I can understand, but this is wrong.

An excellent alternative is the bodyweight squat that doesn’t make an appearance in any of my books until date.

These are done “slower” than Hindu squats, but still give you a superb fat sizzling workout like few others (and they’re not done super slow).

These also tend to emphasize the hamstrings a lot more, if just for the sheer difference in HOW you do ’em i.e. motion.

Now, I’ve written to you before about the “sledgehammer squats” which I’ve done over the past month, and which gets the heart thumping like none other.

Wait a minute, let me link it…

But today, it’s the Indian wrestler style hybrid Hindu/bodyweight squat which combines the speed of the Hindu squat – the BACK BREAKING nature of the “hoe work” that (dont remove the e, hehe) Indian wrestlers do while digging mud pits – the STABILITY you get from bodyweight squats – and deep breathing bar none.

These are hard to explain here, but basically…

You incorporate the arm motion in a swift sideways “circular motion” not quite like Hindus, but it’s as if you were digging stuff off the floor with your fingertips pointing towards the ground in a perpendicular manner.

You do these FAST, as fast as Hindus.

And your lower back stays BENT – but “straight” during these.

It is like a digging a pit back and forth with a hoe rapid fire, except … you SQUAT as you do so.

My, if there any better butter burners than this one, I’m yet to hear – see – or feel it.

Not to mention BACK (lower) strength which is different from that which you get from any other exercise, and the way your core, especially upper abs, work throughout the entire movement – and of course, the lung busting!

You’ll have to DO them to really feel it.

Incorporate this into your workouts, and let me know how you do.

And in the meantime, remember …

If you ain’t yet gotten the 0 Excuses Fitness System, DO so now.

And, if you ain’t yet placed a pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, again, do so NOW…

And I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

Bodyweight squats develop powerful, tensile strength in the legs.
- Something that cannot be matched by anything.

This morning, I woke up – heading on to the kitchen for my green (or red, depending upon how you look at it) – tea.

I made it.

But while making it, I noticed something.

My legs felt … different.

I dont know how to say it, but they felt “springy”. Elastic.

And its different from the feeling I got when climbing mountains all day long -which gave me long, lean, POWERFUL legs and the look of an ironman yes – but the “feeling” is different.

I had this feeling to an extent when I was creating the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and worked exclusively with these exercises (the ones I promote in the system).

But THESE days, along with a special, patented “tiger like” movement I show you in Isometric and Flexibility Training – ADVANCED – and moving about like a tiger like I show you in Animal Kingdom Workouts – and doing the frog jump, duck waddle – as I show you in the above book – I’ve been just feeling different in the legs.

It’s like I could literally leap a building to get to my prey!

There is a reason, my friend, bodyweight squats are HUGE and numero uno amongst dancers, ballet practitioners – martial artists – wrestlers – and so forth.

There is a huge reason too the BALLS Of the feet are emphasized in most movements in these activities.

Not all, but most.

And hindu squats like I teach you in the System, my friend are the first thing you should get good at – damn good at – if you want legs like what I just mentioned.

No, you won’t get thighs that look unnaturally huge with veins running up and down them.

But take one of those bodybuilders, get them to do 50 Hindu squats, they won’t be able to walk for days after doing the exercise – guaranteed.

Or, REGULAR bodyweight squats, something I have not covered a lot, but I will in upcoming courses – excellent, excellent exercise.

But the REAL key to this springy feeling is not just the squats, though they provide the foundation and stability.

It’s the “loosening” tiger like movement I mention in Isometric and Flexibility Training – Advanced.

When you get good at this, you’ll literally be prancing around like a tiger all day long without even knowing – or realizing it.

You won’t just feel different – PEOPLE will feel a different vibe coming off you.

Lean, mean, animal like, fighting machine …

Combine all of the above my friend – and you cannot go wrong.

And that endeth this one – oh, before I go, do NOT forget to add in pull-ups, pushups and such as well.

But lower body wise, thats the trick …


Rahul Mookerjee

Yours truly, contrarian always…
- To an extreme!

But it’s always worked for me!

Lots of you – or some of you, actually have not been receiving some of my emails.

Or most.

And thats fine.

Wait, what did you say, I hear you ask.

Thats fine?

Well … yes, and no.

There comes a point in a man’s life, my friend – when “enough is enough”, and some of the idiotic, asinine comments I was getting from SOME people on the list made me stop and think seriously i.e. does the list even value what I do (i.e. not all, but jokers such as those people).

There comes a point when you put out offers – people read – but ignore. (again, I’m talking lots of people on the list, but – and this is important – NOT ALL).

There comes a point, and that point is now, where nigh everyone is boning up on “the Law of attraction” without knowing a fig about how to really attract – and browsing all the guru advice which either says email your list tons of times daily, or at least once a day, or…

Now, I’m a huge proponent of the once a day thing.

Thats why you have the free offer on the site!

I take it to extremes, admittedly – 10 a day sometimes. Hehe.

More value for no money …

But as of late, I’ve gone the other route.

As people “valiantly” up their marketing – I’ve “seemingly” downed it – big time.

Except I havent.

Lots of you on the list might not be getting the emails because of interaction, i.e. you just read and do nothing, the system auto filters you out now.

I dont have to deal with BS either, which is great.

Those that really want back in have emailed me and asked, they’ve been most graciously LET back in.

(this doesnt apply to Ship members, of course, they’re still getting the usual barrage from me).

Business death, I hear many of you saying.

Oh no.

Except, it’s the reverse.

I’m making more sales – not less.

That don’t mean you shouldn’t do what I’ve told you for so many times with regard to emailing or what not.

What it means, is you focus on what works – and the right areas – and segments – and that, friend, changes from time to time.

If you’re in tune with what is happening, you will KNOW where the real money is, where the buyers hang out – and that has changed now.

Most have no clue where.

Yours truly, always a step ahead!

Anyway – some free biz advice for those interested. take it or leave it.

And in the meantime, workout right FIRST – because the two DO go together.

Learn how right HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

ps – i’M A lot happier not dealing with the BS – really. And preserving my sanity, to me is HUGE… 

Not to mention, customer service is one thing, but when you have buffoons like some of the ones I’ve mentioned in this emails taking nigh advantage, it’s time to “draw a line in the sand”. 

So be it.

Mental strength bar none
- Someething the idiots and Bozos dont get

I still remember a college “friend” – well, I shouldnt call him a friend, he was someone that roomed with one of my best friends; that once made the comment about me doing pushups in the morning at the age of 19.

“Don’t focus too much on this!” he bawled. “Doing pushups will make you strong, but you’ll be empty up there” (like them!).

The “like them” was an idiotic and asinine reference to the “Indians are supposed to be smart, not brawny” rubbish – while the (whatever other) race he was referring to was supposed to be the opposite i.e. brawn, but not brain.

He was Bengali.

No wonder I’ve never gotten along with them too much.

His thinking was the same as my Moms, and to an extent Dad’s.

Yet, these fools don’t understand one damn thing.

Doing bodyweight exercises properly is about so much more than just strength and endurance.

It’s about MENTAL strength and internal health beyond a certain point.

Let me tell you, when you can do 500 squats – either Hindus or bodyweight – STRAIGHT – in 15 minutes or less, preferably 12, you’ll know you can handle ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, any curve ball life throws at you.

You’ll have mental focus, discipline like most of the other Bozos and neighsayers could never dream of – you’ll be sailing through your day regardless with a “I can handle it” feeling.

You’ll be a beast.

Same thing for 100 at a time when you start – same thing for doing 100 pushups daily – or 100 pull-ups.

These workouts build so much more than just strength, it’ s NOTHING like pumping out sets of 10 at the gym – nothing at all.

Same thing for high rep club training.

When you can do 500 reps of 20 kgs clubs, you’re getting somewhere – as you are when you can jump rope for 2000 jumps straight.

Mental focus, and gumption bar none, and thats the lesson for this one.

Only those that have DONE it will know what I mean.

The rest of the fools fall into the “work your mind and not the body category”, and since these dumbasses will never comprehend or understand they both go together, well, fuck ’em.

And feed ’em fishheads.

Unless they dont pester me with their inane comments, in which case I’ll live, let live, be happy to do so – and support their right to be a lazy slob or what not.

Out for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS -The compilation on isometrics is making WAVES, you OWE it to yourself to check this out NOW.