What Tom Tom ?Schofield and the lot got wrong about “apeing Rahul” – attracting “women” and so forth…
- Poor chap, hehe.

Poor chappie, actually, given thats the parlance in the part of the UK he claims he’s from, judging by what he does, he’s actually the top scammer in Nigeria right now.

But anyway, I remember how the Bozo used to pester me back in the day.

I used to come back after a long ass workout, tired, hot, sweaty, shoes SQUELCHING sweat big time . . .


And Bozo would pop up.

“how many girls added your wechat”

(in the title I use “women” in quotes because you know, Glyn and his preferences, ugh…

Like dude, plenty did yes, but I dont even take the blasted dumbphone with me, I call it the dumbphone, and my daughter routinely PILLORIES me for it, as I’m sure (privately) does my significant other – and I do NOT, I repeat, do NOT interrupt my workout for anything, much like people in general dont look away from the dumbphoen for even one instant for ANYTHING.

I mean, it’s rude to go on a date, stare at the dumbphone and not your partner, its rude to stare at the bloody phone when people talk to you – folks in general dont get that, do they.

Plenty did, yes, but I chose the ones I wanted.

Top class, top quality, thats all that mattered to me, not the silly “married” tag or not.

A lady Gwen I was talking to in Romania the other day confirmed the same.

” I can’t see how people just HAVE to get married…” she went. 

She’s in agreement with what I said, live together for years, thats fine, but once that TAG comes in, a switch goes off in people’s brains, both male and female, and it all goes down the commode, and what she said about “I’ve seen plenty of relationships doing just fine over the years – go south so quickly once they got married” – well, it just confirms what I keep telling people – have been for years – told my “then girlfriend” this when she just had to get married without, you know, first living together (how dare I!) …

“IT’s a piece of goddamned paper is what it is”.

dont get me wrong.

There’s feeling involves, committment etc, religion for many, but end of the day, thats what it is, a piece of paper, dont believe me you say, well, take a look at the spiraling divorce rates everywhere.

And no, the plague from China isn’t responsible – not solely, at any rate for that either.

People are just getting to hate each other for some reason, I dont know why.

Anyway …. (maybe that old thing about there being too many people).

“Ma’am You’re so nice!” was the corny ass pickup line the Bozo used.

Results, well, you tell me.

Women despite all the hoo haa about metoo want real men at the end of the day, period.

My results speaketh. Hehe.

Despite relationship status or other nonsense, but more than that – two things.

One, I use the above line ALL The time. Hehe.

It works wonders – for me.

Two, you gotta be honest.

It ain’t about the words, or even what you say.

It’s HOW you say it.

It boils down to – I’m a honest mofo, and I’ll give it to you STRAIGHT. In all regards. Life, relationships, women, and if I like her, I like her, I’ll tell her!

Regardless of anything else.

EVERYONE respects that, women, men, even the SJW and faggot sorts.

Not that I’ve said it to the latter two, Glyn likely does (his latest is going about some “Mr Wang” and what a “pretty” wang he has – really, if you dont believe me, I’ll screenshot and send).

The bottom line Bozo forgot to get is this.

It’s about VIBES.

Being honest.

FEELING is ultimately what works. People can feel fake, and people can feel REAL.

That works regardless of WHAT you’re trying to attract to yourself, my friend.

Money, business, what you really want, and if you’re honest about it, and if you could give a crap less about repercussions or not.

If you really want it, TAKE it – but pay the PRICE first. 

Simple as that.

Fitness wise, same thing – two things basically.

One, well, if you want world class fitness products, you pay the tab. Simple. Yes, I have great offers going on, but I often get tired of people ignoring them and “doing nothing”.

A lot of you on this list have done nothing as well on the last great Battletank Shoulders sale we had.

And my dear reader, if YOU  haven’t taken action, and are “lying low” – for heavens sake – WHY? Write back, please tell me? (IF)

Some of you have – kudos!

And two …

What is it you REALLY want out of your fitness routine? 

I could tell you, but that wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference until and unless you thought about it, and decided for yourself.

Dont just jump into any old routine before first picturing yourself as you want, friend, I’ve said this plenty of times.

Yet, it’s ignored.

Visualization is key, and thats just the bottom line, son, circa “Steve Austin”, one of the best and greatest, hehe, in my view the greatest ever in the WWE!

And certainly the toughest SOB out there, now despite what people think about his beer drinking, he’s more of a WINE drinker if you can believe that, supports gay rights and such.

Always two sides to every coin eh.

People dont see that.

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

More metoo bullcrap.
- is what this boils down to!

I gotta tell you – again.

This Metoo shit all over the place – I mean, is there any limit to what (some) women will or won’t do in terms of being “pure as the driven snow” or potraying themselves to be?

Or, “we are always right, we have the right to denigrate everyone, but no-one – especially MEN have the right to do the same to us”?

Sounds a lot like liberals, retards, faggots, SJW’s – and the Biden admin in general for that matter…

But this ain’t about politics, or is it?

Before I start…

Yours truly has been very open about his own “dalliances” – both with single women and married.

Not a single woman has claimed “metoo” against me. I say that not to brag, but as a FACT.

And if they ever would?

I’d just smile and say the following.

Honey, YOU instigated it. Not me.

YOU knew very well what I was, married, or not – whatever it was at the time BEFORE you even started “talking” to me, let alone do anything.

Because, and again, its TRUE.  (maybe thats why none of them have bitched about it later. Nothing if not safe am yours truly, hehe.

Dont get me wrong – I wanted it too – but I was never the one that made the first move. Hehe. Yes, Equally culpable, but that dont mean she gets off the hook!)

I know, I know. Me the Casanova, the UNSCRUPLOUS Lothario, those are facts too, but, hehe… I do it smartly!).

Especially with the married women!

Now, dont get me wrong – I’m not advocating cheating on each other or what not – but it happens all the time!

What doesnt happen all the time though, is ladies shaking my hand and damn near crushing it, hehe (nah – with ladies I’ll always grip less!)

In 2003, a lady from the US (i was working in India) at the time showed up at work, and I shook her hand.

“You’ve got a strong grip!” was her response.


It was more Madam’s grip – she was STRONG as heck – pocked sized, but solid, strong grip!

Much like Peng Shuai’s grip, I might imagine!

This lady is a world class Chinese tennis player that has won events at Wimbeldon and such, and I respect accomplishments like that.

No matter what her other thought processes might be, no matter if she comes out tomorrow and says “I’m a man” (or the reverse, seems to be a thing these days???) – no matter what.

Her accomplishments are hers, and no-one can take those away from her.  (same thing for uber Nazi feminist Naomi Osaka in Japan, super tennis player no matter what – and believe me, tennis ain;t easy to play- I should know this!)

Of course, HOW it all happened, as always in China, is a murky, murky story.

I dont know if y’all have been following the latest metoo B.S. in China – which in China was very swiftly censored.

Metoo has been a thing in China for ages now – thats a country with some of the most, if not THE most dominating and overbearing, nasty (in a “Nazi feminist”) way women …

(again, fact).

But rarely, if ever, does it target members – especially the elite of the untouchable CCP.

Hell, even Jack Ma couldn’t touch the CCP – he didnt even criticize them directly, or at all, yet, look at what happened to the Alibaba IPO!

In China, the message is simple.

Money doesnt rule the roost.

End of the day, the CCP DOES!

Not saying thats right.

I am hardly a supporter of the CCP as y’all know, but I’m FAIR if nothing else.

And this trend of women willingly jumping into bed with men THEY KNOW ARE MARRIED – and then bitching about it later sickens me!

What happened was she slept with him, had a relationship (one of those “break up now, back together tomorrow” sort of relationships) for 10 years, and now for whatever reason she’s now jumped on to the nigh and what I’ve always said is highly idiotic METOO bandwagon.

Upon reading the article, and then the email sent out by Peng completely retracting her other claims, and no-one believing it (obviously) … my thoughts?

Great publicity for you, Peng, for one. Hehe.

Even if it was genuine, and it probably is, some part of it … who would be stupid enough in China to speak out DIRECTLY against a TOP ranking member of the CCP – likely a person that ALLOWED her to break all the barriers she has (dont get me wrong, performances are hers, but in China, the CCP decides ALL – including who is allowed to represent the country in what). . . ?

Somehow, I dont believe Peng is that naive – or stupid.

Might all be part of an elaborate marketing ploy, though I doubt it.

But anyway, lets assume it’s not.

What essentially happened is she knew him for years, slept with him WILLINGLY – WILLINGLY … there were NO obligations on either party’s side … and …

Now it’s metoo?

The story is long and complex, and I’ll post what Peng said initially, which of course within 30 minutes or so of it being posted on Weibo was deleted …

Here it is –

Basically, friend, you can see the following –

Budding tennis player.

“Man in position of power”.

“It happened – neither party forced each other”.

Bla Bla Bla Bla.

And then this metoo.

I mean, really, when will women start to be held accountable for what they did willingly?

Know what I find abhorrent about all this?

If the roles were reversed, and it was a MALE tennis player – how many times would he be able to complain about the same, even if it was genuine?

Society in general would LAUGH at the guy.

Yet, women pull this shit and get away with it daily??

I dont get it, my friend.

What I DO GET is it’s a huge, huge problem – and many of my great customers deal with it daily, and what I do know is I’ve got huge experience not just dealing with this sort of thing, but profiting from it, and telling YOU how to do it.

Check out THIS book here

And thats all I gotta say about that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – As General Michael told me back in the day,

“If you dont like what I have to say, please feel free to FLAME ME publicly”.


PS #2 – This site I believe is already intermittently BLOCKED in mainland China which alone is a badge of honor, eh. Hehe. As Mike Pompeo once famously said, if the ccp censors you, prohibits you from ever getting a visa again or what not as they did him?

Badge of honor, hehe. I mean that!

PPS – Apparently the wife was involved too? Interesting how women are often the ones doing (or being silent spectators to) – it to other women? “Women are women’s greatest enemies”, my wife once said. Maybe she’s right. And this lady says it all herself!

PPS #2 – All this hoo haa about Peng having disappeared, same thing happened to Jack Ma, and he never even criticized the CCP, just spoke about economic policies, and Jack Ma was RIGHT!

HIs results speak, for one.

But he was told to lie low, in China, when the CCP tells you something, you just have to do it, same thing for this Peng dame. Dont tell me she didnt know it wouldn’t happen either…

She will likely show up in public again after a few months – much like the female movie stars and others that were basically told to stand back and stand down or else..

HYPOCRITE!!!! Thats the word that comes to mind. Eh.  (of course, she said so much herself, so before you blame me….)

And it being China, and if these guys actually HELPED her climb that ladder (if, but being China, its a very real possibility and probably DID HAPPEN) – then UNGRATEFUL TOO.

What Feetus Bozo didnt get about the sheer and UNPARALLELED VALUOOOO of being on the SUPERB 0 Excuses Fitness list.
- Touche, my friend, touche.


Or, if it’s Feetus Bozo, “touch” (or the Bozo himself i.e Schofield Buttler Bozo Glyn in Brum) …

Y’all remember that idiot, right?

Some scammer that paid me (after I was very reluctant to do it, but I finally gave in “to help a bro out” despite my gut saying DONT DO IT! – that thing about GUT FEELINGS! AGAIN!) to promote him on this list, I did, of course, next thing he starts whining about how people said his product was crap (it is – that was my initial gut feeling I had and I’m NEVER WRONG ON THIS) – how “only one person signed up and did nothing”, yada, nada, schnada, all after he had been told many times the fee he paid was for an intro, nothing else, no results guaranteed, I even told him NOT to pay if he was not comfortable.

Trust me.

Oh, he whined about “I got three emails” also … when I explained all this to him when he was filing “chargeback fraud”.

Bozo himself was committing fraud, and telling me.


I’ve documented this on the site a LOT. I dont think I should dignify it by putting the link here, but you 0 Excuses Faithful know.

But anyway, one of the things I did not tell him but SHOULD HAVE …

My hyper engaged list (I did tell him that i.e. quality over quantity)  –  I told him ALL the good qualities you guys and gals have, that you are not impulse buyers, that you only buy from QUALITY people, that you only follow QUALITY folks, and so forth …

I should have done told him THIS TOO.

“They are so hyper engaged they wouldn’t sign up for someone else’s bodyweight fitness email list if I BEGGED THEM To- and even then, they’d still keep coming back here”, “because its truly the best and most down to earth one to be on”.

That ain’t me bragging.

I’ve said before in all my books, most notably Fast and Furious Fitness (a book that fits “practical and no-nonsense” to a T) and pushup Central, that I dont like bragging, or braggarts.

“Dont be the braggart that claims he can do 25 pushups, none in good form”.

Feetus is probably one of those.

(Guy doesn’t even LOOK like he trains, for one, then talks about – believe it or not – spurting eggs *UGH* in his fitness broadcasts – Glyn and him would make great bed pals, and some inanity about some Greek secret potion or what not to “build mammoth muscle” or some wacko crackpot crap – and in general, just looks like a “funny sort of beanpole” – par excellence.

And he complains about people not buying.


Some people (Glyn included) were truly at the back of, the very FAG – faggotty – end of the queue when the brains were being doled out, and I’m not the only one that has said that.

As Gorilla Girl Sophia would tell him – GROW UP – YOU FOOL!!!

She’d mean every word too, hehe.


But I should have told him that, spared myself the troubles and the pennies this loser paid me.

And then spent months trying to get a chargeback, I think he couldn’t pay his rent or something.

Ugh, what a freak.

But anyway, thats long past, but the sheer benefit, the AURA, the halo you get just from being on this hallowed fitness list?

Trust me, it aint even about learning at the guru’s feet, so please DO NOT! – I repeat, DO NOT! – picture that.

You learn WITH ME, and you preferably, and I’ve said that BETTER ME!

It gives me something to work towards too to give you stiff competition, hehe.

And the feet I’ll leave to Feetus farting eggs out their anus, or Bozo Schofields “in ass” or what not (but believe it or not, this Feetus Bozo speaks about spurting eggs or what not fitness wise, ugh) …

But seriously, and the above is serious too.

I’ve learnt from people better at me on some things.

And just the sheer value you get from noticing how the person walks, talks, acts, behaves, speaks, writes etc … the IMAGE he has, how he INTERACTS with people and so forth, the CONFIDENCE, all of it – is a lesson unto itself for you guys.

Thats the sheer, unparallelled VALUOOOO I offer in the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship too, my friend, and those thinking “too expensive” are just fools there is no two ways aroudn that – no better way to say it.

Well, my friend, if there is a better way to thank YOU for simply being on this list, and getting valuo like NONE OTHER, I’m yet to see it – or think of it.

If you can, let me know.

Thank you – and I’ll see you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS : I cannot stop laughing, Bozo moaning about “I got three emails….! Wah!” but he claims to be a guru at marketing too. 

Some people, just buffoons in general. Hehe. 

Not to mention, Feetus forgot that you cannot, I repeat, outmarket the great Rahul Mookerjee, no matter how “deep your wallets run”, no matter how you beg your girlfriend to pay your rent and/or give you spending money (Glyn, Feetus, a certain Aussie nutjob I know) and so forth … it cant be done period.

I dont care if youre Trump, Bezos, Hill, or whoever…

Well, maybe Hill and Bezos could, hehe, but thats it.


?$300 OFF. ?
- Indeed another one of those special offers!


This is another special offer for YOU on this list, yes, YOU!

YOU, my friend.

And you will recall I spoke about 0 Excuses Fitness apparel in the last email?

Just imagine, for one, you wearing a Battletank Shoulders T shirt – or, perhaps a Pushup Central T shirt – and strolling down the street after a workout, or soaked in sweat after an Advanced Hill Training workout – feeling like a bazillion bucks – with the T shirt – I just did this, by the way – and more?

Gives a whole new meaning to the following.

Been there, got the T shirt, loved it!

Most would say “threw it away”, but you’ll never throw these away, even when they become threadbare – my training T shirts for one, years and years of wear, like a bum on the road, yet I stick with them.

You know what I mean!!

But anyway …

The special offer on that one – no, the sales page with the offer and all that won’t be up for a week, maybe more – is this.

And it’s a GREAT ONE.

Add $1000 to your site wallet – or SPEND $1000 with us, and you’ll get an auto $300 off – period – no matter what – off the apparel once it launches next year (should be around Jan beginning next year, I want it to coincide with my 41st birthday, but we’ll see how that goes).

This is so great because –

One, well, the obvious i.e you basically get a “free” sweatshirt ; hoodie, perhaps two or three…

Two, these will be available in kids and women’s sizes too …

(so they’ll make for great gifts).

Three, yours truly will ship ’em out, all this crap about bottlenecks, congestion etc – as our paperback readers know, 0 Excuses Fitness delivers AHEAD of time as always!

Fourth, most importantly, you can use the amount in your wallet to make purchases NOW.

Fifth, the auto 10% discount you get – simply for buying using your site wallet.

Sixth, what you dont use can be left in there for your next purchase. It will never expire.

So thats six great reasons, I dont know, there are probably a lot more!

If you’re interested, add funds to your wallet NOW – and shoot me an email (or buy $1000 worth of stuff, and shoot me an email).

But HURRY, limited time offer, only the first 100 get in on this one … ⚠

Hurry – and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – And think about how good you’ll feel to wear YOUR fitness brand on YOUR CLOTHING!

PS #2 – If you buy a full Ship membership, YES, you’ll be in on this one too!

When my shoulders were 3x as broad as his, but we wore the same WAIST size, perhaps I was less!
- Indeed an upper body contrast!

My wife, famously once when I got into the Eat More Weigh Less shape I keep talking about sniffed.

“You look like a  13 year old!”

Now, women in love, which she was sort of back then (that was a bit after the 7 year itch or what not) tend to prefer their men to be “round”.

See what I said about the LOOK the other day, the lean, man, MEAN (came out as man first!) – – ANIMAL, HUNGRY LOOK. 

So I get it, and plus, anything you do (not dictated by her) that makes you MORE attractive to the opposite sex, well …

You get the picture, I was always handsome anyway, and …

But anyway, she also made the comment about being Mr handstand pushup, about how “walking has got you SO LEAN!” so its not all negative, I’ll say that.

Women and emotion ; what can I say.

But anyway……..

I think that holiday (I returned to India for a brief few weeks or so, which felt like an eternity when I was there, but literally flew past in the grand scheme of things) was when I met my brother in law for the first and only time, beyond which I’ve never spoken to him (it’s the family thing going on, hehe. YOu know how it is in mine!).

Look at the photo from in front, and neglect the chest and shoulders, you’d think it was a family that had nothing to eat. Hehe.

(not really, the legs, but you get the drift).

Cast your gaze upwards though?

My shoulders – the sheer breadth of them are 3x my bro in law’s!

Reminds me of what my 6’1″ buddy from the Marines said, who I always feel small next to, he’s HUGE – he told me this.

(when I once borrowed his sweat shirt for a night out, it was cold as heck, yours truly forgot to get his – so I quipped – “six of me might fit in there”, hehe).

“You’re not that much smaller than I am!” 

And toe to toe, I’m not.

“He’s thick, but you’re broad!”

is what he told me.  (when I was comparing myself to another guy, a champ boxer).

That I am, hehe.

And the breadth of the shoulders and traps always gives it away.

“You can tell you workout!”

Anyway, the waist was as corrugated as ever, and it looked odd … hehe.

Broad as heck shoulders, tapering down to a narrower than narrow waist, almost looked more natural on my bro in law!

Perhaps thats why I prefer wearing 3XL T shirts, though my “size” is 2XL.

And, why I have trouble shopping for clothes – the tops billow around my waist, the pants slide off ..

If its a track pant set – God help me. Hehe.

It’s either I get a tight fit in the upper body, or the pants fall off in the lower. Hehe.

But anyway, it’s a great, great feeling to have!

And the soon to be launched 0 Excuses Fitness Apparel Shop will have clothing – SPECIALLY customized for those of us that workout a lot – the right way – regularly.

Imagine, you’ll be walking around proudly with a 0 Excuses Fitness shirt!

Doesn’t get and feel better than that, does it.

I mentioned this a few months or moons ago, so if you’re interested, drop me a line, and I’ll set you up for a special discount on apparel – not yet on the site, only for you on this list, my friend.

But anyway ………

To get into that sort of movie star shape, and quick?

The two courses that will do it – and get them in THAT order – – –

  1. Advanced Hill Training. 
  2. Animal KIngdom Workouts.
  3. Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness – place that pre-order, still going, special still ONGOING!


And that really is all there is to say, my friend.

Do the thing, you shall HAVE the POWER.


Rahul Mookerjee

This fascination about “him eating all the food!”
- Hehe.

I cannot stop chucking, you’d think it would be mostly only women that are so petty, but guys too apparently.

But sometimes, with good reason.

Circa 2019, Chuck and the Bozo … or perhaps 2017, I dont know, maybe 2018. Maybe all the time. Hehe.

“He sits in a room, trolls people all day, does NOTHING with his life, makes a ROYAL MESS (I added in the word royal, hehe, Chuck didnt say that – but his tone said it) – and he eats all my food, drinks all my beer, badgers my girlfriend with inane messages, steals her underwear (and to be honest, for some weird reason his girlfriend puts up with it too) -much like the girl at the end of the movie in Texas Chainsaw Massacre decided to live with the guy – the looney tune – her cousin – whatever, but really … I mean!”) …

Lets flashback a bit HERE.

And after you read that, what I forgot to say in the last email – the ending shows the girl picking up the guy’s used, rotting food – cleans the plate apparently and then locks the door to the “horrors beneath” – oh so conveniently located so close to the wine cellar, as if Bozo that lurked within could pop out for a drink anytime he wanted – and continues living in the mansion with that “thing” living in the basement”.

It’s just utter lunacy, the ending to that movie, a movie which I tried so desperately to be scared, never worked.

Truly, other than Anthony Hopkins, NO other actor has come close to scaring me. Hehe.

It hasn’t even happened, but anyway …

Chuck’s rants about Bozo were justified, no-one wants a lunatic like that showing up unwanted, parking his fat butt in a room and making a nuisance of himself. Talk about overstaying his welcome, come to think of it, there was no welcome to begin with.

Perhaps apt that it ended with Glyn face down on the street in Jieyang in his underwear after stealing beer from the beer house – Chuck literally threw him out (good on you chuck for managing to lift that blob, hehe) – and then begging cops etc to let back in, then getting deported from China/HK, scamming countless others in the process, finally getting booted from the Phillipines, and back to infesting Brum.

Glyn, did the “hit and run” you were involved in when you escaped “bail” (jumped, literally) – to China to be a dancing monkey ever get resolved?

Probably not.

(It wasn’t so much hit and run as the Bozo ran his car into a brick wall in the UK, but those have feelings too! Bozo was drunk, hence the case).

But anyway, the way Chuck said it, I cannot stop CHUCKling, hehe.

Then my Mom about the big guy ironing for us growing up …

“He must be eating all their food!”

Then my S.O, often times .. .

“You eat all the foo din the house!”

Which is insane, I dont even do breakfast, lunch when I do do it is light, now if you’d tell me I drink all of my own “Snow” beer in my house, then yes – I do that. but it’s my own !


Food, and such …

The irritation. The annoyance. Hehe.

At least the pyscho in Texas Chainsaw Massacre stayed “out of sight, out of mind”.

Look at the house, you wouldn’t even know there was a basement, of course, the sliding wall was conveniently left a bit open.

These movies can be hilarious.

I mean, there were like three doors to get through to even get to the stairs to the cellar, THEN the massive metal door behind which the House of literally Horrors and the Hulk lurked…

Anyway, yours truly ?

I’ve been knowing for calling myself a foodie and glutton – and also a movie star, in the best shape of my life, and so forth.

All of it is true.

But when at someone else’s house, I never really “dig in” unless its a close, close friend, even then, I ask them first.

Just not polite, of course, in the latter case, if it’s a close friend, we’re usually drinking it up together anyway, so from there to “finger licking good butter chicken” – even in China, hehe – is  a short step away.

But I cannot remember living at a friend’s place, or even crashing on the couch for one night for forever – even its 5am in the morning, I’ll return home to the sound of the rooster crowing…

Unlike Glyn, the LAST thing I want is to make a menace of myself.

I know how it is, when you “live with” someone, even for one night, it’s different!

Anyway, Bozo is a leech par excellence like none other.

But heres what this little tale has for you, if you can stop chuckling at the infancy of the “he eats all my food!” or “men eat all the food!” part… (if you got the joke, some won’t). …

Eat more – become Gluttonly Fat is usually the case for most.

Hey, it’s common sense, too much in, very little out (except when you’re holding court on the Throne, if even that).

But my course Eat More – Weigh Less – or the ORIGINAL name, Advanced HIll Training – will ensure – WITH PROOF! – that you can literally eat more – and weigh less – and look, and feel in the best damn shape of your life ALL day, my friend … if you just GET the book, and get on the routines.

Thats right.


I dont know what some people are waiting for on this one?

Wouldn’t YOU like to be next success story – and send me YOUR story of how the scales literally go down, down, down – even when you’re drinking it up a few hours earlier?

Get this now, my friend.

One of the best courses you’ll ever get, and once you do so, remember to get Volume TWO as well i.e. Animal Kingdom Workouts.

They go together, dont they!

Yes SIR, said like a CHAMPINATOR!


Rahul Mookerjee

Farm Boy Arms!
- You know the look!

In the movie, “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” which I – I dont know if I should say fortunately or not saw last night on the internet, the male lead, or one of them is not just a fruitcake x 100 (as one of the Deputy Sheriff’s researching his House of Horrors says) – but also a massive HULK.

“What a hulk”, I can almost hear Mom saying. “He must be eating all their food!”

(She said that growing up about a big dude who used to iron clothes for her, or was part of that family)….

Mom always had something against big dudes. Hehe.

Anyway, in this movie, when the Director I believe was asked why he chose Dan Yeager for the role of the slasher – nutjob x 100 – this is what he said.

Now identified as Jedidiah Sawyer. Luessenhop stated that he picked Yeager because he felt a sense of “menace” after witnessing Yeager’s 6’6″ frame, “farm boy arms”, and “brooding brow” stand “quiet and circumspect”. He claimed he could no longer think of another actor afterward. Sam McKinzie portrays a young Leatherface.

I get it!

I dont know about the sense of menace, but often times, I’ve wondered why the Tom Tom’s react violently (via words and expression) when I even so much as TALK TO them – while the doers love me like nothing else.

It’s because my words – my “saying it like it is” conveys MENACE to the Tom Tom’s, as well as the fact they know when it comes right down to it, I’m perfectly happy to, if I have to, make them feel like a one legged man in a booty kicking contest.

I have my ways of doing this!

Usually mostly verbal. Words can sometimes really cut!

Speaking of cutting …

That Movie … but before we get to it, two things.

I’m hardly 6’6″ like Dan is!

But working on a farm, I’ve no idea if he did that, will give you that rugged look for one.

And the massive arms, without necessarily following any sort of tailored fitness routines.

My wife, when I first met her had a 12 pack – literally.

From running and working in the fields when she was young.

She never did a single pull-up or pushup – till date, she cannot hang on to the pulling bar, but when I first met her, she looked like a triathlete (she wasn’t, and she didnt have many of the attributes, but she was in top shape overall).

Believe me, carrying buckets of slop from here to there in “muck” knees deep, or more … that will build the core and grip like nothing else, and the legs and traps.

Dan in the movie, or “Jed Sawyer” – has the look!

Just a massive character, and when he shows up with a chainsaw to hack folks to bits, it’s not the chainsaw so much you’re scared of (I remember thinking throughout the movie “how can I take this AWAY from him”) – but his size, his HULK, the raw muscle and brute strength “natural strength”.

Working on a farm all day long is a workout like nothing else, my friend – and the closest thing to it in my books is Animal Kingdom Workouts , which approximates the way ANIMALS move in the wild, which is huge too in terms of getting you that look – but more importantly, fit as a fiddle, natural, solid strength like a Mack truck x 100!

Aussie T 20 captain, or at least at one time, I’m not sure if he still is Aaron Finch “Finchy” has the look too.

“Just a big, strong farm boy – cutting down wood all day” was what a commentator once said about those upper arms!

Matty Hayden, one of my favorite batters “Big Matt the Batt”.

They all have the look, none are 6’6″ though … Hehe. Neither is my buddy from the Marines, and I can just imagine a 6’6″ pissed off loony tune coming at me with a mammoth chainsaw.

He wasn’t the most fleet footed in the movie, but most psychotic sorts dont need to be!

Anyway, word of caution about the movie.

SOME of it is supposed to be based on real life occurences back in the day.

I’ve no idea if it is.

But there’s gore and slasher movies, then theres gore – then there is gore – and then there is THIS movie.

The closest thing I can think of to this are some of Ben Settle’s books (which I have not read) – which paint the same sort of picture via words though that this movie does, maybe even gorier.

I wonder how these guys imagine all this to writ about it, or make movies about it – then again,  lots of pyschos do it in real life…

Word of caution there, although I’ll be honest.

Much like with other horror movies, I STRUGGLED to be scared here.


Especially the “human face” the guy wears throughout the movie … its like a clown mask to be honest. Hehe.

I dont know if it’s the face they overdo the gore, or what it is, but its hilarious beyond a certain point – even the gore seems “made up”.

I’d rather Basic Instinct, and the Hannibal series, with FAR less actual gore, but Anthony Hopkins, all of 5’7″ conveys solid menace via looks and words more than any silly slasher movie ever ever could – it’s all about the mind, and vibes!

“I ate his liver with fava beans and a nice Cianti!”


I’m sure everyone remembers that iconic scene.

Hopkins, he’s one of the best – legend!

Anyway … I’m still unable to figure out why “Jed” took after all the guys in the house with a chainsaw.

Apparently the first movie in the series – they did that too, they were all cannibals, but they did it under the guise of “protecting family” – here there was none, just one sole family member he’d never met, and her friends …

But its hilarious in a way.

Huge Texas mansion, Victorian era style.

It’s only when you head to the massive basement (which has butler’s quarters and so forth I’d imagine, or other servants of the time – larders, wine cellars, the lot) – that you understand and see what lurks beneath.

And even then, you gotta open tons of doors and such to find this monster.

He doesnt want to be found, but once he is, once you uncork the genie, there’s no stopping him!

Don’t open that metal door behind which he resides – it’s hard to open for a reason! Hehe.

Kinda like me when I wake up in the morning, I cannot stop giggling.

Maybe I should get a chainsaw or something and come tearing out with a clown mask on to drive all the Tom Tom’s badgering me away. Hehe.

I’m kinda the same, I never answer phones, I’m hard to find except for people I want to find me … hehe.

But once you unleash the BEAST. LOL.

“Buland Darawaza”.

The door of victory, as it was, built by Emperor Akbar in India to apparently celebrate his taking of the Indian state Gujarat. . .

The highest gateway in the world.

Dont – under any circumstance – breach that – or you NEVER know what lurketh behind. Hehe.

Much like doors in a certain house I know of . . .

But anyway, I cannot stop chuckling at the movie.

And especially the ending, literally the corniest ending to the movie I’ve ever seen, I mean, you find out your cousin is the cannibalistic monster residing in your basement, you never see him (much like the Bozo) – but he’s THERE, he “protects” you – but he does so via his horrible slashy means, while he leaves the rest of the house pristine and clean, human thigh bones on a plate rotting away the only clue to his “abode” deep down there, much like the devil, so old that people that saw it in the movie wondered “wtf” is that.

Then the guy kills cops in his lunacy, kills general members of the public, and the Sheriff never shoots him despite being able to …

(and, you keep living with him in the same house, which conveniently or not, has a cemetery in the garden, ostensibly the graves are family members that have passed on, thats when the “Sawyer” lets them – there’s a scene in the movie where a dead Grandma or someone is decomposing, apparently the looney tune only wanted to bury her after the house was handed over to the last remaining member – who continues to apparently live in the massive house alone, with this character brooding away in the basement in the house of “slaughterhouse” horrors).

Just utter lunacy, I can understand how things worked “back in the day in the Wild West”, but … neither 1970 something or 2013 is the Wild West…

But, I did like the “Texas” style of the movie. Hehe.

Big, loud, lots of open space, plenty of WOODS – and barb-e-ques.

And beer!

And, the “welcome to Texas, motherfucker!” a girl says when she shoots at the killer through a closed door.



Stay the F off my land, my property, my life, I can identify with that, damn right, damn SKIPPY!

I love America, and I probably love Texas the MOST in it. Hehe.

Anyway …

The other course to give you the “farm boy” rugged look is Pushup Central – builds the arms up like nothing else.

Most think its all about biceps.

You couldn’t be more wrong, pally.

Last, but not least, thanks to all those that stepped up and TOOK ACTION yesterday – and till yesterday – for the sale.

You guys truly are CHAMPS And doers.

The best!

And I enjoy serving you – daily.


Rahul Mookerjee

?Last Chance Saloon?
- Quite literally!


This is your LAST CHANCE to get Battletank Shoulders at the “throwaway price” it is being offered at right now (see https://0excusesfitness.com/rewards) for more.

Literally the last chance – I mean, we done passed last chance saloon yesterday but TODAY is honestly the last day the offer is still valid – for another SEVEN more hours, and that is THAT. ❗

If you’re truly serious about taking your health and fitness to hitherto underheard of levels, and building BRUTE, Gorilla like “battletank” strength and a rock solid “brutish” upper body, then dont let this chance go to waste.

Claim your copy now -along with the other great offers we have going on.

{firstname}, I dont know how else to emphasize the importance of this email – except to say you will NOT see this sort of offer again.

And, come the end of the year, perhaps even earlier prices on some other books will go UP as well.

If you want in, NOW is the time to get IN.


Rahul Mookerjee

Its the little things that go a long way.
- And are remembered!

And are remembered, for ages I might add!

At least by the DOERS.

I gave you an example of that in the last email, and as I sit here, writing this (or as I WAS sitting here writing this), the doorbell “clanged” and I picked up a delivery.

“thank you”, I told the guy as I always do. 

Thanking people when they deliver , or do something for me – has always been automatic for me, even in cultures like CHina where it’s apparently “not required or expected” – or India “it’s too formal to thank “one’s own!”” …

Or tipping, for that matter. when I first visited China, I was told by some not to do it, as they might get offended.

Fooey, I remember thinking, and my conversation with Clement, a Chinese guy from Hong Kong confirmed this.

“Why on earth would someone get offended if you give them money”

I can understand making a public show of it etc, but  really – I’ve tipped and said thank you damn near everywhere – actually, EVERYWHERE I go without caring two hoots or not about “whether or not it’s in their culture”- much like if it’s Christmas, or whatever festival (I celebrate a grand total of none, hehe) – I’ll wish people anyway.

Like, some things you just do!  (even when you hear “but no-one does that here!”)

Guy looked up at me with a bright smile.

“Welcome, Sir!” 

Sometimes they dont say that.

The body language is what counts!

People can feel respect, people can feel that YOU respect the other person, therefore, they in turn respect you.

People can FEEL crabbiness, crankiness, rude behavior, or at least they SHOULD be able to .

Anyway ….

I’ve known people from all walks of the globe that deal with people based upon their status. So called status.

How much they earn, how “big or small they are socially” if you get my drift, and other nonsense.

“He’s just a delivery person!”


But that delivery person is the one bringing you your stuff to the door, making an honest living out there, delivering if it’s Amazon in rain, hail, sleet or snow …

To me, a little bit of respect goes a long way, it’s REMEMBERED.

For ages.

Unfortunately, it’s a lesson most of the world has forgotten.

And hence we stand at them cross roads.

Same thing for fitness, my friend.

It’s the LITTLE gains you make daily without even noticing that add up to big thing.

The day you crank out 100 pushups in a workout might be a red letter day for you.

It is!

It should be!

And it matters, hell yes.

But really, it’s the SMALL changes to your pushups, the “extra cm and pause” you do at the bottom of each pushup as you get better, the more you bend your back on the Hindus, those incremental changes you FEEL in each workout – or should feel if you’re doing it right – THOSE are really what keep adding up to massive gains down the line, some of which never truly go away.

Those that do the thing KNOW what I mean here!

It’s about gratitude, and DOING the thing daily, and some things, doing the right thing, never really goes out of style does it?

Not for me it dont.

Anyway …

You’ve got a few hours left still on the Battletank Shoulders sale, so if you want to claim YOUR COPY OF THE MOST elite – I repeat MOST ELITE – fitness manual out there – then go ahead and do so now.

And, let me be flat out honest here. .  .

I won’t be lying if I say you doers will DISAPPOINT ME if even ONE of you doesn’t take advantage of this great offer, as its a once in a lifetime offer (for this book).

some offers, they just dont come around again, this book is special. Very special!

They all are , but this one, I dont know, crank the workouts, you’ll see for yourself!

As with Advanced Hill Training and Animal Kingdom Workouts, I dont promote it a lot.

Some things, they just promote themselves eh.

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

I’ll work with you, my friend.
- I really will, and always have! (if it's GENUINE).

“I’ll have to pass, Rahul, thank you very much – it is still a bit much for me at this point!”

That was Clare from the UK emailing me – yes, with regard to Battletank Shoulders!

YES, that is a course that is for serious female trainees too!

She is a Corrugated Core fan already, so wants more (I dont blame her).

Anyway, this lovely lady didnt notice the returning customer discount …

I told her about it.

But basically, it was about “even with the discount, it was too much for her i.e. the book above”.

Which I get, hey.

My response to this sort of thing – provided it’s genuine – has always been, and it always WILL be – to work with YOU on things!

If you truly want it, my friend, you’ll find a way to get it.

Some of my BEST and most COMMITTED “lovelies” (nah, hehe) – customers – the DOERS – have done just that.

Some of them have literally moved mountains – at home and otherwise – with the Mrs and such – they will never say this, of course (they’re too humble usually!) – but they DID IT – on their OWN – to get my books.

Some of them – a LOT of them – do these workouts religiously almost every day and swear by a lot of them.

And believe me, it takes guts if you’ve REALLY got genuine issues – to talk about those to folks selling products etc, and requesting discounts etc. It is not just as easy as “can I get it for less”, a doer will NEVER THINK that way – it takes guts to ask for help. Believe me, I’ve been there, done that (way too less than I should, hehe, but I know!). 

Trust me on this.

And when I see people like that, THAT is what I want!

A huge smile breaks across my face – I’m more than happy to work with such people on anything!

Training advice, help, cost, pricing, just life advice in general, anything – I’m happy to do it!

Because that is what I want ABOVE ALL.

Sure, the products will be priced at what they are NOW.

The price will go UP as I see fit – it would not be any other way, and why? Because these are the best damn products out there, and anything less would be disrespect, period, and you guys know my thoughts on that!

My time, my work, the RESULTS this work gets people, the sheer TENACITY and “bull dog” like effort, the learning in the trenches, passing it on to you – all of that costs – and costs big.

End of the day , though, just ask my best customers.

I’ve always worked with them on price, because if they have genuine issues, hey – I get it!

What I want is DOERS to get my books – and then do – and then BENEFIT – and then share how THEY BENEFITED – from my stuff!

I repeat, I dont want Tom Tomming – sure, if you write to me (in the review, as one man recently did) about “crackling writing” – then I really do appreciate that, and it’s true too! – but (and he wrote more, I’ll share later) – what I really value above all?

Is how these products have helped you, YOUR thoughts and so forth …

And THAT is what I myself share on my site, because that is what it’s all about – getting YOU in the best damn shape of your life, ready to tackle damn near anything and then some.

Feeling good, looking good, the whole shebang – YOU!

It’s the price wankers, do nothings, morons, trolls and the lunatics – and those that again, DO NOTHING – that I cannot stand, really cannot stand.

So there it is, friend.

Remember – you’ve got less than 12 hours now, I believe to claim YOUR COPY of Battletank Shoulders – WITH THE OFFER GOING ON – and gain access to one of the most elite fitness groups ever i.e. those that are on these workouts.

Move aside Crossfit, martial arts workouts.

All of those are great.

But sheer workout brutality and toughness, as a customer once said, they will truly turn you into a part Gorilla – even if you dont want that, or aren’t thinking about it!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Other great offers HERE.