“Your real test will come when I go there and cook for you!”
- So said the lovely wife, hehe.

Now, she may or may not have been right – actually, she wasn’t – but the only reason it wasn’t proven is because … she never “went there” i.e. to China.

But really, that is what my wife told me – and it didnt surprise me.

From when I got in the best shape of my life (“you look like a 13 year old!”)   (I remember my buddy from the Marines, a giant of a man asking me “has your family ever seen you in such top shape” – little did he know, LOL)  to anything I’ve ever done – my immediate family has always pirouetted to “a negative twist on it”.

Could be anything, of course.

Which of course, given yours truly is probably the modern day incarnation of Napoleon Hill in many ways, doesnt surprise me.

As Bezos rightly keeps saying, or said ..

If you’re an entrepreneur, you have to be willing to be misunderstood for long periods. 

So true.

OF course, he had a supportive family – that literally gave him $300,000 or whatever it was – even though he told them Amazon would likely fail.

THAT is faith.

His Dad had been through the grinder.

Couldn’t speak a word of English, landed up as an immigrant on U.S. shores at the age of 16 I guess. That teaches you real quick how to fend for yourself!

Yours truly could speak “some English” – although the English I spoke then – I still remember the black resident assistant in my dorm for one asking me “what language are you speaking” when I spoke it.


I love Mississippi!

I was speaking English yes, but he hadnt ever heard a foreign accent.

Took about two weeks for me to chameleon myself into what I’ve always been since “a cowboy from Texas”. Hehe.

“You’ve done in a month what we couldn’t for years”, I remember my Uncle once noting at a party. Hehe.

But anyway …

Despite all my wife’s flaws (and mine) and the rancor i have with my family, I differ in ONE regard

I give it to you straight – they dont.

I give you the FACTS – they dont.

And the fact is, my wife is one of the best cooks there is out there!

And all the cooking she did for me when I “was there” – well, I didnt gain a lick of weight – WHILE – on the Eat More Weigh LEss routines.

Remember, these are same Dish Delicious PLUS recipes (truthfully, that book doesnt scratch the surface!) that I ate when turning into a phat phock – WHILE I did pull-ups, handstands, and more …

The same ones and then some.

And yet, the results – they came, and how.

I dont know, if there is any more proof required of this, beside the figures I give you in the book, here it is –

Eat up, drink up, be merry – and then try these routines yourself, and then report back.

No, I do not advocate an unhealthy lifestyle, but sometimes, it happens.

So, to test it “real life” – do it!

And report back.

And no, before you get back to me saying the following …

Me easy, thanks to unemployment and lockdowns.

—This course does not recommend, or require you to starve, and you don’t have to be on a diet, or ANY DIET.

I dont know why people think it’s a badge of honor to say, or Tom Tom the above …

( I did, however, predict , as I said in my last post the comments of “just dont eat!”)

(My wife once mad e that exact same comment about another guy – a fitness legend. Uggggggh)

Gives off a vibe of FREEBIE SEEKER like nothing else I’ve ever seen. Ugh.

But anyway – there it is.

Get this NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

“Rahul, how did you lose weight so quickly!”?
- Indeed a comment I've heard so many times!

Thats a comment I’ve heard so many times – usually within the space of DAYS.

In 2016, when – without knowing it – I was preparing to put out “Eat More – Weigh Less!” – – a truly revolutionary style of training that was going to go on to shake the entire fitness world up from the inside out – and throw all the nasty hidden FLAB away – I kept hearing it.

“He’s really lost weight!”

“Sou la!” (Some Chinese slang for “so thin!”) …

And this wouldn’t be month by month – it woul dbe DAY by day in many cases.

In Many cases, people who said that on Monday – would say it again on Wednesday.

I’m the sort of person whose face changes rather rapidly – and dramatically.

Everything with me is extreme, as I’ve said so many times before.

And fat wise, I either become a movie star (though movies arent really my thang, hehe, in terms of being a movie star) – or a phat phocker. Usually no in between!

Anyway – those comments – that comment was made the other day by a friend I had not seen in a while – years, actually.

Now, he last saw me years ago.

Which is great, but – the comment THAT brought to my mind?

Was when I took a brief break in training without knowing it again (I was truly sick for a few days) before creating “Eat More – Weigh Less!” …

It was a week’s break, about that – or maybe three days. Yes, three days. For two of those days, I could barely get out of bed. Extreme again!

Third day, I decided fuck it.

Enough was enough.

“I’m going to train if it kills me!”

And train I did, and how!

Anyway – two days after that, Carol, a girl I know (or maybe it was Grace, I can’t quite remember) – ah, Grace, actually – with whom I once binge ate (well, that wasn’t the goal – but the food was so good!) – at a  5 star hotel!

She made the comment.

“Michael, you’ve lost so much weight!”

(remember that English name, hehe).

Now, I hardly got fat within the two or so days I was sick.

But those two days after that – I was training hard again – and she noticed it, and she was right – more weight DID fly off (probably all the bloat that comes with a severe case of food poisoning or what not) … and the look was different.

You’ll see what I mean, my friend.

In Eat More – Weigh Less, I look LEAN – MEAN – and HUNGRY.

And though I look that way in all my courses (well, except the ones where I purposely put phat phocker pictures) – this look is different – it JUMPS out at you – you can FEEL IT – literally!

That raw … I dont know, COME GET IT! vibe.

She felt it.

And what I was doing was Eat More – Weigh Less techniques, of course.

This course, my friend, is getting RAVE REVIEWS globally – people are just LOVING IT – even more than their favorite Mickey D’s, because they can eat more of it while still losing oodles of weight and getting SEXIER than ever before!

That last bit is very important – true – and sage!

As an aside, did you see how illegals in some places are literally running rampant and lining up outside Mickey D’s and such for meals etc?

It’s just a disgrace whats happening at the border, friend, and it continues to get worse, along with all the CONTROL Big Tech/liberals want to have over YOU – in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE.

FIGHT this, friend.

And getting in shape – and FEELING like an animal all day is step #1 to fighting it, or anything – and taking back CONTROL – of your OWN LIFE.

Get this course now, my friend.

The results – and VIBE – speaketh – for themselves!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Literally, you’ll be dropping pant sizes within the WEEK if you do things right. Literally within a week, not “weeks!” .

PS #2 – For more advanced, brutal training of that nature – Animal Kingdom Workouts is the ticket – but even if you just get the course above, you’ll experience the truly revolutionary and “eye popping” eat more – weigh less effect.

But, of course, for best results, and solid training – get BOTH, my friend.

And, place the pre-order for level #3 i.e. Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, that course is really racking up the views – and pre-orders – as we “speaketh”.

PPS #1 – You guys that follow me on Instagram – if you’ve been noticing the above books a lot more in your “feed” – well, there is a reason!

PPPS #1 – Best part about the course? AS the title says – EAT MORE – and WEIGH LESS! You do not, I repeat, do NOT need to STARVE yourself, go on fancy diets, any nonsense of that nature. 

Get this NOW. 

Edit – After sending out that email … 

I figured when I sent you this email beneath, there would be idiocy central “in response” on social media etc. 

And I predicted the first comment would be “by not eating”

Here is what it was – 

Me easy, thanks to unemployment and lockdowns.​

LOL. ?

But anyway – before you read the below, again – remember the course, as I say in the PS, does NOT REQUIRE YOU TO STARVE to death, get on fancy diets, or ANY diet, or anything of that nature. I highly in fact recommend you eat ALL you like (within reasonable limit, but if you must enter barfing contests, do so!) … and THEN TRY IT – and THEN REPORT BACK. Hehe. 

……………….. WORLD BREAKING – or should I say PATH BREAKING. Hehe. 

Squeezing the “small guys” – so called hucksterism – and more!
- This has to be said...

My friend,

I dont know if you’ve noticed this or not – you probably have, at least here on this list.

There is a concerted effort being made at every level – and this is all part of the dastardly COVID Plan I’ve spoken so much about chaired by the CCP and judging by his recent actions, most likely “Hiden” Biden too … to not just lock people, take their freedoms away, and so forth – but squeeze, and this is something I’ve been saying for ages – the middle class out of existence, period.

I’ve been saying that for years.

And more than just that, to control the THOUGHTS of the “small guys” – or those perceived as small.

Ever see how liberal leaning Big Tech (Amazon being a notable exception, again! Jeff Bezos is the MAN!) – is doing all it can to put its hands into your POCKETS – when their own coffers are overflowing – quite literally?

Could be Google wanting more money for Google One, or whatever their new paid service is, apparently even Google with huge infrastructure and even deeper pockets “needs cash to survive” beyond the free limit of 15GB they provide.

OK, thats fine. I get it. (I just wish they’d spend some of that cash on customer service, which ever since Sunder Pichai took over seems to have been banished to the WINDS) …

But it could be anyone.

The New York Post paywalling their content. (and making sure to post juicy little headlines so people click them i.e. clickbait).

The Telegraph in the UK has even put up the donations page on every news article they write, its been there for AGES.

Geez, and all these requests for money out of your pocket are met with “understanding” .

“Because they need it”.

Yet, oddly enough, when someone like yours truly puts out products – “too expensive”!

When someone like a Trump asks for donations to fight stolen elections – he’s branded a huckster. “Why would Trump need the money since he’s already so rich”.

See the fucking hypocrisy here my friend?

There ain’t no goose and gander at play with libs (curiously enough or maybe not – they did a study – guess who contributes the LEAST to charity – and the most – the answers may surprise you!

Right for the last, and left for the first).

(doesn’t surprise me).

The left truly wants YOU, the person reading this – and the person likely to be on this list GONE – because we value freedom, we think for ourselves, we dont take kindly to Bozos shoving unwanted legislation down our throats, we dont defund the police and bitch about increased crime (that thing about having a brain, you know!) – or yell at the border agents, fire most of them (so I read Biden did, 40% or so!) – and then have the entire country overrun with liberal leaning illegals from the Third World (or wherever it might be)”to get the next vote”i.e. steal it.

It ain’t just some fancy theory I’m spinning here.

It affects YOU.

And it hits YOU where it hurts the most – both thoughts – freedom – and POCKET.

And its accepted, of course.

I keep reading about Trump being a huckster, I keep reading about “how Rahuls products are so expensive” and so forth …

I dont hear anything about the rest though?

Get this, my friend.

It’s become “posh” to be “trendy and liberal” i.e. an utter FOOL.

Even someone like Bozo Schofield, the troll of the Century and then some wouldn’t ever think of trolling someone “politically correct” and “socially liberal” or whatever nonsense they call it.

Dont get me wrong, I love the Bozos’s trolling.

He makes me moolah!

But I’m just saying, the hypocrisy from the bleeding heart liberals is just that – hypocrisy – and another cog in the wheel of control they’re trying to YOKE you to.

I’ve made my own views VERY clear on this paywall BS.

The site will never have a paywall for the blog.

One, because the emails are free, they will continue to be, and the blog simply reposts those emails for those that want a look see or those that couldn’t access their emails or what not …

And two, because – it gives the morons who whine about “too many emails” an easy out i.e. you want to see what I write anyway, so just go to the site and do not clog up the email pipeline.

Anyway, the hypocrisy.


and last, but not least – remember, every request from 0 Excuses Fitness HQ for SUPPORT – for YOU to step up and BUY some products – or to leave a review – or simply to spread the word – or whatever it might be is 100% GENUINE.

And if you genuinely want to support us, if you truly like us, NOW is the time to step up and show it …

And I’m out. But I had to get that off my chest!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You OWE it to yourself (if you’re a real trainee, a DOER) to step up now and join the rest of the “LEGION OF DOERS!”  that has placed the pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness. Pre-order was never supposed to go on this long, but with all the interest … !

Step up NOW if you’re interested, my friend (I know you are).

More on them wankers …
- PRICE wankers...


Does anyone remember “Leroy” (or was it LArry? I cannot quite place the name for the life of at me at the time of writing this one) that wanted an insane discount on Gorilla Grip – 70% – and to make it all the more idiotic (his request) – the book itself was priced at $17.99 then.

(it’s 19.99 now I believe, paperback a bit more).

Really, why someone would want – or even bother to ask for a discount on such a low amount is beyond me  ?

Then again, I remember an ex and her Dad who’d literally ask for “the dime” back at Dollar Store (this was back in the day i.e. the 1990’s – hardly “recession” time, but he lived by “a dime is a dime” so…) ….

In his case, I’d giggle and chortle, so would the ex in a mortified and embarassed sort of manner – and of course, I still remember the black girl at the cashier staring curiously at the old white dude standing there and refusing to budge. Hehe.

But he was at least justified there.

These idiots that dont just ask but DEMAND discounts?

This Leroy guy showed up a few months back (not so long ago if you remember, I wrote to you about it).

He showed up an hour ago as well, demanding I “reinstate” the discount for Pushup Central. 

I could tell by the tone of his email he was acting up.

he did not ASK me if I could put the discount back up, as many people do (nicely).

“I want the …” he went. 

I politely told him the discount was not on (I had it for the last set of offers I gave everyone PLENTY of opportunity to get on, but many did not).

And that was when I should have either blocked or ignored or both – him – but I went into nice guy mode as I’m apt to (as usual, big discount) and do what I do normally i.e. offered him a new discount.

“It’s still too much”, and so curt was the response, I just sent back a few questions in response.

Basically I asked him this.

IS there any book like Pushup Central out there – even remotely as exhaustive?

IS there anyone that does bodyweight workouts like I do – as intense and as RESULTS PRODUCING?

IS there anyone that gives out discounts etc regularly anyway like I do?

And a couple of more questions, but those were the main ones.

Needless to say I never heard back

And much like with NetFlix Bozo that wanted to pay Netflix but apparently found the piddly amount for the Ship too much, I doubt I’ll ever hear back.

Which is fine.

Good riddiance for all I care.

But here’s the nub of it all, my friend.

I just dont get how ENTITLED people are these days.

Even that ain’t the right word.

It’s LUNACY – as I wrote to you earlier about.

Clearly the books are the best in their genre out there.

Or, you’d heard back from these nuts!

Clearly, they can’t do the thing – and haven’t done it.

And clearly, the price wanking is not justified.

If you get more, you pay more.

Simple as that, and you showl as hell dont DEMAND to pay less!

Just insane…

Anyway, thought I’d share that with you.

and thats that for now.

Remember all the great offers we got going on, friend, take action NOW – because once gone, THIS particular set of offers is also gone.

So, for th enth time, please make hay while the sun shines.

Thank you!


Rahul Mookerjee

Walking by itself won’t build world class levels of strength, muscle and POWER.
- Might sound contradictory, but there it is.

Given the many benefits of walking, almost too many to list out on a A 4 sheet of paper, or several – given I keep talking bout them myself, and given I teach you the RIGHT way to walk and REALLY benefit from this amazing practice that should be normal and a daily routine/practice for all regardless of how much other physical activity you do or dont (and no, the walk to the throne in the morning don’t count) … this might come across as somewhat contradictory.

But if youve seen the legions of folk who “swear by going for a walk” and do several rounds daily for an hour in the park or what not, yet years later they’re NO closer to either losing the Buddha Belly – or getting rid of the saggy man tits or what not – and certainly NOWHERE near closer to doing one single pushup or pull-up – or anything of that nature, then you’ll sort of understand where I’m coming from.

But dont get me wrong, of course.

Walking is GREAT – period.

It truly is.

It helps you lose weight, burn fat, lowers your blood pressure, improves your digestion, overall mood and well being, walking a 100 steps after dinner has been shown to not just improve digestion but life span too – and thats not even getting into the many MENTAL benefits of it, which sometimes far outweigh the physical.

Indeed, for me, walking is something I do everyday – and encourage you to do too, but NOT just for the physical benefits – more for the mental I’d say – even if all you do is a one hour stroll without the dumbphone in the greenery of the garden – trust me, it’s so worth it.

Of course, do it power walking style – it becomes a great calf builder.

Do it uphill and long enough, you’ll literally get into the best shape of your life. Period.

SO I’m hardly someone that will wax negative about walking in ANY Regard.

But, two things walking “falls short of”.

The first – well, it’s most people that fall short actually.

People dont walk the right way, period – and while you might think “it’s no big deal to put one foot in front of the other” (maybe thats all you need for movement and getting from point A to point B, pigeon footed or not) – it IS in that if you walk the most people do, which is not the right way, youre depriving yourself of both the full physical (a lot of it!) – and definitely and by far the MENTAL (even more of it) benefits of this amazing movement.

And second, even if you do it right – uphill or not – stairs or not – it still by itself won’t necessarily get you any closer to being a stud at pull-ups – or a pushup master – or anything of the sort.

Sure, the weight loss will make it all easier, but to have the power, you have to DO the thing.

All my uphill walks that I have so chronicled didn’t really do me much good except weight wise when I started out on my journey to become a super stud at pull-ups.

I had to start from scratch, weight or no weight, period.

And thats how it will be for you too.

As an aside, I remember the Bozo wheezing away at 3 AM in the morning and me waking up to his strange messages, apparently this nutjob was “out for a walk” at the time.

Looking at Glyn though, with belly literally hanging down to his large size shoes (guy’s Bigfoot in that regard, literally!) … you’d be forgiven for thinking he never walked a step anywhere in his life.

I mean, the guy’s just FAT – period. I m ean really, really fat …

And while some of that wheezing was no doubt him trying to motor along but failing, knowing Glyn he probably stopped every 100 yards or so to take a dump (I Remember him once pointing out a public toilet and saying “Chuck would use that!” – God knows why “Chuck” would or would not, only Glyn knows!) and probably pound beers with stolen money, send Josie inane “Mam I want to be your servant” messages and other nonsense.

Hence the utter lack of weight loss – gain, actually in his case.

On that note, when quizzed about it, he’d smirk in a most disconcerting manner and wink obscenely, and then claim the following.

“I’m a plump”.

Your plump ,I repeated.

That he is!

But he wouldn’t let go of the “a” and when asked why, Bozo would claim “its UK slang,”.

Which it isn’t of course. At least not that I have heard!

And then he’d go off on a rant about how “US English is not the right English, only the “Queen’s English” was meant to spoken” and other utter rot, and keep saying “I’m a plump”.

This guy, really – plump?


He could do with some suction to pull the plums out of his fat belly for one, except knowing Bozo, he’s got them attached to his plums already and his plumbing too most likely if you get my drift. Ugh.

Then he’d rant about how “schedule” was meant to be pronounced “skid-ule” … ???

I mean really, this guy is a lunatic.

Enough on Bozo, that was just a bit more on “Glyn Anecdote Central”. There’s just too many, each of them coming to mind when it does!

But anyway, to recap –

Learn the RIGHT way to walk, my friend. And benefit immeasurably.

And along with walking, uphill or not, remember nothing replaces good old bodyweight exercise either – so make sure to get your fill of it in daily, and then some.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Does this even make any SENSE?
- I swear, the way people act these days ...

People these days, I dont know – some pass off the lunacy as “crazy world we live in”.

I’m slightly less – “complimentary”.

I call it utter insanity, and people themselves lining up to get whatever brains they had left post dumbphone era (Graham Bell must be really turning over in his grave, little did dude know what his invention would be morphed into down the line!) “disappeared” for lack of a better term?

Picture this, or think about this, which are both one and the same thing.

A guy thats wanting to do pull-ups – says he’s soooooooo interested the first day, then loses any and all interest the next, and then days later complains about fitness, not being able to do ’em, and so forth, and instead starts noticing “other people’s fitness” instead of his own.

Loony enough for me, but that isn’t the whole of it.

This dude had covid – apparently.

He’s hale and hearty now.

I asked him how “bad” it was.

“Oh, nothing!” 

The way he said it – you’d think he was swatting a fly away.

He’s right.

This whole thing is a H-O-A-X – and I’ve gone hoarse saying it. Yes, some people have died it, but the bottom line is this – it was all set up to enslave and get rid of people as a whole, and given just how batty people have become after just two years of it – remember, we have three more years of it left – I’d say theyve achieved their goal and then some, and they ain’t even started.

Then he said the following.

“So, I didnt move a muscle for four months”. Or something to that effect.

“But now I’m fine” (while he was on the way to buy some sort of medication for something, before I could ask for what, he was off to the dumbphone and even dumber VIDEOS – perennial partner).

“in crime” . Hehe.

I mean, it’s nothing, yet you do nothing for four months, am I the only one who thinks it’s insane – I’d say no, but it sure feels that way!

Then you have the “soooooooooooooooooooo busy” people (always on the dumbphone watching inane videos, and the minute it’s something money related for THEM, they reply, otherwise dragging wild horses to the party might be easier) – and the polar opposite, idiots that badger you up and down to get on the phone so they can spend hours wanking and talk about nothing but themselves, and claim “its a real relationship”.

No int he middle.

And when the overly busy lot get food caught in their throat, when they can’t step away from the dumbphone even for lunch, when you ask them mildly about it, they reply with “I can’t talk, but my food is stuck in my throat!” …

When these same people complain about “why do people call all the time at lunch”, yet cannot themselves step away for the phone for a minute or so.

I have never understood what work is so important it cannot wait at all.

Reminds me of Uncle Bob job hunting once.

He was on the throne when a “sooooooooooo urgent requirement” recruiter called him.

His wife (at the time) said he was on the throne, to call back, recruiter said NO, it has to be done NOWWWWWWWW.

Needless to say, that went nowhere.

“If I need a job that bad…” he later confided in me. 

Prime reason why I keep saying the older people are the only ones with any sense left, and why I’ve always interacted / associated with folks much older than me in any regard, right from the time I was young.

Back to the lunch deal.

Apparently “everyone is working from home and eating lunch late now”.

So why do they all call then?

I mean, really, do you see even a sliver of SENSE in what is going on?

Just utter lunacy, and all this hoo haa you keep hearing about astronomy, the latest rituals supposed to turn your life around and such, well, I got one question – where was all this when “times were easy and the cash flowed”?

People done forgot all about all that then.

Seems “God” for some people is only a fair weather friend (or they are that for “God”).

I give up, my friend.

But, it’s great for a few laughs, and to talk to you about. Hehe.

Back to the SANE world – I’ve just updated the rewards page with that GREAT OFFER I spoke about.

GO HERE to check it out NOW.

And take action, friend, this will go VERY SOON.


Rahul Mookerjee

Another great offer!
- I CHALLENGE you to beat this, friend.

Short and sweet this one, friend..

And you’d be nuts NOT to take me up on this offer as yet.

This offer is not on the rewards page as yet, but WILL be very shortly!

I want to tell YOU FIRST though – my friend! So I am …

For a limited time, likely no longer than a week or so, if you REVIEW – I repeat, REVIEW (if you bought off here – then the link you get in your email with the purchase; if on Amazon etc, then there) Animal Kingdom Workouts —  OR Eat More Weigh Less​ – – EITHER ONE – then Ill throw in a 40% discount code for the other one.

This discount is by far the heftiest I’ve offered – but it’s only for DOERS, my friend.

And the proof is in the pudding ie. you have to leave a real review in order for you to get the code.

It does not have to be 5 star – or any star – though 5 star is warranted and is great!

What I want, as always, is flat out HONEST – THAT is what I care about, period.

Additionally, you’ll also get the standard 10% discount code to use on other products once you submit the review. So thats > 40% – an offer that CANNOT BE BEAT.

I’ll be updating the page (rewards HERE –https://0excusesfitness.com/rewards) shortly. But you get first dip, my friend – as yet another thank you for being on this great list!

This offer is applicable even if you’ve bought in the past but have not left a review (if you leave one NOW).

And if you’re already a PROUD owner of BOTH THE COURSES – then email me back and I’ll do up the discount for Level three i.e. the pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness (https://0excusesfitness.com/lumberjack-lodestone-fitness) … currently at 20 odd, but if you step up to the plate and prove you’re a doer, you’ll get REWARDED!

Take action NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My friend just asked me “STILL working out, Rahul!” as he saw me in the park (two hours after he first saw me).

YES – because that is called DEDICATION!

And inspiration, too … 16 Inspirational fitness recollections (0excusesfitness.com)

When you overcompensate for weak triceps with an ultra strong grip (IF You have one) …
- More common than you'd think...

Lots of lessons here in this email before the “obligatory” “push to buy” (you should – it’s worth it, so I do it all the time!) … and this is more common than you’d think.

Not so much the “push to buy” – although given the inane marketing emails showing up these days, maybe that too.

But it might surprise you – or it might not that even supremely fit people in most regards – lets say yours truly a few years back – or lets say swimmers that focus only on swimming and very little dry land work (MISTAKE!) – or pull-up studs – can actually have weak triceps.

Now, I tell you in Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS! – that FORM is paramount.

There is a reason I tell you to do the dead hang first – with the RIGHT GRIP – the way most people grip is WRONG – and get damn good at it before you start on pull-ups.

Most people take forever and a day to get to the point where hanging on for a minute without flailing about/falling off is child’s play – if they ever get there (because they dont want to put in the hard yards).

After that, I tell you NOT to kip.

I tell you NOT to use momentum – even a little – and NOT the legs, even though the styles of Pull-ups I teach in the advanced “Pull-ups from STUD to Super STUD! within weeks!” – and Battletank Shoulders are done, to the surprise of many, WITHOUT legs crossed.

There is a reason for that!

And tricep strength, or building the necessary strength in the arms overall and the grip is why.

Remember that instance when yours truly was pounding out 100 pull-ups per workout – but no pushups – I was ignoring them big time – and then one fine day I thought I’d pump out 50 – could barely do 15 – and I could barely lift up my arms to shower an hour later.

I told you about that.

I know I did!

And it bears testament, yet again to these facts – one, despite what most people think and or are led to believe, pull-ups DO use the triceps – big time

Two, form is paramount, and the reason is to build tricep strength.

And three, and SOME of you – especially me a few years might notice that sometimes, even when you’re doing pull-ups in strict form, after a certain level where you get the advanced “crush” Gorilla Grip – your grip takes over when your triceps are fatigued.

Often times, it’s happened to me during high rep pull-up workouts – it happened to me today too.

The form was a BIT off – by a mm or so, which is a lot for me.

But my triceps were fatigued, but as soon as I transferred focus to my grip – BANG!

I shot up like a rocket, almost – almost crushing that thick bar I was doing my pull-ups on (another secret right there to a Gorilla Grip).

And this happens – this is exactly why I do NOT advocate the kipping etc Crossfitters are told to do …

True, in real life you rarely do pulling movements in super strict form.

But in real life, if you’re doing it right, your triceps are already strong enough from plenty of pushing etc on the ground – which they aren’t for most people these days.

Unless you’re beyond the age of 60 or so now, most have probably forgotten what solid pushup workouts feel like – if they’ve ever DONE any.

So, all of this speaketh “testament” to the efficacy of pushups, and why you simply must include them, all the variants, in YOUR ROUTINE – daily!

Lots of the pushups I teach work the shoulders and back heavily, but you should also focus big time on the boxer pushup and other “tricep” pushups I teach in Pushup Central to really hammer those tris.

Even if you all you want is big arms (notice the language above? hehe) … then the triceps will do the trick.

Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, contrary to what most people are thinking doesn’t just focus on grip and upper back etc.

Triceps are hugely and heavily worked in the course too – in most of the exercises.

You’ll see when the book comes out.

Last, but not least, the obvious.

Grip (and punches) is/are often the LAST to go on a man – a real man.

And if there was any more reason you need to build a coruscating, ROCK SOLID grip, I’ve given you plenty, eh.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

When you pass…
- An interesting take on this!

I’ve been doing some thinking today.

I do it all the time, seated in my favorite, patented, Rahul Mookerjee isometric position.

My friend, the benefits of this position extend far, far beyond the MANIFOLD obvious physical.

They extend into the spiritual in ways you never thought possible, much like another great isometric I’ve included in the book (a variant on the Hindu pushup).

If there is ONE book that you must get now from me, even if you never buy anything else in your whole life fitness wise, it is Isometric and Flexibility Training; truly (like Pushup Central and most of my other courses) – NO other course like this out there – truly worth its weight in gold, spades, what have you …

(Truly, this course will make an ACE out of you – period).

As the world around us “goes to hell”  or continues on in its merry way, depending on how YOU look at it … this is a sage question indeed.

I gotta ask you this too.

“When you pass, will you have any regrets looking back- or no?”

Its a question nigh – almost – nobody answers honestly.

Because in the vast majority of cases, what people want – and what they DO- and therefore, the results they get in their own lives – are at odds with each other.

At complete odds with each other.

I was thinking about when people pass on, the age I was when my grandfather passed, and certain other things, and mentally, I posed this question to certain people.

“But can you be satisfied you’ve done all you wanted to do?”

Or TRIED it, at any rate?

When Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was quizzed on the risk he took with Amazon (admittedly that was a different time, admittedly things were GROWING then, but still – massive risk!) – he had this to say.

“Looking back, when I’m 80, if there is one thing I’d regret NOT doing – it’s not trying (if I didnt”.

I dont know if he worded it that way.

But that was the gist.

When people Tom Tom their social status, so called successes etc – usually the same fools, Bozos and idiots who tell others how to live their own lives – I ask them this.

“How many times have you FAILED”.

The answer to this one question tells you a LOT, my friend.

You may have all the status, money, 10,000 Rolex Watches or cars in the world – but in order to truly succeed at what you truly WANT – big – even once – youve gotta have failed numerous times before.

Thats just how it works.

Me, personally – I’ve always done what I wanted.

Despite the huge risks, despite the falls I took, despite the MANY TIMES I failed – I’ve never stopped doing what I truly WANT.

Most people are content to live lives of mediocrity – I’ve never been that way.

Consciously or not, I’ve always thought along the same lines as Bezos.

“When I pass, will it be with a sense of having done all I could – and wanted to?”

I dont know, thats a question I believe we should all ask ourselves periodically, not because of the ultimate fear or not of “passing” – or whatever someone may call it – or the search for the eternal elixir (that seems to be the next big thing) – but its a question the idiot self help gurus RARELY ask you.

When they should be, because it all leads up from there…

Look BACKWARD – i.e where you are/will be years down the line.

Its also called visualization, goal setting, and so forth.

The doers do it all the time…

Anyway, many people have expressed a desire to live their own lives in a way I do – carefree – with plenty of women around if you so choose – freedom to live my own way, set my own schedules, workout when I want, drink beer when I want, and basically stay in my castle and do exactly as I please, when I please.

It’s not that hard to do, really, once you get past the social BS and cast of the limiting reins of “what is safe to do” and “what other people do” and of course, “what the idiots and morons that have never done squat all in their own lives want you to do”.

And, I teach you more in my  motivational books – Gumption Galore – and Zero to Hero!

There’s even a special offer we have going on for these – and the 10 Commandments of Successful sales, my friend – which isn’t just about making money if you look past the words and think about the meaning of what I’ve written.

My fitness books too, ultimately, it’s all about living the sort of life YOU want to live, and giving you the tools and education you need to get there.

Ultimately, isnt that why we’re all here on planet Earth – to live our lives the way WE want and see fit?

I think not even the biggest Bozo with his head up God knows which “hooker’s” rear end would deny the truism of this one . . .

Anyway, seize the day, my friend.

If you want to do something, make a start NOW.

Same thing with my fitness books and products

Lots of you are just “doing nothing” upon reading these emails.

And I’m not going to stop asking you why, because it’s my job to ask you why.

No, the usual excuses don’t fly.

So, here’s the nub – either you take action, or you dont.

And we’ve got some GREAT deals going on for Christmas, but you gotta rush to get ’em, my friend.

Like I said yesterday, I ain’t exactly the sort to hanker on about this sort of thing either…

Anyway – thats it for now.

Back soon!

But consider the above…


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Saying “no, just…” doesn’t cut it either. Get back to me with real, honest and GENUINE Reasons, my friend.

PS #2 – We’ll soon be updating the “Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness” page with yet another pre-sales offer – this one for the book plus the VIDEOS! Stay tuned on this one, promises to be GREAT.

(and if you ain’t placed a pre-order on this one as yet, do so NOW).

Netflix Vs Fitness
- Sorry, but if you gotta make that choice, you're an utter FOOL, my friend.

I’ve been watching a movie in which the lead “detective” calls himself a “fool”. Hehe.

He believes one of the female leads is responsible, but that moment where he literally slaps himself upside the head after a rather comical “martial arts fight” – and says “you fool!” to himself – well, it made me remember Gorilla Girl Sophia calling cuckolds “you FOOL!” left right and center. Hehe.

ANd profiting big time from it.

Just ask a certain salivating Glyn.

Anyway, (she won’t let Glyn get close with a barge pole, so thats out) …

Back in the day, when I was a skinny runt – I remember being hooked on to WWE (Which I was for years, especially during the Attitude Era) – and my Dad once telling me in an offhand sort of manner when I interrupted the cricket (yet again) because “Star Sports” was showing WWE three weeks delayed while live cricket was being telecast on India national TV on the only TV in the house then in the bedroom (their bedroom) …

“If you RUN for 15 minutes a day, you’ll look more like them”, he once told me.

Now, that was fairly decent advice.

I might not have turned into a steriod freak by doing that, but I’d definitely improve my overall fitness!

Definitely better than the “lift pink dumbells for reps” advice he gave me once – but problem was, I had no-one to EMULATE.

Thats how it is with kids, friend.

You can talk until the cows come home, but unless you DO in front of, and WITH THEM (aka Kiddie Fitness) ain’t nothing gonna happen, the polar opposite most likely.

Anyway, that was before WWE was banned for me “because I was getting too violent at school” (when I put the Gorilla Grip on a guy 5x my size for one).

I know, I know.

I’ve talked about that enough, how NOT fair it was, and so forth, downright ridiculous actually, you defend yourself, you get called out, you get stronger than someone, you get called out – like, can’t win for losing???

(I still hid and watched WWE anyway, and practiced my sprints to my own bedroom as soon as the parents returned from their own walk, so they wouldn’t know I was watching – much like the sprints from “cigarette’s ville” verandah to my bedroom – hehe).

Anyway, point of all these recollections?

Well, it’s none of the above at all. Nothing to do with me, Dad, or anything like that …

Its to do with – well, what happened YESTERDAY.

A certain Mr “M” (I dont want to reveal his name here just as yet)’s 0 Excuses Fitness Ship membership expired.

And a day or so later, although I never bother normally – in his case I did, because he’s been a member for a year, I thought I’d do the “nice thing” and ask him what was up, give him a few days leeway, etc.

His response, of course was so typical – and is why I never bother chasing people for this sort of thing anyway.

Long story short, apparently “netflix had to be paid, you know…”



I do know!

The choices some people make.

This dude is likely still on the list (I ain’t checked unsubscribe as yet) – – so he’s probably reading this …

I doubt I’ll ever get a response to what I replied though. (Although, no doubt his “rationalization hamster” is working overtime trying to figure out how to justify it without looking like, well, a fool…amazing, the efforts people will put in to justify BS!)

Now before people start jumping to conclusions, a few things.

First off, it’s YOUR money, friend.

I ain’t gonna stick my nose in – or out – and tell YOU how to spend your money.

It’s your own business.

Just as it’s your own business if you decide that it’s far more important to pay NetFlix which turns you into more of a Boob Tube Addict and kills your imagination, does NOTHING to improve your life in any real regard, and so forth- then to renew the Ship membership with potentially – nay – ACTUAL – life changing ADVICE, tips – not to mention free forever access to the best fitness products out there … the forum, and everything else mentioned on the Ship page …

(Paradoxically, the Ship will get you in the shape you WANT to be in, sort of like movie star shape – that escapsim is what drives most to Netflix anyway, and yet…!)

(Hence, I suppose those above flashbacks haha)

Yes, it’s your own business.

And I aint gonna hanker after you if thats your decision.

It’s these people that complain the most about prices.

And it both amazes and annoys me, because …

I mean, just how can someone complain about price – yet be perfectly happy prioritizing $500/MONTH or what not for NetFlix while bitching about $1100 odd YEARLY for the Ship is beyond me, completely and utterly beyond me.

And of course, the Bozos who “never have money for anything important” – yet, always have it – albeit borrowed or stolen – for something NOT important.

Picture Glyn Bozo for this one.

Never has money when he goes out, you always end up paying.

He’s always borrowing money from Chuck or scamming women (or trying to) – the old and fat and gullible ones …

And he spends that money – how?

On sticking his nose in prostitute’s asses for 2000 yuan a “pop” (I dont know if Glyn actually has “popping ability” if you get my drift).

Or, a friend of mine Dwayne – who loaned money to a buddy once and that buddy keeps buying the latest guns and such, and never returns the cash he borrowed.

Nothing against gun ownership there!

But really, living on borrowed money, yet, spending it like it’s own, NOT prioritizing returns which he should be … I dont get it.

Neither do I blame Dwayne for his policy these days of loaning money to NOBODY, period.

Anyway, where am I leading up to with all this.

I dont know, these wankers that keep squawking about price just annoy the ever living Bejesus out of me.

Mr “M” wasn’t always this way, so we’ll give him a bit of a long rope on this one – unfortunately, I’ve got a feeling its an exercise in futility.

The things yours truly “nice guy” does.

But really, I try and help people out on all this, the sales, all of it – but when some idiot complains about “netflix is important, you know!!” and won’t fulfil other obligations (or in his case, make every excuse in the book to get out of it) – well, thats where I draw the line.

Alright, my friend, thats off my chest.

But really, the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship is UNPARALLELED value, and if you ain’t signed up as yet, you owe it to yourself to do so NOW.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee