Why women in general want CONTROL over all!
- 'Tis true, friend. Tis true!

I will always remember one of the comments made about Fast and Furious fitness – aside from the great testimonial a customer made about the “Collector’s Edition” (scroll down to the bottom of the website, or click the link above – you’ll see!) …

“I saw the pictures, the book was obviously written in “happier times””.

“Such a pity that women just know how to take, never to GIVE… ”

He was right.

Corrugated Core, another book written in “happier times” (though not entirely very happy) in that regard.

But, I keep saying this myself – have been for ages now.

An example illustrates it perfectly.

At the age of 25, I wanted a break from China (pretty much because I didnt want to spend that nest egg I had built up “doing not much at all” there – and plus I wanted to see India had really changed for the better (hint – it hadn’t)) …

So, I returned home, but not before getting the following assurances from my Dad.

“You can use your room as a base for whatever you want to do. We’ll always support you”.


Words were never proven to be quite that hollow.

When he said it, I paused.

What if… I thought.

But I was single, young, didnt give a rat ass.

So I went.

Of course, first thing you know, my Mom bitched up a storm about my long hair – which I finally cut because of her pestering.

Second, a base??

No, I had to study for some dumb ass MBA apparently …

So I took the GMAT, hehe.

Had a phat phock of an “English teacher” whose own English was so crappy she coul dbarely string a sentence together, yet saw fit to tell me how to “crack the GMAT”.

I did pretty well, got a 650 – not because of her. hehe.

But then a few days later, I dont know, I had this bed in my room – one of the fold out kinds.

I loved it.

I’d fold it back in during the day – at night, I’d do the opposite, and sleep like a king.

One fine day, I noticed it gone.

Apparently Mommy saw fit to take it and “put it in the living room” or some BS.

Now, I dont like people taking MY stuff from my room …

Of course, nothing in that house was anyone’s except Mom’s apparently “because she bought it”.

From childhood till I was able to buy my own things, nothing was ever mine.

Can you imagine it?

Your own child, except “I bought it”, so it ain’t yours. It’s just PATHETIC!

And yet, more common than you would think, Google and you shall know.

As Uncle Bob rightly said,

“Parents can really fuck a kid’s development up!”

It was all at her whim and control – and most amazing  part, I’m yet to see a living room in the world with that sort of nonsense. Further, why not simply buy a new one rather than give me a new one which she knew I’d hate?

The answer is self evident.

From trying to force me to work a job, to controlling my money (which no-one ever could, hehe – my money has always been in places people just can’t get to even if they try) … all about CONTROL!

Same thing for my Mom with her own mother in law, I still remember the battle royals breaking out.

Like Marc the African silverback Gorilla told me once …

“They need an alpha there!”

He was right, but wait…


I know.

The MEN are the domineering and controlling ones, ain’t they?

The poor women that weep crocodile tears, aided by cucks in general – they never do anything wrong, never have!

Sorry, my friend, but this BS stinks to high hell and beyond, and I will never stop calling Nazi feminism out for what it IS – a SCOURGE!

And if YOU reading this, as many of my customers say “I agree with what you say about women, I’ve had troubles with them too” think there is no choice, but to put up with them – WRONG!

And the book above shows you how.

Sure, not for free.

But show you it does …

And of course, the other control YOU have over yourself – your thoughts – and your BODY.

Nothing and no-one, not even the most determined of panic stricken maniacs can take that away from you.

Its YOUR BODY, YOU decide!

Bottom line, simple.

I find it interesting how abortion rights activists everywhere are happy to abort fetuses way past the cell stage”, and claim “women’s rights”.

While literally committing MURDER.

Fuckin insane is what it is.


And physically, get in the best shape of your life FIRST.

Here is the System that will DO IT – The 0 Excuses Fitness system.

I’ll see you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Think it only happens to guys, and not gals? THINK AGAIN! My ex, at the age of SEVEN – her Mom took her to the living room for an XMAS gift… 

The little girl went there, eyes open .. 

And what did she get? 

Her Mom pointed to burnt coals lying in the fireplace. 

Thats what you get, Emily! 

She crowed, and went away, while her Dad, Dr Lamar did probably F all. 

Dont get me wrong, he was a good man. But, couldn’t stand up to his wife even for that, just fucking PATHETIC!

PS #2 – And, NO, for you “femdom” enthusiasts – i.e. those that get off on what the Bozo does (if there are any here – and many do, which is fine, so long as it’s a conscious choice) – this is the nasty control, not the “fun type” of control. Ugh!

Why all so called modern day crises are all “man made”.
- People may not like to hear this. but it's true.

And I ain’t even talking the plague from China, which people knew of (at least, the smart ones like yours truly) even before they willingly and knowingly spread the damn thing – let their own people travel everywhere while shutting down THEIR borders to others, and so forth.

It ain’t even about the socialist control creeping in everywhere in the name of panixation and other rubbish that not only doesnt work, can be HARMFUL to people – yes, people have DIED of the so called vaccine too!! – and other rot.

It’s about this – all these stupid so called crises you see everywhere, all over the news, and even the media – it’s obvious – has a “great time” apparently printing out the words CRISIS in bold red letters everywhere, shouting in videos, and so forth.

All so retarded, all such a scare campaign!

Dont get me wrong.

I am NOT for a minute saying the power cuts in India and China are not real.

I am NOT saying that serpentine lines for fuel in the UK – and Italy perhaps are not real.

I’m not saying inflation ain’t real.

It all is – but how did it HAPPEN?

All man made!

There are too many of us, my friend.

And we’ve been using and abusing the planet for way too long.

As Claude Bristol famously said in the Magic of Believing … if you USE The power to create – and/or destroy every human being is born with and has – CONSTRUCTIVELY, then more good happens.

Unfortunately in general people have used it WRONGLY – and hence what is happening now.

Wait a minute, I hear you saying.

Isn’t it politicians that are responsible?

In India, the states are batting problems back to the PM – he’s batting it back to the States – ultimately, the PRICE RISE is what they all want (the politicians and big wigs at whichever company) and every possible excuse is being used to create ruckus and PANIC!

I mean, I get it.

Coal and gas are dwindling, but this BS of “supply is less now because the DEMAND is a lot more than during the panicdemic” – is just that – BS!

Nothing is operating anyway at levels that they were – ask the empty flights that roam the skies!

And even if demand WAS MORE, well, then simply produce more.

Ah, but no, how could we ignore the capitalism of “supply and demand”.

Which is fine, but at the end of the day, THAT small group is doing all it can to control the rest – and eliminate as many people as it might sound. Ghastly as it might sound, I’ve been saying it FOREVER.

People are STILL not listening, still too absorbed in silly media reports and soforth.

I mean, wake up and SMELL THE ROSES!

And while we might think that “those people” are doing it – ultimately this justice is being meted out by that higher POWER I keep speaking of.

Do wrong, you shall receive wrong.

Do good, you’ll get good.

The rate of that exchequer is COMPOUND INTEREST, as Emerson so famously said in his Laws of Compensation.

Karma, to put it in one word.

And the world in general just has bad karma.

But anyway …………..

What can YOU DO to stop this?

Dont be a typical Tom Tom / sheep for one.

I’v ebeen saying that forever.

Don’t buy into the PANIC everywhere.

It’s all created for a reason.

Don’t buy into the madness, period.

Because you know what, friend.

If enough people do the right thing and resist, then none of this mess would happen – or would have happened.

In short – if you want things to get better- start DOING – and thinking for yourself.

And keep yourself in PRIME shape – ready for anything that they can throw at you.

it’s that simple, two things …

And as far as the second – here is the System that will defeat their plans PHYSICALLY …

Now, it’s up to you, my friend…

I dont know, I’d choose the latter option (i.e NOT being a sheep) if I were you, but what do I know, eh.



Rahul Mookerjee

Whats wrong with life being an adventure?
- Ain't not much at all, hehe.

My friend,

I still remember the looks of shock and surprise on the face of my first boss Nishith, who was a great dude by the way!! – when I said I was going to China (after I was asked twice by the guy who contracted me out to said boss).


“Dont grow a Fu Man Chu beard, hehe” (or, I think he asked if I would).

I loved that guy – just like Freddie in many ways!

But anyway – that aside, you on this list are well aware of my family’s reaction to it.

From “it’s a vague place” (I mean really, China, the worlds second largest economy, growing by leaps and bounds even then, certainly (and even the politics wasn’t that sever eback then – indeed, they were moving towards “improving” – though of course, I always told the Tom Toms that NO, prosperity wont necessarily bring democracy in China, because that prosperity comes from control and is an ILLUSION – and now? HA! – but a vague place???) … to looking up the town I was going to in the encyclopedia (literally, hehe) – to telling me “I was ruining my career” (I’d rather that than be a Tom Tom) – to saying th efollowing after I returned for a “brief respite” in 2007.

“China was just an adventure! Learn something HERE!” my Mom went.

The usual nonsense of life isn’t real life unless it’s a hassle, money isn’t earned unless you scratched through your elbows on broken glass to the bank to deposit your soiled bank notes, and so forth.

But that idiocy aside…

Just why the hell can’t life BE an adventure, my friend.

Of course it can!

That is what life was MEANT to be.

Look at how kids approach each single DAY.

It’s an adventure!


Is it any wonder that kids get what they want – with the fresh mind they wake up with each morning, and indeed throughout the day?

Ever notice a 4 or 5 year old carrying a GRUDGE?

Trust me, this sense of WONDERMENT and AWE at each single day, and saying how GREAT LIFE IS, rather than the opposite – that is what attracts good to you!!!

dont believe me?

I get it.

Read the first Chapter, or first few words of Zero to Hero! though – and you’ll get it!

You will FEEL IT!

That example I gave right ther e(you’ll see what it is when you READ) … will explain it all.

You can never go wrong in life – or otherwise – once you’re doing things the way I tell you to in that book!

As for me, I’ll take the adventures over the boring “Tom Tom” life most seem to prefer…

I think even the latter category would!

I mean, if you dont believe me – here’s what will make a believer out of the “already believe but dont want to accept it” lot.

DO you want a life like mine?

As simple as that, yes or no, and if you say no you’re probably not being “entirely honest” (and I’m being facetiously polite hehe).

But really, thats what I wanted to say.

And I have – so I’m out.

Remember – plenty of REWARDS be waiting for you.

If there’s a special reward or discount YOU are looking for, but it ain’t there, let me know. I’ll do what I can!


Rahul Mookerjee

Chaos amidst utter fuckin bedlam … or should I say CALM, hehe.
- Seems to be life these days for the Tom Tom's!

Much as I try and “remove myself” from the Tom Toms and society with their wackos in general kowtowing to dictators and so forth, I can’t completely. Hehe.

Ever seen the meme where “Sunday morning – you wake up at 8 in the morning – and instantly, a drill starts going off overhead – a massive one – and keeps going till nightfall or so”.

And if it’s China, add in power cuts too. Hehe. Apparently the drill works somehow during the power cuts though. Gotta build them ghost cities, hehe.

That sort of thing happens – all the time it seems.

And right now, I’m sitting here – just fucking annoyed (which was the whole point, hehe) – and not.

Some guy is drilling “right next to me” it seems for God knows what.

Like, do “doors” need to be made IN HOUSES?

I was under the impression you went to the furniture store, bought the door, and made off with it – much like with sofas.

Of course, what does yours truly “fool” know. Hehe.

But anyway, the point of me saying that (how dare I, I know) is not so much to point out the noise, the reason behind it, but this.

I’m sitting here writing to you in this bedlam. This chaos.

Yet, amidst all of it, I feel a strange “detachment” to it all.

I dont know why – the world in general, the way people are acting – maybe it’s just my own “second stage of ascension” going on right now.

But given the way the world is acting – my, oh my.

It would truly be a good time for a lot of you to detach – from everything! (at least the Bozo like news, and so forth).

And as to “how” I can do it?

I dont know, my mental techniques.

I remember one of the “ways” they break (or used to) down prisoners in Abu Ghraib, for one, was to play loud music repeatedly at high decibels – just enough not to damage their hearing permanently.

Along with many other tactics.

You wouldn’t believe how many families either knowingly, or unknowingly, do similar things. Hehe.

To me, I dont know, I just focus on what I CAN control.

Not what I cannot control i.e. this silly noise, not something I can control. Although I’d have done it differently, but hey – upstairs apartment or not – I cannot control it.

So, I focus on what I CAN CONTROL.

And I sort of use the noise as “white noise” which I rather like – not this loud drilling.

But I … ah, I got it.

I “look for the good in every situation”. 

And if yours truly can find good in situations like that – well – so can you.

Sitting here “calmly”, willing my mind to work through this nonsense – and it is! 

(and bear in mind, all this before my workout too!)

Anyway, enough on that.

Friend, let me tell you one thing.

I KNOW a lot of you want the following two courses –

Animal Kingdom Workouts

The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

But you’re just going to the page, then navigating away.

Clearly you want the product, but you’re not getting it?

I dont get this indecision, my friend.

If you want it, you want it – and you get it!

Do so now, I dont know what else to tell you in that regard, hehe.

And the noise continueth… almost like a harbinger of whats ahead, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – On a lighter note, Jay, a friend of mine from the US once spoke about a similar drill “at night”.

Before he told me this, he said “you’re starting to look like those black guys!” (because of my pushups, deep chest etc).

Which I dont know, even my friend from the Marines said –

“Black guys are the real gorillas!”

I dont know, look at the Gama for one – Indian.

A country which is reputed (well, Asia in general) to have “smart but not strong” men.

Which is insane, these stupid theories people have.

Big guys, smart guys, they can exist anywhere and they do.

Then this insane logic I heard growing up.

“White people have better lung endurance than Indians!”

Ugh, no end to the stupidity is there.

I mean, they see PROOF in front of them, and still………!

Anyway, Jay later that night – or the next day I believe, complained about something funny.

I couldn’t sleep all night, he said.

I asked why.

Well there was this rythmic “bang bang” going on all night above us.

(he was living with his sister)

Apparently according to Jay “the white lady upstairs brought home a black guy” and well … LOL! I’ll let y’all figure it out. 

People love these silly stereotypes dont they??! LOL.

Glyn, again, where are you when we need YOU. LOL!

(you dont know want to know his thoughts ont hat one, hehe. He told me once when drunk, and I almost blanched-cum-puked, hehe) .

Why it never worked out in my first marriage, avoiding “family” and more…
- In one of those ruminant moods!

As I sit here, thinking about the my last (in the last few years, so called) marriage – and hopefully and likely the ONLY marriage I’ll ever be involved in, hehe – I gotta say this.

Money, Nazi feminism, the usual bickering – the “7 year itch” – different “preferences” in many areas – and so forth … all happened.

Hell, I dont know.

I still remember asking my then to be wife the following.

“Honey, lets live together FIRST!”

This was met with scorn and derision.

Apparently I’m the fool and people dont live together first before jumping headlong into a marriage. Hehe.

But then again, extremes in my life it always HAS BEEN!

So it was … I figured we’d try it, we did, and … well, the result is out there. Hehe.

But more than that bit of nonsense, you know what really caused it all to fall apart – and this holds true for family too?

Tradition – or so called tradition.

I was never a traditional person in any regard, despite being pushed all my life.

And this pushing continued into adulthood.

Pushing from Mom and Dad to “be their version of an ideal son” i.e. a Tom Tom and probably virgin at the age of 100 (listen to them talk about sex, which they never have i.e. “with adult children, the topic is broached often in families!” – you’d think it was a crime to do anything “sexy”).

Of course, yours truly is the exact opposite. Started at age 13, never looked back. Hehe.

And of course, and it’s funny given “Chinese girls and me” – what they told me around the age of 17.

“Stay away from the Chinese and Korean girls! They’ll GRAB you like this!” my Dad said, making a fist.


He didnt know how right he was – and how WRONG he was, hehe.

Even after coming to China in 2005… (though I must admit, a lot of the China myths were busted right there before him, I didnt even need to say it!)

Isnt it funny?

The Trumpinator talks about grabbing them by the … and he’s castigated.

But someone (liberal) like my Dad says the same thing essentially, and if people heard it, they would just agree!


Again, Schofield – where are you where you were needed. You would have been the perfect son for them!


(Nah – not really – I wouldn’t inflict or wish Glyn on anyone!)

Anyway …

More than that, it was always about “pushing me”.

It was always about pestering me.

“What will you do with your life”

“what will you do after that job”.

Hell, Dad,  I’ll figure it out!

I mean, it’s not like I was going to get any sort of assistance from them, yet they looked upon as a sort of investment, I suppose.

i.e. we popped a son out, so now he’s an “investment”.

Similarly for my wife, all the years we were together, it was always about “pushing me” either directly or indirectly.

Sure, they can all sit back now and say “that was the past”.

But the past doesn’t just go away, friend.

Given half a chance, they’d do the SAME thing now.

With my wife, it was always pushing me to “be stable” – “work a job” – a lot of the same things my Mom (and by extension, the unwilling enforcer Dad) wanted.

And of course, the inane games.

We buy a flat screen TV in 2009, next day Dad calls me out of the blue saying “we bought another one thats bigger!”

Ok, great Dad. I only bought the flat screen because my wife suggested it to me. I could give a rip less about all that nonsense, to be fair!

I mean, if you think a stupid fucking TV equates to “having money” – well, go for it – but I’m not interested in the “show factor” , never ever was!

Then the even more idiotic blame games.

“you ruined my whole life!”

(and again, I’m glad OTHER People – and yes, despite what Tom tom’s globally think, WOMEN Too! – are coming out with similar stories, right down to the wording!)

Perhaps most awesome from a “silly” perspective?

The man with no plans (apparently) – or sometimes, I dont know (my wife calls me a master planner i.e. “Yukit” a derogatory term in hindi meaning this) …

… and yet, he’s done so much.

The Tom Tom’s are the first to point out “he has so much money, he just doesnt give us any!”

I remember a conversation with Marc the African Silverback Gorilla back in the day.

“Damn you had a lot of MONEY!”

That was back in the day, and I spoke to him at a time I was a bit down – but climbing back out of it.

So much for the guy with “no plans” “doing nothing” …

Hell, for me?

I just want to sit down with my cold beer at the end of the day – enjoy a good meal – a good woman – and thats that!

I was never the sort for “showing off” how many houses, cars, Rolex watches and other crap I have (though I do like jewelry, hehe).

That “10 inch cock ring” Marc so famously referred to in the ring. (a bracelet I wore. Hehe).

“Whats that? Your 10 inch cock ring!”



Anyway, Indians and Chinese and Asians in general reading this – especially the men – will get it.

And I got sick of being used as a tool and ATM a long, long, long time ago …

Bozo loves it, of course , but not everyone is a Bozo.

But anyway, avoiding family etc?

Sometimes its unavoidable.

And they, of course, take EVERY opportunity they can to say crappy things about me “behind my back”.

Which is fine.

But for me, it’s simple.

Sometimes, like I said, I can’t avoid them fully.

But I make sure to be as cavemanish as possible – which ain’t hard, being  a wolf comes naturally to me, hehe – when doing so.

That naturally bats the Bozos away as well (Schofield seems to have fallen off the face of the map as of late. Hehe. Poor guy).

Anyway … what can I say.

That grand ole game of LIFE …

I’m out.

Remember, those special offers we have going on will NOT last forever, bro.

So get a product now – I KNOW a lot of you have been wanting to get some.



Rahul Mookerjee

The handstand Bozo Schofield would so love…
- My, my, the things people get up to!

Yours truly just saw a clip that made him go OUCH!

x 1000.

Now, it’s useful on the other site where I cater to the Schofield types with “Madam plssssssssssss can I kisss your ass” or what not fetishes…

But as far as this one goes – YOWZA!

Trust me, when I describe it, you’ll know what I mean.

And it’s a handstand the lard lump Bozo would love to do – if he can.

Now, dont get me wrong, first off.

Bozo can’t get into a pushup position and hold with arms straight to save his life, and being as phat as he is, dong (I mean DOING, but you’ll see my point! pun intended) a handstand?

Or even close to it?

Even the easy peasy kick up style I do NOT teach in Shoulders like Boulders! – Bozo can only dream of it. Trust me.

(So can most gym goers, but Bozo is worse, but those gym goers with all their huge muscles, ask them to just GET into a handstand, much less do a handstand pushup.

Their jaws truly WILL drop when they see YOU doing it though!)

But anyway, if he saw this, he’d love it!

Some slim looking dude got into a handstand. Fairly OK I guess, kinda unstable, and then it come – POW!

Some chick just started to punch him.

Not where you’d think either.

Chest, head, no kicks, just punches…

But she wasn’t punching the legs or body if you get my drift.


Let me just say the guy had legs spread for a reason – when you kick up – sometimes your legs are spread (as opposed to the way I teach them – unless you’re working up to freestanding handstands though, which is taught in Profound – 70% Gorilla 30% Human Handstands – that is the bridge between the first two books and the fourth – not yet out – freestanding handstands) when you do kick up handstands.

And she was punchin him – get this – right in the gonads.

A certain Sophia once called me a masochist – why – I’ll let you guess!

But I;d rather be an Iron man and masochist exercise wise!!!!

Which, I’ll take.

But this??

He was apparently into, as Bozo is, into getting his “nuts busted” . Ballbusting they call it in parlance where male bits are kicked, scrunched, punched, pushed – OUCH!

(by “ballbustrixes”) (or whatever gets the Bozo’s goat, I gues. Though most of those folks are actually sane, they just have insane preferences, hehe, but they’re nothing like “pester Central Bozo” – they keep it SSC!)

And people get real creative with it too!

And as soon as (and believe me, I’ve marketed to those folks too, hehe in their way – they love it!) – the dude got down from the handstand, kicking back down – he just collapsed in a heap and the video ended.

I dont blame him.

Thats rather extreme!

Though  of course, with Bozo, he probably wouldn’t say it’s extreme at all.

Anyway …

That’s something “interesting” I saw!

And while I can’t particularly say I “like it” myself – LOL – if you get my drift – theres tons of idiots that do. Hehe.

Good news, YOU dont have to do anything near about as awe inspiring – or stupid, if I might say so. Hehe.

For you, getting into the regular handstand will be enough to evoke that AWE in most people, gym goers included.

And to learn how to – well – get Shoulders like Boulders! here.

Limited time offer – the “FAQ” (25 great questions everyone has on handstands) is offered FREE OF CHARGE – if you choose the digital download option.

Get on this NOW, my friend.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why the word “drifter” is often misused.
- By the Tom Toms ...

A customer (long term) of mine once recently made this comment about me.

“You have an interesting lifestyle with the way you move about. I wish I could do that!”

He meant every word too. Hehe.

Ties into what I keep saying about the reason people complaining so much about me and ranting behind my backs about “what a loser he is” or “he has so much money, gives us nothing!” and so forth?

THEY want the same thing, except they have found every excuse to justify the lack of that same thing in their own lives, therefore…

I get it – why wouldn’t someone want it?

Charles was right!

But anyway …

(I mean , think about it – a business that pays you as you move about – quite literally while you sleep – a lifestyle people can only dream of in terms of “new and interesting things” – and of course, if you’re a guy, ahem… the gals – and not just that – just, different places, interesting, different cultures, so forth!)

Everyone wants it, precious few have the gumption to say “screw you” to the world that wants you to do the polar opposite, and then do what it takes to create that lifestyle.

Some dont even believe it’s possible, which hey, I get that .. – I honestly do. I didnt for a long time myself (but I still always wanted it!)

But anyway …

My Uncle once asked me the following (I believe when I was 19).

“What do you want to do?”

He broke cardinal rule numero UNO, of course, which is to do the thing first – and tell people later!

Knowingly or not , I have always followed that one sage rule!

And many others…

He then went on to say “I could do something definite, or “be a drifter“”.

Nothing wrong with either one of the following, he went.

I remember thinking.

“Duh, Uncle. Tell me something I DON’T KNOW!”

But I kept my mouth shut, hehe. I always do!

Thing is though, there is often confusion between the terms “nomad” and “drifter”.

Charles Mitchell, my great customer and ex cop from the Big Apple used the term “nomadic lifestyle”, and he was right.

A drifter, as Napoleon Hill famously said in his books is someone who has no definite aim, goal or purpose in his life (Bozo Schofield would be a nigh perfect example of this).

(Which is why I dont despite my numerous talks about the Bozo, ever tell him to “change”. I advise him, yes, but he wants to drift and be a loser – hey, who am I to change him!)

But thats never been me. I’ve ALWAYS had huge goals, and I’ve met each single one of them.

Of course, when you “dont do it as the world expects, on THEIR TIMEFRAME and conditions” – then you’re a drifter (curiously enough, they find the time to chat to drifters, these so called doers, hehe) …

(pretty much what happened in Rambo I – i.e. the guy was just looking for a plac eto sit down, recuperate – he wasn’t a drifter by any stretch!)

Nomad is anything BUT a drifter.

Just WHY would someone not want to live life with full freedom as I’ve described above is beyond me, of course…

Maybe the Tom Tom’s can chime in and tell me !

Anyway, Id rather be confused as a “drifter” than not be a nomad, or semi nomad.

To me, what people say and my own words even dont matter.

When people tell me something like that, it causes internal giggles of the sort Bozo never got from any girl laughing at him. Hehe.

And so, I let them say it, then I do my own thing.

So should you – and thats a lesson in itself in terms of doing your own thang, bro.

Or sis, what have you, or, if you’re Bozos tranny (that one he’s after now, some of the stuff he’s been saying, I gotta wonder, geez) …

Anyone, really…

Alright, thats that for this one.

Remember, this is yet another thing SO GREAT ABOUT ALL MY FITNESS PROGRAMS!

You do them ANYWHERE.

On the road, in hotel rooms, even out while drinking beer (I still remember showing my buddy from the Marines Hindu Squats while drinking.

“I hope these tight jeans dont rip”, I quipped (I was wearing them).

“We dont want that!” he riposted back.

And that, my friend, is that.

Now, i dont know what you’re waiting upon if you ain’t yet got the System, truly the best fitness system out there…

And since I’m sick of telling you about offers, rewards, and so forth, I’ll just say this –

BE A DOER – not a “booer”!

And I’m out.


Rahul Mookerjee

Truly, friend, doing is the ONLY way to succeed in life. NO SHORTCUTS!

Why life is all about playing the WAITING GAME!
- Black Mamba!

Like I say, Black Mamba style!

Jeff Bezos (and this happened only in the last 8 years when his company grew in a very stupendous manner (it might sound surprising, but Amazon wasnt what it was for most of it’s 20 plus year “lifespan” and still going – until around 8 or so years ago! – they had like I believe 30k employees at that point, as opposed to the massive numbers today) … had this to say when asked about the company’s performance.

“This was baked in three months ago, maybe a year ago!”

Which is how it works, my friend – in life – or money – or business – or fitness – or even “beating the Bozo at his own game” (the last if you were to get downright infantile).

But lets get infantile for a moment, remember the wait and watch game I subconsciously played with the Bozo before really letting him “crucify” himself with his Amazon reviews, and then starting to bring all my guns out – one by one.

Big ‘uns still on the hip, Glyn! Hehe

But it’s a waiting game, my friend.

You have to be willing to look past – way past – temporary setbacks that might seem nigh huge, disappointments that might crush you.

This morning, I woke up and saw a 60% plus return on an investment I made a few months ago without thinking about it except “plant a seed here, plant one there – see what and how it grows”.

This one sure did GROW!

But lets say you LOST that money – the opposite.

What will your reaction be?

Doom and gloom – or chalk it up to the GAME?

Most people would go for the former, especially with huge losses – and hey, I get it.

Can be galling!

Can literally “cut into you”…

I know the feeling – been there, done that!

But it’s if you look at it as a learning experience for the GOOD to come next, the LESSONS learnt – then , my friend, you get knowledge that is nigh invaluable!

Napoleon Hill wrote about this in Think and Grow Rich in the lesson on .. PERSISTENCE, that “strange force” which comes to your aid – when all else is lost, the whole world is against you, yet you keep fighting, and SOMETHING HAPPENS!

And it is the “verily persistent” that finally make it to the top, and stay there (if they’re smart).

These people dont just, as Hill wrote, get the prize that they are seeking.

They get something more infinitely important, that being knowledge on temporary failure, persistence, and the rest!

You’ll have to read the book for more on it –  but this same spirit shines through in Zero to Hero! as well. (I’d say it’s a mini Think and Grow Rich from a practical standpoint i.e. DOING – though again, visualization is very important, and the first few words of the book – and the prologue, or whatever I named it – bears TESTAMENT TO THAT FACT!)

(done with FEELING).

Fitness wise, same thing, except a bit different.

You dont just get the System, for one, and sit on it – you keep quietly DOING.

Some days you think about your goal actively, some days, no. But you keep doing, and much like monitoring stocks – or investments – or what not – that doing makes you think automatically as well.

And one fine day, you wake up – and you see you’re TRULY in great shape – people are starting to applaud you, and so forth.

Its the slow burn, friend.

It’s the appetite to keep going for long periods with nothing but discouragement staring you in the face.

It’s the appetite to lose, and lose big – and then win even bigger. 

Might sound like a bit of a gambler’s Mecca that last one, but really – what is life at the end of the day?

Aren’t we all gambling each single day – big, or small – or infinitesimally?

Think about it …

And remember, as I keep saying, invest in the System while you can, my friend. A few months down the road – the price will go UP – and you’ll be cursing yourself for NOT getting in at the price it is now (and the offers I have applicable now).

Do this NOW, friend. Really.


Rahul Mookerjee

Survival of the fittest.
- Both mentally and physically.

In all ways, my friend.

Mentally, physically, and in every which way.

Simply saying “crazy world right now” doesnt cut it. Trust me, plenty of people say that to me- but if you saw what I did, from ALL angles, and many countries etc, with insider knowledge of what is going on in some of those places, you’d truly understand!

This ain’t even about predictions coming true (that people scoffed at me years ago for saying “it will never happen” – oh YES, if it CAN happen, it probably WILL happen at some point – question is, are you PREPARED?) years or months after I predict them, it is NOT about yours truly either.

It isn’t about Tom Tomming my abilities.

It isn’t about thinking “all is well” and “good attracts good” – dont get me wrong, it does, but you can’t control the world! – when the reality is the polar opposite.

It isn’t about ignoring the news altogether – it’s about not letting it affect you, and it’s about sifting through the chaff to find the grain, or whatever the expression is.

I’ve been saying for YEARS now that it’s truly all headed up to SURVIVAL of the fittest in an extreme manner.

I built – wrote – all my courses in a manner that would make you physically, mentally, emotionally – in every which way – able to weather the STORM to come – the MASSIVE storm that is out there NOW.

Just look at what is happening.

People were happy 2020 was over.

“2021 will be better!” everyone mused.

I remember laughing sardonically.

“The pain ain’t even begun!” is what I told people.

They didnt listen.

Almost a year down the line, I’m saying this now – its begun – well and truly – but we’re a long ways from even halfway down the pain meter.

Think what is happening NOW is bad?

I dont blame you -look around you.

Crisis damn near everywhere on all fronts, price rising for everything everywhere, scare campaigns going on DAILY – the fear people are feeling now (or the “resignation”) is so palpable I could cut it with a KNIFE. – relationships deteriorating alarmingly – people themselves having changed beyond any semblance …

I mean, I dont get it – the sheer callous nature of folks now, send them an email no response, send them a text – no response – and I am talking BUSINESS HERE with profit in it for them – it seems all people want is everything on a platter!

And it’s getting worse.

Now, what does all this have to do with you, you might well ask.

Well, last year I wrote about – in March – 2020 being the year of the survivor.

You might want to edit that to “the next few years”.

Look, things are what they are.

And you cannot ignore the FACT, my friend – that to survive whats coming – you have to be at your WILDEST, fittest, BEAST LIKE BEST!

Societal niceities, “politeness” and all other crap be damned (not like you’ll get it back – reciprocated – anyway!).

What it’s boiling down to – and I wont even use the “frog in boiling water” example like someone recently used about the power crisis in Europe (that metaphor is inaccurate, btw, frogs DO as far as I know feel pain when dunked in boiling water!) …

.. .is the survival of the fittest.

In every which way possible .

And if you dont believe that, if you think this will “pass soon” – then youre sadly mistaken, friend.

Then, I might well use that above metaphor – or maybe “sticking your head in the sand” (which never works).

Pass it will, but the tough phase must be negotiated, not everyone will …

Look, my courses make you like ME.

Lean, mean, ready to blast past obstacles, and “die trying” (figuratively) …

It’s THAT sort of attitude that my fitness courses foster.

It’s ABOVE AND BEYOND “just get you fit” or “make you tough as hell” (these workouts are indeed used by Special Forces and other supremely fit individuals everywhere! – dont believe me? show them one of my books, lets say Battletank Shoulders, and ASK!) …


And my courses toughen you up to the point where that is at the forefront of your mind daily – while you thrive and prosper in other areas of your life.

And the very basestone – cornerstone – Lodestone- if I might say so, of that system?

The 0 Excuses FItness system – get your hands on this now, and get started TODAY!

Truly building WARRIORS from the INSIDE OUT!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A huge shout out to Cathy and the rest that took action on the last email!

And in terms of lodestones – here is another course you must invest in right here – Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness (do so before the price goes UP).

And no, steeling yourself “not to buy”wont work -just like the above system, THIS is worth more than it’s weight in GOLD, my friend – trust me – quite literally – secrets you have NOT heard before!

Secrets that truly will catapult your health and fitness to hitherto unheard of levels..!

Get in on the pre-order while you can!

Some things just dont change…
- Hehe.

A lot of things don’t.

I believe I wrote about this a while ago?

As companies globally revert to shipping “as it was in the 1960’s”, and the apathy, laziness, and disregard for one’s fellow human being just rises, I gotta say this …

But before I do, on a slightly humurous note – to me.

My daughter is “cheating” in her exams – so she told me.

Just like yours truly did – and everyone in the class did as well, hehe. We did inventively, with “little bits of paper” stuck up socks, underwear, and every other crevice we could find.

Bozo Schofield, of course, stuck it up the one crevice even the teacher wouldn’t look for (although given whats going on in some of the “Catholic schools”, churches etc – what a DISGRAC E- have you read the stories of abuse????? and in some and many cases, it’s WOMEN abusing girls! – just a disgrace, I thought… – I wouldn’t put it past some of them!) …

If caught, we’d just “eat” the paper.

I never was, fellow students often were. Hehe.

Bozo, I dont know how you ate that paper.

But apparently he did!

Or hed get a whack like none other from a cane or what not …

These days, from what I can glean, it’s become taking photos on the dumbphone and smuggling those into class. Hehe.

Some things dont change!

I keep telling my daughter ONE thing – for most things.

“If you wanna cheat on some things do it – but dont get caught!”

Now, I encourage her NOT to cheat – especially when it comes to English, communication skills etc

But I also know, from experience, she’s going to do it anyway … kids these days have become lazy like you wouldn’t imagine!

(Not their fault, of course, the environment around them) …

And so, if she’s going to do it anyway – I’d rather she TELLS me (as opposed to in my case where I wouldn’t dare tell my parents – hehe – reminds me of me burning exam papers etc with my friend Dheeraj when I was 17 so my Mom wouldn’t get a hold to them, hehe) … and then does it.

“Do everything”, I keep telling my daughter, but “tell me first”.

I draw the line at ACTIVELY helping her cheat though. Hehe.

If she’s gotta do it, she’s gotta learn how to be inventive enough to do it!

Hey, fair trade off, I think.

BUt anyway …

The world – my friend, and PEOPLE- just, I Dont get it.

I had it out this morning with a guy I’ve done biz with for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.

He promised something in July, never got it done.

Almost three months, I still dont even have an answer on how much it will cost, IF he can do it, just “stringing me along” basically for months – I trusted him because of our past business dealings together, now, as he avoids my calls, messages and texts, I’ve come to the conclusion that I did a couple of months ago, and told Dani, who claims “I need to be patient, it’s COVID”.

No I dont.

COVID is a fucking excuse.

I mean, if you can’t get the job done – TELL Me – thats fine! But dont leave me hanging in the middle for MONTHS on end, literally …

Neither have Bozos, and their tendency to be that changed.

Y’all know this, of course.

And really, people are people beneath all the razmataz , dumbphones, gloss and glitter and so forth…

Always were, always will be.

And something that has NOT changed either is the need to keep yourself physically fit and strong in all regards, my friend.

You may think it’s just a sales pitch, but it ain’t either.

With life the way it is these days, you’d think MORE people would want to jump onto the bodyweight fitness bandwagon, because THAT at the end of the day is what really, really works!

Not the fancy gyms, mirrors, tanning oil, babes, and so forth.

Many people are, but have YOU invested in the System as yet?

LOTS of you, I haven’t called you out by name, have been on this list for YEARS.

You’re still on the fence??

I dont get it, friend – either you take action or you don’t …

I’m compiling a list of DOERS which I will put on the site shortly (more on that later) -and I’d love to see YOUR name there, my friend, as someone who truly cares about his health, strength, and fitness, someone who is willing to look past the BS, someone who KNOWS that REAL Training is what makes real men and so forth …

So dont disappoint me, my friend.

Get your paws on the system HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My daughter hates “losing” too. Big time! You should see her scowl after she loses – even if it’s a simple game of Scrabble or what not!

But THERE I give no quarters, friend.

I tell her its ok to hate losing, but being a brat and whining about it – no way!

THAT won’t help you win, honey, I tell her.

LEARN how to do it – then go out there – and WIN!!!

Thats how I did it, thats the spirit in which my products are written, and to be frank, that is how YOU should do it too … (and get started now, friend).