“Annkhen hai ya button” – and how life always finds a WAY!
- It sure does..

“Do you have eyes or BUTTONS!”

I was often told this when I couldn’t find something that was staring me straight in the eye, hehe.

As I talk about that old picture, I think buttons – hey, I’ll take that.

Those soulful buttons that have captured a bazillion hearts, those buttons that are the WINDOW to the soul, that everyone notices…

I’m not even a poet. I’ll stop!

But, I remember THIS line from Jurassic Park.

The book – not so much the movie.

“Life finds a way”, said Malcolm.

“I dont know how to put it, but it’s true”. It does!

He was talking to the engineers at Jurassic Park that were saying it was impossible for the dinos to breed.


Apparently they built the dinos so that they didnt have a crucial gene needed to propogate.

Or, well, copulate.

Well, what happened was that the dinos – and no-one noticed this had some “frog” DNA or something that allowed the males to change gender or something, so some of them could “copulate” and produce offspring.

Glyn Schofield loved that movie, I knew there was a reason why. Hehe.

And produce offspring they did.

That was a book, a very well written one, like all of mine.

But its true, life does indeed find a way.

It could be digitzing Earth in space and storing stuff in miles long , I dont know, server racks or what not in space, it could be SURVIVAL NOW – it could be, I dont know, but as long as there is life, it will find a way to survive and thrive – and PROPOGATE.

Or at least, some will…

Anyway. Why do I keep bringing all this up.

Well, because a lot of you, my friend, have been reading these emails, and not taking action.

That includes YOU, my friend.

I’ve sent you these emails about the offers, the products, the compilation offers and so forth …

But, while some of you have taken action, a lot of you have not.

And the time to do so – is NOW, my friend.

Take action now, and start reaping the rewards “in perpetuity”.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And those that have STILL not gotten the 0 Excuses Fitness System, I dont get it, just what the hell are you waiting for, my friend, brother, and sister? I dont get it, write back and tell me, it’s the very baseline of any serious fitness trainee’s routine!

PS #2 – If you truly want it, you’ll FIND a way. Trust me on this one!

Amidst the rush to digitize everything…
- A moment of "thought"!

I read that Jeff Bezos claims that in the future, Earth will become nothing more than a “holiday destination” – sort of like you visit the pyramids in Egypt, you’d visit Earth, but that would be it for most people.

He said Yellowstone National Park, hehe.

I used the example I did because I wonder, with everything going on – it’s all a grand plan to CULL – I’ve been saying this for AGES now, precious few people have listened, and well, as we speak, the cat is well and truly amongst the piegons.

I’ve seen it, my friend – I’ve seen the future.

And the game ain’t even begun.

I know if I talk about “mind stuff”, a lot of you will say “hocus pocus”.

So I wont.

And while I’m not entirely sure about the space predictions Bezos makes coming true, I do know if they do, Earth would be left barely inhabitable, a far cry from the Yellow Stone National PArk he mentions – more like the dusty pyramids.

Anyway … Egypt has recently been hit by a scorpion attack, apparently they were forced out (thousands of nigh venemous scorpions – Egyptian scorpions are some of the deadliest in the world) due to extreme weather, and more than 500 or so people have already been admitted to hospital.

Truly the plague it is, when Trump said it, no-one listened, and now?

Anyway …

One of my earliest memories growing up was Dad taking two bottles and squishing a scorpion between them – we lived in the Middle East at the time.

Ugh, how I hate that area!

Not the people, not their culture, none of that.

But I wouldn’t live there if you paid me to. A company did pay me to live there, and it was very short lived indeed (although my lovely “wife” had a lot to do with that as well).

But anyway … memories, pictures.

Sometimes I wonder.

What will happen to all the black and white photos stored in houses globally – such as mine – when people “pass”?

My wife tells me they didnt even have a camera when she was young, and if they did, they apparently didnt care enough to take or keep photos.

But for those that did…

What will happen?

Will ALL be digitized?

How long will it all last?


Where would all the numerous websites out there go once their owners pass?

Hosting in perpetuity might be a thang, but I’m sceptical, as I am of constantly increasing Google costs and such for storage (I would use Amazon, I use them for damn near everything, but they dont do email so …) (well, not email like Google does).

Which is how Google got that popular if you think about it, I Still remember the link my father forwarded me when I was in China in 2003 to set up my Google account “by invitation”. Hehe.

Those days…

Anyway ….

I’ve no idea if my parents have digitized any of teh photos they have, yours truly, on the other hand has digitized everything several times over – whatever I care about.

This morning my daughter sent me a photo of a lovely phat phocker, holding a just adorable tiny little girl with big black eyes in his safe arms .

It’s her favorite picture.

And,  a running joke in the family too.

“Dad, YES, you used to be PHAT!”



I used to be a semi – cuck in some regards too, my friend – at least reading some of the conversation I’ve had in the past, it seems that way.


I was never that Bozo schofield type cuck, but I did allow my emotions to get the better of me often …

But anyway …

(and end of the day, thats why it never worked out. Can’t keep a real man down for long, a good man … whats the saying? On the tip of my tongue, something about good men and bad men , my buddy from the MArines told me … I can’t remember!

I just remember the line in the Stallone Flick “Get Carter” – “The only good in man is that he realizes there is evil in him” (this is not verbatim, but its the sum and substance of the Fredrick something quote)).

Anyway …………..

Along with that pic, I stored a pic of a little boy too.

An inquisitive cute as heck little boy gripping something tightly, wearing Dad’s “construction helmet”. Hehe.

He didnt have teeth at the time, not even milk teeth.

But it’s cute, that picture, and the only one I’ve digitized of my childhood.

(Eyes like “buttons”, deep and thoughtful, friendly, sparkling, you know how kids can be so cute!)

Secretly, my Mom doesn’t really know about that!


But the rest of the pics, just what I’ve taken, my old passports and such …

But anyway, makes me think.

What will happen “to it all”.

And anyway – digital is great.

So is paperback.

So are hardcover books!

THAT is why I dont go fully digital on this site, or any of the others I own.

Because nothing beats the smell of a crisply printed book, eh.

And on that note, I’m out.

Remember all the special offers we have going on.

And remember the two books y’all want the MOST – Battletank Shoulders, and Animal Kingdom Workouts.

Take action NOW, friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- Bezos didnt answer if Amazon will deliver to space, hehe. Maybe they’ll store everything there tho! Who knows..

PS #2 – Sometimes, indeed most of the time, I believe the best memories are those locked in thy BRAIN. Trust me on this one!

But, photos definitely have their place!

Indeed worth a 1000 words, a bazillion emotions. . .

Why Glyn Bozo is and remains the key, or one of the most important ones at any rate, to minting money at hitherto UNHEARD OF LEVELS.
- I cannot stop chuckling, hehe.

You new guys on this magnificent, indeed the best of it’s kind fitness list out there – well, yall probably dont know a lot about the Bozo .

Google’s your friend, indeed, or just stay tuned HERE.

Bozo Schofield  residing in Brum, UK – or infesting the sewers and pubs there, not necessarily in that order, when he manages to scam money out of Mommy or some fat woman he’s trying to scam in the Phillpines that is, else he’s stuck “sticky finger” in Mama’s basement pestering a certain Josie (awesome gal!) or watching S and M porn or whatever they call it.

I do know what they call it. Hehe.

But anyway, him and others of his trollish sort I should say.

So many people get scared of trolls, “oh my, what will others think”, trolls like him have literally driven people to RUIN, yet, yours truly, incredibly?

I truly cannot get enough of the trolls.

Neither can my world famous course Shoulders like Boulders! 

John Walker, a great customer of mine once had this to say about the best course on pushups ever.

“Mate, since Pushup Central seems to be the book you’re the most proud of, and the one the trolls attack the most, that by itself makes the choice. I’ll get that!”

He’s got plenty of others too.

“I want to own ALL your books”, he told me.

I’m sure he does, he will, he’s more than halfway there I think already!

But anyway, Pushup Central remains a favorite for me and many hardcore fitness lovers, but the real dark horse?

Isometric and Flexibility Training, truly shaking the whole world as we type.

Anyway …

Take the Bozo’s comment on Pushup Central for one.

“A book on just pish ups”


He went!

He has this insane “piss” fetish for one does the Bozo, friends of his do too where they want their unwilling gals (for Bozo thats his palm) to shower them golden if you get my drift (though Bozo wants cash showers more than anything else, he’s got a stripper fetish as well, ugh. Apparently he wants to “change his gender” or the politically correct way of sayin g”tranny”).

Well, to market it?

Just say the opposite, hehe.

Or, just roll with it!

In either case, you’ll see how the results flow, especially after the trolls attack the book. Hehe.

“Ugly Paki” is what he calls me.


Im incredibly good looking as I keep saying! 


As others, everyone says …

Nigh everyone, even my worst critics have never denied either that or my superlative communication , brutal honesty, and skills and email artistry.

Doesnt hurt does it, that it’s true.

Ditto for the comments on Pushup Central …which you’ll see on the sales pag e(real comments, not the trolly ones, and we want more of those, please, my friend, REVIEW!).

One like THIS ONE from one of the best customers ever ” a brother from another mother”, indeed, hehe.


The Bodyweight Guru has done it again, 55 ways to bring on the pain, a magnum opus on how to really use what is possibly the world’s oldest and “most diverse” exercise.

If you’re like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your mind and you cannot stop until you hit that target, yes my friends this is training “brutally effective” training.

Buy this book and take up the challenge of Push Up Central.

The Bodyweight Guru is waiting for you, let him show you how with this (innocently sounding) book you can become more than you could ever have imagined, this is hard training at it’s absolute best.

Now a word about the previous review, Glyn Scofield is a total moron and his reviews suck almost as much as he does, Glyn, if by chance you ever read this, do yourself a favour and just stop, nobody cares what you think.

Anyway – you can use these trolls in ways they never imagined. Hehe.

And I’ll be putting out a course on it soon, and how to benefit from it like never before, much like the world famous course on not just countering, but benefiting IMMEASURABLY from Nazi feminism – Bozo Schofield plays a part there, and he will play a – again, true – part in the book on trolls and profiting from them too – hey, Glyn was the one that kept lying about getting selected on some silly “movie extra” role which he paid for, yet they didnt take him – so he might as well play a part, a TRUE part here. Hehe.

But for now, another example.

Schofield calls me a “cock loving faggot”.

Lord knows why, self projection taken to an extreme I suppose.

But Bozo inspired a course called “**** worship for faggots” – or something like that – I know the guy who wrote it, great, great guy.

He wasn’t sure how to write it thought.

“Just put yourself in Bozo Schofield’s shoes”, I said, laughing.

He knows Glyn from all the trolling he’s done here.

And write from that angle!

And then, of course, for “whose to worship”, well, he didnt need any better example – ugh!

But anyway – thats a real course, and one of the most popular ones on his site (he’s a great dude though, I’ll say that, I’ve helped him with marketing etc, and he’s a real man, unlike many of the idiots who claim they are, yet really are anything but).

But again, Bozo to the fore …

So many nigh ways you can profit from dem trolls, friend, so many …


If you only know how!

Anyway ………………….

Maybe minting money from sending out a few emails a day ain’t your thang.

If not, I get it.

But surely, getting in shape – and quick – IS?

IF not, you wouldn’t be here …

And for those of you that have still not invested in the baseline, best fitness system out there – well, do so NOW.

Rest of you, get the products you’ve been meaning to, no more putting off what should have been done yesterday, my friend.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee


Link in the download email …

PS #2 – My magical fingers surely do “strum” the Bozo like a well strung guitar, eh.

He shrieks just like that! Hehe.

Why Rahul Mookerjee is an incredibly, incredibly HUMBLE person – and always will be, no matter what.

Category three hurricanes, I told my daughter recently, grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat!

I can sense her thoughts literally.

And as she thought, her thoughts SPED to me – and I remembered one line she often proudly tells her classmates at her basketball class for one, and likely school too, when she goes “in person”(I think thats been like, forever, a day and a half, and then some …. and the idiots are shutting down yet again. UGH).

“My Papa climbed hills in category three hurricanes!

Brings a lot of wow’s, oohs and aahs from most people …

Except of course Grannies and Tom Tom’s who pooh pooh it as being “so what” (despite them not being able to climb ever in their life, period, let alone in any sort of tyhoon which is what they call ’em around these parts).

Actually, I’ve climbed in damn near Category FOUR hurricanes, with trees falling around me – literally.

As I told my daughter a while back.

In China, a while back, I quit drinking beer period, but still climbed hills and worked out like a MANIAC, just to see if I could DO IT.

And then I grinned again.

And I did!

Which I did.


Hence the “beer or hill” question, hence my famous answer …

Anyway …

I told her the following too recently, I keep telling her.

I dontknow why I said this, but I did.

I think something about her asking me what my favorite color was, why I don’t wear orange or what (I wear mostly red, black and blue).

But I did wear orange before, bright orange and looked pretty good in it.

My looks will remain the same, honey – I grinned at her. 

No matter what I wear, as you know … 

I’m an incredibly good looking guy. Like a movie star, one of the best!

And then, I followed up with this.

I’m also an incredibly humble person

. . .



but really, I AM a humble person, very much so, all the movie star comments.

I’ve never once – I repeat – once in my life said I’m good looking even though I’ve always known I am, people have always told me about it.

My friend Dheeraj in school went so far as to say this –

“Tu just samjhta hai too acha nahi dikhta!”

You just think you’re terrible looking.

When in fact, you’re extremely good looking.

Nah, Dheeru Bhai.

(Bhai = Brother. Hehe).

It was my STATURE that always bothered me.

And I tom tom my fitness gains like NOTHING AND NO-ONE EVER CAN, and will continue to not so humbly – coz?

“Bing I earned the right to”.

You heard me.


Not even living on MSN or the dumbphone there.

(I asked Sophia why she’s always in a bad mood these days “bing living is tough” was her answer, then I asked her “was that not alway the case, Gorilla Girl”, she replied with yes, I asked her, well, maybe you think “now is tougher”, then I got bored with it.

People in general have become so fake and artificial ; unwilling to look past what they think is in front of them.

Gorilla Girl is better tho, at least she responds, most won’t even do that.

She also wants to leave China, one of the silent majority that does. Big time!)

Anyway …………………..

I’m an incredibly humble person, ain’t I.

If that makes you burst out in splits, well, then like I told my daughter.

“Always remember, if you can make people laugh, you’re halfway there!”

Just look at the amount of money comedians make. 


Laughing all the way to the bank, literally.

That right there is yet another thing I either tell, or transmute to my daughter, whether I’m physically there or not.

It reaches.

And it PENETRATES her subconscious, these most valuable lessons, as opposed to the rot people around her try and fill her brain with better than any other lesson could, because it comes straight from the heart, it taps into EMOTION, it …

In other words, it’s marketing 101 or perhaps marketing base camp.

I was recently having a conversation with a coaching client bout it.

“Dude, you gotta DO the thing” I kept telling him.

“You know, create a product based upon your thoughts. I dont care what it is, EVERY SINGLE thought you got in your head, every single one of them no matter how wacky or crazy or socially incorrect or NON PC or what not – can be turned into an info product people will pay big money for”, I told him.

(he’s struggling trying to build the life of his dreams).

“I dont care”, I repeated. “I do not care what it is …” 

And it’s true, most people dont get it.

Then be honest, I told him, and share things honestly with people, the REAL YOU.

“I mean, you gotta be HONEST, flat out honest, stop worrying – really stop worrying about what “people think”” – I kept telling him.

I dont know what I Said after that, it’s there on the voice recording I sent him – was about 15 minutes long.

Value for money is what Rahul Mookerjee provides par excellence.

But I ended with the marketing base camp thingie…

Well, my friend, this is but one of the lessons I give everyone, young or old, or in between …

And you have it FREE now.

Plenty of other fitness related lessons- – most valuable lessons, including a hidden secret tip on BREATHING – yes, just BREATHING – that will not only help you recover quicker from your workouts without huffing and puffing up a storm even after sprinting, but also make you feel like NOTHING else ever could.

No, it ain’t just deep breathing done right if thats what you’re thinking

It’s that x 100 – on speed, literally.

And those that have the System know and are benefiting from it.

And if you ain’t one of the gang, bruh, jump aboard NOW.

All for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

“The Stella Artios of Bodyweight Excellence Fitness Culture”

PS – And remember, the 0 Excuses Ship is value like you’ve NEVER seen before…

PS #2 – Trump of the tropics, Trump of the Toupee, I dont know, I’ve been called both before.  (The “Brown Trump too”, hehe)

I just love trump is all I know, hehe.

And I’ve always been naturally brutally frank like him.

Toss up as to whose MORE brutally frank, I said Trump, but as I keep saying, and I believe I did in Gorilla Grip – – a course that give you the UNNATURAL grip most people CRAVE – that grip that PULLS people towards you like bees towards succulent lip SMACKING, gob-licious HONEY – despite what certain fools say about “he doesnt include what the cachet of Marines does in the book” (I do, the idiot was a price Tom Tom and wanker) – he thinks “not a foregone conclusion”.

In other words, me.


Probably true too!

(and I told my daughter too).

“No matter what I say or how I say it, one thing remains constant. I’m brutally HONEST!”

Can’t deny the facts, hehe.

Amen, even if I say so myself!

Why the Indian Himalayas continues to be my NIGH FAVORITE place to live – travel – BAR NONE!
- And why I've always been a natural hill climber!

I’ve always been a natural at climbing hills, my friend.

Right down to the so called “stooped old man” gait (which I was going to title this email and still might, hehe) that a lot notice, first I can remember is my Dad when I was young, like 8 or 9.

“Rahul walks up that hill perfectly, like an old man!”

And it was the Himalayan foothills, no joke.

since I’ve been born, I dont know why – but the outdoors, I’ve always loved greenery – nature, and the GREAT OUTDOORS!

Jungles, forests, beaches (even the ones with an “it”, hehe) – all of it.

I love oceans too!

Swimming in oceans, not for the faint hearted!

But most of all, even above my favorite “golden” beer, hehe – if I had to choose one?

HILLS, like I said in the email I just sent you.

I always have.

Vacationing, whether I’ve planned it or not, it’s always been hills.

Living, perhaps it’s no coincidence, and I dont believe in them anyway, that my China house has always had a hill right next to it.

Right next to it!

Sure, there have been plenty of factors that went into deciding my dream place to live – where I would enjoy the most.

But above all, and I thought after my daughter kept asking me that, the message KEPT coming if you get my drift …


And nothing, I repeat, nothing comes close to the Indian himalayas.

Not the Swiss Alps, not the Applachians, not the Rocky Mountains, nigh nothing.

The unique blend of culture and nature you’ll find there, the down to earth people, the great food and drink, the fauna, the forests, like NOWHERE else in the world.

It’s why I’ve always wanted to live in the North Eastern part of India as well, a part most claim is “under developed”.

The beauty though, my oh my, and I ain’t even talking girls. Hehe.

The beauty is BEYOND COMPARE!

Trust me on this one.

Oddly enough, India  as country in general, I’ve never lived there for most of my life!

But the Himalayas, Ive said it before, my favorite place to be, travel, live – and if you’re talking rock climbing, mountaineering and other outdoor activities – now THAT is the real deal right there, friend, and any serious mountaineer would be hard pressed to even TRY to disagree.

Yes, it probably isn’t the most convenient of places to live.

Yours truly doesnt compromise.

But the hills, the Himalayas are perhaps the only thing I’d compromise for!


Anyway …

In Advanced Hill Training, I teach you the right way to walk – on FLAT LAND.

But, there is a way to walk up HILLS too that I teach you – it’s not simply how you think it’s done.

There is a style to breathe when you do it.

There is way to first RUN up hills, then sprint – for optimal results, and fat loss.

From one that has been there, done that, with all the injuries, and despite his many jaunts to the lovely, pristine (sad people dont keep it that way – the litter, ugh! Why can’t people PICK up after themselves??) Indian himalayas … has not ever been to a “drinker’s paradise” Dhanaulti, heh …

Believe me I tell you the right way.

I give it to you from the HEART.

It was always meant to be that way!

And it is.

There is NO-one, I repeat, no-one, that can teach you how to work hills better into your daily fitness routine than I can.

No, the goal isn’t to make you a champ rock climber or mountaineer, though these routines will definitely get you the fitness required.

The goal is, friend, what YOU want i.e. to get in the best shape of your life – whether you have a hill around or not.

Check out Advanced Hill Training right now, my friend.

You’ll be glad you did!


Rahul Mookerjee

“Nobody, not one single person gives a shit about your tweets” …
- So said a Bozo, hehe.

I cannot find the exact Tweet on Twitter that he sent me, or I’d post it again here, come to think of it, I probably done posted it in other places before.

I dont know what it was about, I believe the usual “racism” bugbear. I was saying that while it’s an issue, it certainly ain’t as “black and white” as it’s made out to be.

In other words, we dont live in the Jim Crow era no more, and there’s plenty of fine folks – and racist folks – of ALL races, against all races, for all races, and so forth, and with all the minority empowerment BS going on (dont get me wrong, till a point it’s fine, but when you talk inducting four star female officers that are actually MEN into the military – then say it’s “diversity” – then it’s just CRAP is what it is. I mean, at least leave the military alone, real men fight wars, thats just how it is, how it was meant to be!) – it sometimes seem the minorities and illegals pouring in have the upper hand, an dhow.

Politics aside though, some idiot questioned me on it, I called him an idiot, and then of course, since he could not rebut it logically.

“No-one gives a single shit, not one single shit about your tweets, no matter how many hashtags you add to it. Time for you to crawl back under the rock you came out of!”

It was something like that. Hehe.

When I see trollish comments like that, much like with Bozo Schofield, it makes me laugh.

Amongst his numerous bizarre rants, one of his pet favorites?

“No-one buys your books!”

And then he left all his so called reviews… Hehe.

Best Christmas gift ever Glyn could have given me, not to mention he never gives any anyway, he’s so cheap, as Charles once said, “if you go out with Glyn, remember he NEVER pays, there’s always an excuse not to pay, you’ll be paying”.

As the Bozo was “trying to find an ATM” that one night we met along with his insane nonsense about “I like sucking hairy men” or what not – ugh – there was a reason right there, I just up and paid, not to mention I could care less, dinner was supposed to be for Charles, he was too drunk, so the Bozo showed up though I didnt want him there…

… Anyway, I paid, ran away from there on my own two legs as fast as I could at 4 AM in the morning without even waiting for the cabbie to show up. Hehe.

Anyway …

You might be surprised, friend, to know that when people talk rubbish like this – more people care than you think.

Let’s take Bozo’s example, obviously he cares, or he wouldn’t say what he did.

As for the other lunatic, obviously he cared too.


Then you have the silent majority (no, tons of likes dont mean someone cares or doesnt) – that – and this lot is GROWING by the day – that won’t say a word, whether they care or not.

Some of them are worried about how it will look, some say they dont care, but deep down inside they do care, everyone does, some are so called “too busy to reply”, but always on their dumbphones, but one lesson I’ve learned, done well, EVERYONE will read the written word, and smoulder silently (majority) – or get on your side asap (minority).

You either love me or hate me, thats how I LOVE IT, I’ve always been that way NATURALLY.

Anyway, the initial Buttjob blocked me shortly thereafter. Hehe.

And I dont know why I wanted to tell you all this, but when idiots, significant others included scream about “dont give yourself importance! No-one cares” – oh yes, they DO care.

They just dont or can’t SAY much.


Because, well …

Anyway – past this, something we all care about.

And perhaps why I brought this entire issue up.


And we’ve got several splendid rewards on this PAGE that will allow you to not just eat more and weigh less – but SPEND LESS – and get more STELLAR “Stella Artois of Fitness” fitness products.

I think thats why I wanted to say this in the first place, all these products I’ve been pushing out, so figured I’d push the rewards – yet again.

And remember – leave reviews, my friend.

They help us IMMEASURABLY.

I dont want five star or any star, though if its that it’s great – what I really want is honest, no “if you dont know what to write”, then just write that which comes to mind, or submit the review with “I dont know what to write”, and I’ll have it up anyway.

Please no excuses on that one!

Automatic 10% discount , by the way off your next purchase for everyone that does it i.e leave reviews, period …

OK, back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why most illnesses, weakness, ill health etc – are usually linked to the CORE, and a weak core in general.
- Nah, the six packs wont do it!

Thats yet another reason I laugh when I see the boobybuilder that cannot do a single “beginner”s hanging leg raise I teach you in Corrugated Core – or the advanced “clock” movement that will kill even advanced fitness trainees, Crossfitters, tri athletes and so forth in “Pull-ups – from STUD to super studs within WEEKS!” show off their beach boy chest and abs.

And a non existent back in most cases.

“Do you go to the gym? Your back is built!” 

Enough said, along with the movie star comments, I’ve got these all my life (so can you, by the way if you DO the thing).

But it’s funny, I just got done with an advanced 10 minute squatting session.

Without a single rep, static pose.

This morning I woke up with a a bit of the “sniffles”.

No, I didnt really have a cold, but it may have escalated into one.

Maybe it was the rich food I ate last night …

With me, I can notice changes instantly!

And with me, if my stomach – or core – has even a TINY issue, my entire BODY feels it.

Most people are of course so used to th e”blah!” feeling, that they think it’s normal, let alone the “get the core ready, you can handle ANYTHING!’ feeling that Herschel Walker once talked about – that feeling, along with the “legs pumping, CORE moving” way of walking I teach in Advanced Hill Training for one – is something most people have never had in their whole life, gym goers included.

Dont get me wrong, some gyms are good …

But anyway, those are the old school gyms – where was I – ah yes, core – after this squatting session?

I took a leak.

Nothing overdue or what not …

And my sinuses (or lack thereof), or the lungs, or what not – all OPENED UP.

No more cold, no more sniffling, nothing …

Thats why I call this the MAGIC pose.

Or, the patented Rahul Mookerjee squat.

It’s one of the great, great, isometrics I teach you in the book “Isometric and Flexibility Training“, a book everyone loves, and a book that is truly different from anything isometric related out there, and a book that produces results, a book that doesn’t even delve into the “pussssssssssssssh hard against the wall” – though to be frank, even if I said that, wouldn’t be nothing wrong with it, the Gama for one pushed against a tree! – but you’ll then have idiots saying “too simple” – so … – and …

… while I’ve outlined scores of benefits on the sales page, including health and digestion related benefit, I dont believe I’ve ever put sinuses and cold etc on there…

Dont get me wrong, this won’t miraculously cure 104 plus fevers.

But – MOST ailments, friend, are linked to the core.

A weak core, a weak you, a weak entire body.

And this isometric works the core in an unique way few others can.

Again, most people cannot even begin to DO ONE SECOND of this, so I advise you to go slow.

But, if you do the thing, you might be surprised at how quickly you come along!

My favorite isometric used to be a version of the Hindu pushup, another one mentioned in the book, and I still do that, dont get me wrong. I’m off to do it now.

But this isometric, my friend – if there was only ONE isometric you do, along with thick bar hangs, I’d recommend THIS one.


Though, I’ve got 51 others all jostling for your time and attention right HERE.

Come get some NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

Panic central continues…
- and...

… but before that, hehe.

I watched a movie online today. 2018 movie and a horror flick for one.

Horror flicks used to SOMETIMES spook me when young – till a point.

I remember my Dad once telling me “you can watch Dracula” but not letting my sister (four years younger) watch.

Of course, what he didnt know and I didnt either – and he still doesn’t – is my inbuilt pyschic abilities – those that have called people to rightly call me a seer.

Predictive abilities that I’ve talked about on this list so much.

Right down from when I used to sleep alone on the fifth floor in my grandfather’s house, always have a horribly spooky feeling going up the stairs – till last night, when I had the most predictive dream ever – which isn’t new for me, of course!

I predicted watching a movie, good luck – many other things – ALL of which came true, except in a way you’d never imagine. Most would get scared.

I didnt.

Reverse belief.

Anyway … in the movie, which was supposed to be horror, they had three gorgeous dames, and yours truly Lothario was more focused on the dames than getting scared – which I tried to but couldn’t.

Wasnt a bad movie – the horror etc would probably spook the average person.

Not me, caused me to sext a bit. Hehe.

Not even kidding you, and I ain’t either “gothic” or “necrophiliac” in that regard. ugh!

Anyway ……………….

Panic central continues, I just got notification from my “wife” that my daughter’s school wants her to fill up some COVID19 nonsense, some sort of declaration or what do they call it, whatever it is that absolves the school of any and all responsbility for anything – and a consent form, or what not.

Which it seems they sent a different version of the other day.

I told the wife, either get a fake one made or get the test done, whichever you want.

The daughter’s shit scared of the test, apparently a simple swab too. (though it works fine for anything else!).

My wife went into a hysterical fit when I even dared to bring up the fact all they really do is swab you with a Johnsons like swab. So long as it ain’t up the ass as China does it, I quipped – why would you care either way?

No way, she shrieked. They’re spreading it that way!

On the one hand weve got my parents who call me (along with most of the rest of the so called sane world, hehe – the sheeple) a loony tune.

For not believing that COVID is something one needs to take a vaccine for even if one doesnt want to.

For not believing all the panic central rubbish being put out there.

For thinking that this silly bio warfare wasn’t unleashed by the Chinese simply because of the virus.

The far more malignant virii – PANIC and FEAR were what they thought of in advance.

Anyway …

Mom got the vaccine, one of the first, promptly contracted COVID later.

Wife – well, you know her belief.

Daughter is being influenced by them, but she’s more of a “player” in that regard than anyone knows.

As for yours truly, the more I see people panickin, the more I laugh.

I’ll try and explain the bloody obvious to those that will listen, most dont …

Fine by me.

If you want to be part of the 99.9% panicky lot, by all means go ahead.

The rest of us, the sensible minority know the facts.

And that common sense if nothing else backs up all I say, have been saying, not just in this regard but any regard.

Thats why people follow me until the ends of the planet, because they know I’ll give it to them STRAIGHT, on point, say it like it is.

And like I’ve said so many times before, a Strong IMMUNE system and robust, CORRECT exercise is how you protect yourself against this, or any virus, period.

Start by building the right sort of bullet proof immunity against any sort of madness, both mental and physical by getting the Ulimate System in it – right HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You could wear a cross to protect yourself against evil, or you could jump up and down a 100 times, or you could sit quietly and think all day long.

It matters not.

Your BELIEF and corresponding thoughts are what create, nothing else.

And this plague, like Ive said from BEFORE day one was to sow panic to influence that belief.

Call me a crackpot if yo uwould. Hey, Claude Bristol was called that too, so I’ll definitely take it.

But research a bit on me, what I’ve got to say – my stellar track record on everything first, and then, and only then – draw your OWN conclusions.

What people don’t say is often more important than what they DO SAY.
- Amen!

Ask anyone what they want out of life, business, relationships etc – you’ll get the stock answers most likely – if at all.

It might sound amazing, but ask most people what they want – a clear, concise answer – either out of l ife or fitness, and you won’t get any – at least not right off the bat.

And most of the time, post the initial hesitation you’ll get the stock answers you already know.

“You see things very clearly!” was what Charles Mitchell, a great customer, one of many once told me.

That I do.

Not just in terms of my life, in terms of others, the world, predictions and so forth, and while I neither expect others to believe in my “mental ways” (though if you will, it will move mountains for you) – nor to become “seers” as I’ve often been called – I DO expect people to have a clear idea of their OWN lives.

Unfortunately, most people don’t.

And, its what people dont say is what really matters often times.

Look at most marriages on the surface for one, you’d think it was marital bliss, yet, delve a bit deeper into what both partners “really want” – what they “really think” – and you’ll find a cornucopia of dissatisfaction in most cases, and a yearning for more which is usually suppressed because “thats how it is”.

(and “what people will think” – thats more common than you’d thaaaaannnk (Southern English there, hehe).

And that “thats how it is” thinking is something I’ve never been satisfied with …

In terms of life, where people want to live etc – what they REALLY want out of life?

If you’d tell the average guy upfront in public what he really wants, for instance, is three gorgeous girls on him “on command” – hehe – he’d deny it until he’s blue in the face, then he’d go home and look it up on the internet!

Trust me, those hidden desires, wants, they fester, they never go away.

If you’re smart like Jeff Bezos and a few of us are, you realize that your dreams chase you, and you LET them do it.

Anyway, in terms of products etc, often times what people dont say is what really matters.

Unless they’re trolls like Glyn spreading negative nonsense for no reason …

But often times, you’ll have people wanting more, hoping for more, not necessarily being dissatisfied with a product, but wanting more …

… brings me back to that ole bugbear, REVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!


They’re that important I’ve even rejigged the entire system to send out MORE reminders on reviews.

As if you didnt get enough, I hear you saying.

But they’re never enough, hehe.

And a lot of people have still not taken action on the reviews.

Remember, friend, reviews help us immeasurably, they keep trolls away, YOU get a 10% discount on your next buy (flat discount code), you get a mention on the site, and more!

Beats me why more people aren’t leaving reviews.

So this is a call out (and no “I’ve stopped caring” doesnt cut it either) for reviews.

And of course, building the best fitness base is what matters FIRST – do so by investing in , and then DOING the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Once you start getting good at that, you go advanced!

And there’s more than enough I have to offer in that regard, hehe.

Here;s but ONE of those great, advanced courses, here’s another

Have at, folks.



Rahul Mookerjee

Why I always look back when reversing, why I prolly always will..
- It just works better that way, to be precise!

Until Jeff Bezos makes a robot to do it for us, heh.

Come to think of it, thats been there i.e. GPS and such, and what do they call it in cars now? You look at a damned screen and reverse, first it was look at the mirrors, then some software that tells you how to reverse…

I remember Carol in 2015, being SHOCKED when I looked back to reverse.

To “back up” ,for you guys from the US reading this. Hehe.

“But that not how to drive!”

I’ve heard these sort of idiotic moronic comments from all and sundry, my friend.

From a girl (Carol) who hadn’t even driven out of the city in like 8 years despite her husband at the time gifting her a Ford SUV for her birthday – first time she did it was with me.

Second time, that infamous “get in the car” and drive 18 hours in China, and repeat over the National Day holiday, something even experienced drivers wouldn’t do – except yours truly has done it in India, which is even tougher “baptism by fire” – especially in them Himalayas, and those long 20 hour Florida drives in America which felt literally pedestrian in comparison – tho you gotta watch out for them DEERS!


Or, cops issuing tickets or what not in the middle of the road, I Still remember a certain patrolman jumping out of the way at 2 am in the morning, we were roaring back from Alabama to MS, I was pissed the girlfriend wanted to take a detour, we got lost, despite her knowing I’m like her grandfather who once he DECIDES on an itenary, he does NOT veer from it – she wanted to because of the “white sands beach” or some nonsense (admittedly beautiful, but we had a long drive back from Crystal Springs!) … and hey, I had the car under control, but I WAS barrelling along at damn near 140, hehe, on a 120 road! So I dont blame the trooper, better safe than sorry, hehe.

I had the jitters though when a cop car pulled up behind me, lights flashing.

“Baby, I told you not to speed”, went the ex!

The cops disappeared just that miraculously.


Also reminds me of the time I drove a car – literally – into the ditch on the side of the highway trying to get to Waffle House.


Dr Lamar, my “mentor” of sorts in school in life (he tried to be, at least) if nothing else, and his daughter… I’ll always remember ’em.

The good Doc always full of life and joie de viovre till the end – until theplague took him.

And his daughter, admittedly far crankier, lupus and a host of other medical issues took her, but she had a good heart.

Where was I .

Ah yes, how to drive.

Look, fella.

Right from the time my friend in class, I forgot his name NOW “JOhn” actually, hehe, with a big tummy that when I poked it he told me to “behave” (this was a STRONG dude though, believe me) told me when I was practising on his truck in the US.

“Take care of whats in front of you, if someone hits your butt, thats their problem”.

Luckily Glyn Bozo wasn’t around, he’d have jumped to do just that!

Poor Brum, all the traffic accidents there.

And clogged up plumbing, dont know if they finally removed the berge?

But anyway (or Bozo) but anyway ….

Look, looking back when you reverse is the way to do it, my friend.

And Dr Lamar agreed.

Mirrors dont always give you an accurate picture, he’d always say.

Neither do all these fancy softwares, I’d add on.

Maybe that robot will change thy tyre someday, when you have a flat (thankfully with the tyres out these days, the ole “nail in tyre” occurences are reducing) …

But even then, I’ll look back when I’m backing up, its just he right way to do it, it just feels right!

When you move backwards, and there is a person behind you – lets say youre doing some of my Advanced Hill Training workouts, you look back, right?

Especially with idiotic girls on their dumbphones that they’re so engrossed in an 18 wheeler would have to move around them, of course, it’s all your fault!

But looking back, unless you’re driving an 18 wheeler which yes, I’ve done – or an U haul, yes, done that many a times – is the way to go, my friend.

Might make me a fuddy duddy and an “anachronism” from the past, but so be it.

Anyway, dont know why I Felt compelled to share that?

Maybe because I was thinking of Dhanaulti in India, a place I’ve never been to, but would love to, it has the feel to it (just ask a certain “Ravi Kant”, hehe).

Whisky in the Indian HImalayan afternoons, winter at that …

I dont know, you gotta do it to feel it, it’s just indescribable that part of the world, it will always be my favorite place in the whole world.

You gotta go there to feel it!

And do some 0 Excuses Fitness there too, my friend.

Trust me, feels different out there on them REAL HILLS!


Rahul Mookerjee