Explaining the word “stud” to Judy.
- Teacher, hehe.

Cometh the hour, cometh the teacher, when the student is ready, the teacher shall appear…

… and so he did, and so did this email that just landed in my Inbox, that I JUST responded to.

From  a certain Judy –

Sir, may I ask you some questions?  can you help me to explain “from STUD to Super Stud”? I couldn’t find more information about this word “stud”. Thank you!

She is referring to the book “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!“.

Hehe. Glyn Bozo would have a field day on this one, I’m sure!

And so would my former friend Ricky who used to keep taunting me with “teacher”!

“Teacher Rahul”, he kept saying, especially after I drank some Scotch whiskey once “Teachers” (didnt really like it tho, I’m a beer guy!).

Anyway, this teacher was floored – temporarily, but he’s never floored for long as you guys know, hehe. And the nature of the question, given all Ive said about China in the past and so forth .. lets just say – interesting!

A certain Victor, if he ever reads this would cackle too. Hehe. Yes, Victor, you were right – indeed, and often times “it does happen”!

And I aint gonna provide more details here – my response below tho –

Hi Judy,

Thats an interesting question! “stud” essentially can mean two things – one, the “stud on a boot” i.e. solid metal ….

… explaining these things can be tough! LOL …

A solid metal “thingy” on the boot, for lack of a better term!

Or, and in the sense it’s most commonly used for “native English speakers” – a guy whose attractive to the opposite sex, good in “bed”
with members of the opposite, or same sex (given what is going on these days haha), and so forth.

It is also used in other terms i.e. if someone’s doing well, lifting heavy at the gym, or going at it HARD in terms of bodyweight
exercises (and doing well) then someone might say “stud”!

Interesting question – let me know if that explained it – the book certainly has NO sexual topics of any nature in it – it simply means
getting from “real good” to excellent status at pullups!

Perhaps that is how I should have explained it right off the bat, but that would take a lot of the “fun” away. Hehe.

Let me know if you have more questions, and I’ll be glad to explain what I can.


That was certainly an interesting question.

Anyway ….

Glyn Bozo once posted an interesting review of the book “I want to be a stud like Rahul”. LOL. I’m NOT even going to go there … (for those interested, let me know – I’ll send over that email too. Hehe. Might well do that in a bit for a few laughs, we all need ’em from time to time!).

Anyway – the book above will truly TRANSFORM you – and turn you into a SUPER STUD at pull-ups, so get it NOW.

And HERE are a couple of great reviews for the book, and another one.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The “follow up” software on the site seems to be emailing me a lot these days as well in terms of a lot of YOU that have not bought, or trying to buy, or simply checking out the check out page (it looks purdy doesnt it, hehe, plain, basic, RED – always RED am I!) …

… it should be emailing YOU the follow ups though, which I’m sure you’re getting, but thats something I gotta fix, I’ll be reaching out to some of you to figure out just what is going on “under the hood” (no pun) as it were…

PS #2 – Just how do you explain stud without being too risque to a non native English speaker? LOL. In class I’d simply show them the boot for the first one, but the second?

Ah, wait, a certain Ashley would explain the second one for me. Body language is all it would take . Hehe. 😉

“But you’re not going to do it, are you”
- Those were sage words. hehe.

I remember my roommate in college I believe, big burly guy – not much taller than I was, but much “bigger” (naturally).

And I remember coming back to the dorms one day in 1999, and seeing him do pushups – or, I think he was talking about doing ’em (which it was obvious he did, he had some army training as well).

“I was doing pushups, I did 60”, he went.

Really, I said, chugging my “light” beer – those were the BEAST ICE (Milwaukee’s best, do they still have that? Hehe. Southpaw “aint no mo” from what I Can tell!) days – but this was Milwaukee “light” beer which according to the roomie was good to get drunk on AFTER stronger beer.

(having drank both, and Coors light as well I can tell you they’re both like water. Hehe. Now the heavy stuff – thats heavy! Nowhere near as heavy as “Colt 45” or “Magnum” – LOL – malt liqor there…).

“I did them with feet on my bed, hands on yours” he said.

We had beds “one after the other” basically in that room in one corner, so …

I need to work out too, I remember telling him one day after he came back from the gym.

He looked at me once.

“But you’re not going to do it, are you”.

(this was after he had urged me to hit the gym MANY a times).

Looking back, I’m glad I didnt do the thing. Hehe.


Well, for one, it gives me an appreciation of TRAINING, and how important it is in your life – to feel good – just “feel good” internally for one.

To be healthy and strong.

To be able to handle anything life throws at you.

To have “divine inspiration” often – look at any great writer, author, poet, leader – MOST of them (Winston Churchill and Trump being noteable exceptions) workout like maniacs when its workout time.

This afternoon I popped off 180 squats, 20 stepups to finish off, and 25 pull-ups (thus far).

I’m sure I’ll be hitting the pull-up bar later, I feel it in my bones.

I feel an extra strong BREW … nah, GRIP workout coming on too.

Though lifting full beer barrels can be a pretty exhausting full body “lumberjack workout”!

So can what the Chinese ladies do all the time with bottles of water


that link above is “somewhat” naughty.

But you’ll get over it. Hehe.

What I wrote about in 0 Excuses Fitness though was these tiny massueses doing fingertip pushups, sometimes up to 500 of them daily (throughout the day) to train for those massages.

What I wrote about, I believe in Gorilla Grip, or maybe another book ? Was those same tiny ladies lugging up 20 liter bottles of water in one hand up four flights of stairs, I’ll never forget the time yours truly “phat phocker” at the time saw these ladies and goggled “how do they do it”

it aint the size of the dog, friend. It’s ALWAYS about the SIZE OF THE FIGHT IN THE DOG!

Anyway, thats why I am glad I was a phat phocker, unfit, all of it at a certain point (roomie time though I Was a skinny runt basically) – as it qualifies me even MORE to teach YOU about real fitness “in the trenches” as it were.

As I keep saying, gotta take a punch FIRST to deliver one, gotta know how it feels like to be on the other end of the spectrum FIRST before you can teach people how to oscillate to the opposite and quite frankly – better end.


Some of you have already taken advantage of the 30% off (use coupon code MEM2022) sale we have going on.

To the slackers – “but you’re not going to do it are you”.


might as well come out and say it, bro.

At least be honest about it…

Take control of your life today, my friend.


And doing that without a solid workable fitness system behind you is nigh impossible.

Doers that want some -come get some NOW – HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee


When you look at the shoulders on display on the cover of Battletank Shoulders, what comes to mind?

When you look slightly below that, what comes to mind?

Gawd, why would someone on God’s green earth pay THAT much for an ebook!”

That was a moron and Bozo of course, but if you’re a doer what comes to mind?

I’ll bet the words in the title of this here email – which is going to PISS a lot of people off, but so be it.

Warning – before sending me nasty emails about “how dare I support Russia” (with no proof that I do) – this email may and probably will reference current going on’s, so if you dont want to read, dont – if you want to unsubscribe, do so in droves, but like I said before, I aint gonna be muzzled here in my opinion, especially not when I’m RIGHT.

But first, a bit from the movie “Rocky Balboa”.

Rocky’s an old man with no speed, too many injuries, very little coordination left, whatever is left of his “left eye”, hehe – and certainly not someone you’d want to fight, let alone back, against a boxer in his prime.

Hell, he can barely even train, he’s so beat up!

But he’s still GOT IT.

“So what we’re going to focus on is POWER, baby!

Heavy duty punches that will make him feel like he kissed the Cornish express (an express train is what he said, hehe)!!

Heavy Duty, CAST IRON – POWER!”

And then the training starts along those lines -plenty of deadlifts, “hammer grip” pull-ups, and so forth (and log carries and stuff). Frog walks. And such!

Great stuff, great, great stuff – and a classic example of both how heavy duty power – well, there is no SUBSTITUTE for it – and WORKING around pre-existing conditions.

Dont believe me?

Read the link above, you’ll see for one how people have it all ass backwards in terms of Russia for one.

I’ve always said its China that is the real threat, not Russia that simply wants its own domain and to be left alone – dont believe me, look at history – when have they ever done what the Chinese are, encroaching damn near everywhere? – not that they need to with their massive country, low population and immense natural resources … case and point there, huh?

Donald Trump said it all the time.

No-one believed him, or listened, but it is TRUE.

I’ve been saying it forever too, and the one thing people dont learn from?


Look at war, the Russians are probably the ones that have been brutalized the MOST (after the Jews) in the World War, for one.

But it was their capacity to take heavy, massive, unbelievable CATASTROPHIC losses – and then COME BACK when everyone had written them off in classic “bear” style with their tanks that really broke the back of the Nazis in the war, and 10 days later – the Japanese as well.

Dont get me wrong, the atomic bomb played a huge role.

But without boots on the ground, nothing really happens ultimately.

Its men on the ground that win you the war, you can have all the fancy shmancy weaponry you want, but ultimately what works – well, good old fashioned PUNCHING power, which is a tried and tested formula for the Russians.

Everyone got it wrong – when I told people this was going to happen they laughed at me saying “they are no match for technology”.


Maybe they’re not quite at par technologically in some regards with the US – probably a far bit off in some regards, but what they want to be good at – they’re far better than anyone, the Chinese included.

Their method of battle has been win by attrition, and they always have, as history proves – and their methods are crude – but effective.

Like I Said, thunderous artillery, and tons of it, and inexhaustible will (and seemingly) resources too – you can’t beat that, and if the Ukranians, or anyone for that matter had studied their history, they would have known it.

Of course, people have short memories.

It was only in 2014 I believe the U.S. Congress themselves passed legislation banning sale of military equipment to Ukraine I believe because of the presence of Neo Nazis there.

True, they make up a minority there – but they’re there, to dismiss what Putin is saying as the ravings of a lunatic would be lunacy yourself and ignoring what happened in the very recent past.

I dont support the war, I never have, but the fact is this tho – reap what you sow, and the Ukranians shouldn’t have poked the bear, period.

Leave a grizzly alone, he’ll leave YOU alone, it all boils down to that, simple as that.

Fire breathing dragons might not, but that is another tale.

And sending more and more weapons to Ukraine will do one thing – make things worse for them, and better for the defense industry and the global economy in that regard, which I guess was the entire point, eh?

I fail to see how the think tank at the EU, the US could have failed to predict that sanctions would have the opposite effect of what was intended.

Supply and demand, a third grader could tell you that.

I fail to see why if they “Really” wanted to do something, they left loopholes in those sanctions as well.

Instead I see whiny articles from CNN Daily about how “Russia is losing or will lose”, when the ground realities, and a pleading President daily prove otherwise even to the meanest intelligence.

Does anyone even believe that crap? I doubt it!

Like a buddy once told me ..

“Everyone thinks the Russians aint got it no more, but they still have a damn powerful military!”

No-one likes hearing all this.

Fair enough.

But if you can out me on some of the facts I’ve mentioned, any, or all, I’d be most appreciative, if not, then please dont whine about “he says all this stuff”.

(I mean really, did people think Russia was just going to sit by and let NATO or whoever crowd it? That don’t happen in real life!

And as far as the Ukranians are concerned, they should have built up their own military FIRST before taking that leap – as the Russians have for years. People ignore all this, but its TRUE.).

Negotiate from a position of strength is how it’s done, how I’ve always done it, if you can’t, you be a “black mamba” and BUILD yourself up first before striking!

I say it because it’s true.

Anyway ……..

that aside, lets talk fitness.

If you want REAL heavy duty stuff – stuff that works slowly, incrementally, day by day – so slowly it might seem “speed of molasses”, but when you do make that tiny bit of progress you feel it INSTANTLY – well – then – Battletank Shoulders is your BABY.

Black and white, nothing fancy, heavy duty, hardcore stuff that just WORKS – period. 

Read the reviews on this one before you buy, I urge you to do so.

And then buy – IF You want real heavy duty artillery that NEVER stops- in your own training.

And that, my friend is that.

Again, feel free to say “buh bye” if any of this offends!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – To deliver a solid knockout blow you have to be able to TAKE it first yourself, period. Aint no two ways around that, pally.

Why Wacko Schofield so disappoints(ed) me…
- Hehe.

I knew there was a reason for those weird dreams I’ve been having, I even woke up and wrote “cant make sense of this” in my diary when I woke up.

Not often I write that.

Now, dreams are sepulchral (not necessarily in a bad way tho) and wierd at the best of times, they can be tough to make sense of even for the most experienced of dream “analyzers” – and they rarely mean the same thing for everyone, or anyone – the more you delve into your own subconscious the more you understand this – “lucid dreaming” IS a thing, my friend.

But normally, for me, I get a feeling of good or bad from the dreams, and the events that are “depicted” in pictorial form in the dream usually HAPPEN later (if you’re smart enough to decipher ’em).

It’s always been this way for me.

But this morning, I woke up – and it was “odd”.

A strange sort of “wierd” feeling.

I dismissed it from my mind, I wrote you that long email, then I went about my business.

A certain Michelle I know posted something on FB, for some reason, though I never use the dadgum thing, I had to check my stuff on there.

So I did!

Food, food, and more food was what Madam posted.

Which is great – but then – I saw it.

Plenty of new “approval requests” for the FB group – which I hardly even ever login to these days, but it’s alive and kicking – Ben, if you’re reading this email, then that would be a great place for you too!


A couple of new comments, lots of likes and so forth – just goes to show, when someone truly WANTS you and is inspired by you or otherwise obsesses about you they’ll go to any lengths to find you, pull out all the stops, and so forth …

… circla Glyn Bozo.

Apparently the back alleys outside the pubs in Brum had enough of this bozo, and he;s showed up again.

Remember, I was asking y’all where this loon disappeared for a while. lol.

Well, he’s been there, lurking with nasty breath and that ever present humungous belly and his Cheetos (ugh).

Glyn never grew out of .. but anyway, his diaper fetish and all that aside, he’s been doing something y’all would never expect (he did it on my Instagram too before I roundly blocked him) .. he’s been “liking” posts etc.

Much like his epic trolling a couple of years ago, I didnt notice until now (because I hardly login to bloody FB anyway – after what happened to the Trumpinator on social media, Twitter is all I use – Bozo is blocked there too, of course).

And I hate FB anyway – its for idiots with short attention spans in general.

Just saw a comment on Twitter to the tune of “The liberals have Jeff Bezos and Biden! We have Elon Musk and .. well,someone else she mentioned”. I like our chances, she went.


What a FOOL!

Anyone that calls Bezos a liberal is an utter fool. The man is one of the smartest people out there, a TRUE businessman that (like myself) has built everything up from SCRATCH, had persistence, innovated, failed (big) – had VISION – did what he wanted to when people calle dhim a fool for doing it – and ultimately became an icon.

Sure, he doesnt post idiocy on social media like Musk does, but he doesnt need to.

His business does the talking, and in his biz, there are people from all political walks BUYING from him – why would he get into politics??

He’s probably building servers in space as I write this. Hehe. Trust me on this one!

(which is a good idea given all the devastation to come).


some clown who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth (like Glyn Bozo – of course, there is no comparison between a bum and Musk!) – and someone whose always had it handed to him on a silver platter, a China Tom Tom at the end of the day, and so forth.

Guy’s gfot his good points no doubt, but he’s not my type of guy to endorse or follow- he swings whichever way is best for him, not so Jeff Bezos.

Anyway – I got carried away there!

So anyway (and my thoughts on Mark Suck a berg are well known!) – I hardly use FB – logged in today, saw “likes” from Glyn.

Just that, no trolling, no comments, though he could.

He’s learnt SOMETHING at least. Hehe.

But truth be told, Glyn, youre disappointing me.

The one thing in life you’re good at is trolling – and scamming vulnerable women, of course.

And, sending weird “I want to be your servant” messages to girls in the late of night, posting pictures of your “equipment” (UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!) all over fetish sites and such and paying to be humiliated, all this rot … yes, but your best at being a TROLL.

So you disappoint me by not doing that!

But really, it goes to show the length (pun NOT intended) to which this guy is obsessed with me – I block him – for years and years – and he’s still coming back in some way, shape or form.


Truly another “rabid” follower he is … except I wouldnt want a fucktard like that anyone near me, but hey – the group membership needs to be approved, but the posts are free for all to view …

Tried for years to destroy this black mamba, brought out all his artillery, Glyn, dude, I ain’t even, as I told Charles the other day “started with you”.  (despite all the times I helped you, gave you advice, supported you – just PATHETIC).

(though my fault for not recognzing an ass when I saw one. I know Glyn recognizes them pretty well – he’s always brown nose deep in them, lol).

You’ll know it when I bring my OWN heavy artillery out, right now I’m just playin, boy.

So, if you haven’t already, sign up for that group, who knows, we may make something great out of it someday!

And, my Fast and Furious Fitness group too …

As far as Glyn, his latest scam these days is running “charity in the UK” – apparently what he does is he “offers advice to young, gullible Chinese women” on “setting down in the UK” and then scams money from there and is never to be seen again, as he’s done his whole life, except now people are wising up to him, the economy aint where it was (so scammers are finding it tough too) – and so he’s trying to piggyback off the popularity of my groups to get a few looks in for his stuff.

Just pathetic, but thats wanker Bozo Schofield for you with apparently a wanker so tiny he prides himself on posting it and being “outed” for it (thats apparently a thang for him along with dressing up as a tranny or what not). Ugh.

Glyn, personally I’d rather you troll and attack me for years, your latest “pink” avatar doesnt quite suit you.

Have no fear, I’m sure My Hyde will emerge pretty soon as he always does. He can’t resist, and I’ll be updating y’all on it!

And I dont know if this is some sort of weird “Gandhian” philosophy of “turning the other cheek” – newsflash Bozo, this doesnt work in real life. Of course, thats the only choice he’s got after exhausting all he had, hehe…

(it works SOMETIMES, but all too often, you give it back – and in spades at that, and THAT is what works. You DRIVE the point home, and then some, THAT is what works ultimately, all this mamsy pansy nonsense of turning the other cheek is good in theory, but it’s never worked in real life, including, if you were to talk about it, India’s own independence, ah, but I wont go there! Hehe).

Thats that, then.

And make sure to take advantage of, and GET in on the GREAT sale we’re having – use coupon code MEM2022 to get an UNPRECEDENTED 30% off on our products – but hurry, aint gonna last forever!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Another example of why I stay off the FB groups?

please help me am a rapper but know money to continue +23481244 .. rest chopped.

Ugh…Is that a nigerian number, btw??

Why I dont like the term “make something of yourself”
- Or I should say, why I never use it ...

Despite all the life advice I give, despite all the coaching etc I do for those that want it (doers!) -there is one line I have never once told anyone – ever in my life – even way before I started this business, or any of them – although I’ve always been most generous with my time and advice – even, in some cases to people that dont deserve it (a certain Glyn Schofield comes to it, but ah, we’ll let him be for now) – the one line I’ve heard so many people talk about, but I never say?

“Make something of yourself”

I dont know why, but a lot of the tough love crowd, a lot of the self help gurus, a lot of … well, people in general seem to spout this line like some sort of gospel when people come to them for advice.

I mean lets see, guy comes to you for advice, if he’s doing that, he is likely interested in making something of himself, no?

I dont think YOU need to tell him that!

Yet, oddly enough, thats exactly what so called self help gurus, life coaches etc do – with (often) laundry lists of written out statements of “what to do to make something of yourself”.

First thing you know, thats a highly insulting thing to tell someone – anyone.

It demans them – at least if you’re intelligent enough to know what you want, and if you go after it.

It’s also most often said by people – who want you to “make something of yourself” – on THEIR terms.

Back in the day, my friend Ricky who owns a chain of convenience stores would often “exhort” me to come work for him.

Or, supposedly “with him”.

OK, so are you going to offer me a work visa, and legal working terms etc, I’d often ask him.

No way, he’d respond. Come on your own risk!


No thank you sir.

“But, but, but … it’s better than China!” 


In China I have my own apartment, delivery 24/7, fantastic hills nearby – everything I could possibly want – access to plenty of girls which you never had, hehe – and what more could a man want, especially given the beer is not that bad either?

Costs aren’t anywhere as high in the rest of the world either (thats one benefit, as I’ve written about so often, of “communist” nations – dont get me wrong – I dont support communism, never have, but they do keep the prices low in their own countries for their own people by “any means necessary”!).

In China I dont necessarily need to buy a car either to get around if I dont want to.

Thats not to say “this country is better” or thats not.

It’s just to say when you’re offering a friend so called help, you have to take a good long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself WHY you’re doing it.

In Ricky’s case, he’s one of those people that have never actually started anything from scratch. All given to him by his grandfather basically – which is fine.

But advice on growing hair from a bald man … advice that essentially advocates “become an illegal alien” in whichever country he was referring to … nah. I’d rather do it legally or not at all.

And I’d only do it if I WANTED to. Case and point.

In Ricky’s case, upon a bit more digging – it was nigh evident he’s finding a very hard time finding “reliable” people.

Well, Ricky, pay peanuts, get monkeys I told him.

For a guy who looks around to find bums on the street that he can offer $10 to clean his house – well, thats what you’ll get if you offer NO benefits at your job, no security, no stability – why would someone want to work for you, much less with you?

Quizzed on “what exactly he would give me”, he started…. yelling. Hehe.

“Forget that!” he kept yelling. 

Dude, you’re asking someone to upend their life – for what?

“I’ll hook you up with a room with other guys!”

Dude, you truly know SO little about someone you claim “is your best friend” or whatever nonsense he claimed (a best friend who he wouldn’t drive to the post office to mail some important stuff for MONTHS for, then blocked me when I asked him to do it). Hehe.

In his case, he was looking for yet another guy who wouldn’t argue and put up with his inanity and work for him for peanuts, and God forbid he complains or anything “because he’s illegal”.

Go find a Mexican is what I laughed back at him.

(no, nothing against Mexicans there, this is just a rant against idiots who have no clue what the next person wants, idiots who’ve never DONE the thing themselves – its one thing to run an already successful biz bro, it’s quite another to START it from the ground up!).

Like Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once told me – “they’re saying that to a guy whose created multiple brands on his own with NO support, from the ground up“.

And he’s right!

My entire life my whole family has been at it – consciously or not – to make me “fit into the mould of being a success” i.e.”make something of yourself” – which for all of them, although SECRETLY they want what I have – is “work a corporate job the rest of your life and be a slave to someone”.

Nah, Mommy.

You tried your best.

I get that.

But you failed.

Because forcing Rahul Mookerjee into something he doesnt want to do never works …

… And back to “making something of yourself” – thats why I never tell people that.

When they come to me for advice – I ask them what they WANT – and then tell them the steps they should follow to go GET IT – and in each case, those steps are DIFFERENT.

We are all wired differently, there is NO one size fits all – life wise, or fitness wise.

As for making something of yourself, that is entirely up to you – on your terms or what not. Personally I know how annoying it is to ask for advice and have someone spout out what THEY want you to do, not advice on going where you want to (because they aint got a clue themselves).

So if you want real life coaching that really works – apply HERE – and we’ll see what we can do.

(if  you’ve applied, if you have not received a response from us as yet – then email me – again!).

(this, of course, is part of the reason I never “got married to become a citizen” or whatever nonsense “Fang” was advocating back in the day in NY.

Chinese would DIE for the opportunity you have, white girl, so beautiful” he kept going.

Like dude, girls have hardly ever been a problem for me, and I dont need to get documentation “based upon something I didnt really do”

I’d rather do it MYSELF, and always have – bottom line).


The one thing I do tell people fitness wise – is not to “make something of themselves fitness wise”.

Everyone has their own idea ultimately of what ‘fitness’ entails.

But, there are some basic concepts that apply to all.

Minimal fat around the midsection.

High energy all day long that does NOT go away.

Waking up fresh – and not “depleted” – regardless of “how much you slept last night” or other nonsense.

Doing something … daily.

Heavy duty leg and back work (by extension, shoulders too).

And so forth …

I’ve got the results to back up what I say. My students have the results too – check out my Twitter and other social media, or even the pages HERE for more.

And therefore, I’m fully qualified to talk about it all day long and I will .. Hehe.

But I’ll never tell you to “make something of yourself”.

Talk about an insult (remember the last whiny email I got about insults) ?

Dude, if I REALLY insulted you, I wanted to tell that guy. Of course, he’s probably too dumb to recognize a real “talk down” or insult when he sees or hears it.

And thats that for now.

Enjoy the weekend folks – happy Memorial Day – and … be sure to grab some products at a discount NOW, because it aint gonna last beyond the 30th.

MEM2022 – is the TICKET. (ie coupon code you can use for the discount).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, contrary to what many people think you dont need to survive on fried roaches, pig hearts, duck blood, and other “delicacies” (ever seen snakes in Walmart? Lol – well, they have ’em hanging in China!) in China … there’s plenty of REAL food i.e. beef, pork, chicken, eggs available as well …

And, some of that great green tea I source – let me know if you want it – original high quality stuff – if you want it, let me know (I had the sales page up here, but took it down due to low demand from this site) – and I’ll hook you up!

And, I write about in the Simple and Effective Diet too, which of course is yours GRATIS with the 0 Excuses Fitness System, which truly is the best darn fitness system ever, out there – and so forth, yada, nada, schnada, you’ve heard it all before I know, but it’s true!

PS #2 – When you help someone in general, the best way to do it is NO strings attached, do it because you want to, do it because you’re trying to help the other person, or support him the best you can, and so forth.

Do NOT try and “mould” the other person in your own mould, or try and “extract” other benefits from him (or her) in the name of “helping a friend out” – that ain’t help – thats BS. Lots of people would be doing good to take this advice and APPLY it.

Why I just insulted “you”
- Yeah, YOU. (not really, hehe).

Yeah, you!

Nah – not really, but the point i’m trying to make is this – there is a reason why I believe I mentioned in one of my last emails “cheapskates” not wanted.

It was there in red (hopefully it was, at least).

And as I’ve said in the past before, types that want to buy – say The Simple and Effective Diet and then want a $20 discount on that (which is what was being offered at the time) (and this is just ONE example!) – I mean, I got ONE phrase to utter that I’ll borrow from Sleepy Joe.

Come on!

A $17 product, and he wants the $20 discount applied on that too.

Even Amazon would be hard pressed to meet such demands. Hehe.

Its due to all the whinging, carping, moaning I regularly get from idiots about prices – the same idiots who’d happily pay Netflix and not the Ship (despite the exorbitant rates the former charges, and the very reasonable deal we offer) – and whine about not being able to renew on time “because my card is over limit” or some nonsense, and then wanting “back in”.

Sorry pal – doesnt work that way.

Dont get me wrong, it’s a free world, and if he (she) chooses that option and is at least upfront about it, then hey – you dont get no rants from me on it.

His/her choice, thats fine.

but making EXCUSES about not being able to renew on time because of some idiotic tripe like that is just pathetic, and more than that, to me at least – ANNOYING.

I’ve been in positions before where monthly memberships couldn’t be renewed (though the Ship is yearly, or six monthly) – due to factors truly beyond my control.

IN all those cases, I’ll contact the people responsible and tell them the reason – and either ask them to put the service on hold until I “pony up” – or some other solution (with me it’s always been a long term thing, so thats never been an issue with any of my providers, and there are plenty!) …

But I’ll never make some stupid excuse about “I wanted to buy this”, so …

That is just a retarded COP OUT.

Anyway …

The reason – another one I dont do too many sales these days is because of the whiners, whose number grows exponentially (to be expected though).

And when I do, the last thing I want is more whining.


Or, this –

“Please take me off the mailing list. I dont appreciate the language you use on a daily basis”.

Or other tripe.

Apparently dude #2 from California forgot there is an unsubscribe link.

Maybe I’ll do him the favor of clicking it.

And inslut – really? LOL.

Dont get me wrong, I know Glyn’s hanging around someplace too …

But back to insults?

First off, dude, I didnt insult nobody.

I simply said I didnt want cheapskates, if you classify yourself in that bracket and feel insulted, well, tough shit, but … facts are facts eh.

Second, there is the matter of the word “IF”.

IF – in Boolean logic that isn’t a “definite” as far as I know, and even real life logic?

Third, the fact is this – there ARE People clogging up the list who do exactly F all except “stay on it”.

A lot of these people may occasionally check their emails or what not, some dont even do that.

Fluff, and not wanted – especially when sending emails costs money per email.

(and no, “because I want to learn for free doesnt cut it”, and even if you did, the site is there for that)

Last, there are people on this list – and believe me, the software tracks these things (even if it didnt, I’d set up the code to track it) – and even if that didnt happen, I’d fEEL it – and if I feel it, I’m generally RIGHT – that they’re just “waiting for the time to be right”, that they never have any money, credit cards always overspent etc, and so forth.

First thing you know, ain’t never gonna be “the right time”, and second … with people “hoping” he’ll give it to us for less, complaining about discounts etc – well, I dont see these people go to a Michelin restaurant and ask for discounts, and whine about price, then I see no reason they should be doing that HERE.

Simple as that.

If someone wants to be that way, thats their choice.

But I dont want them on the list.

And therefore, its not an insult. It’s called smart business, and it’s going to continue to happen, and if someone gets their wittle feelings hurt, so BE IT.

Anyway …………….

Hopefully you’re still on the list after reading this. Hehe.

And if you’re part of the elite bunch of doers that wants to take advantage of the 30% off sale we have going on now – well, it’s right HERE for you -use coupon code MEM2022 at checkout.

But hurry – it wont last beyond or probably not even till May 30…

See you around –


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’ve been to our products page, and are wondering WHAT to buy – well, the 0 Excuses Fitness System would be an awesome start. Invest, follow instructions, get good – damn good at it – and THEN move onto other things.

Yes, I could tell you to grab everything you can while the sale lasts, and yeah that would make sense for you too financially, but I’d rather you get stuff at your own pace, and the products be of USE to you. And thus, my recommendation. Slow and steady – and persistent – does win the race ultimately!

Memorial day special
- YES!

But please – cheap skates not wanted (before I start this one)

If you’re the sort of person that won’t spend a red cent no matter what, this ain’t for you.

For the rest of you, well ..

We ain’t done this for a long time, it seems – so here GOETH!

Memorial day – SALE – live!

Short and sweet, I’ll keep this one simple. ALL purchases over $50 get a flat 30% off if you buy NOW – i.e. until the offer ends, which it will end sharp on May 30, 2022.

yes, FLAT 30% off, no other requirements other than the minimum purchase. If you’ve got this sorta offer before, well, you can get it again – no restrictions there either!

And, perhaps before that even judging by demand…

Get your thang on NOW. (while the going is good, as y’all know very well, I dont get “in the mood” for this too often! Hehe).

Use coupon code MEM2022 at checkout – and ENJOY!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – NO, the minimum $50 purchase requirement CANNOT be waived, before someone asks. Thanks, but no thanks, lol. This is for DOERS only, not cheapskates wanting it all for free.

Weird rituals, and more…
- Rites of passage. Hehe.

I should probably term it as “rites of passage”. Hehe. Since thats what they are!

But first …

Thanks for unloading a memory.

That was what Ben said at the end of his email on “nicknames” – which I just wrote about HERE.

Glad to have touched a positive chord  – keep GOING!

He’ll keep going, I know that. Hehe. TANK!

Anyway – Abrams tanks and Battletank Shoulders aside (or, T 72’s, depending, hehe) …

Some memories have been floating up in MY mind too. They often do!

And one of them was, for some reason a strange “rite of passage” every young boy went through at school – in India, at least.

If it was your birthday (unless you hid it) – you got picked up by the arms and legs “like a sack” by several other boys, and you’d be kicked repeatedly on the back and ass for  a while.

And thats it.

Now, this isn’t as brutal as it might sound, most of the boys did it good heartedly.

(couple of assholes yes, but mostly, all in good spirit).

(kinda like “ragging” – or “hazing” – an old British concept which never quite went away from India, something I absolutely do NOT tolerate or accept – but apparently its alive and kicking still in the subcontinent).

(kinda like what we were expected to do i.e. treat others on our birthdays – shouldnt it be the other way around if the day is “special”? It never was for me, but hey – if it’s special for the person, it should be special for the person, not others, period! Hehe).

Most of the kicks landed on the ass anyway, and not with full force, some on the back I think. Hehe.

And then you got let down.

Those times were pretty brutal though – but they made men out of boys. All the physical punishments, all the “no mamsy pamsy tough love” and so forth …

… given what the world has come to today in terms of most being pansies x 100 – I’ll take the 90’s anyday.

(no dumbphones too. Yay!).

Anyway – I’ve no idea why birthdays lent themselves to that? It was also apparently one of those things you grew out of, apparently ninth grade onwards it never happened (hey, the girls will look. Hehe).

As my lovely (not) Dad once so nicely told me.

“I’m sure the girls will find you cute without your long hair too!”

Maybe they will, fact is they always have – hehe – Dad, maybe YOU were the one that always wanted to be an iconclast, but never COULD Be.

In China, I still remember him telling him quietly “you can get all you want here“.

Hey, Dad.

Thats like preaching to the choir. Hehe.

Anyway …. that aside, memories!

one of the stranger ones was Rahul in fourth grade where he “liked a girl” – and my first thought was, what if I’m alone with her for a few hours – and then later, “she comes out with a baby”.


No birds and bees were taught to us, or me at least!

Her name was Priyanka, oddly enough, I’ve met “Priyankas” all my life in various shapes, sizes and forms, with ONE defining common characterestic I’m NOT going to mention here, but that characterestic is probably what caused “Michael in China” (as I’m called hehe “Michael Brown” is the name I use in China as I got sick of being called “Lahoo” or “Yahoo” (try getting Chinese to pronounce Rahul, lol, you’d think they’re Asians too, they could pronounce it but no!)) ..to write a bestselling, and indeed flagship book (that Bozo Schofield for one salivates over, hehe) on the other site – with her as the heroine.

(not you, Glyn, you’re not the “her” I’m referring to. Hehe. Youre merely the sissy there, perhaps thats why he loves the book so much “in ass” as it were).

Anyway ………..

Memories aside….

Some of the things we did, and thought of as kids are really what we should do as adults.

Some of the MOVEMENTS we did – ANIMAL like – are the best in terms of getting fit as an adult.

Dont believe me?

Get down into a bear crawl and crawl like a little kid for say … 20 seconds by the clock.

Get back up, and duck waddle around for the same time.

Back down – frog jump for the same time.

And last, the alligator walk which will make SUPERMEN out of MEN – for 20 seconds – if you can do it for even 2 that is.

Thats 80 seconds of workouts, little over a minute.

Most so called men out there would be hard pressed to do FIVE seconds of this workout without collapsing.

Animal Kingdom Workouts my friend is one of my best books, and its – along with Battletank Shoulders – BRUTAL.


Clearly you know what it takes to create the perfect beast!”

From one beast to the other – hehe. That was the great John Walker saying that!

Anyway – thats yet another example of why SIMPLE often works the best. And is the most BRUTAL.

You see examples of it all around you … I’m not even going to bring world events into it, but I think you know what I’m talking about.

And if you’re a serious trainee, then these two books simply MUST be on your bookshelf, period – no ifs, buts, maybes, hems, haws…

Get ’em NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some of you on the list have been getting hit- nay, BLASTED – with animal kingdom emails. Hehe. Now, thats a glitch with the system, the email was only supposed to go out so many times, but being a lot of you want the course, and a lot of you are being cheap and not GETTING it – well, that email will CONTINUE to go out. Hehe. Some things must happen!

If it gets boring…
- WTF!

A common complaint I keep hearing about workouts – especially the numbers I do, and advocate – specifically in terms of pull-ups, Hindu squats (where I recommend you should work up to doing 500 at one SHOT – which yes, it’ll take a while, but that should be the goal!) – and certain other exercises?

“its sooooooooo boring” some people will say. 

Note these people aren’t necessarily “not doers”.

They’ll do a rep or two properly, maybe 10.

But then when it comes time for the GRIND, the long haul – they back out.

Persistence is key, my friend.

And if you aren’t willing to go through the grind, instead preferring to go through the “motions” – well, you get what you put into it, simple as that, same thing for workouts, life, anything.

Put your heart and soul into something – you might be amazed at the benefits you get – and keep getting – in all ways that you never even dreamed possible – the reverse is true too i.e. do something “slipshod” or half heartedly – same thing – except in reverse.

Remember, as Emerson wrote about in the Laws of Compensation, a great read, and a must read for all I believe, it’s paid back to you at some point in time or the other, you cannot escape it – and the “currency of this exchequer is compound interest”.

Tis a fact, friend, thats how life works……

Now, back to “boring”.

I cannot for the life of me imagine how 500 Hindu squats at one go can get boring if you’re doing them right – the amount of MENTAL FOCUS required for one compeletely eliminates all whining and boring.

Sometimes, like with my long hill climbs in blazing heat, it can feel like torture – like the Undertaker slowly making his way to the ring, hehe (indeed that is what played out in my mind all those years I did those LONG workouts!).

Sometimes, in those cases, there isn’t a way to make it less tortorous, but in the case of pure bodyweight exercises, there is ALWAYS A WAY!

Squats getting boring? Amp the intensity.

Feeling yourself “lose it” during a jog “when will it end”? SPRINT!

And so forth.

The antidote to boredom while working out is this – maintain focus, and keep upping the INTENSITY to a point you cannot be bored or distracted even if you wanted to be.

THIS is what I keep telling people who claim they need the TV on a treadmill or what not to train effectively, or “can’t train without my headphones”, or other rot.

There isn’t anything wrong with accessories per se, all too often they’re used as a crutch, much like “boredom” is too.

And thats the lesson for the day – or email – whichever it is, we’ll see.

And if you’re interested in an exercise system that has so many variations you’ll NEVER get bored no matter what, pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness system NOW.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Rapping back and forth with Ben, and weird vibes given off by near 38 year olds training “kiddie” style. Hehe.
- Nah - not weird! Hehe

So , lots to talk about in this one, I believe!

I’ve been rapping back and forth with Ben Bergman, a DOER on this list (well, he’s not on the list as YET – but he will be soon, he’s bookmarked the site though and thats how he reads these articles/emails – btw, for YOU on this list, might be a good idea to bookmark the site just in case you miss an email, all emails are posted either on this site or on www.rahulmookerjee.com!). (and we’ll get Rolls Royce Publications up and running too, but I’ve already got a couple of emails up there too, I believe).

First off, before I dive into all of what I gotta say – I’ve been getting requests, strangely enough, or maybe not – a LOT of them – on both sites for two things – one of which I will share here – web development!

Lots of folks want me to build their sites for them – after seeing how well THESE sites are doing – in many cases these folks were the same ones who called me an idiot for doing things online and how it could “never work”.


How the wheel turns – and comes full circle eh. It always does, as a certain fictional “Priyanka” I’ve written five books on would “know”!

Indian “Goddesses” aside, lets get to it – I do NOT do web development any more – unless I’m very well compensated for it – I did it a lot back in the day, and being I still manage, update, maintain, administer and code (when required) everything myself on all my sites, I can certainly do it.

I’m certainly not the sort of guy who (if Ricky is reading, sorry, but it’s true!) gets two degrees, one in Computer Science, second in Biology, then does exactly “F all” with both of those, and asks for assistance on the most basic of IT issues…

(the degrees did help when looking for a bride, I suppose, lol – thats “arranged marriages in India for you – even in the good ole US of A)

Long story short – I can do it – but you gotta CONVINCE me to do it – enough said on that one. Emails saying “plssssssss build me site sir” will not cut it.

Enough said on that one. (but if you’re seriously interested, get back to me with a business or other plan, and well see what we can do. Believe me, we’ve got the infrastructure for it, I’ll tell y’all that!).

Anyway – on to training – so Ive been rapping with Ben about many things.

He sent me some pictures of his training – looking good Ben!

Maybe I’ll post them on the DOERS page when we get that one up and running.

With all the books still to be done, I doubt the doers page will be up anytime soon, but who knows!

Life in the FLOW.

Anyway …………… I’ve been talking to him about other things too – one of them being pull-ups, and I urged him to do MORE pull-ups – a lot more – something everyone should be doing (with proper form).

I also told him all about how big guys can and SHOULD do pull-ups – something which I said he no doubt knows all about!

(that above email is just ONE of MANY I’ve written on the subject!)

But anyway, he brought up an interesting point about doing pull-ups outdoors, and that is what I want to focus on today – along with some recollections, except they’re not of the sort you saw in 16 Inspirational FItness Recollections!

First off his email –


Thanks for the kind words and I’m glad the pics can be useful in your future articles.

I don’t do pullups that often since most of my pullup training is done at a park and I don’t want to give parents a weird vibe since a near 38 year old man is doing weird exercises on a kids playground equipment. Plus kids need the bars more than I do lol. I have a bar in storage at the moment until my wife and I find a new place. I use to do a little more consistently up until a year ago when we had to move out of the duplex we were living in. You’re right, but guys can do pullups but how many really do them right for their structure? Lol. My friend the late Bud Jeffries would do them from time to time and he was closer to 300 lbs. Even as far using those eagle straps to do them with.

I will sign up for the daily emails and check them out cause I just go directly from my bookmarks. Thank you again for the reply.

The email was longer, I put in the relevant parts here.

(he was referring to the “big guys can do pull-ups” statements made by me in terms of “you’re right”. And if Bud Jefferies could do ’em, well, along with Vince Gironda – yours truly when he was “big” (to say the least, hehe) – where is YOUR excuse?)

Yours truly –

Hi Ben,

Thanks for getting back to me! No issues with regard to the list – but yeah, sign up – that way, all of what you see online will show up in your Inbox as well. Either works, but its good to get on the list – with the bookmarks you’ll see the “most recent” posts, but the list will have emails from years ago as well in some cases, which you might not have seen via bookmarks, so yeah – get on the list – you’ll love it!

(just make sure to “confirm” your email (you’ll get a confirmation email after signup)- for some reason, I see the affiliate emails arent getting through to your yahoo email, so perhaps use a different one?)

Pics – and feedback – is always useful! … chopped… (and with this sort of thing like you know, one grows into many … like mice, hehe, speaking of which I better go hunt down that stray mouse I wrote about in one of my last emails!)..

I have heard of Bud Jeffries – guy was STRONG as heck, I’ll give him that! I dont know much else about the guy, but I will research him – I did not know he “passed” though . . .

As for the weird vibe? Hehe. I do pull-ups outside all the time, not sure if you’ve seen the “Da Xing Xing” emails from me, or the emails where the Chinese constantly stare at me “crazy” hehe – or the kids pestering me on the monkey bars – but hey, all goes with the territory – great workout!

Youll be hearing more on that in an email to come though – stay tuned!

(btw, home pull-up bars can be GREAT – they really, if you place them in doorways etc – allow you to focus on FORM – the one I currently have – I couldn’t really “swing” up if I wanted to, not that I would anyway)

You may enjoy this link – More on fat gripz, the SORE, SORE forearms I’ve got – – – and the best compliment to grip training done “pulling” style! (0excusesfitness.com) – and this one – More FOR using the thumb while doing pull-ups. (0excusesfitness.com). Like I said, sign up for the list, if you like what you see via bookmarks, you’ll LOVE what you get on the list. Hehe.

Keep it up with the pull-ups I’d say, despite the “weird” vibe – and DEFINITELY do monkey bar work – https://0excusesfitness.com/2018/01/27/da-xing-xing-fitness. (you’ll love that one too!. hehe).


Rahul (PS – Enjoy my wierd misspelt words, lol…..) (Like Twain said, “I never had any use for a man who could only spell one way”, hehe. Great guy, right down to that mustache of his, lol).

Well, so why did I share this email. lol.

Certainly not to rap about the mouse, which has evaded all attempts I made last night to kick it out of the house (rather than kill it) (though we put out medicine etc, though it doesnt seem to have nibbled on any of it!) – and is now hiding out in the kitchen. Hehe.

I still remember a girl Carol I knew who’d literally JUMP – inches – while hiking the hill with me, and hide behind me when frogs showed up at night on the hill (after rain).

With a mouse in her house, she was so scared that she messaged me all night about it from her bedroom, but wouldn’t get up to go to the bathroom for fear the mouse would “get her”. Hehe.

I am not quite at that level, to say the least!

but for the most part, I’d rather not have mice in the attic either, hehe.

Anyway ……..

That apart, thats another reason to sign up for the lists, eh.

And the last thing – most importantly, he brings up a pretty good point!

I mean, lets face it, even the doers will get it – how many times have you gone outdoors to work out in the park, and chosen a time “where not many people would be around” if just to avoid the stares, comments and other idiocy?

Perhaps that is one reason I chose a time which Charles the former friend would constantly go on about “I dont know how you train in that heat!” – where not many people at all were out and about, especially kids.

Doers like to be left alone when doing – PERIOD.

I could write tomes about that – and have about that one idiot who once asked me to “work my mind more and not do so many pull-ups” – I wish I could find the link for you – I’ve written about it. Hehe.

But other recollections, along the lines of ANNOYANCE AND IRRITATION?

I’ve often had trouble with adults gawking and staring, not being willing to move their coats off the dipping bars and so forth, and of course kids showing up where I work out and do pull-ups.

Nothing against any of that, but again, doers like to do – and be left alone to DO.

And when it’s Chinese New Year, when despite the Chinese economic miracle you have people gathering in huge swarms in the parks outside etc (free!) – you sometimes do have issues, especially if you’re a very noticeable foreign devil working out outdoors.

In China, one thing that constantly annoyed me was the “expectation” many Chinese have of foreign devils all being ESL teachers (monkeys) – and how “we should be glad we’re in their country” and so forth.

And of course, teach them English for free, and other nonsense.

The “entitlement” mentality basically (really, even Russia is better in that regard – MUCH better).

And Ive got into it a a couple of times, or more!

Once with a couple of moronic ladies who wouldn’t move away from the dipping bars – in short skirts at that. I can just hear ole Mickey saying “get your chicken asses out of here”. Hehe. I almost said that – I think I did – hence the issues.

“Go back to your own country” was the answer. 

Ah, honey, as Marc would say “When the Chinese stop coming to our country and buying up all the land at inflated rates, we will stop going to yours“. lol.

So right. So true!

Then this one time when a dog showed to lick my chin when I was doing handstand pushups and I got distracted, and fell on my chin. Nasty bump that one. Hehe.

Then this one time when a kid was badgering me – and poking me when I didn’t answer his foolish questions – right AFTER a workout – not pull-ups, at the top of the hill, and when I told him to leave me alone he wouldnt and then I got irritated, and yelled at him to get lost or something – and his Dad got pissed.

How dare I tell his kid that.

“This is China! Chinese dont like you!”

Oddly enough, the Chinese there were themselves trying to get him out of the area. lol. (they were all doers there, they saw me there daily).

But that one almost turned physical, I had to restrain myself big time there …And in hindsight, I’m glad I did.

Guy was a real pussy, when you see someone balling their fists up and pretending to “fight” – with car keys between their fists to inflict damage their pansy fists never ever could – well – when I saw him doing that, despite his insults, I laughed, and all anger left me.

(or annoyance, not anger).

What a sissy, I Remember thinking. Hehe. 

(and he was. he was trying to exploit the crowds, all mostly Chinese, on a Chinese holiday, and the “big bad foreign devil trying to bully a father and his kid” – which even the crowd saw through it, it was utter BS, so that backfired as he was told to leave the area, which he did, but as I was going down the hill, his grandma or maw, or whoever the lady was, hehe – and him started on again)

(I mean really, dude, control your kid, it’s one thing to badger from a distance, its quite another to pester physically!!!)

(but, TIC – “This is China”)

Marc, the African Silverback Gorilla said it more prosaicly.

“What a pussy”, he laughed.

But my buddy from the Marines had different advice, he was right too.

“Rahul, its never good to get physical with these people!”

And he’s right. It never is in China where it’s mostly “Chinese vs foreigners”, and 9 times out of 19 the foreigner is wrong even when he is not wrong. Hehe.

OK, if you can speak Chinese, and in my case if you have contacts etc, its different, plus I’ve been there over 15 years – all that is there, but still, I’ve heard and seen too many cases of expats being locked up for NO fault of their own in China – that is an area I’d rather not go there if you get my drift!

China has wierd laws too, in the US for instance, if someone physically attacks you, or “tries to” (potential danger) you can not only stand your ground, but you can whack the other guy into oblivion, and there (obviously and rightly so) wont be many problems with it unless you really go “Putin” on the guy.  (i.e. you cant simply kill someone or seriously hurt, injure etc, but still the laws work sensibly).

But in China, if someone even slaps you – lets assume – you’d say that would be a prime opportunity to go “Putin” on him?

(I wont get into her. Glyn can handle the sissies. Hehe)


My buddy once did, ended up in jail for NO fault of his – except self defense if you can believe that.

So, yours truly stays away from all this in those cases……………

Anyway – working out outdoors, huh. Hehe.

Those were a few recollections I wanted to share with you, specifically the almost fist fight. Hehe.

But none of this should deter y’all from going outdoors, getting a workout in – and hey, if you’re not doing monkey bar work, you’re not really training grip – period.


And none of this should mean you should NOT do pull-ups at home either, like I said doorway chinning bars really make you focus on form!

If I had a choice between the two, especially when you bring fat gripz into play?

I would choose both!

And that, my friends is that.

Have a great day – and Ben – keep the feedback coming – all helps a lot!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Check out our testimonials page HERE.

PS #2 – Build THICK forearms like the ones below (Thats Ben!) – with Gorilla Grip – not to mention “unnatural kung fu like pulling power” – and Gorilla Grip (Advanced!). 

Right down to the T-shirt – spot on, cowboy!

And Gorilla Grip is available in compilation format too! And, tips too …