“This book will TRANSFORM YOU!”
- And more on why the lat pulldown is so popular, hehe.

Here’s a great review for the compilation of pull-ups i.e. “Pull-ups -from DUD to STUD to SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!” from a true doer, a RARE gem, and truly a man that GETS it – John Walker in the U.K.

“This book will TRANSFORM YOU!”

First I must address the above review otherwise you’ll find what I have to say regarding the book hard to believe.

The fact is, Glyn Schofield has an ongoing dispute with the author of the book and his review is designed to try and dissuade people from purchasing the book and thereby cost the author potential customers.

Glyn Schofield has not purchased any of the books he routinely reviews, nor does he have the slightest clue as to what constitutes a valid training book, I seriously doubt he’s ever exercised in his sorry little life.

Back to the review, this book will transform anyone who has the guts to give the book’s content a good hard try, there is a reason that the top elite military units around the world prize this exercise so highly, having the strength to pull your own bodyweight from full extension to full contraction repeatedly is very rare these days, which is why the easier lat pulldown exercise is so popular, it does not require the same amount of strength, only pulling your own bodyweight will give you that superior strength, if you want that kind of strength you owe it to yourself to get this book and learn from it and prepare to be transformed.

Another excellent book from the bodyweight guru.

Amen, John, Amen!!

I posted a LONG version of this email on Medium here … (since the site was temporarily down at the time of my posting the initial bit) … but here it is again in short …

First, Glyn Bozo, well, enough said on him. He’s famous all over the Internet and “back alleys” in the UK by now – just Google Glyn Bozo, and do some research, and you’ll get the photo.

Alternatively, search on this site, or www.rahulmookerjee.com, and you’ll get the photo – and why John mentioned what he did.

Here is the Bozo review that Glyn posted, essentially being what he is i.e. a troll, loser, and a vicious, mean character that picks and preys upon the weak, and runs like a cowardly fool when someone stands up to his shit (sound familiar in terms of how bullies operate??) …

Rahul’s worse book, drivel, awful!

I first met my current gf while she was a masters student at the University of Birmingham 8 years ago and I was teaching there. I was not her teacher. Funnily enough, she referred me to Rahul’s literary masterpieces. Although reportedly a jealous and self loathing illegal worker in China, I thought I would purchase the jewel in the crown of his works. Sadly, I was more than disappointed. Feeling pity for Rahul as he clearly is unwell in the mind with his strange lies about highly respected and successful people, I hoped his book would be ok. How wrong I was. Beyond awful.

Now, even an idiot with no knowledge of books, physical training etc can tell that the Bozo is a lying piece of shit who as John correctly said “has an axe to grind with the author”, and as I keep saying about trolls, they never actually READ the book – their entire goal is to “smear and destroy” and ruin the hard work of others, and make things worse, as opposed to better.

Which is of course how Glyn lives his whole life, what he’s done to scores of other people – except with me, he didnt know who he was fucking with. Hehe.

I’m sure the Bozo does NOW, though … (and, more on him HERE too).

(And Glyn doing pullups? Snicker? He can barely pull his pants up the expanse of his mammoth, heaving, bulging fat belly that he can barely shift when walking – I pity anything he tries to hang on to for one (hint – he can’t – he could barely even get into a pushup position on his knees unless it was “ass up” if you get my drift))

But anyway, lets get into the meat of Johns great, factual and to the point review.

Back to the review, this book will transform anyone who has the guts to give the book’s content a good hard try, there is a reason that the top elite military units around the world prize this exercise so highly, having the strength to pull your own bodyweight from full extension to full contraction repeatedly is very rare these days, which is why the easier lat pulldown exercise is so popular, it does not require the same amount of strength, only pulling your own bodyweight will give you that superior strength, if you want that kind of strength you owe it to yourself to get this book and learn from it and prepare to be transformed.

If you can do pull-ups for reps, even the basic pull-up, then it’s not just physical strength you’re building my friend.

Trust me, those Battletank Shoulders workouts, those advanced pull-up workouts – those did far more than give me a upper body made of granite and an iron core.

They did far more than give me a great workout.

Or make me an Ironman …

What they did, and perhaps THIS is the crowning benefit of these workouts – they built MENTAL TOUGHNESS, gumption, and the will to fight despite all odds, and KEEP FIGHTING – which I have done all my life, and continue to NOW – the will to SURVIVE, not just survive, but thrive.

Trust me, as my buddy from the Marines once told me.

“Rahul, 100 pull-ups per workout is tough for anyone!”

Except , I had gotten to the point where it wasn’t and where Id climb hills after that, and this is what my reply was.

“100 pull-ups per workout, easy! Now 100 HANDSTAND PUSHUPS per workout, that’s hard, bro!”

He responded with a “You’re goddamn right” emoticon.

I’m sure a certain David Goggins would agree too!

But more on STRENGTH.

Animals in the wild are far stronger than humans could ever hope to be, yet, the only animal in the wild I see seated on an idiotic lat pulldown machine or lying down on a bench press stand is the human.

I dont see monkeys and apes, both of whom could toss the average human being around – muscle bound or not, phat phocker or not like a rag doll without even breaking a sweat, or a baby monkey with literally finger crushing grip strength or apes, chimps, gorillas and baboons in general that dont “rest their lats” because they’re too tired from climbing the day before seated on a lat pulldown machine, in my opinion BY FAR the most useless piece of junkola in modern day gyms, do you?

I dont see apes grunting through reps in an unnatural manner, tearing muscles and tendons in their shoulders as they do so …

No, it’s only the puffing and buffing human beings that do it, and the results SHOW.

If you want real strength, friend, you have to understand why the Marines, Seals and special forces from all over the world rate the pull-up so highly.

“Can you PULL your own weight? “

In life, fitness, whatever?

Can you BACK your shit up, as I keep asking you on Youtube?

There is a reason these expressions are there in the English language, there is a reason the terminology is used, and there is a damn good reason you train the BACK of the body hard, hard, hard as opposed to the show muscles up front.

Sure, Marines, Seals, and wrestlers, boxers everywhere do PUSHUPS as the mainstay of their routines, pushups are the big dog of fitness as I keep saying in 0 Excuses Fitness, but the pull-up is the true CHAMP when it comes to strength tests, my friend.

Trust me on this one.

And men in general having become sissified pansies, most men can barely hold on to the pulling bar for any length of time, let alone actually do a pull-up.

That is why John used the words “if you have the guts”.


If you do, then yes, this book will transform your life – it’ll do more than that – it’ll literally make a new YOU out of you, make men out of boys as it were.

As an aside, all the junk in modern day gym, all the gadgets, everything you see sold on late night TV is all designed to feed into the “excuse making part of our brains and looking for the easy way out”.

ie. you sit on your ass in the gym for a good two hours pumping, toning, preening, oiling, checking out the girls, and getting a pump in the 100th medial head of the triceps, and then you head home.

“Look Mama, I had a workout!”

And thats why so many people love the lat pulldown, because it gives you a false sense of strength and so called security – that is smashed to smithreens in the REAL world.

Last, but not least, and I believe John and several others have said this too.

“If the trolls love to troll it, then it must be worth getting”. 



Anyway, folks …

Like I keep saying, you should ALWAYS leave reviews, period.

So long as they’re honest and factual, that is all I care about, not so much the stars, though if they’re 5 star and likely will be, that is great!

Remember, if you dont, the trolls with nothing better to do than spoil it for the rest of us will. . . so the “good men” have to step up.

More here Why you genuine customers out there should ALWAYS leave reviews (even if the book isn’t up to your expectations) (0excusesfitness.com)

Last, but not least …

Y’all got a long email about SUPPORT urgently being required – YOUR SUPPORT.

And that still holds true.

Please, folks.

We cannot simply continue along the path of “read and do nothing”.

Please step up, show some support, buy more products, and most importantly, LEAVE reviews via the review link you get in the emails – I dont see what the harm is in doing that?

Hell, you even get a 10% off on the next purchase if you do so!

And your reviews help the doers immeasurably, as you can tell.

We still have the fundraising goal I mentioned in the last email on it that I sent you this morning, so please chip in the best you can and support us, because it is much needed.

And as for “Pull-ups – Dud to STUD to SUPER STUD within weeks!” – if this bit here doesn’t motivate you to DROP everything you’re doing, and get the book now, well, you ain’t got a pulse, that is all I can say!

Get this book now, my friend.

It will change your life – for the better- that I promise, and guarantee, and when Rahul Mookerjee says something, by God it will happen!


Rahul Mookerjee

How Alexander Zass built his phenomenal strength
- Video!

I’ve written before about Zass, so I’ll keep this short – and sweet!

But, he’s basically the strongman that broke chains with his neck, pulled apart iron bars (prison cell) to escape from jail during War – carried two lions on both shoulders during circus acts – was known as the “Iron Samson” – and the world’s strongest man – and more …

And I ain’t even scratched the surface of the strength feats he did.

Again, read about him here.

And then – pronto – go HERE – to our Youtube Channel, and check out the “isometrics” playlist – where I show you exactly what Zass did “from the man himself” – to build that superhuman strength where he literally pried iron bars apart to set himself free.

Isometrics truly is the missing link to ALL your workouts, and will truly set YOU free and loose and limber too, once you combine it with the flexibility training I teach you in Isometric and Flexibility Training, a book which has no competition out there – literally none, literally no-one teaches you isometrics like I do.

It’s also a fitting rejoiner to the “oh it’s so simple” idiots and fools that diss isometrics as being that.

Go now – and enjoy the video – and folks – like – SUBSCRIBE – and share the word – I cannot repeat this enough times!!

And grab the book above now, it will truly build world class, phenomenal strength in YOU like never before.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – That link again

Rolling the clock back ..
- The first thing I did in 2022!

In 2021, I believe the first thing I did was … well, write to you. Hehe. I had had a HUGE dinner the night before – a true caveman style dinner as it were!

And so the workout came later.

In 2020, I believe I was on the hill.

And so on and so forth, 2019 was the same i.e. the hill.

Now, this year?

I rolled the clock back – truly!

I rolled the clock back not by that much, but by a few years – workout wise.

No hills, no pull-ups (well, those came later with the handstand pushups) – no jumping rope (will come later) – no isometrics (will come later) …


Truly what I call the “big dog of fitness” in 0 Excuses Fitness.

I truly did roll back the clock today – except for the bridging at the end that I show you in the great “icing on the cake” videos, EVERYTHING was the same.

Some of the reps were a bit creaky – for instance, “pike pushups” – which I did not show you in that video, I believe. Maybe later.

But I got through 250 pushups first thing in the morning, and boy am I BUZZING on all cylinders.

Not just due to the deep breathing, but the AB work involved – if there is ever a six pack inducing workout, and I’ve said it many times before, pushups are it, my friend.

The first thing everyone should after getting out of bed is pushups.

I dont care how many – just do ’em – do ’em right too.

BREATHE correctly.

The form is paramount!

Do it DAILY.

Make it a HABIT, a routine.

Pretty much the same as brushing your teeth etc, to the point you feel strange when you don’t do them, and you know whats so great about this?

First, pushups are the big dog of fitness (reasons in the book) and the best way to kick your gluteous maximus into shape – QUICK.

Second, if you aren’t doing pushups, you’re not a real man – period.

Third, the deep breathing.

Fourth, the various ways it works the body – especially the upper body, but legs too. No other exercise has so many variants, not even pull-ups.

Fifth, the flexibility it builds ALL over the body.

Sixth, the great benefits it has for your digestion. Mine often goes somewhat on the blink when I’m not on my regular pushup schedule …

(that might be just me, but I doubt it).

Seventh, the CHEST and shoulder work you get – and the entire cardio workout …

Eighth, its a workout all the old timers and strongmen did.

Ninth, if you want to be a martial artist, boxer, wrestler – anything of that nature – you won’t be one unless you crack off plenty of pushups DAILY – period.

Whew. Got through 9 without even stopping!

And ten, and by NO Means the last, but the best – they leave you with no excuse, period.

You may not have a pull-up bar, or be too phat to do ’em, you may not have monkey bars, you may not have … I dont know, insert excuse of choice.

But WHERE is your excuse for not doing pushups first thing in the morning?

Even if you’re stuck in a jail cell, you can do’em!

THAT, to me is the best part!

Something you can do, everyday – at your own pace, which will increase quickly, and get yourself in the best shape of your life.

Start 2022 off with a BANG – I did, and I’m off for more soon.

And, the two courses you simply must get –

The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Pushup Central. 

Check out the rave reviews, and pushups wise, I’m just getting started. Show some SUPPORT, my friend, leave more reviews, BUY more products, and I’ll dazzle you – literally – with an advanced book on pushups as well down the line.

And more!



Rahul Mookerjee

Find a reason … to be grateful my friend.
- If you want to open the floodgates of ABUNDANCE in all shapes, guises and forms - do THIS.

My friend,

Lots of you will look at that title and say “ho hum” again.

“How can he say that given all that going on”.

And so forth.

“All hocus pocus from the looney tune bin”.

and so forth …

Now, I wouldn’t necessarily BLAME you for thinking that way, but – hear me out for a minute, my friend.

As I get done with 250 pushups, handstands, pull-ups – sort of what I showed you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, except this time with ISOMETRICS – I thought about filming it.

In my dark cave, inviting YOU in.

Then I didnt.

Heck, I’ve put out so many fitness videos, and will continue to put out more cool stuff in the future.

But for now, especially given that last email that just hit your Inboxes …

Another question you guys need to ask (and I WILL be making a video on this, so stay tuned on the Youtube Channel – and guys, really – hit LIKE – or subscribe – or do both – buy a product – really, most of the option don’t cost you a cent! and very little time too) … is this.

How many days have you found in 2021 to be GRATEFUL – for everything you HAVE now?

Gratefulness, my friend , is one of the keys to opening the floodgates of ABUNDANCE for you – and keep it going that way – in ALL shapes, forms and guises.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Money, all of you are thinking.

But it ain’t all about money.

the money will come – if you have a GOAL.

“Yes, I do”, some people will say.


But do you have a clear goal – a clear picture in your mind of where it is you want to BE – now – tomorrow – in one month – and so forth?

If it’s business, maybe x amount of sales per day – or month – have you ever thought – deeply about it that way?

Fitness wise, maybe you have a goal to do 500 pushups per workout – so you say – but has it progressed beyond “mere thinking”? (and not the right form of thinking either?).

“When the student is ready, the teacher shall appear”.

You shall be given the tools to accomplish your goal, your life purpose, if you keep at it with PERSISTENCE, its as simple as that, if money is needed, it will come, period.

Its about ENERGY, not just money – something people dont get, and refuse to get.

But anyway – gratefulness – BEING grateful.

Aren’t you grateful to be alive and reading this, my friend?

I mean, if you’ve got all four limbs – if you can move about like I do in the park, with nary a care in the world, living free, nomad style or otherwise, even if you’re just LIVING – I mean, if all you’ve got right now is a roof over your head and warm food and clothing – you’re still better off than a lot of people – aint that something to be grateful?

It’s easy to gripe over life.



Bla, bla, bla.

All that, my friend, will keep happening – not to mention the grand plan to enslave the idiots of the world, and there’s plenty out there.

(dont get me wrong, if you want to buy into the panic, do so, but I Dont recommend it).

But have you taken inventory – stock – of what you have NOW – along with WHERE youre at now (which I spoke about in the last email)?

Be grateful for the little things, friend.

They’re what turn BIG doors.

They’re what MATTER

They’re what give you RESULTS to motivate you – daily.

And they’re what, as Denzel said in a recent movie, “get you caught”.


Focus on DOING the little things – and being GRATEFUL for them – daily, multiple times a day.

And the big will come.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it WAS built”.

“The journey of a thousand miles beings with that single STEP”.

Along with this remember that big goals – and New Year’s resolutions (which are best off as “long term goals” if at all, I’d say for most people) are accomplished by doing something EVERYDAY – daily – without fail.

Business, life, sales, motivation, whatever it is, get your ass up and DO IT DAILY.

Thats all.

“Do the thing, and you shall have the power”.

Anyway, I’ll have a video out on this later today – stay tuned.

But for now, Emerson’s Laws of Compensation is a great, great and timeless read – and classic my friend.

Get it off Amazon, or wherever you want …

But read it – and especially the Laws of Increasing REturns, and Compensation.

If you do the thing, you will GET the reward, simple.

It may come now, it may come later, but it will come with compound interest, and come it shall.

The reverse holds true too i.e. if you read this, then click away without DOING anything – taking action of any nature – then you’ll get the “rewards for that too”.

As an aside, my wife was talking about 2022 being the year of Saturn apparently – something some people regard as “malovelent” i.e. the influence of Saturn or what not – and she told me it’s all fooey, in ancient Hindu “something”, Saturn was the God of Justice or something.

So I understood it as at least ..

In India you’ve got people running about worshipping “the God of Saturday”, if you can believe that!

Of course, equally crazy shit happens globally when you talk religion. Hehe.

“Crazy year”, I can hear a lot of you thinking.

Great, but back to it.

Seems people are FINALLY catching on to , or trying to, what Emerson, myself, and a lot of others have been saying about “compensation” throughout the years.

Then again, it all came from India huh.


Can’t, and won’t argue with that one, friend!

Most of what is “ancient Chinese culture” is actually Indian …

Anyway …….

Video out soon – stay tuned.


And, then DO SOMETHING, my friend.

Simple as that.

Have a great one, end off 2021 with a bang, and start 2022 that way too!


Rahul Mookerjee


PS #2 – Did y’all know that Zero to Hero! Was originally titled “From 120-60 kgs. Conceive – Believe – ACHIEVE!” ?

Well, I modified the title and put out the current book, and also removed some of the fitness related stuff from there.

Maybe 2022, 5 years from when the original was written will FINALLY be the year when I get THAT book out!

Stay tuned

For  now, grab some other great products HERE.

Some questions to ask yourself before you end 2022…
- May help you more than you think!

I keep hearing the thing about New Year’s Resolutions, and so forth … i.e. “what I WILL do better in the New Year”.

Tons of energy keeps getting poured into these lofty resolutions, then come New Year “we’ll do it a day later”.

Or maybe you hit it hard a day or so, then you drop by the wayside on the resolutions, and never do it again.

Trouble with these resolutions is mostly this – lofty goals that scare you initially for one.

That means, if you’re currently unable to do a single pushup, you set a goal for 100 – or 500 in one workout as a resolution – without a proper plan to get there and the right mental setup – you may actually be doing yourself more HARM than good.

I’ve always found the concept of New Year’s resolutions ludicrious.

What makes the day so special and different from any other anyway?

Birthdays, anniversaries, and so forth – I can sort of understand the emotion there.

(Mine is coming up very soon!).

Yes, this old man keeps going STRONG!

I’ll probably be announcing a birthday sale soon, but then again, given all the great sales we’ve had over the past month, maybe not. We’ll see …

But anyway, I was thinking about it. Life keeps flowing, my friend, birthday or no, New Year or no …

To me, its far important to ask myself the following questions (some of the ones I ask might not be here) as we END the New Year, and start the New One …

How far have you come in the last year?

Which project have you worked on – put in solid time on – gotten better at – with sheer results?

Sales wise, have you progressed overall during the year ?

If you’re falling behind in some areas, are you doing all you can to progress in others?

Have you done something physically EACH  AND EVERY DAY without fail the last year?

Workout wise, has there been any area – or multiple – where you’re better off than last year?

(for me, this is definitely jumping rope, something I didnt do most of last year, but once I started – BOOM! I’ve blasted past several personal bests on this, most notably yesterday – more on this soon).

Have you been PERSISTENT all of last year?

And so forth.

You know whats great about asking yourself all these questions, my friend?

It is this – no matter where you’re at , no matter how rocky life – or your finances – or both might be – no matter what troubles you might be having with the “ball and chain” – and so forth – you find a reason to be GRATEFUL.

You also find solid proof that you’ve IMPROVED – if just in your own life.

Hey, that matters more than anything else.

Gratitude that you’ve done it – and the feeling of having done it – in SOME area – with sheer proof behind it – can’t beat that feeling for motivation, real life motivation, friend.

Going into the New Year, I’d highly suggest y’all to drop the “resolutions” and focus on asking yourself the above questions.

As you do so, more will come to mind.

Keep answering them, write them down if need be …

Maybe I will put out a video on this later too – stay tuned.

And as you start the new year tomorrow, ask the same questions – except in reverse.

i.e. if you have NOT done some, or all, or any of the above, NOW is as good a time as any to get started – so that by the end of 2022, you’ll be in a FAR better position in all ways than you are today.

Anyway, that was my introspection for now. Maybe there’ll be a video coming on it soon, I dont know.

But folks, really.

I’ve asked you many times (a lot of you) to step up and show some support.

We cannot keep firing on all cylinders as Id like to without your support.

BUY some products – I know a lot of you have been putting this off.

Really, all businesses need sales, and tons of them to THRIVE.

More importantly, buy the products – USE them – and leave REVIEWS – this is an area where even many doers seem to be “lagging”.

It doesn’t cost but a minute of your time and you get the 10% off for your next purchase, my friend.

Please do it. Simple as that.

As you get this email, I’ll be doing my pushups most likely.

Lets start the New Year off with a BANG, my friend – and lets focus on NOW, i.e. today and ENDING this year with a BANG as well, 0 Excuses style.

Step up – show some support – implement in your OWN life – watch the goodness FLOW.

And thats it for this one.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – Pick up Zero to Hero! and Gumption Galore for more such great REAL LIFE “in the trenches” motivation that just flat out WORKS, period.

If you have questions, ask me via email or the comments in the videos. I am here for you – always will be ,but I cannot and refuse to put my hand in your back pocket and “pull out the credit card for you”, friend – that is an action you have to take yourself.

DO the thing.

And you shall HAVE the POWER.

Lets end 2021 – STRONG!

Go, go, GO!

PS #2 – Some of you have expressed interest in getting to 500 pushups per workout. You’ve been trying for years, but have not been able to . Well, I can GET you there – but it will require personal coaching – everyone’s situation in this regard is DIFFERENT.

Apply HERE if you’re so inclined.

Dedicated to Glyn “But(t)ler Bozo” Schofield the one and only in Brum.
- Glyn, my lovely.

Glyn, my lovely, I might as well say. Trouble is, he’ll start salivating if I say even that.


But really, he’s dug his own grave on all this, as y’all know…

Anyway, I put out a great, great book a while ago that you MGTOW guys for one will LOVE i.e. How to combat and win against BIG TIME – but also PROFIT from the Nazi feminist DISEASES that is PLAUGING modern day society. 

Really, you’ll want to pick up this book NOW – if you’ve, as many of you have had, problems with women and continue to (none of your own making) – and if youre a REAL MAN – you’ll not just like, but LOVE – and GREATLY benefit from the tips in this book.

Now, a lot of what I say in the book is applicable in general to winning against idiots, liberals, SJW’s, faggots, keyboard warriors and the like as well.

But not all of it, but a lot of it is.

And another pet subject for me is, of course, how to BENEFIT – profit from trolls.

Or, why you should not run away or be scared of, but instead WELCOME trolls with open arms – period.

Because if I were to boil it down into a nutshell, they mean the cash register ringing big time – for you – period.

I haven’t yet written that book, but I will soon.

And on that note, in the meantime, a long awaited video is out – where I talk about my background with the Bozo, and just why its GREAT he trolls me – and how, unlike all the other folks he’s successfully trolled and ruined (lets face it, trolls are great at manipulating emotions and hitting below the belt, and really making your blood BOIL) – with me, it’s the polar and exact opposite.

Check it out HERE.

Along with that, be sure to check out some of our other great videos!

And folks – if you like our stuff (I know you do) – then HIT that like button – and the notification button.


Pass the word on!

And buy a few products, and send in a review.

Please do this – NOW.

Thank you!

And, enjoy the video … this should be “part one”, I mean really, I could write a book on Glyn, all true, that would have you in splits. Hehe.

But for now, we’ll stick to the subject above i.e. what a lot of you want to hear – how to BENEFIT from trolls – and why you should never fear them, instead, welcome them.

Believe me, anyone thats ever tried to do something different – be something in life as opposed to be a sheep and Bozo – “escape the bucket of crabs” – and so forth – will have plenty of haters, most of them idiotic sheep like trolls.

And so, I figured this video would help a LOT OF YOU.

Be on the lookout for another one on “what to do when it feels like the entire world is against you”- another quite an “apt” lesson I’ll be giving you, especially given what is going on nowadays everywhere.

Without further ado, enjoy part One.

And I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

How the Gama “threw” so many people!
- Prodigious strength ...

The Great Gama of India, my friend, who I as I state on the 0 Excuses Fitness System page – remained unbeaten, and unbowed – after over FIFTY years of wrestling – with the best wrestlers the world had to produce at that time, and then some.

I was telling my daughter a tale about the Gama the other day.

When he was nigh 8 or 9 years of age, the “Maharaja” of where he lived held a squatting contest in which the “last man standing” (seasoned wrestlers, adults, all of them competed) would win.

The Gama for whatever reason(HA!) took up the challenge.

That nine year old boy WON the challenge after like FIVE hours of continuous Hindu squats.

Think about that, I told my daughter.

Thats spirit, and dedication!

Of course, he could hardly walk all week after that (true story this!) – and therefore I exercise – and suggest YOU to exercise caution when doing Hindu squats in high reps – for you, that, as I tell you in the videos so many times – is when you start, and way beyond when you start.

These can make you INCREDIBLY sore – and you have to get the form down pat, my friend.

Once you do though, remember two things.

You’ll have lumps of muscle on your thighs and entire lower body you’d never get from weightlifting, period.

Functional strength.

There is a reason those that got the 0 Excuses Fitness System rate it so highly, my friend – amongst all the other reasons, it emphasizes deep breathing done right and HEAVY leg work – and these two alone will make a MAN out of you – a fit man!

Anyway, to throw someone repeatedly, you have to have a strong core – and legs.

We addressed that above, and the Gama’s 3000 Hindu pushups and 5000 squats contributed to that on a daily basis, I’d say!

(These numbers might be somewhat inflated, yes, but fact remains Gama DID do these in high reps daily, along with rope climbing, isometrics, mud put digging, wrestling, lifting stone weight – swinging CLUBS – and so forth – and eating like a horse for that matter)

But the one part – key part – often ignored?

The muscles around the neck, especially the base of the neck, and the upper back, MUST be in prime condition – and strong as an OX.

In 1910, with no more challenges to be had in India, Gama focused his attention on the rest of the world. Accompanied by his younger brother Imam Bukhsh, Gama sailed to England to compete with the Western Wrestlers. It was then that legendary English wrestling commentator Percy Longhurst got to watch him train.

To watch him doing the dipping exercise was a revelation. There was power put into every movement, up and down…It was easy to understand, watching the regular rise and fall of the smooth brown body, the bending and straightening of the rounded limbs, to what extend not only the arms and the shoulders, but the muscles of the chest, abdomen, back and loins participated in the vigorous execution.

One could understand how Gama had acquired the enormous bulk of solid flesh at the back of his upper arms; whence came the wonderful size of the muscles around the shoulders and the base of the neck. Smooth, solid muscle; muscle in bulk; yet again I must repeat that when Gama “set” for example, his arm, his fist clenched, that acute outlining of the individual muscles on which the enthusiastic physical culturist is wont to pride himself, the ‘steel bands’ and ‘hard knots’, beloved of the lady fiction writer, were conspicuous by their absence. All one was saw was a rounded swelling, a smooth prominence here and there.

But there was strength, an abundance of it, in those smooth and supple limbs. Anyone who saw Gama overcome Dr B.F.Roller could be sure of that.”

– Percy Longhurst

Now, you’ll notice something if you’re smart.

In wrestling, judo, all these movements – even martial arts like Taekwondo – you rarely hit – or punch – or throw – or kick – in a straight line as in the gym when bench pressing, for instance, or deadlifting.


It’s always a CIRCULAR – or semi circular movement.

This is one reason the Hindu pushups and squats work so well, my friend – along with the deep breathing, its a SEMI circular movement at play that builds you up for precisely what I said above.

And you might ask me the million dollar question i.e. this – what someone once asked me.

“Why do you recommend pull-ups in strict form then if you’re always on about circular motions”.

Well, because a pull-up done in strict form isnt a straight line – if it were, you’d bosh the top of your head (crown) or your chin on the bar. That extra pull at the end to get your chin ABOVE the bar which most IGNORE – most think get up to “viewing level” with the bar is fine – no it’s not either – is what builds strength, real pulling and throwing strength there.

Ditto for pushups, never a “straight line” as it were.

And now, the trillion dollar question i.e. why I put out Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness.

First, because a lot of my customers – the doers – want it.

And second, because it takes everything above, and compounds the gains big time, and triple compounds it if you add in pullups, pushups, jump rope workouts and the rest with these movements.

Let me tell you, this morning when swinging the clubs, I felt it!

You will too, once you get good, damn good at the clubs, especially the heavy ones (but it’ll take you a while, that I’ll tell you!) – and when you’re swinging for high reps, breathing, sweat pouring off you, bead by bead … you’ll feel the “swing” and power in your upper back and neck at some stage – and the traps.

That, my friend, is the sort of power all the “shrugs” in the world wont give you – neither will deadlifts.

Shrug it away and say just bodyweight or whatever certain Bozos and phat phocks will say.

Ain’t my business to tell you how to train, if after knowing the facts you knowingly puff and buff, hey, go for it.

But fact is, the greats have all used movements like I describe in my books.

And they bring you results, my friend- bar none.

Those speak.

And thats why I keep urging you to place the pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness NOW without further procrastination as many of you are doing, my friend.

Do so now – this is a once in a lifetime course, and the benefits you’ll get will BLOW you away i.e “you ain’t seen nothing like it before, even from ME!”.



Rahul Mookerjee

Weighted pull-ups or NOT?
- Interesting, my answer might be on this one!

Here is  a question I get very often – very very often indeed!

“Why don’t you include weighted pull-ups in your course, Rahul!”

Same thing for pushups.

They’ll usually caption it with someone doing the same, trying to grunt out reps – or half reps – with impossibly heavy weights attached to them.

Now, contrary to what it might seem, I am NOT completely against “weights”.

If I was, I wouldn’t write Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness – very little bodyweight work if any described there (well, the workouts mix ’em in, but the course itself, what I teach you).

Key being – those weights are not idiotic barbells or dumbbells “easy to hold on to while you puff and buff on a bench”.

They’re real weights.


Moving about.

Try lifting a massive heavy stone, or doing it for REPS.

Try lifting a HALF filled beer barrel, and moving it about – or carrying it up stairs!

Try doing what the Chinese ladies often do, ie carry massive bottles of water gripped in their hands while they walk up flights of stairs – or do what THIS skinny dude did.

Club work. Tyre work. Stone work.

THAT is real weights to me!

And I ain’t againt it, I’m just against booby building basically.

Now, back to the topic.

Personally, I prefer doing bodyweight exercises without weight, period.

One, they allow me to refine my form that way – way too many people do these in sloppy form for one.

Two, you can really get a solid cardio workout in once you get up into the higher reps – sometimes not possible with weights attached.

And three, because it’s more natural.

Animals in the wild don’t swing about with weights attached to them – unless?

Well, you could put your kid on your back – much like monkeys and kangaroos carry their young around!

But that is again a hard to handle weight, a weight that is unevenly distributed, moving about …

But even that, most people are not ready for .

Let me ask you, how many of you can knock off a 100 regular straight pushups, slow and easy – in one set?

I’ll bet not very many at all …

Ditto for pull-ups – or dips – or HSPU’s.

And once you get to the point you can DO those, you’ll be in great shape already – and won’t NEED the extra weight – unless you want do it for a challenge.

(not to mention all the VARIANTS of the exercises -most people can’t even do 10 strict reps of many of these bodyweight only, and then they talk “more weight”!)

Now, I’m not completely against it either.

ONCE you get good, damn good at bodyweight only – you might add on some weight for your pull-ups.

But key thing, you keep the form strict as always.

You get the chin over the bar – or chest to floor – as always!

You don’t say “well, I have 10 kg attached, therefore I wont do them in strict form”.

Most people make exactly that mistake, and this is why I am generally against attaching weights and stuff to bodyweight workouts.

But if you want to do it, if you CAN do it, if you’re ALREADY good enough at regular bodyweight stuff (most people are NOT) – then by all means go ahead and do it.

I’d rather the weights be kept for weights only exercises, and mix bodyweight only into the mix – the workouts – I believe it works best that way.

But take your pick.

And those are my thoughts on that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – “Thats too expensive” someone said about the Isometric and Flexibility Training course.

Geez, guys, paying for Bozo flix every month is possible, $500 or whatever they charge, and life changing info above is “too expensive”?

Just, please, give me a frigging break, and please do not get back with that ridiculous excuse, especially after all we’re doing here trying to get the best stuff out to you daily!


Muscle memory – and the muscle that never goes away.
- Along with your BRAIN, of course.

This morning, I slept in a bit.

I’ve been having such vivid dreams as of late, I often go back to sleep – and command my mind to “pickup” back where it left off on the dreams.

And it does.

It’s truly scintillating, the benefits you get in your LIFE, my friend – when you gain control of the most powerful muscle there is, the mind.

Even Stallone, muscle man “au extraordinnaire”, and “Rambo” says it in II – and in real life.

“I’ve always believed the mind is the most powerful weapon” – the movie quote.

“Strong arms can move weights, but a strong mind can move MOUNTAINS”. (or something like that, was the real life quote).

Another Sly Quote, I believe … was this –

“Another easy workout! You’re only as old as your joints feel!”

This was written on Insta while he was doing pullups with – 100 KG – yes, KG – attached!

(admittedly those were “half pullups”, done probably more for the forearm pump, but if you can even MOVE that amount at his age – thats something!

Personally, me, I do pull-ups in higher reps, not with extra weight, but I’m not entirely against extra weight on pull-ups – I’ll talk about that later)

Sly is a legend, my friend, over 70, still going stronger than most strongmen ever ever went.

But anyway …

He’s spot on about joints, and I cover all of that in the world famous course on keeping your joints young, flexible and lubricated naturally (no, if Glyn is reading, this, please!) – Isometric and Flexibility Training

But this is about muscle memory, eh.

So I woke up later, and instantly upon waking up did 30 pushups.

Thats all, 30.

Thats another thing that might surprise ya’ll, the bodyweight fitness guru sometimes does no more than 30-40 pushups daily!

I dont have a set schedule – for anything.

I live life in the flow, and so are my workouts – in the flow.

Key thing being, I MOVE on a daily basis, much like animals in the wild do.

In the past, I’d need cups of coffee to “feel good” – and then after giving that up in 2004, it was “green tea” every morning.

Until very recently, I had that habit too – not a bad habit to have,  of course, the green tea.

But now?

I usually drink nothing but good old H2o in the morning.

All the “feel good” endorphins come from my workouts – done first thing in the morning as always.

True, that sometimes changes too …

But point being, and what MOST of you need is – is not long, drawn out workouts to make you a movie star or Super man.

Most of you need a fit, toned, trim body – a lean core – strong muscles – and general fitness and strength that comes in handy when you need it the most.

The way you get to the “massive reps” is by doing – something – daily.

And thats what I keep emphasizing in my Youtube videos and showing you as well – i.e. dropping down on the fly, doing fingertip pushups etc – or pull-ups – or whatever.

That is key.

And that really builds muscle that lasts, my friend.

After the 30 pushups, I read something on Quora about “losing muscle mass a month or so after working out”.

There was some study done on gym goers pumping weights, with diagrams and everything else.

And the diagrams clearly showed less bloat in the muscle a couple of weeks after they “stopped lifting weights”, and did not do any bodyweight exercise – but just regular activity.

It ain’t no secret that most of what is gained by modern day bodybuilding routines is … BLOAT.

And the minute you stop pumping and toning, the muscle “size” – if you can call it that – disappears.

Ditto for the minute you stop popping dem pills that got you there if you get my drift.

But flashback to when I … and I’ve told you about this a lot – when I was doing pull-ups exclusively, and stopped doing pushups altogether.

That day when I dropped down and tested myself on 15 pushups – brought me to a very rude awakening, and I’ve never neglected pushups since!

Neither should you, my friend.

At the time I was also hiking hills for hours every day.

And that was a set routine, I’d feel so good I’d climb that sucker four times every day in the morning – bare minimum!

Those never ending stairs…

But anyway, thats another Stallone secret for weight loss.

“When I want to lose weight, I just strap on weight to me and get on the Stairmaster”.

He’s right. Hehe. Nothing does it better than stairs x infinity.

Anyway, point being – I got back on pushups, and it took me like a week to get back into the swing of things, pounding them out like nothing.

As opposed to when I was a phat phock, getting my first pull-up took forever…

That is the sort of muscle bodyweight training done right creates, my friend.

And the associated strength, that never truly goes away – and comes back very quickly when you need it too.

And thats the sort of strength YOU should look to build too, friend.

Well, my friend, there’s lots of lessons in this email.

And lots of courses to pick up too.

Go ahead and GRAB the linked courses above – NOW.

And if you’ve already done so- leave a REVIEW!

Follow us on social media, give us “likes” or share the word. All helps.

PLEASE do this proactively my friend – I cannot emphasize how important this is. Please do NOT just read and “move on with your life” as it were. What I’m asking takes nary a minute of your time … ditto for the purchases.

Do it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

How my workouts improve spatial awareness – bar none.
- That might sound strange, but it's true.

Now this might sound strange to some of you, but it’s TRUE, my friend.

I dont know if I wrote about it before – I believe I did.

Exercising at home, I’ve often done it before a mirror (on occasion, actually) for one.

This might sound even stranger given my dislike of “puff buff” and so forth, but I didnt do it to oil up, preen, pose and so forth.

I did it to observe my FORM on certain exercises.

Then, I once wrote about how my workouts take you into a different zone altogether, a spiritual zone, especially when you combine them with the deep breathing done right.

Hindu pushups are an exercise that lend themselves especially well to this.

I’ve even written about exercising in the buff on occasion – though I dont do this , even at home – not so you can see your “man bits” flopping about (that was apparently the takeaway Schofield got from the email when he got to know of it, all excited and such) but so you can visualize (this applies to phat phocks) – the PHAT flying off as you workout.

You can literally see the shaky parts of your body move about as you workout and command your brain to get rid of the fat NOW.

This truly works, my friend – trust me.

Visualization, I cannot say enough good things about it.

Anyway, exercising, or as some people – not the Bozos, real men – some of them – often do at home – pull-ups in the nude for some reason (I’ve often cranked out sets of 10 before a shower, but in a towel or shorts!) – with my eyes CLOSED is definitely my thing.

It improves spatial awareness – and co-ordination – and allows you to perfect your form, virtually and literally the most important thing while working out in a way few other workout techniques can.

Don’t believe me?

Well, yesterday during my 15 minute CONTINOUS jump rope workout …

I started with eyes closed, my friend.

Before I knew it, I was knocking about (the rope) onto parts of the wall and room I wasn’t even facing. Either forward or backward.

I had unconsciously gone to my “stronger side”- the left side while jumping rope. I am right handed, by the way, but my left side has always been stronger for some reason.

Including my grip, and no, unlike Bozo Schofield posted , Gorilla Grips don’t come by wanking on public transport, Glyn.


I corrected myself, then did it again, eyes closed.

Same thing, except not to that extent.

Since I was aware of the issue.

Other thoughts floated into my mind, but what mattered was the rope, the reps, not so much the count, but the steady reps “keep going, keep going!” until the 15 minute time limit elapsed (believe me, most of you wont be able to jump rope continuously at at a decent cadence for one minute, let alone 15).

It’s a great exercise, my friend, is jumping rope, not just for burning fat, but also improving spatial awareness.

And you’ll want to grab Jump Rope Mania! now – a much ignored course here, but one that can really amp your workouts, and provide the necessary “oomph” to slow days (workouts).

Eyes closed workouts, apply, by the way, to more than just jumping rope. The 0 Excuses FItness System and the big three can all mostly be done in the zone, eyes closed, sweat dripping off you, as you get in the best shape of your life…

Grab these courses now, my friend.

Truly life changing as MULTIPLE reviewers have put it – and they’re spot on!!


Rahul Mookerjee