Cursive, Rahul Mookerjee’s decidedly non cursive squiggles and more…
- Is it really that important?.

This bullshit people keep spouting about and always have my entire life to me, to the chip off the old block too – cursive!

Life gurus have said if you dont write in cursive, your life will fail, your sales will founder and other so called advice.

The ex always used to complain about the squiggles that make up my handwriting and my signature – for a long time I had a nice pretty version of it in blue on this site.

What you see now?

In red?

Is the real deal, what I’ve used on passports, documents, I could care an iota less about how it looks.

Sure, there are benefits to writing in cursive brain wise. And I can write in the most beautiful cursive ever.

Much like Tai Pos when you’re writing in the fucking FLOW – what you’re saying, writing, the vibe matters.

Sitting here typing on the dumbphone, who gives a goddamn about cursive anyway?

Brilliance has its own ways, trying to change it or coax it to disappear is utter folly and foolishness.

Saw something today about Steve jobs first Apple ad – the handwritten copy being auctioned for around $200,000, first thing that struck me?

The handwriting.

Yours truly is even squigglier.

Remember, that was jobs writing an official ad, do that was probably a good or best handwriting day for him!

Follow the herd, or be an individual, your own man, your own woman. I’ve always chosen the latter. What you choose is up to YOU!

I chose my own way, the hardships, the joy, the struggles, I took the falls, I built myself up from less than Zero to Hero – I reached where I wanted to be and the journey is by no means over. I’ve just begun.

Unlike morons and cucks living on their wives, politically correct buffoons, lunatics that need every damn thing approved by their wife – even financial stuff, people that like to live under a woman’s thumb or donit anyway because they believe it’s “the thing to do” even tho they know deep down inside it ain’t…idiots and morons that will and never had any intentions of buying a product here but read every update anyway goggle eyed “beady little eyes hooked on to the words”…the list goes on and on and on.

I never was, never could and never ever CAN see myself as part of the herd. Uncle got it right at the age of 19 “wolf”.


And that’s that.

Our products all embody the pioneer spirit waiting to be awoken, aroused in YOU.

Get some NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

Thin or FAT? Or “fit and smart”?

This is being typed out while making green tea. I asked a fat idiot – one of the whiners in life – this question. I’ll soon have to deal with another one ,ugh.

This idiot was told something..ah,I’ll be back.


He was told he’d be paid for a service he rendered every Monday. That’s how i do certain things, that’s how accounting works, now for Bozos, they want everything “now” and he’s been pestering me for get this – bloody $15 on the phone for like 2 days now – despite it not even being Monday as of yet.

Not only that, this clown showed up at home and started ringing other doorbells demanding to know where I was. I was busy writing, wasn’t going to be disturbed with BS. But ugh!

Of course he’s the whiny sort whose only line is “you’re a big guy, help out the little guy” though he’s hardly as little as he makes himself out to be.

These whiny sorts – man, that’s why I routinely block people from my lives. Once they get attached, it’s worse than with my fucking “hangdog expression woe betide me”ex!

I’d expect that from nazi feminists – but these men, but wait, these cuckolded sorts are the ones enabling it. Can’t run their own damn lives, their finances, and come whining to me about it. Ugh .


What he asked the neighbour was “this sorta slim guy, where does he live”.

He probably whined up a storm there too, not like I give a rats backside.

But I asked him.

Am I slim or fit? Or strong? Or all, or none?

Give to me straight, i demanded.

The way he looked at me said it all.

“sir, smart, fit, so slim,.i wish I could be like you, handsome and trim”

Which is a comment I’ve heard even when I was fat on the handsome part.

Which I don’t Tom Tom because that was as I said in a video prior to this, given to me by God.

My superior levels of fitness that leave most so called men in the DUST – now that I worked my butt off, continue to daily.

And I’ll continue to Tom Tom it.

You can do it too.

Begin Getting into movie star like shape NOW. Start TODAY.

Yes, we all know you want to. Admit it.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – an old customer and I were rapping about the Amazon imbroglio, and Bozo Schofield and more. Like with Amazon itself that mess is so complicated I did something i don’t do except when on video ie voice note. But long story short, paperbacks still going out as usual, just through a different printer. In case you were wondering…


Damn, I’m in the zone ..
- The fuckin ZONE!!

And I am,! (And I just realised I have not updated the other site in ages – my bad – tech issues for some part …)

Extended fasts, another unplanned one will do that to you, and thesevfasts, and working out while on them is nothing new for me. However, what’s new this time is this – I’ve been training advanced (which is fine anyway) but more importantly, really stressing my body – such as the hot weather workouts Ive been doing.

I can’t remember creating these many videos in a long time, and that number is set to increase.

Truly, extended fasting is something everyone should try if just for automatically being in the zone, feeling more and more like an ANIMAL – BEAST – and the overall health benefits I’ve spoken about.

I’ll have a book out on this topic soon, for now,.place the pre-order here –


And that’s that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Man, the FOCUS!

My long afternoon workout, and other updates.

Every misfortune, every calamity every unfortunate situation carries within it the seed of an equivalent or greate benefit – if you know how and where and are open enough to look for it and recognise it.

Idiots will say those are mere words.

For a writer to not be without his laptop for like 2 weeks?? Unfathomable!

Admittedly it makes some things tougher, like putting together new books. But, given I’m not, period,. investing in a new one until I find the right one unlike this piece of crap Asus, the wait might well extend.

Positives, so many. Done so much more great video. Done improved my taiping on the dumbphone too. Hehe. Google voice recognition does pretty well sometime too….

All in all, life couldn’t be better hence I felt the need to add on to that famous Napoleon Hill saying.

As I get further back into my martial arts roots, this afternoon I went out – blazing hot, sunny, not quite as bad as breathing fire in China climbing hills in that weather, but I wasn’t half as fit back then at 23 as I am now.

And I captured most of everything i did on video.

Motivational talk on how to face your fears CORRECTLY, not the airy fairy BS thrown around there that don’t work.

Lots of pull-ups. How I often begin Workouts – hint, and lots of you will jive with this, it’s not always about going 100 % from the word go. In the flow!

Lots of stretching.

Only thing I didn’t film was my kicking session since my battery was at 8 percent. Phone died on me, and I’m sitting here now with my blazing fast turbo charge on…

5g has been a boon. Literally. I don’t even need wifi now, except at home, truth be told 5g as I said on IG so far outpaces traditional wifi that it ain’t even funny.

All on my YouTube channel. I just HAD to get out this afternoon, the negativity with the ex is too much to bear at home.

So I did.

And what a productive session!

And that’s that.

Watch the videos, pick up some products.

Life’s good – great!

Make sure to say that at least once a day , preferably more.

It’s true!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – and Edit, darn I knew I done forgot something.

Dr B, my DB prof in college, true blue (non-political blue) good ole boy that lots called racist, but he wasn’t – he was smart – I loved his classes, always kept it interesting. Man led a storied life I’ll tell ya that!

Almost 70, good oke Dr b is probably still traveling the world. I don’t know, haven’t touched base since I got banned on LinkedIn!

But anyway, his grader Ricky once (yes, same friend) once our of spite gave me a D on a test where he just did that out of spite. Rickys childish like that, takes his spite out on people like that – i still remember a couple of girls crying after he screwed them on their term papers…


Off I went to Dr B’s office, he took one look at my answer to the questions and laughed knowingly.

You have a different way of doing things, but it works!

And it does. Haha. Like my handstand pushups i teach differently, like the immensely popular video on falling into the splits, holding the top position of a pull-ups which I wish I could have really shot more. I’ll be prepared with a full battery next time. Hehe. This was in the flow,. I thought I was just going on a long walk but turned out otherwise!

And he upped the grade.

Lots of black girls later told me “you need to be more circumspect” and not tell everyone how you got your wrong righted.


Even Dr B plainly told me, if you deserve it, you get it.

My type of man.

Along with Dr Kolibal, lots of respect!

Ricky when confronted years later claimed “but the way you did it was different from in the answer sheet”.

And if he had done much at all in college other than copy his way through it he would know ..

Anyway, that’s that! Back soon.

How I recently kicked ass and took names on Amazon
- YES.

I did a video on this the other day. Ordered a product off Amazon, was total shit – guy even had a card saying “submit a positive review” and get a few bucks for doing it .

This is against Amazons rules, unfortunatelay, lots of people do it, even more submit fake review for a few bucks.


To me that’s always been a red flag, outright requesting paid reviews.

Anyway, product was crap, tripod broken, no instructions as promised, I contacted the guy who instantly called me. Ugh! Another huge red flag, people do that, they can’t argue with you logically so they pester you on the phone.

Business is best done on the phone.

I left a crap review.

Was very warranted.

Then the guy who initially just left my queries with a rude “contact Amazon” and nothing else saw it two days later.

And he shat bricks literally.

Apparently he got zero orders from the day that review went live which I don’t quite buy but given his product it might well be true.

And man, I had to block his whining on WhatsApp, phone etc. Like five different numbers.

The only answer I gave him?

“Contact Amazon”.

Hehe. That video I did on giving it the F back details it all, but like Emerson said so eloquently and like Rahul Mookerjee paraphrases like noone else can while keeping the meaning of the words intact, karna comes back to you at some point with compound interest, if dude had helped out, well, I’d have sorta overlooked the shit product and just wouldn’t have reviewed, period.

Anyway, his repeated calling, I raised Cain at Amazon.

They whooped him too most likely.

And then I started getting messages with him literally crying on WhatsApp with another number about how I ruined his business (well, your fault dude ,that happens to anyone who pisses me off like that) , how he was a broke, starving coljege student, the usual bullshit.

An angel then appeared.

And i relented a bit to his requests of sending me a replacement product free of cost which I’ve already bought off Amazon, but nice to have another .. and i taught him a few hone truths which he humbly listened to.

I think he’s really young, college like he says.

If his actions back his words up which he’s learnt a lesson the hard way as it should be and knows not to piss off customers again especially one like me who will go to all ends of the planet in all ways to ruin you and come after you if you do me wrong in any way…

..lesson well learnt, I’d say!

Yes, I’ve got screenshots of his groveling but I’ll hold off on those for now ..

Moral is this too – I’m always on teaching mode while being on learning mode.

See if you’re able to figure that out!

And apply for coaching here as so many others have already, either here, or in real life.

From the one and only bodyweight exercise Guru …


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – i taught him the tip of the iceberg. If he only knew what a gem my negative review could be .. hehe. Most are too chicken though, they see only negative, he ain’t no different.

Hell, I embrace all my positive and negative reviews with the same gusto.

So it should be! ????

Best Emerging Fitness Publication 2023 – USA
- Well, well!

The accolades keep piling up for the bodyweight exercise Guru!

Actually, they keep piling up for US.

I participated in the GHP awards (basically a magazine that’s been around a while that rates fitness businesses etc) a while back (they contacted me) to see how it went.

And lo, today – as I figured we would, our content is unparalleled (i truly believe in the Denzel Washington theory of simply outworking your competition, with my work ethic that ain’t hard to do) in the fitness industry, our books, out output, all of it.

I never even got the ladys first email. It was while setting up the tripod for squats, then rethinking that and such that I saw two missed Calles from the UK, I thought it was Amazon (story on that coming up) but it was them.

Great stuff. We will have more on this soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Should I get better at the front split first or side splits?

Said question is a great one, and came in last night – and man, with the dumbphone mania going on I almost missed the email not to mention the sales notification – so jy apologies for the somewhat delayed response Yolanda,!

She’s an Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training customer.

Admittedly people sleep at night so that’s to be expected. ???? but seriously, as she and many others know, we don’t just pride ourselves on superb, over the top customer service here – we deliver above and beyond what’s promised.

Anyway. Great question from the self confessed “fitness freak”- interesting Y, I heard that term last in 2009 from a fat phuck employer in a sweaty old basement who would not know fitness from his ass hole if it hit him in the face – which funnily enough or maybe not was when I was in the process of ballooning up to 120 kgs. Shit, I still remember the wrestler like breakfasts i used to gulp down.

My answe obviously – both great exercises, either first.

But hands down, if you want to improve quick then do the tough one – side splits first and get damn good at it.

If you get good at the front splits first, that wont necessarily translate into gains or big ones on the side splits, but having been there, done that for years,man, and as I was discussing recently with a yoga instructor I was training on pull-ups (he was doing well, just getting his chin over the bar was tough for him so I coached him for free, to his credit, he listened – and improved rapidly. Good man!) … The reverse – bam!

Get good at the side splits first, all else improves rapidly and dramatically – it’s that simple.

There is a reason this exercise is heavily emphasized on martial arts, and JCVD is but the most high profile living proof of this, not to mention making great gains on the sort of food I have been doing for the last two months, veggies mostly which taste so awesome I’m gonna miss them when I return to meat only. Hehe.


Great exercise – great question, thank you, Yolanda. It’s one many people have …

Hope that helps some!


Rahul Mookerjee

That PASSION, your TRUE calling ..
- What is it? Only YOU can tell me!



That deep desire i write about sobon the other site, things you really want – crave – daily.


Some of those are things that for most people they won’t even acknowledge or dismiss as impossible from the word go, so it stays impossible.


Fitness wise, the X shape. People, usually fat and lazy excuse makers that rail against the very thing they really want are ultimately shooting themselves in the foot with their stupidity and they know it too, that’s the funny part …


There are many other examples fitness wise, life wise, but this isn’t about any of that.


Way back in college, Dr Kolibal who once returned a shoddily done mid term (Calculus one, where in those classes I’d show up after drinking beer, ace the exams while the rest would sit and scratch their heads – so much so the Prof went on record saying “you need to be in Princeton, you don’t need these Mickey Mouse classes!” And he was right, I didn’t ) to me saying “you can do better Rahul!” … Great guy, one of our conversations went as such (this was the same guy who once downgraded an A to. B for me when I reported the mid term being graded incorrectly. Too darn honest for my own good, hehe) “Rahul, when I sit here, look at you, I don’t see someone that would be content to get a job, a house in the suburbs, marry and settle down”.


How true.


At 19, I did not understand the true significance of those words, at 42 maybe I still don’t fully.


Lots of life left to live, therefore lots of learning left to do!


Jeff Bezos once made the comment “You can have a job, a career or a calling. And if you can figure out the last, you’ve hit the jackpot. Because that’s the big deal”.


No, selling books wasn’t Bezos calling. …


That one thing you do in extreme adversity, that one thing you keep coming back to, that one core talent you’ve got your biggest doubters can’t doubt you on.


For me, lots think it’s fitness, or the other things I talk about in the erotica biz.


I’m damned good at those, better than 99.999% of folks out there at them which is a fact, but my true calling isn’t and cannot be quantified by what you see in front of you, same thing for Bezos, Steve Jobs, anyone that’s ever accomplished anything of note.


Back in the day they used to laugh at Bezos for saying he’d have a 100 billion dollars.


First thing you know there was no such thing as 100 billion dollars 25 years ago.


“This guy thinks he’s going to be that rich because he’s got a garage in the internet”.


While the scoffers scoffed, Bezos applauded himself, kept persisting and the results, well ..


Back to me, if you’re familiar with the true meaning of the word “wordsmith” that will explain PART of it but even that ain’t the real calling.


True doers will understand, in the meantime, I’ll end with a few questions for you – well, basically what I’ve said above


What is YOUR true calling?


You know it.


Acknowledge it.


And then just do it.


No matter what the cost or consequence.


HBK Shawn Michaels and many others have said it’s a sin, or close to, to waste a talent God (Universe) gave you.


So true, my friend. So true. You were given that for a reason. Way too many folks don’t get it.


And that’s that. Back soon.



Rahul Mookerjee. Damn, Your Majesty is getting good at typing on dumbphones! Haha

Fancy talk and such.
- Your Majesty Speakth! Hehe.

Boy, the daughter was in a foul mood today!

Indeed to do something quick and drastic she said, seething up a storm .

What happened – well turned out her practice mate at something was calling her a “noob”for various reasons when she’s not, and herself an expert (when she’s not)..

Typical kiddie stuff,but lots of lessons to be learnt.

“Tell her you’re happy being a noob. Any true expert at anything – myself included – is always on noob learning mode even when they’re advanced, if they’re not, they’re not true experts”.

She harrumphed, kicking a stone …

“She won’t believe that fancy talk!”

And then back to something quick and drastic.

In the past I’d tell her to give it back.

But now, this case?

Just laugh at her, I told her.

You don’t understand!

“Theres two types of people in the world…” I began. She kept asking me for ideas for something quick and drastic but I said I was answering her questions which I was.

And I went on to explain that most people are sheep – followers.

The few that aren’t are leaders. Such as you and I , I said – if you do it right.

I went on to explain how people state at me, point at me, troll me – and in the past I’d get irritated.


I welcome it, i laughed. It build me,my brand.

I went on to then explain how logically talking or getting annoyed at buffoons doesn’t work by pointing openly at two folks who continued staring at us as we walked past from a distance.
And i laughed at them openly.

How can you do that and them not get annoyed, she asked.

Because they’re idiots, sheep, they know they shouldn’t be doing what they are.

They want a reaction out of you, I said.

Give them one that benefits you.
And then I went on to explain how if she wasn’t a leader – they would not be poking fun at her.

I finished off with a question.

Which do you want to be – wolf, or sheep, I said, while bleating like one.

And one look at her fact told me she got it. No longer angry,no longer in “drastic and quick” mode.

You get it now, I said, grinning.

Teaching my daughter to be a winner in life and not just ignore but laugh openly at bleating morons and give it back physically like i mentioned and she did on the Kiddie fitness page. Nothing like it! Hehe.

These are lessons equally applicable to adults. Life, biz, everything, I teach you how to profit from idiots and wannabes in Profit Troll.


I gave her the example of Donald Trump, or maybe me I said.

Look at the thousands of people saying horrible things, mean things , stupid things, idiotic things.

I can’t fight with them all.

And neither would I want to, i explained. These people want what you have.

You’re different,a leader like I am.

They can’t be like you because they’ll never have the right mindset and are too damn lazy.

And therefore… they vent their frustration and obtain “relief” by getting reactions out of doers.

Theres a reason I’m the topic of conversation in the entire family despite being the obvious skeleton in the closet, and she giggled,truly getting it.

And that, my friends is that, I believe…

PS – Don’t believe me? I’ll show you an actual screen capture from communication on the other business….

No, this isn’t about ego. It’s the truth. Like I just wrote about, the chosen few lead, the rest bleat and follow, and the smart ones like Paula, an affiliate whose done such stellar work for me and continues to that I can’t stop praising her to the high heavens, it’s all less – like customers here who do the thing – are those that will or have led or want to, and are willing to do what it takes to get there. Simple.

And that says it all.

The rest, my friends,you decide.

And your Majesty has Spoken.

He will not just speak, but COMMAND now.

And you Will LISTEN. Period.

You don’t have a choice. You never did, and you know it. Hehe.


Go here and listen to the video version of this NOW!


Be sure to like, share etc!

I know you will. Hehe. It’s simple and easy..

Strength imbalances and such.

For a long , long time, back in the day, I was stuck at 50 squats in one set – and couldn’t progress no matter what.

I could do 10 sets of 50. No problem. But one more, just wasn’t happening.

You might think this is mostly mental?

Blocks were part of it yes, even after years of trekking hills in hot humid weather for over 4 hours daily,I removed those blocks, but till very recently, I could never figure out why I was STILL so weak at the splits – while so strong in other areas like pull-ups and such. And hill sprints etc, and no, this was after putting in the work equally in all areas.

The back bridge was always easy peasy for me, front,not so much.

Weak hamstrings naturally like I’ve written about repeatedly – yes.

While I didn’t quite open them up brutally as shown in Kickboxer, hehe – I put in hours, improved, yet, something was missing.

The answer came to me while stretching out one day and it was fucking obvious, had been staring me in the face all along.

What was it, well, youll have to wait till I get back home from….


Well, at the bus stop now, practicing my kicks, stretching, and that’s when the REAL answer came to me.

When stretching. Done right – stretching doesn’t just open up your mind and body like never before, make you feel like a billion bucks – and all the other benefits I mention on the sales page for Isometric and Flexibility Training, and Advanced, profound, Isometric and Flexibility Training. It connects you to the spiritual and open doors of knowledge with golden keys that are only accessible to those that have DONE the thing.

No, like Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich, simply giving you or telling you about the key won’t get her done. In fact, it will rob you like the great Hill said- of much of the benefit you would get if you found it and experienced it YOURSELF.

But the reason was -strength imbalances.

While brushing my teeth, mind you,in the quick hurried manner I always do that the ex tells me to brush for much longer! Hehe -sound familiar – I noticed i kep standing on my right leg.

Instead of both equally. And with what I learned about my left side with splits – it hit me.

Despite all the training, exercises I was doing superlatively well, in the top 0.01 percent of folks like I’ve been told and rightly so, I was unconsciously not focusing on weak parts of my body and overcompensating with others – in one case, my right quad being naturally strong than the other which was more flexible.

Left hamstring less flexible than right.

Left hand stronger and longer normally, and this here monkey worked on the right till it’s now stronger – and amazingly enough i did not apply this same principle elsewhere!

We all have these weak and strong areas my friend – and extended periods of stretching and posing hard difficult questions to yourself will give you the answers eventually or maybe sooner if you’re the type that acknowledges reality.

Written on the dumbphone again so this has even more tai pos than my normal stuff, but the point stands.

If you’re even in the slightest bit interested in improving your health and fitness you don’t just need, you OWE it to yourself to get the two splendidly purses linked above and preferably more.

If you’re the sort of lunatic that is fat but lives by “I’m big but not fat” and parades around like an idiot with puffed up muscles – a look around the gym will show you these fools, don’t bother getting them.

And that’s that!


Rahul Mookerjee