Bender Blowfield alert – he asks – should I be calling him a Bozo? “Because according to him he’s not”
- A shining example of (ass)inine sh-ogic ...

Bender Blowfield, Bender Blowfield …

Actually, this time he showed up without me calling him at all.

Much like the unwanted pest he is, one of his emails slipped through to an address I haven’t monitored for a while, and am now, but guess what.

As opposed to his usual looney tune ranting, Dr Jekyll is back.

For how long only the Bozo knows, but his email subject.

Kindly remove the posts saying I am a racist, drug dealing person who stalked Kate and cheated Charlie Bandana the third.

I goggled a while.

Did I ever call the Bozo a “dealer”?

Certainly not, hehe. Even that sorta thing requires “some brains” – the only brain the Bozo has is when he’s licking you know what and when he’s snorting you know what and drinking you know what.


But racist he is, stalking this “Kate” he did and does, and cheating his friends and Charles in particular, and many other gullible women he did, does and is currently DOING.

The bozo on the LAM, as it were. He’s got a court case pending against him for drunk driving too from what I heard.

And he wouldn’t last a second in jail, as I once told him “back in the day”, and he KNOWS it. Hehe.

Pansies rarely do.

But anyway, THIS was his real gripe.

You keep referring to me as a bozo and drug user yet I am neither as I study post graduate at Oxford University and have my own business which is clearly doing well.

Goggle time for sure.

God help Oxford the day they start admitting nutjobs and looney tunes like this Schofield who lives in a parallel Universe of madness.

As for his own business, clearly the scamming isn’t going that well, but the trolling is, hehe – from a certain standpoint, though even thats spectacularly backfired in the real world.

Now, why do I bring this up?

The nth episode of the Glyn files?

Well, not to give you an update on him so much as point out the non – existent logic behind his garble, and what parallel does this have to and with fitness?

In came a comment the other day from some guy in merry ole “Brighton” …

(He asked about – well, you got it. Why “Pushup Central” was “so expensive”).

I gave him the reasons I give you and politely suggested he go elsewhere if it was “too expensive”.

“Last, but not least, if this is too much for you, I completely understand – no problem!”

I thought that was the end of that, but then I get this (another longish note, but I’m pasting part of it)

“Really, mate. Why should I be doing more pushups? No brother matey, pushups are easy, I can easily do 10 of them at one go, and can more if I want to. Everyone knows bodyweight exercises are just for conditioning. The bench press is the doozey. Thanks, but no thanks, and take care. 

  • M from Brighton (ah, but we got there)”

Prime example of NON logic.

And unfortunately all too familiar these days.

Look, dude, if you’re saying bodyweight builds “only endurance”, so – WHAT?

Even if that were to be true, what do people need the MOST these days?


Wackos out there that complain about this sort of thing wake up tired, come home tired, STAY tired during the day – tired, irritable, and cranky, and even their trolling and dumb ass comments backfire because they dont have the brains to do even that right, and truth be told, their fitness is NON existent.

this holds true for NON-BOZOS as well.

So even if the “just conditioning” were to be true, so what?

But it’s not.

Lets see, it don’t build strength?

Lets see you do 25 “extended arm pushups”, bro, and tell me how you feel.

Lets see you do ONE handstand pushup, and tell me how you feel.

Do just FIVE of my patented fingertip pushups, and tell me how you feel , bro.

Truth is, the person who espouses this sort of logic and garbage is usually fat, stupid, slovenly and CANNOT do what I ask people to do in any of my books (Pushup Central being the one spoken about here) – and CAN -and WILL benefit big time from the exercises therein if they shut their YAP and start DOING.

Same thing for Animal Kingdom Workouts, Isometric and Flexibility Training, Corrugated Core, and the like.

Any of my products.

Those that complain about them – well – that sort of “logic” is what they use.

And while I rarely address that sorta garbage in these emails, preferring to focus on fun Bozos (not, hehe) – I had to today.

Hopefully “M” is reading this, because I did NOT respond to him personally, as this sort of garbage just pisses me off beyond compare.

And then I laugh about it, and all is well with the world.

But really, I’m sure you’ll see a rant from him coming up soon as well. . .

In the meantime though, if you haven’t already be sure and pick up Pushup Central now – truly the best course on pushups ever – and truly “brutally effective” as another customer wrote it in to say.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pull-up compilation right here (goes great with pushups as does jumping rope).

Why CUSTOMER experience (and results, obviously) are “Jeff Bezos” style ultimately what COUNT
- in any sphere of life!

John, a great customer of mine from the UK once told me that he couldn’t understand for the life of me why the wankers wanked up a storm about “prices” for my products.

The entire email is there on this on the front page of this site, but he basically likened – and he was right – the experience to being that of dining out at a 5 star restaurant with food prepared by a top grade chef. “Michelin” as he told me. 

And he was spot on!

“I cannot belly ache about price later”, he wrote (he was referring to the Bozo – Bozos, of course).

And again – he was right!

As he said, the experience I offer anyone that buys my products, right down to the quality of the product, the uniqueness of the workouts, the CUSTOMER SERVICE I provide – indeed, how many people reply directly to those who BUY (I’m continually amazed at folks that do NOT) – and many other things, my friend . . .

Ben Settle the great copywriter once mentioned the following in one of his emails.

“If you could make giving your money business as much fun as having sex, think of how many customers would WANT to do so!”

I’m paraphrasing, but thats the gist!

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that for 0 Excuses Fitness – then again, I dont know!

MOst days, I’d rather the stretches from Isometric and Flexibility Training than “getting it on”!

That might be just me, I dont know.

But again, Animal Kingdom Workouts does more for your “little brother” than Viagara ever could, and WILL turn you into the bedroom stud that Schofield never was, and never will be, and that women want.

“Maybe she wants something more than your tongue in her …” was what Charles told Glyn once.

(Charles is probably wondering how I knew that, given that was a private conversation.

LOL. Much like the CCTV I have of the Bozo, I got eyes everywhere brah!)

He was right, hehe.

No-one wants a freak -el-supremo all day long badgering them for inane rubbish like the Bozo does all day long, hands wanking away furiously at his non existent you know what-let.

But anyway, I was chatting with my lovely wife who was complaining about two things as usual.

One, price. Apparently the beauty parlor has jacked their rates up big time.

And two, she tried a new place, and it was terrible.

After the initial complaint about price, she went on for above five minutes about how they used “chocolate wax” (whatever that is) that darkened her skin, ripped off hair in a nasty manner, how the damn place was unhygenic, how the fans were dripping dust, and other such things.

And at the end of it all, after a good ear workout, I interrupted.

“Its not so much about price, as customer experience”, I laughed.

“No” she started.

“yes. If they provided you good service, were clean etc, you wouldn’t feel guilty or bad for spending the money!”

(no prizes for guessing whose).

(and no prizes for guessing that a certain Bozo begs women for … ah, but lets drop the Bozo for now but it’s so much fun, honestly!).

More fun to mention the Bozo than sex, hehe.

But anyway, THAT is the point.

And THAT is why I cannot (and my DOERS cannot either) stand wankers complaining about price etc.

Come get it, bro – truly the BEST for the BEST!


Rahul Mookerjee

Get the external – by unlocking the internal.
- Be flowing, my friend.

Water, my friend flows.

It’s gentle, isn’t it?

You wouldn’t think that though if we were talking “Nia Ja Ra Pu Pu” for one.

No, Glyn, we ain’t talking p-oo chutes here either.

Pu Pu is the Mandarin word for waterfall.

And you wouldn’t think “gentle” if thought tsunami?

Gently, my friend, is how you exert MAX force beyond what you and anyone thought possible, and brings results into your own sphere of life you never ever DREAMED OF – quite literally dreams come true x 100.

The key, my friend is mental.

Mental effort is the toughest effort, as Henry Ford often said “thinking is the hardest job”, in his words.

It is also a truism that without your body being fully relaxed, unlocked etc, you just CANNOT get into flow.

Not full flow, at least.

If you’re aching, cranky, feel like “your too bloated” – “legs hurt” – thighs cramp – or what not … guess what.

Mental visualization may or may not put you in the zone.

But it will never get you to MAX flow levels, or anywhere close to it.

Now, lots of you will be thinking “Isometric and Flexibility Training” here.

With great and good reason, and that “he’s pimping his stuff yet again”.

Right on, on both fronts, but the reason for this email isn’t (or the main one) really any of the above.

It is, but its not the whole tale.

Often times, and what happened now while doing pullups was my joints cracked.

This is happening more and more these days, as I do MORE isometrics the way Alexander Zass, the Great Gama and Bruce Lee etc were famed for doing.

The simple stuff, yes.

But my ANKLES cracking when doing pull-ups?

Believe me, I dont think thats happened to most people?

Focusing on the triceps when doing pull-ups, and feeling my “sides” crack?

I dont think thats happened either – trust me – when it does – you’ll feel loose and limber as an acrobat – a tiny female Chinese one at that!

Point really, is this.

One, that I’v emade and will continue to make until enough people get it, and even then, that pull-ups ain’t all upper body.

They are at the beginner stage which most people never get past, let alone master.

But they’re about LEGS Too – and HIPS – much like pushups, except people don’t think of pull-ups as either cardio or “legs/hip” work.

Big, big mistake.

And in “Pull-ups from Stud to Super Stud within WEEKS“,  I show you “why”.

(No, I am not going to run after you on my elbows crawling through broken glass either to “convince” you to buy it – if you want it, come get it bro. IT’s right HERE!)

The real reason I mention this?

The feeling of abundance, and what you want FLOWING to you – like WATER! 

And wearing down any rock that might be left.

Super fitness? You got it – if you “unlock from the inside out” first. 

Money? Relationships? More opportunities?

Again, unlock from the inside FIRST, my friend.

You might think this is all hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo, but it’s all more scientific than you can ever imagine NOW.

Try to do so my friend, and unlock your body today – from the inside out.

You will be blown away – – trust me on that one.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – For a great little motivational read for doers (this is another one the Bozo trolled – the picture of me relaxing in front of the ocean while money “poured in” but more importantly PEACE OF MIND did) – go here – Zero to Hero!

All true stories!

Why you should listen to this “head wanker”
- Sage, hehe. One for the ages ... road!

So back in the day, I believe I mentioned Dongguan Expat a bunch of times, and I believe I mentioned the website, and of course good ole Uncle Bob.

“Michael, Bob and Rahul”, as the “head wanker” often referred to us as – in that order.


Now, for reference, there was tons of behind the scene politics going on.

Michael and Rahul were always at loggerheads – the former indirectly and directly, and yours truly always brazenly direct. No beating around the bush on that for me!

Uncle Bob, the “silent” third party, along with a fourth I won’t mention here, but he and “Mikey” didnt get along either apparently.

Hey, it happens.

Faults on both sides and such . . .

And one of the notes he sent me was this.

“Don’t tell him because I dont want him to start jumping up and down”.

(It was a business deal …)

And he finished off with this …

“The General, The Pope, The Self appointed head wanker … “

Now, the specifics of the deal aren’t important.

(The “Pope” part was some so called charity the General was doing to get his site “on the front page of that charity” or some rubbish, replete with all the right pictures as well. Certainly not me quietly giving functional laptops away and declining the certificate they offered for it!)

No, China Charlies for those reading with memories stretching back to back in the day does NOT come into this.

But China Charlies aside, it was interesting the way he said it, and he was right.

The General had sort of “appointed himself” the ringleader in many ways, hehe.

But anyway, point of me bringing this up?

Is that I’m no “holier than you “saint, my friend.

I’m honest – brutal – and what I do and say WORKS.

I still take a crap every morning though, and it often stinks.

I still drink beer by the gallon I’d say . . . or truck load. I love it!

And I still indulge in many other things you on this list love to.

Point being, I’m no different except in one regard from the vast majority of people out there.

I decided what I wanted to get.

I pictured it. Decided I WOULD GET IT NO MATTER WHAT.

Then  I went out there, and GOT IT.

And now, I’m teaching YOU.

The THIRD line is where most of the Bozos and non doers out there fail.

What do I mean?

Well, here’s a comment I received from a certain (interestingly enough, even his name is Charles – that makes three, hehe. GOod things come in three’s??) reader of 0 Excuses Fitness (he got just the book, not the videos) …

Its a good read, but way too intense. I come home from work and am always tired. My wife is complaining and nagging the whole day, and after office I dont have really have any energy to do it.

In the mornings I have to drop my child off at pre-school, and then need to rush to work. I dont have so much time as you say.

He then complained about “my legs ache after work”, and “my back is always sore”, and “I wish I didnt have so much work to do”, and other rubbish stuff.

When I read this … there was MORE I ain’t revealed here (I think he’s from the UK too, I’m not sure?) – I was SHOCKED AND GOBSMACKED.

But then again, not really. Gotta be honest. I wasn’t shocked at all.

This, my friend, is a typical LOSER.

Complains, whines and moans about the very things I told you NOT to in the 10 Commandments of Physical (and LIFE) Success, with REAL EXAMPLES.

And this, my friend is exactly why you listen to the “head wanker” here – yours truly. Because I’m the same as you – but theres that one thing, or a group of things I AM BETTER at than most people.

One of them happens to be fitness, bro.

I can get you fitter as a fiddle, stronger than a human gorilla or part ape -and get you that six pack or corrugated core you’ve always wanted – on one condition.

That you DO what I say, and suspend so called disbelief.

Yes, it will work – if you let it.

So to those reading this looking to lose your spare tyres – go right HERE, bro.

Truly the very best in fat burning – SMELTING – there is out there.

Write back and let me know how you do!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And don’t be a whining, sniveling loser. Everyone’s got problems, pally. Face up to em, and be a MAN for once in your life. (this holds true for Bozo Schofield wanking around on his ‘puter as well).

I’m waiting for the next email from him which tells me to “be a man”.

LOL. This guy truly is an ass clown for the ages.

When repeating a lie enough times doesn’t necessarily make it true
- Including if Hannibal Lecter does it.

Cometh the latest sign up for the Bozo … (one he did a week or so ago, except I’m only now noticing it in “junk”).

The Bozo pollutes my junk damn near every morning, hehe, but not that JUNK.


Junk in the trunk though is something the Bozo is very familiar with in many ways, and indeed relishes.

But the latest sign up?


And he’s been spreading this lie ever since he was called out for spreading the racist memes he did about me.

Chuck being the “friend” or former friend, whatever the status is on that “Charles”.

Last night, I was thinking.

If other Bozos would listen to this Bozo and they no doubt do, a small “Seed” of doubt would be planted in their mind given how many times he repeats the same damn thing.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (in this case) are idiots par excellence, but they do have one skill – use their bipolar syndrome to manipulate and trick others. Remember, even I almost fell for his “Glyn needs help woe betide me” speil, and yours truly isn’t fooled easily!

But anyway, the Bozo’s constant refrain, both publicly and privately is that “Charles” spread the memes. And created them.

Somehow, I dont think so …

Sure, Chuck may have had a quiet chuckle at the memes, as he may have agreed privately with some of it (which if he did is an abhorrent way to think, but hey – free world!) . . . beyond that though?

As he told me, being a wechat troll isn’t exactly one of his areas of expertise.

I’m inclined to believe him NOW, as I did back then.

It’s about FEELING.

And I didnt get that sorta feeling from “Chuck” when I met him.

True, the other stuff I’ve brought up about him (his “S.O.” implicitly accusing me of cheating them – which is nonsense for the reasons specified before i.e. receipts etc were all sent and offered to them for everything, and they declined) and him not telling me about the memes that Glyn sent to him has probably irreparably ruined the relationship, which is sad, but thats how it is sometimes.

But creating the memes is something the Bozo himself did.

No matter how much he whines and moans to the contrary about it, hehe.

And this brings me to my central point.

That ole Claude Bristol chant I speak of so often … or should I say “piece of advice”!

I have many interests in life, my friend.

I’m a man of “fine tastes” if you get my drift. Extravagant even if you’re talking some things like beer and women!


But my computer? The desktop background?

Is plain ole black, with an old faded picture of the great Bristol in the center.

“Repetition of the same chant, the same affirmations, the same incantations leads to belief – and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen”.

The Bozos though would do well to remember that while Hitler may have fooled the masses with this and the “reign of terror the Gestapo” spread – the Bozo is not the Gestapo for one – he’s a joke “par excellence” who I quite enjoy, to be honest, and two – I’ve been dealing with this “repetition of lies” all my life.

A lesser person might be taken in. Lots of the fools the Bozo has trolled went away in tears.

If he expected that from me, which he did, he truly is a moron par excellence.

Which of course he is, as a customer recently said.

(He was referring to Bozo ” I blew the skin off the bananas on the Hockey Field” Blowfield Schofield).
(entire email on the other site).
If all that you care about is whether or not a book has any kind of errors, then you’re not really interested in the book and what it can teach you, you’re just an agenda driven moron who’s got nothing better to do with your time.
RM – So true, my friend. The Bozo though wouldn’t read books if they were handed to him on a platter (it takes away from his dumbphone/beer time).
And the Bozo doesnt buy things. Remember, as the “friend” Charles once said, if you go out with Glyn, remember he’ll eat and drink all he wants, but he’ll NEVER EVER PAY.


The night I went out with the Bozo (before he revealed his true colors) – I found out this was so true, not only for dinner, but drinks too. The dinner was actually for Charles, but he was “indisposed” at the time so I invited the Bozo. Bad choice, hehe.


He gave me some rubbish about “not being able to find an ATM” or something, I was like, whatever, and I just paid the entire damn tab anyway. What a joker, hehe.


So books – he might buy some blueflame $0.99 specials – and definitely a lot of the “white powder” with Mommy’s Amex card (I saw the name Schofield on it, but I didnt see “Glyn”) . . . but he certainly doesn’t buy any real books, and doesn’t know much about how to read either. HA!


And you’re right. He does have “loads of time” stuck in Mommy’s basement doing exactly “F all” (he wrote this in an email to me once).


While the rest of us, including yours truly continually amaze others with how we can keep putting out so much great and stellar stuff, batting the Bozos away and so forth . ..
Rahul, if you choose to put this to use:-  This is my message to all the arseholes out there that deliberately write bad agenda driven reviews in the hope that people will believe what you say and not make a purchase just because “you say” it’s not worth it.
Give it up, you’re fooling no one but yourselves if you think that people cannot see through your obvious bias and know that you’re full of shit!!!
Amen, my friend – amen – and I did choose to put it to use – twice, actually. 😉

Now, where am I headed with this latest piece on the Bozo yo umight ask.

Well, first off, I wanted to clear Charles’s name a little. . . I mean, if the dude hasn’t done something, then he ain’t done it. It’s that simple.

And I dont take kindly to Bozos mooching off him, stealing thousands of pounds from him, and …

But really speaking, here is the point.

The gyms, my friend, have been repeating a lie “ad infinitum” over and over again for so long that the masses have BOUGHT into it.

The gyms have been feeding us the spiel of “you need machines and retarded ones at that, and hefty weights” to get fit and strong, and stay there.

The gyms, my friend, have been feeding us nice little commercials with pretty babes running on treadmills with their coffee mugs, lattes, and smartphones, and claiming to burn fat when they barely work up a sweat at ALL.

The gyms, my friend, have been BRAINWASHING us to believe that the heavier and heftier weights you lift, the better off you are.

All of this, my friend, is utter and absolute HOGWASH, and the repeated injuries, repeated muscle pulls – repeated evidence that HARDCORE, REAL WORLD training with your bodyweight is where it’s at – evidence that isn’t “sold” in snazzy packets far outweighs the rubbish above.

To end this –

If you can do pull-ups for reps, you’re far stronger in every regard, and far FITTER with LESS FAT – or almost non existent – around the ole tummy than the beer pounding Bozos and monkeys using the machines at the gym.

Handstand pushups do a far, far better job of building upper body strength than the most idiotic bench press ever could HOPE TO.

Grip and leg training are – I repeat, are – JUST AS important as BREATHING, not “second to it”.

And more.

And last, but certainly not least, your OWN bodyweight – whether you weigh a ton or 100 kgs or 60 – is enough to give you the workout of your life.

Don’t believe me?

Well, stop talking and DO.

Let’s see you get on the workout system in the Rolls Royce Fitness System (the last of the 5 videos) NOW, my friend.

Lets see if you can even walk after that.

And more.

Jump on this now, my friend. Truly the best investment you can make fitness wise.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, the advanced book on pull-ups is another must have. It contains variations that will torch not just he entire upper body, but the LEGS Too on some of the variations. A must grab – do so NOW.

In short you truly will turn into a STUD that Bender Blowfield and the rest “salivate” after, hehe. Not a nice thought that, but the “stud” part might be!

Bender Blowfield, Bender Blowfield ..

It’s almost like calling a docile little puppy, hehe. I call, and he shows up, like a rabbit, teeth bared (non existent stained teeth).

Anyway, to finish all this off, here is a review on Animal Kingdom Workouts – one of my best books ever.

This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.

Mastery of one’s own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.

Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.

People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.

Get this book now, my friend.

(and if you’re thinking price on this one, I’m sorry to say it, but you’re a fool. This truly is never seen before info, certainly not in the excellent format I’ve put it in, and you’d be nuts not to jump and grab this NOW).

Bozo Bunny Schofields, spare tyres (he has ’em for sure, hehe) – spin wizards – and MORE!
- INDEED, my friend.

You cricket lovers on this list have no doubt heard of the spin genius back in the day from Australia, Shane Warne.

And you’ve no doubt heard of the batting wizard from South Africa Daryll Cullinan, who oddly enough didnt have as long as a career as he should have …

But he was a genius, waving wizard like bat and such, and yet?

He was Warnes BUNNY.

Big time.

Shane pretty much just walked up to the bowling crease, and you could tell – flipper, wrong un, google, or plain ole spin, and the Bunny (Cullinan) would be walking back to the pavilion, usually for NOT al ot of runs, if at all. Hehe…

Of course, Sachin Tendulkar got the better of Shane, and he reportedly had nightmares about him, so I suppose it all comes around!

But the Aussie team of yore was LEGEND.



And if there ever was a bunny right now in the UK, it is Bozo Schofield.

No matter what he does, he can’t escape being Rahul Mookerjee’s BUNNY.

A pet bunny I toy with all the time, hehe.

He thought he was a master at ruining people’s lives, and yet, the poor dude himself is ruined now (not due to me, but his other antics).

But I have great fun with his trolling.

And so does my list, for whom he produces more than a daily chuckle!

Anyway, bunnies aside, my wife does a great “bunny version” of a workout – so I heard.

Apparently sprinting around the room with kid in tow on the waist is what is going on these days, and being the kid is almost Mama’s height, and has BRUTAL shoulders like Daddy,and the forearms (already) of a CHAMP FIGHTER – BOXER! (to boxo Bozo noses, hehe) … it’s tough on her!

She made the comment about “you’re not a tyre!”

And of course, this brought to mind two things.

One, the numerous spare tyres around the Bozo’s waist expanding, but there’s not much we can do about that, hehe.

That massive paunch BE groweth as we speaketh. I wish I had known him in colleg e- I once did a meme on a website about mammoth paunches, and submitted it to good ole Dr B for our annual project!

True story, hehe. No wonder I ended up with a B, though the site was certainly one of the best.

“Too gross”, said the grader.

Which explains Schofield to a T. Gross indeed!

But the other thing?

A workout from the ages that is anything BUT A BUNNY WORKOUT.

It’s real man workouts, that Walter Peyton, Herschel Walker, and Rahul Mookerjee – and more DOERS and REAL MEN over the ages have done, and CONTINUE TO DO!

That being, TYRE SPRINTS!

Uphill ones at that.

Think they’re easy – try ’em!

And if you’re an idiot that claims big people can’t sprint as well as “skinny girls” can – well – you’re not big – you’re FAT.

It’s about muscle, and yes, big people can do ’em just as well!

Anyway, tyres, as opposed to spare tyres WILL be in that upcoming book on training with implements “Lumberjack Fitness“.

For now though, I’ve got just the thing for you sprint wise.

And it will get you in teh best shape of life – jaguar like, lean, stealthy and MEAN!


Get your ROAR on here!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Don’t forget to pick up Corrugated Core here.

What Kamala (not Harris) can teach you about LOSING WEIGHT
- Heh - this is sure to offend. I'm loving it!

You Nazi feminists reading this and “Biden lovers” are gonna hate this one, but I’m going to say it anyway.

And no, it ain’t about Kamala Harris VP either.

It’s about Kamala the old WWE wrassler, but oddly enough – that dude is “Harris” too!

A different Harris, of course, not “LU Harris” (I’m not going to explain what it is, but Bozo Schofield knows what “legs…” means).

(He does it all the time)

And no, I did not create those memes on her.

(As the Bozo himself says, lol)

I just think it’s apt and appropriate given how she got to the top.

No, it’s not all women either Nazi feminisits. LOL.

But anyway …

Remember ole Kamala?

He’d slap his tummy as he came into the ring, and it was hilarious – the massive paunch, rivaled only by Glyn Bozo of BIrmingham’s mammoth belly would shake, wiggle, jelly fish up and down …

And we as kids loved it, especially the tribal music playing!

But anyway, great dude!

The WWE back in the day was sheer bloody GENUIS!

Sheer effing genius, I was gonna say and have said it now – hats off – again – Vinnie Mac!

But anyway, I was chatting with my lovely wife the other night about things.

The Korean soap operas I’ve been saying she’s watching are apparently not soaps.

They’re apparently some educational something, which I dont quite believe, but perhaps they are – I dont know – I dont know the s of soap. All I know is the Bozo loves bending for it, hehe.

(before he gets deported to infest you know where).

But one of the things she told me?

“Massage tricks!”

Apparently they teach how to massage.

And given what I’ve written for years about slapping and massaging, and prodding and poking, and what she told me she’s doing NOW – she’s picked up on a few of these things as well.

Probably from the ole videos and dumbphone, I wouldn’t know.

But its hilarious, given the Bozo trolling me saying “your wife is tired of English” and yet, the opposite happens. LOL.

Actually she loves the English lessons back when I did give ’em to her.

Giving to her is something the Bozo never quite “Mistressed”.

Anyway, I can’t stop laughing. This guy is truly a GIFT from heaven, but on that note?

Much like bouncing and burning I wrote about in the last email, SLAPPING the fat and making it shake DOES have an impact, but …

… its nowhere near what youd think it is.

If you think all you gotta do is what the lovely Chinese massueses do (I’ve got some great memories there I shared on another site, hehe. NSFW) i.e. “gently slap and wiggle” the fat around your tummy around … well, youre sadly mistaken my friend.

And if you think you could NEVER slap yourself silly, for one, and still lose weight like crazy – your spot on, bro.

Spot on!

Move aside mamsy pamsy Asian what not of “slap and lose” or what not.

The Bozo likes getting slapped by women sure, but us real men train the REAL way.

And then we might “slap” the last shreds of fat away, but really speaking our workouts do it for us …

Anyway, enough on that. I’m offf to do a workout from Barnstormer Shoulders.

Ya know, the part human, part gorilla workouts …

But before that, HERE are the two course that will slap the fat away like there is no tomorrow.

Jump rope Mania!

Advanced HIll Training!

Animal Kingdom Workouts. 

Get your “luvin” on now, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – More on Bozo Butt Scho later, but he’s truly a GIFT. LOL!

Why ya’ll PULL-ups lovers and champs need to get the “super stud” book on pull-ups – NOW!
- Yes Sir!

Well, in a word – it truly IS the bomb.

But you on this list know it – lots of you – more than four off the top of my head, actually have MENTIONED that you want the book on pull-ups – but have yet not “gotten it” due to whatever reason.

Pull-ups, from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS is what it’s called, and for a damn good reason. You truly WILL turn into a chest thumping STUD at pull-ups – and an overall MEGA BEAST once you get this book (and start DOING).

It is a book that I haven’t marketed a lot, but it’s one of the REAL GEMS – the TRUE jewel in that CROWN of books I’ve written … one of the real BIG DOGS as it were.

Never good putting something like this off, my friend. There are “some things”, even fitness wise you can put off – but when it comes to pull-ups if I were you, I’d GRAB everything there is now “because there truly is no tomorrow” if you get what I mean.

And of course, like Pushup Central, it’s a book that the trolls have whined about a lot -including a certain Bozo Schofield, and here is the lovely “sh-view” he left on the book (without buying it, of course, hehe).

This one is review #1 in the upcoming book on trolls, and how they truly make you “laugh all the way to the bank” in some cases!

Lots of people “wilt” under troll attacks, or any attacks.

Yours truly doesn’t.

Attack back x 1000 has always been my mantra.

And it’s x 10,000 now!

And PULL-UPS are part of the reason why! That might sound amazing, but we’ll get into that below (and thats yet another reason to do – NOW!).

The author claims to share how he can be a stud, I thought I would try it.

RM – LOL. A stud with man boobs that hang down to his waist, a mammoth belly that makes me wonder how he ever WALKED with, and the only exercise this stud does is scratch his paunch when he wants another beer. (which he ususally does NOT pay for). 

The Bozo, that is, in case you were wondering – and believe me, I’ve met him. I know. LOL. 

My days would start at 3am with me walking 20 miles a day, and doing 25 laps of the swimming pool at the complex.

RM – In your coke induced hallucinations, pal. And in your dreams. In reality the only walking the Bozo did was from “el threadbare dancing monkey couch” to the throne – or the balcony on his 11th floor “one room palace” from where he’d toss down beer bottles and “indulge with women of ill repute” as it were, and got notices issued by the management all the time to that effect. 

“Glyn throws bottling down”.

But I will give it to him. He did at least have enough gumption to read the “Free” preview Amazon gives, and he copied and pasted the part about the swimming pool from there. LOL Again. 

The rest of the time, I was doing volunteer work or working with the local authorities.

RM – I pity then. I truly do! 

I was just a typical Tom Tom!

RM – You know whats hilarious? “Tom tommer” was something I never once called the Bozo, yet he thought I did. LOL. Tom Tommer was something I was calling the so called China business experts without a dime to their name and living on their girlfriends and wives and the ESL “gurus” who are much in the same boat, but the Bozo? I’ve always called him a BOZO, but he apparently picked up on this too. LOL once more! 

I wanted to be a stud like Rahul who has no friends or sex life.

RM – More self projection here, since the Bozo’s “sexy” life consists of begging to put tongues where the sun don’t shine, but yes, he DID send me several emails under the nick of “Arthur” something claiming that “you’re a good looking dude, and get plenty of tail, teach me how to get some”. 

Some things even the Bozo can’t ignore. I still remember him badgering me about “how many girls asked for my WeShat on the hill out there today”- ugh. 

But he DOES want to be a stud with that X shape to his back, those V shaped lats, the flat abs … don’t we ALL? 

(This book caused his heart to go into a flutter) – Advanced Hill Training

Some of us do it. The rest chatter, yammer, and troll about it. No prizes for guessing which category the Bozo falls into. 

Sure enough, the book was utterly drivel. I asked for my money back but Rahul launched into a campaign of threats.

RM – I wonder what threats I issued. As for money back, this is probably the stupidest thing ever to say, unless the Bozo thinks I own Amazon. Given the recent comparison to Jeff Bezos (implicit) a customer made for me (a real customer, and a great guy!) – its hilarious to see the trolls picking up on it too. 

He is obviously a loner and we hope he will get help.

RM – He did get the “lone wolf” part right. Hehe. And yet, this lone wolf is badgered up and down for his secrets damn near daily … interesting huh?

Before we look at this idiocy (or actually, since I’ve addressed it above you HAVE now), here is a bit on Amazon reviews (and I was chatting about this to a great customer of mine the other day who was asking just how the heck Amazon allowed such trolls to not just “stay” but thrive and prosper as it were).

(and again, here is the link for the advanced book on pull-ups – get it NOW –

From the Amazon help page on customer reviews . . .

Who can write customer reviews?

Anyone with an active buying account who’s in good standing with the Community can write reviews. It doesn’t matter if the customer bought the item, received it as a gift, or borrowed it for a weekend. If they want to write a review of an item, they’re welcome to use this feature.

I guess that explains the reason behind the “Bozo” reviews. It seems absolutely unbelievable that a great company like Amazon whom I otherwise admire would allow people who haven’t even bought a product to review it – – and let obviously trollish reviews remain and “spawn”  – – and yet, and in many cases, some CUSTOMERS (on another site) have tried to review some books from there, and Amazon won’t allow ’em!

Truly inexplicable it IS.



(I dont know if the Bozo has spawned anything as yet, hehe, but I wouldn’t want to see it if he has!)

As for the review itself, I’ve addressed it enough times ad infinitum. But I’ll do so again in “red” … yawn. Just did, actually …

But anyway – you KNOW if a book has ticked off the trolls as much as it has, and one reason it has is the cover, where I truly do (without trying to) look like a super stud doing one of the best exercises there is, and an exercise that MOST people, probably even lesser than 1% of the population as a great customer said about handstand pushups can DO.

And this brings me to the central reason why you need this book – NOW!

Yesterday – and the past couple of days – have been busy for me.

I’ve been dealing with email issues. An annoying computer which I finally seem to have gotten back on it’s feet (and of course giving away all that stuff I have been writing about).

And more things.

And so, workout wise?

What I’ve been focusing on is the pull-up for the most part over the past couple of days along with stretches out of Isometric And Flexibility Training.

Don’t get me wrong – I’ll get back to the rest – but for now, pull-ups, my friend, give you a super lative workout – an ALL in one workout … within less than 2 or 3 minutes FLAT and leave your heart thumping BIG TIME if you know what you’re doing.

Thats right.

You get TONS OF CARDIO with these routines in this book! With pull-ups – YES!

Core, you ask?

Well, that one exercise you see me doing will blast the core like never before.

And ALL of this can be done at home – in fact, those doorway chinning bars are great for this purpose!

So a superlative grip, upper body, and CORE workout in ways the “normal” pull-up (in the initial book on it, which if you have not gotten by now, you simply MUST NOW) CANNOT give you.

And last, but not least, and perhaps the most SPECTACULAR thing about this book?

And really, the CLINCHER if I might say so?

Is that …well, when I told people that pushups work the LEGS big time, people looked at me like I was crazy.

They didnt believe me.

After doing the routines in the book – they KNOW. Especially some of those Hindus – the “tables” – the “spider man” pushups – and of course, the “arms extended” versions.

All great stuff, but pull-ups, you ask?

YES – YOU CAN work the LEGS with pull-ups – and here’s another hint – the GROIN area which is often neglected with these workouts!

The “Swami” pull-up in the book shows you exactly how to do this, my friend.


Come to think of it, the Bozo probably noticed that, hehe, and he’s aching (big time, literally) to find out “what the secret is there”.

Except he won’t work his own … ah, but lets forget the bozo.

These, my friends, are all reasons why you NEED to grab the book on pull-ups NOW – the advanced book.

(and believe me, it isnt just groin. Your THIGHS for one WILL BURN LIKE NEVER BEFORE – yes, with pull-ups!)

No, putting off that purchase won’t help – THIS is one MUST HAVE BOOK – and it has variants on the pull-up (including that one  I just mentioned) you “ain’t never seen before”.

Combine it with the stretches in Isometric and Flexibility Training, and you WILL KNOW what it means to “feel like you’re on top of the world” – and stay there!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Along with this, remember to pick up Corrugated Core – another golden book for those of you looking to reduce FAT around the midsection in a “midnight jiffy”.

PS #2 – Those of you wanting the compilation (remember, this includes the FAQ – which is a seperate book by itself! for FREE) can get it here.


Bozo “I can’t afford rent” Schofield, WeShat, and more …
- Ugh

I gotta say, I was WRONG.

I thought the Bozo was finally off his week long bender, but he aint.

Latest from him?

Well, he’s signed up again using the name “Oxford Bozo” (if y’all recall, the last he did that was when talking about wearing “20 k GBP Rolex watches” – wonder where the Bozo saw that commercial. No doubt while jacking off to you know what in the basement of Mommys very palatial mansion which she (righfully so) keeps the Bozo out of most of).

And this time, it ain’t about watches or the lack thereof.

The most inane thing ever, perhaps, he’s sent me.

“Icantaffordrent@” … is the email address. 

Now, if there was anything more STUPID than this, I’m yet to see it. I wrote about certain others being even stupider than the Bozo, but given whats going on, I’m inclined to take even that back and thats saying a lot, but can’t afford rent?

First off, I dont believe the Bozo is, as Charles said a few months ago “always a step or two away from being homeless”.

And if she is, which SHE often is, its usually because she’s abou tto get deported or kicked out of a monkey job, or the girl that he’s duped has wisended up to “mooch job” (in more ways than one, hehe) …

Or somethign like that.

Being he’s in the UK now, I doubt the deportation thing is a factor.

And I think he’s conning some poor chick as we speak right now for cash so he probably does have a place to stay.

I think in his sorry, drunken state as he was in 2020 when I did up the post on why I dont engage with scorpions – he “wants” me to “forget and forgive”.

And embrace him like the Brother he thinks he is … deep down inside.


I would NEVER EVER do that.

And even if he couldn’t afford rent, what am I supposed to do?

Toss him a few crumbs “because I gave my laptop away for free“?

I think thats what prompted that “sign up from him” …

Anyway, I wouldn’t give Bender Blowfield anything for free, and wouldn’t accept anything from me if he PAID for it – and he’s TRIED To pay me in the past, and has been roundly REBUFFED like the PLAGUE he is.

But lesson here ?

Is that sometimes, my friend, just sometimes, “not being able to afford rent at the end of the month” is a reality, bro.

And if thats the case with you – or SOME People reading this – due to whatever reason, then remember, please do NOT get my products.

I mean, really – if it’s a choice between going into debt and getting a fitness or any product to improve your life – then I suggest you wait (and there are plenty of people with legit reasons to do just that).

But I DO suggest the following to you …

That being this.

If something is important, my friend, you eventually find a way to do it.

Rent might be for some people.

After all, no-one wants landlords and landladies breathing down their necks, least of all idiots in China that claim to be “teachers and business experts when they’re broke as hell and anything but …

But the point is, you FIND a way to make it, don’t you?

Or you’ll be out on the road.

So the point here is to prioritize.

A certain person emailed me about how “he has just enough to buy food and drink – the drink being a ton of you know what daily”.

And it wasn’t beer either, in case you’re wondering.

Apparently the “expensive wines” is what he enjoys.

And yet, he complains about my products being too expensive.

He dines out every opportunity he gets (so he says).

And yet he complains about “not being able to make rent” at the end of  the month.

So if YOU, my friend, are doing something like that, and then complaining about “not being able to afford my stuff” – well, sorry, but I’m not going to shed any tears over it.

And thats enough from me on this one.

Today seems to be a day for Bozos indeed, so I’m OUT for now.

In the meantime, remember (for you sane ones out there) that a well deserved discount for EVERYONE is very much active right now – but the clock’s ticking.

And no, it won’t last forever.

Get in while the going is good.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Almost forgot the WeShat part. I have several of them, and one of them refused to let me delete so called “friends” (read idiots who keep adding me out of the blue) because “I reached the deletion” limit. Like, WTF? Now I can’t even REMOVE idiots from my list? I can understand there being a reason to not letting people ADD too many people, but delete?

TIC (this is China).

Anyway, I requested WeShat for account – deletion. See what the idiots do NOW.

Truly ONE of those days, hehe.

Why “floating this to the top of my Inbox” won’t make me reply to you any faster.
- The opposite, actually.

Folks have had questions, bro.

And the overriding one is from the DOERS – that being “Rahul, with so much on your plate” – how do you find time to write so many emails to us, and reply to us personally?

Well, I covered that one before!

Because you are DOERS.

But believe me, there are tons of braying Jackasses and Jillasses out there I wouldn’t give my time to or SELL to if I was – PAID big bucks to do so.

Quite the truth.

And on that note, here is another email I just got (this jackass has pestered me four times already, and he is NOT – I repeat – NOT the only one – he’s just the most bizarre and therefore gets a mention).

But his company won’t. (sorry, bro, no free publicity if you’re reading this).

On the other hand, a certain person named John Cassidy and another John I know on social media WILL get some free publicity – be watching THIS space for more (and how to approach people as well, including cranky screwballs like yours truly, hehe).

*both from “ole Blighty”*

This dude?

He’s from India obviously.

Anyway, let me send you what he did.


Greetings of the day!!

Just floating this to the top of your inbox in case you missed it.

We look forward to having a long-term mutually beneficial alliance with you.

I eagerly await your response.

Kind Regards,

Niki Sergil

From: Niki Sergil   (email chopped because I won’t give Bozos free publicity, except for Bozo Schofield)
Sent: 21 January 2020 14:13
To: ‘[email protected]
Subject: Web Development


Greetings of the day!

I’m Niki, a Business Development Manager from a professional web development firm. Having worked with a number of online businesses, we’ve realized how important it is for a business to stand out on the web.

RM – No shit, Sherlock … 

In the past years, we’ve been able to generate terrific results in terms of conversion rate, lead generation, sales and customer satisfaction for our clients. Now, we wish to offer the same success and growth to your business.

RM – Results FIRST, bro. 

Valuing the time and money you’ve invested in your business, we assign professional web experts to your project with specific needs to render the most favorable outcomes.

We primarily focus on:

Web Site Design Web Development Mobile site Development
Database programming E-commerce Solutions Android Apps Development
CMS Website Portal Development IPhone Apps Development
SEO Blogs Submission Mobile Apps Development
Support & Testing Link Building Apps  Design


To deliver the best in all our services, we have IT geeks and web veterans who specialize in different areas including popular ecommerce platforms, programming languages, design software and other web applications.

RM – IT Geeks and Web Veterans, just when I thought I had heard it all…

If our services interest you at all, we should better get started now.

RM – They don’t and I’d think that woul dbe obvious. 

Do let us know whether you would like to further discuss the details and we’ll get back to you with a few ideas on how we can help you.

RM – My silence speaketh Volumes to braying Jackasses … 

Would you like us to share our portfolio, client testimonials and methodologies for your perusal?

RM – Not if you paid me to do so!

Kind Regards,

Niki Sergil | BDE

P.S: Please share your Skype or Contact number for Real-time Communication.

RM – Not a chance, dude. So you can pester up me up and down all day long? My phone’s block list is already full for one, it seems!

Clearly this jackass is bulk emailing, something which a lot of these small IT companies in India do.

Clearly, he hasn’t bothered to research his market.

Clearly, his dumb ass aint read the page on “10 Commandments of Successful Sales“. I mean really, dude. Trying to pull a fast one on a dude thats been there, done that and seen it and been selling since he was “ye little”, and one who has worked in firms such as yours and can smell idiocy like a SHARK can smell BLOOD in the water.

(I wonder where he copied the name “Niki Sergil” from. I’ll have to ask my Romanian friend that one. Hehe).

And clearly this moron hasn’t woken up to the fact that yours truly is IT, built this site himself.

And that yours truly cranky doesnt need what he’s offering. Obviously!

Fitness site, dude. Wake up and smell the freaking roses for Christ’s sake.

But he isn’t the only one, of course. I keep getting pestered by idiots like this up and down, left right and center, and …

… fitness wise, this relates because of this – –

I’ve mentioned several idiots as of TODAY in emails goin gback and forth.

(I’m on a roll, I know. Hehe)

“In fine fettle”, as the African silverback Gorilla Marc would say! Hehe.

But the idiots who complain about “Rahul never replies to me” when they send me nonsense about prices, “this doesn’t work or is too simple” or what not, or any of the other junk they complain about (some idiot from Italy wanted me to hire Sylvester Stallone’s make up artist for Isometric and Flexibility Training and then went on a rant on Amazon when I didn’t respond directly to him)   … well, guess what, you Bozos.

I’ll direct you to Schofield.

Ya’ll have a great time together, but please DO leave me out of it.

The less idiocy I have in my life, the better, and there’s plenty of it already, hehe.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up what is truly the LINK – the COURSE – that connects all my other GREAT courses in a way NO OTHER COURSE OUT THERE DOES – truly the MISSING LINK – and one of my BEST AND GREATEST BOOKS EVER – right HERE!