Intermittent 48 hour fasting – the best way.

There’s no one best way for anything, of course, but fasting is something I cannot recommnd highly enough, have spoken of in the past, and well, everyone – regardless of whether or not you need to lose weight (note – NEED – if you’re fat, it aint a matter of WANT) should do it regularly.

Work into it and all that, do keep working out during it, I’ve spoken of all that before.

But today I’ll cover the best way I do it – which is – well, intermittent fasting which has worked, and continues to work wonders for me.

I dont even mention weight loss in my case, because I Already GOT my weight where it is – without doing much fasting at all – just a lot of those WORKOUTS – but once I did, I started trying fasting, and really got into it last year, and this, and continue to get into it at a very high level altogether.

This entire month of July, I’ve eaten like 11 days thus far I believe.

What I’m known for doing is going on long fasts – without anything at all except water and lots of green tea (occasionally coffee, but thats RARE if at all).

And breaking it like a tiger, with a huge meal.

And not necessarily all meats either, though I did that last year as you can tell from some of the youtube videos, but excess of anything isn’t good, meat included.

Yesterday I added in the sinful indulgences I wrote about.

Now …

I’m thinking of fasting AGAIN today.

Saturday and Sunday were FULL fasts for me. until Sunday night.

Last I ate was Friday night, so thats a 48 hour fast – give or take.

And this is what I do most of the time these days.

I Follow that up with three days of eating, then perhaps 3 days of fasting again, then I break the fast, then I do the 48 hour fasts.

I could go longer on all these occasions, but I dont always. Last I did was it early this year – 7 day complete fast.

I Truly believe your body needs some time to get used to all the food you put in it after 48 or more hours of not eating anything “in survival mode”.

And I think the way I do it, eating BIG after a fast, and lots of the unhealthy stuff too sometimes – well, it gives my body a chance to dump all that unhealthy shit out the next day – no pun intended.

Result, I feel even more transformed than if I Were to eat “just healthy” and “ease into breaking the fast”.

I do it the way of the tiger.

I recommend YOU do too.

My ex keeps complaining about being dizzy etc (remember, the woman who claims “you’re fit if you pop out four kids” – despite the FAT around the midsection for said woman and her utter laziness, she’s unwilling to even bend to pick something up or squat etc) – with “three meals a day”.

Look, put less into your body, friend.

And you could go on longer fasts, but it’s not required – what I recommend is either 36 or 48 hour fasts for most people.

Done very regularly.

Research the eating habits of those who consider true fitness gurus, and slim etc, and healthy, and you’ll see what they do.

My product The Simple and Effective Diet contains a lot of useful information, but fasting, hell, I need to put a book out on that too. Maybe I will soon. Lots to write about – but remember, the above is yours truly free “gratis” with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System – which truly, “as they said” is the best damn bodyweight fitness system out there, “nothing even comes close to it”, and therefore if you’re truly into fitness, yes, you DO need to get that – NOW.

And uh, thats that …


Rahul Mookerjee

What is sexual transmutation?
- An oft confusing topic.

It’s something I’ve spoken of often, but haven’t fully explained – as yet.

It’s something that cannot be fully explained via writing or in it – though a tome will come soon on it.

It’s something everyone has had questions on “should I abstain or not” – and it’s a highly “contentious” issue too.

Well, my friend, I dont know if you’ve read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and the chapter on sexual transmutation.

In case you have, and are still wondering what it is, because lets face it, Hill didnt “directly” mention it – but then again, he did not mention it directly ie. the SECRET at the start of the book  because like dude RIGHTLY says, you will LOSE most of the benefit of this knowledge if he just told you directly – well, this video here will help.

Some may still say it’s indirect, well, I got this to say – do it and get back to me and you will be the one making videos on it. Hehe.

Pics “say” a thousand words, or maybe speak.

Videos, maybe a million.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Yes, this has “something” to do with the size of your dickie doo, but not what you’d think.

Sophia once asked me about how to increase the size of her mammaries, I told her we dont deal with that here. Haha.

You’d be amazed how many guys write in asking about their equivalent and that me with my “tantric” (theyre not – lol – just because the general look is that way doesn’t mean I’m that, though mentally I DO have certain powers most folks dont, but I’ve worked at CULTVIATING that power for years upon years, therefore…) methods and means and Indian heritage “knows” how to do it…

An unique indicator of “how I judge my health” or male health in general
- The Dickie Doo Award.

There is a great truism in China “Pang Ren Qiu Dian” which I have spoken of over the years – Fat man have small penis, and this is actually not “scienticially” true in that the size of your belly doesnt have much to do with the actual size of your wang.

HOWEVER, it does have a lot to do with blood flow down there for males – that is a fact.

And it’s a fact, that as my girlfriend once laughingly remarked in bed to me “Honey, why do slimmest guys have the biggest dicks”?

Blush all you like, friend, but we all know it’s true, much like we all know the X shape, being able to do a lot of pull-ups, having very little fat around the lower abs, sides is what everyone WANTS.

Corrugated Core, and some of my other products serve that specific niche.

On that note, I should say “plus the aesthetics” of it, if the belly is too large, as Rueben once told me when sending me the “Dickie Doo” award – “when you’re too fat to see your dick when you look down in shower” – LOL.

Rueben was – is – shall remain – CLASSIC.

But for me, with all my other unique health indicators, I use one to test myself all the time.

That being this – how “horny” I stay – or do I wake up every morning with a raging BONER.

Sophia once complained “You’re always so damn horny!”

Well, I can’t help it honey – I’m not going to get into why here.

But, point is this my friend – it aint got nothing to do with age either, if you aren’t waking up regularly with a hard on, you ain’t fully “functioning” if you get my drift.

Lots of men dont, have erectile dysfunction and such.

To have that animal like LUST FUELED VIGOR is something you have to HAVE to understand.

Abstaining is part of the key.

But for purposes of this site, banish that fat belly if you have one is the other key and more important one. Look, I never had ED when “fat”, but  remember, I was dong – no pun, lol – pull-ups etc even then (but no excuses, I was fat – period) …

I did NOT however, have the X factor back then, I dont mean x SHAPE there, I mean mentally (though I didnt have both).

Napoleon Hill spoke about the power and magic of sexual transmutation that the MALE has (not females, as they aren’t wired that way – men are) – in Think and Grow Rich, and it’s true, only someone who has experienced it can attest to it.

Most real doers HAVE.

While I’m not going to get into specifics on that here, suffice it to say that the more “lust” you have – at any age – as a male – the more of an achiever you are in life, its a fact that as Hill said, most successful men are “highly sexed”.

And they are…

Maybe thats why they’re mostly all divorced multiple times. Hehe. Hey, Nature made us this way!

Nah, I’m not “condoning” infedility of any nature, I do however think the whole “marriage” – the way the “term” changes previously great relationships for the worse, the expectations placed on all parties – needs to be reexamined, but hell, what do I know…


Thats that.

To achieve that “animal like vigor”, my friend, you have to MOVE like an animal for one, live like one, fast like one, EAT like one, and so forth.

And we’ve covered all in the recent past except movements, which you can find here.

Thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Dont be surprised if your significant other or others starts making complaints about “you’re too horny” as opposed to “why the hell can’t it stay hard” once you get on the workouts above. Hehe.

Flip flops, safety – and what the hell constitutes a dang rip off anyway??
- Lots here, son!

There’s a lot of shit I want to cover in this email, I’ll do a video up on it later, maybe. For now, the last topic “rip off” is what I wanted to cover for multiple reasons – but I got segued into other topics too…

OK, so “flip flops” – I love ’em, wear ’em everywhere I damn well can though I should NOT be wearing them everywhere I damn well can, hehe – especially not in this here neck of the woods I live in.

A pushup guru (I wont name him here – because I’m not sure he’d want it, though chances are he would not mind at all) once made a video I viewed part of a long time ago about “why real men – or safety conscious men – or both – dont wear flip flops every damn place”.

Now, despite my love of flip flops, his video hit home, and I Agreed with it, I was saying the same dang things to myself before I even viewed his vid which I ain’t heard fully either, but I KNOW what dude said.

Look, safety wise, flip flops are the shittiest things to wear, whether you’re a man or a woman. Most accidents happen close to home, and doing shit like I did – wearing flip flops while hiking with Carol once, and the damn things broke on me – no wonder – and it was raining, sweaty, slippery – and I was in China at that point (though roads pretty safe, no glass etc there, but aint no tellin when something will hit ya, as it just did NOW) … and I remember Carol saying.

“What will I do in this case!”

I told her to leave my ass there, hehe.

Of course, and rightly so, she wouldnt, and didnt, but point is this – you can get attacked – mugged – or just in a damn fight or accident damn near anywhere, it’ll happen when you dont know it, when you dont expect it, when you dont fuckin see it, and my daughter who just asked me out the door “Dad, why do you always check everything first” (quick look I always take) – well, there’s a REASON behind it.

No, I’m not top secret CIA. I have no plans to turn into Jason Bourne, though I love the dude, and Matt Damon (Ben Affleck too – damn good actor I feel).

But the bottom line is the bottom line, SNEAKERS are what I’d wear everywhere – not boots necessarily, but sneakers, coz them damn things allow me to MOVE best, and in a fight, your MOVEMENT is the most important, and if you’re fighting a truly trained fighter, your movements will be a dead giveaway to him or her (though admittedly most idiots attacking or otherwise picking fights on the road are trained in nothing but BULLYING).

Dude said in the video if you do that, you’re an idiot and pansy – or something to that effect.

I agree.

Mea culpa hehe. Maybe I’ll learn when someone kicks my RUMPUS in dem flip flops one day, but really – as a stone hit my foot walking back home…

Anyway, security.

I remember my friend Vincent once telling me how he was paid at the school we both taught at to furtively “spy” on me – not to see how I taught, they all knew I was excellent, but to see “if I was teaching”.

Way too many idiots take the job, dont do it without being monitored, so I get it …

… Being from the Marines, I can just imagine him doing it through his binoculars.

When dropping the daughter off ANYWHERE, Ive got this CARDINAL rule, despite her hating it at the age of almost 10 of WATCHING the area and making damn sure it’s safe before I leave.

She doesnt want Dad to show up at all – she’s that age.

It’s also a very vulnerable age, my friend.

And to do it – I hide – often in trees – literally, so she dont spot me. Hehe.

This evening I told the ex wife about it, she complained I didnt wait “hidden”.

I told her obviously I waited, I hid, I do all those things without  her even telling me, obviously it didnt make a damn bit of difference, water off a duck’s back, so I went back, checked again (I was asking her to check this time being the “caring Mom” she is but she would not) – and saw instructor there, so …

Its a rough mean world out there. You got kids, take damn good care of them – and it dont mean pampering them excessively either.

Anyway …

What the hell exactly constitutes a rip off?

This morning, Dustin (who placed a pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness) and had questions about how he addressed his rep count – I thought I’d address those practically – and I did here – made some very sage comments!

One, about how ONE of my one arm “club” videos looks “so like Brooks Kubik on the cover of one of his books” – I think I know the one he is referring to, and hey, I had the same damn thoughts man!

Two, Brooks, man, guy’s a legend and I still remember those emails I exchanged with him back in 2003, I couldn’t “match up” – hehe – I’m saying that in a respectful manner if I bulked up times 10000.

OK, maybe I could, Ive bettered masters before, but true mastery means acknowledging another master, which Brooks, and I dont say this about very many people is a true legend – RESPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still remember him asking me if I was in the military that first time we spoke.

More on the Advanced Hill Tranining Page. No sir that was NOT an intentional taipo, that one is though, and both shall remain

Anyway ……..

I keep getting compared to Matt Furey, whose a marketing legend – I consider him a legend in that more than anything else.

I still remember John Walker when we first communicated (a long time customer) telling me “I’ve never seen products like yours out anywhere else – except for Matt Furey, and you take it to the next level altogether”.

Which I do.

A while ago, and I forgot to address this, but it came to mind NOW as I see some nutter with man boobs “supposedly doing pushups” out there – he’s grunting more than doing anything – a fat fool I wont mention here made the comment about me “ripping Matt off”.


My products are unique my friend, now they may cover SOME of the same exercises Matt’s do, but ripping off? Thats a far, far stretch.

IF someone can provide one logical reason – or justification for this, and I’m sending this out PUBLICLY to all that have bought from me – please do so!

Second, what the hell does a rip off constitute? contained whines from Matt Furey’s customers saying “he ripped them off because his handstand product was being offered at a ridiculous price and they only got this”.

Typical Bozo price wanker comment, I remember chuckling when I read it, how the hell is that even a rip off?

Lots complain Matt “stole” from Karl Gotch, there’s even a letter out from Gotch on the internet claiming “he’s fat and a snake oil salesman”.

Admittedly Matt put on the pounds in the middle, hehe, but as for everything else I’ve no idea of the veracity of any of it, I simply report what I’ve found on the internet.

But I’ll stick with the rip off part.

Ripped Karl off?

Hell, Matt was the dude responsible for naming exercises that have been around in India for ages and never quite till this date gotten their damn DUE – “Hindu” pushup etc.

I dont know why he named them Hindu. Maybe because thats the dominant religion there…

I dont know why he focuses so much on China – I think the sales part, the part about China having so much mystique and thus forth, but China got most of what they have from India – which is a fact.

Anyway (maybe because his wife is from there? I dont know – I personally think its sales, him being the sales and marketing GENIUS he is) ….

If anything, regardless of Matt’s shape then, now, or whatever – I  will always give him credit for bringing those squats and pushups to the attention of the entire WORLD  or whirld as Furecat likes to say, I used to be on his list a long time ago.

Customer once told me “thats how it is, Matt Marketed them and made money off it – Karl didnt” (he was telling me how Gotch was basically (and again, this via research, I dont know anything “personally” about all this) pissed Furey ripped him or whatever) …

And I gotta agree 100%. Ain’t nothing wrong with marketing yourself and your abilities, which is what Matt did at that point and continues to do – you SHOULD be fuckin doing it – RIGHT – and you should be fuckin letting the world know about it – as I’m SO good at doing. Hehe. Repeatedly. Over and Over again.

Thats life, and it helped scores of people all over the world, I for see nothing at all wrong with what Furey did.

And this brings me to #3.

Me, ripping anyone off is a fuckin joke.

Hell, in my book 0 Excuses Fitness the FIRST part of the exercise section before the pushups, pull-ups, and all that SAYS it clearly.

I clearly tell you Matt didnt create these exercises, but HE gets the credit for bringing them to the world, and I’ll always say this publicly because it’s true, I aint worried about lost sales and other crap like some have mentioned privately, which I get, but to me its about like I said the other fuckin day, staying TRUE to myself above all, and I dont really give a rat’s goddamn about anything other than that.

If you copy someone’s work directly without crediting, thats plagiarism.

I remember a Brit prof of mine once giving me a F on a paper I worked on for that, which shocked me, but TECHNICALLY he was right.

I forgot to include where my quotes came from!

Silly, drunken mistake, and he’d probably have forgiven my ass if I hadn’t given him pure hell all semeter, hehe – including (he was one of those old farts that had a smart mouth) asking “was it (something he was Tom Tomming) present on the plane that took him from ole Blighty to MS) … I still remember the entire class ROARING with laughter. Hehe. Lots gave him hell! None more so than this CAT though, hehe.


That, you could say is plagiarism, but someone who promotes an exercise that has been around for years in his own damn country if you get my drift, someone who publicly acknowledges everyone that has brought it to the world BEFORE him, well, to call that “rip off” shows the level of dudes (his) non existent pea brain – and of course, dude never bought what he trolled.

Which he can continue to, of course, I wont even mention the fucker anymore, because he’s just too dangit STUPID to be mentioned here.

But that, my friends, are my thoughts on that, very public, so shall they remain.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I invited you to show me where pull-up products like mine exist, or which go that DEEP into this mighty exercise. Thats just ONE damn example.

PS #2 – This idiocy, moronicity – can be taken to new levels -it’s sort of reminding me of why I never talk to the ex wife about nothing at all “no logic whatsoever, and real men discuss facts and logic, not stupid childllike emotional tantrums”.

Por ejempelo, and yes, there is a reason I asked my daughter to learn Spanish – hehe – she just taught me how to say “what is the time” – (not to mention yours truly can speak it anyway, but pretends not to, lol)  – are we to say that Rahul Mookerjee ripped Jean Claude Van Damme off because he christened the split, something which I’ve never seen anyone better JCVD at the “JCVD split”?

Thats there is Advanced, Profound, Isometric and Flexibility Training. 

Or, did I rip Jack La Lanne off by calling the pushup that? (Personally, I’ll stick with what Tyrone Eric told me “Habib humping the floor” pushup  ie “floor humper” pushup – hehe) …

I mean, the idiocy is just fuckin outstanding …

Now, another reason for naming those exercises after them?

Well, they’re no longer with us – Jack La Lanne isnt as far as I know, neither is the Gama and so forth, now JCVD – long live his martial arts skill and him, hehe – is – but for the most part, I’ve got this odd thing in my brain telling me “these sort of titles are best bestowed upon folks postumously”.

You could argue that, and I wouldn’t say much against it, but maybe thats why I dont call the diamond pushup the Herschel walker pushup, although I’ve got a sneaking suspicious HE does ’em better than most others out there, much I do pull-ups better than most others out there, like I do the floor humper better and so forth.

There’s always someone better out there, friend.

You damn well better keep practicing or else, anyway. enough said. Damn, that was LAWWWWWWWNG! But apt, sage and true. Pat on back for reading it, and me for writing it. Yours truly, humble as always.. ????


My sinful gluttony
- MY!

You guys have been seeing pictures of nothing but baked, super healthy, super tasty food on youtube as of late – minus even the wheat flatbread and clarified butter I so love to eat.

It’s been veggies,veggies, veggies – along with a healthy dose of spice – butter (white butter, not the yellow kind) – lots of golden corn, and today – some home made mango pickle which seems to FINALLY be ready.

After the last couple of “hellatious” days I’ve had, I deserve it.

But for some reason, I was starving like a SOB even after that (today – I dont normally).

Had a couple of “Danish” chocolate chip cookies – they did not hit the spot.

Then, I started my real “sinfulness”.

Tore open three packs of chocolate chip “oreo” cookies – the kind with chocolate inside, not vanilla – and dumped them into the jar meaning to eat ’em later.

Lo, its like half and hour since I tossed the wrappers, and the damn things are down my gullet already!

I never thought I’d want that many, but given these damn things – and these aren’t home baked, these are commercially bought off the shelf are literally as addictive as cocaine, and given I ain’t touched a cookie for like … what? 3 years? Something like that – I went to town on them. Still am, munching on one as we talk!

Now, where does this leave the average Joe who consumes these daily?

I remember eating 2 packs of them with milk tea after a swim back in the day. No wonder I wasn’t losing weight

It’s an impromptu cheat day for me, which happens SO rarely for me that I will get away with it – I’m sure.

But SUGAR my friend – I mention it as the #1 culprit to be avoided in the Simple and Effective Diet, yours gratis with the 0 Excuses Fitness System – and it’s TRUE.

Avoid it like the plague if you’re trying to lose weight, and even if not, if you’re looking for a healthy lifestyle overall.

I rarely have any sugar at all – this is the first time in years.

And if I do notice any ill effects, I’ll fast it out tomorrow.

But I know now why the wife tries and keeps the daughter from them cookies, hehe.


I might bake some of my own!

With all the cooking I’ve been doing, and what I’ve got planned – I might well start me another channel which I was reserving for my travels, but we’ll see. No such plans as of now, for now, it’s the 0 Excuses Fitness Channel here

ANd that is that.

I truly do, as Dominique once said “need a smack on the butt today” for OVEREATING big time. I dont feel guilty though, that cold shower coming up will get the digestion kick started!

And plus, you can get away with it once in a while,  just not daily or even weekly…


Rahul Mookerjee

Visualization and more….
- And how to do it right (more on it)

This afternoon, I ranted. Raved. Threw a hissy. All mentally, having conversations with idiotic folk and situations in general in my MIND.
Lots of folks think “he’s crazy for talking to himself”.
Self talk is one of the powerful pick me ups and motivators ever.
It’s also true that beyond a point ranting about situations you can’t change, people whose thinking you can’t change – things completely out of your control – is pointless, utterly so.
Exhausted, I lay back in bed.
Suddenly, a vision floated to me.
It was me in an airplane, traveling internationally, something i haven’t done for ages it seems. Ugh.
But, it wasn’t just the trip. It was random images – the flight taking off, the markers, how they were illuminated against the ground, how i FELT at that point – the last being key.
All positive situations, positive travels – and some songs from the 90’s probably helped me get into that mood.
Napoleon hill and others have spoken about “bathing in the old,glorious memories”.
I’ve always done that subconsciously when I felt stuck in any regard, and sitting here with no power for like two days,man… (And water issues too).
My mood shifted in a bit.
I didn’t even want to get out of the memories – so good were they, the FEELINGS, some very poignant…
Nothing specific, no pattern. Just images with FEELING floating into my mind … That last bit Is key.
Simply thinking about it doesn’t cut it.
FEEL it intensely.
Relive the experience. Be it. Literally!
Including the smallest details we think we miss, out subconscious minds don’t though.
That’s how to make visualization work for you my friend – an open secret we all use, most wrongly mentioned in the opening part of zero to hero. 
Crack it, and you’ll understand why I and every doer is nigh HUGE on this being the first step in anything you do.
Actually it already is. Chances are you don’t recognise it tho!
And that’s that.
Rahul Mookerjee

Sent from my dumb phone.

Take care of yourself – first.
- Yes SIR!

Back when ( and even until this day when there’s no real need to do so) I went completely my own way biz wise and life wise, i kept gearing this whiny moan from my wife about “what about us”.
It’s interesting how women, especially Naxi feminists pull children into their BS when that child had nothing to do with it, when that child’s getting all she needs and more.
What the wife wasn’t getting was her fancy lifestyle, Gucci bags and other crap she piles onto her brain on YouTube – hence the moaning.
Now, we all want money.
Some of us take the hard path and do what we have to to get it ourselves.
And I remember every time I did a little thing for myself, one little thing – even if it was stuff like a beer with a friend which I might not have even paid for at the time (get together at home etc) – it was an issue.
I have never understood this thinking of “when times are rough, you have to forget your dreams, goals, and you must live like a saint, think like one too!”.
That’s a recipe for living long term like that.
Look, take care of yourself first . That’s the only way you’ll ever take care of anyone else, friend.
That includes mentally, physically, in all aspects. And yes, feed your business first, or it will never feed YOU or those you care about later. Fact.
It doesn’t mean be selfish or ignore others, but it does mean ignoring fools who claim to be in it with you all the way but bail the minute things get rough.
Anyway. I don’t know who needed to hear this today,but i suspect many do.
I’m out. Dump phones …
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Zero to Hero awaits you – grab the book, and start changing the way your life looks TODAY.
It won’t tho if you have the “I’m just here for free emails”mentality, I hate to tell ya that but it’s true .
Back soon!


Sent from my dumb phone.

Pride or Prejudice?
- Memories. Some very embarassing, hehe. All in good stride.

I watched part of that movie in 2005 while waiting for a visa renewal in HK, pretty much a deserted theater..
The movie was shit, to me at least. The only thing I was thinking about were the cute Filipinas outside the theater….
Anyway, one of the most (in hindsight) mortifying and embarrassing things happened then. Which in retrospect turned out well, but …
I had to take a dump. Went to the bathroom, seemed oddly spacious i remember, but deserted like the rest of the theater.
There was something “off”, I  kept remembering but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what. .
As I finished my business, I heard it. And it struck me.
Female voices….
Man, I was using the women’s restroom! Maybe it was the Chinese or whatever characters, but I thought that was the mens room!
Dang,  i remember thinking – and then scooted our furtively once the ladies left (once I heard them leave).
Honest to god mistake, and I’m sure the HK populace would have understood, but still, hot damn.
Kinda like my dad driving a mile down the wrong side of the highway – an interstate – and suddenly realising it on a trip….that one wouldn’t have ended well if a trooper pulled him over!
Anyway. We all have those embarassing stories we can tell. Falling asleep on the toilet being one.
I’m not too proud or stupid to admit “I’m one of you” in that regard . We all are. My life has been an open book, but the rallying cry from my wife and mother most of my life – when I did my own thing – the money wasn’t there -etc?
“We will cut you down to size, and that bloody pride of yourself”!
In Hindi.
“Ato akhad utarungi tumhari!”
Heres the thing.
I have always been proud of myself, my various accomplishments – I’ve always walked head held up HIGH no matter what.
Money in the bank or not hasn’t mattered. I still don’t care much about it now, maybe that’s another reason it flows to me anyway!
But it took a lot of doing, I’ll tell ya that.
Their basic gripe was, he won’t work for another person, he insists on doing his thing from home – for some reason these morons think “men can’t work from home”.
And have some silly notions about “that guy noticed everything” – when women are actually the ones responsible for most of the cattiness. Hell, till this date,.even my landlady freely says “he sits in his own room and doesn’t give much of a shit about anything”.
So it seems.
Point of this?
Be humble yes and be real -at the same time, always have pride in yourself, your life, your work, what you’ve done and so forth.
Because end of the day if you’re not proud of what you’re doing I daresay it ain’t worth doing (for you).
Never let idiots who can’t see beyond today tear you down for BS reasons. They’re usually the same people who will come beggin to you once you do get to whatever goal you’re desiring.
Time to say bye .
Dumb phone taiping.
Back soon .
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – For real life advice that flat out works, you know where to GO. Remember them great videos too.


Sent from my dumb phone.

Sympathy – or SUCCESS?
- HA!

This email is being written in the midst of a highly aggravating power cut – yet again – that noone around me seems to care two figs about.
It’s amazing how many people will go about their daily lives “log floating on the water”, happy to accept whatever life throws at them without complaint or trying to better the situation. Ugh. Part of the reason I chose to move to… Ah, but anyway.
Lots of times when engaged in snh endeavor, fitness included – when things get tough – dire – real tough – folks do this.
They think of “ending it all”.
“I’m doing all this, noone gives a rats ass, might as quit”.
That thought has passed through every real doers mind at some point my friend. You’d be surprised at how many folks do give a fig – but when results aren’t readily apparent, the bills are piled up, credit card guys in the backyard and so forth, and completely unsupportive families in many cases – it can be tough.
It gets worse!
As Steve Austin said, when he was reduced to eating canned tuna fish and uncooked potatoes to survive while wrestling every night, traveling etc – the tunafish ran out!
That big SOB had to make do with 3 meals a day of one uncooked potato each …
Looking back he says he wouldn’t trade that time for nothing. He was paying his dues!
So it is, friend. It can be hard to see the future when you want it all “now”. Yet, quitting and ending it all – and I don’t mean drastic measures (life for one) although you’d be surprised at how many people ponder those ..
…isn’t the answer.
That might give you and garner a lot of sympathy “oh,poor chap”.
But not success.
You could literally be three feet from gold and not know it. And you never will if you give up.
No man has succeeded without one foot hanging well over the brink of failure, usually multiple times.
Hopeless situations get the mind really working if you’re a winner.
Fitness wise, these lessons apply equally.
I didn’t get to be a hill champ, pull-up expert/stud or any of the other things I have by basking in feel good sympathy. I had to get down to brutal brass tacks daily and just do it – and keep at it for years, and I still have to.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
A great way to get OUT of the funk is simple.
Just do it.
If you’re a writer, write – if you’re a swimmer – go for another swim.
Do something – even if it is something like maybe cooking to get your mind off the current issue.
You’ll see how you suddenly feel better after taking action even though that action might not have produced immediate results in terms of what you’re looking for.
Or, visualize the good times. There’s so many ways to get into a great frame of mind but nothing beats “doing”.
Anyway, I’m taiping this on the bloody phone so I’ll end here.
Zero to hero and Gumption Galore have more such real life advice that you need to hear – which truly WORKS.
Get after it. .
Rahul Mookerjee


Sent from my dumb phone.

Out with the negative to bring in the POSITIVE.
- YES.

Prosaic, the signs I’ve been seeing all day, right down to the snail that suddenly showed up leaving a trail in the house, the gecko – I love both these creatures (though everyone else around me – they seem to hate ’em) (but they tolerate mice and roaches – wtf?????) …

The power failure that lasted so long (says a lot about how people are impatient when shit hits the fan for one, and “survival” etc or the lack of it) that my wife got an offer from the parents to show up at their place, and lo, it was extended to me too.

I had not eaten anything all day, I was planning on more oven cooking at night, but the power failure put paid to that. You’d think a warm meal and bed would appeal?

It took me nary a second to say NO.

I know there’s always a reason my parents offer me any sort of assistance (or help, or anything – and not just me, but I’m talking me) – and even though this is something “normal” – given MY own relationship with them, or the lack thereof (and vice versa) I’d be a hypocrite to accept that so called help.

OF course, the wife despite all her negative comments about ’em raced off instantly.

I always “knew” the power would show up.

Before she left, she left an emergency light on which I was instructed to turn off when I went to bed, so I stood in front of it a while, and her Indian Goddess (the picture of “her”) that she has plastered right in front of the fridge.

Lo, a minute after she left, despite power poles having collapsed – the power showed back up.

I always knew it would.

It was then I saw the snail, though I saw the lizard earlier.

The message it – they – were sending me – well, many. I did up a private video on it which will NOT be shared ANYWHERE except “for me in the future” – suffice it to say certain things in my life need to resolved, and like the matter of divorce I mentioned the other day, I’m heading there.

Despite all sort of opposition.

Anyway …

Lots of you pooh pooh at spiritual signs, and thats fine. Do so at your own risk though, I LIVE by those signs, and my gut – – I always have.

What you cannot deny is this – and something I’ve been saying for so long.

REMOVE the -negative from your life, something positive almost always shows up – and nigh instantly.

So it happened here, magically, right down to the TIME.

Obviously in this case I did not remove anything.

She left of her own accord, no-one wants to sleep in blazing heat without power, of course, for yours truly who used to climb mountains in tropical heat that was pouring one minute – you’d be drenched to the BONE – then next minute sun’s out, and the damn jungle’s so hot and humid your shirt sticks to your back instantly – with sweat – before the rain’s even had a chance to dry.

“This is real climbing!” I remember Kelly saying admiringly as I literally left buckets of sweat behind me on my fourth trek up that hill.

And it is.

It’s one thing to do that in good weather – tough enough 7 days a week with no breaks, and not as much nutrition as you’d think (two boxed meals a day was what I was on at the time).

Its another to do it in hot oppressive conditions from 11AM – 2 PM, the nigh hottest part of the day but it toughens you up like nothing else can.

16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections has more such recollections. Sure to FIRE you up for your next workout just reading.

Not everyone needs to go that extreme, but I have done it for years, thats yet another reason what fazes most folks makes me laugh.

Dont get me wrong.

You know I love A/C as much as my cold beer – but if push comes to shove, my friend, I’m well prepared to tough it out, and have been planning for it for years – in the past, I had do way worse to survive.

You learn a lot from those experiences… they also make for great learning as the product reviews say.

Anyway ………………………..

Cooking would have been an hour long process, which would have been close to midnight I’d have started eating, so despite wanting to cook some spicy peas along with what I had planned, I decided to … well, go on that impromptu fast I mentioned on youtube.

I’ve had four solid days of food behind me, perhaps a 48 hour fast at the least.

But, we’ll see how far we can go …

And that, friend, is the story of the night – thus far.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – To those of you dealing with messy divorces, completely x 100 dysfunctional relationships not entirely of your own making, or at all – – and there are tons – dont let yourself get walked all over, or at all.

By all means stand up to Nazi feminism in the right way. 

And if you’re a woman, well, the male equivalent.

However, and this is key, make sure to do the right thing by YOUR end at the end of the day. 

I cannot emphasize this last bit enough. Whatever that right thing is, your situation will specify it, I’m being broad here.

Be sure to analyze your own actions, and make damn sure you’re not living in a glass house before pelting stones…

The Universal Court of Justice sees ALL.

And that, my friend is that.