Being a friend to my daughter, and not just “Dad” …
- Haha.

This afternoon, as I returned home, the daughter was waving around some sort of a message of an “open house” – Gawd, these British terms – the Brits stopped using them ages ago, in India folks still seem to apparently use ’em all the time.

Like they say in Hindi.

“Angrez to kab chale gaye, but Angrezo ki adate nahi”.

Translated, well, this means the Brits left India a long damn time ago, ancient history almost (though it wasn’t that far off actually) – but their old customs, traditions etc – for some reasons those stuck on as being “socially acceptable” and a sign of being “high brow” in India, right down to speaking English, which most Indian “can” – but the “quality” is debatable, but …ah, I’ll leave it at that.


It’s basically a parents teacher thingy where they get together, and a bunch of catty, over made up ladies (good eye candy) who’re least interested in actually, you know, teaching, give you “updates” on your kid which you already know. I’ve been to those things – ugh – now when my daughter was ONE, it was more realistic and practical, and the vibes were real, I remember her playschool – I loved going there!

That little girl sitting straight up in her chair waiting for the birthday cake Daddy brought her in class, I’ll always remember that scene, and a lot more.

Anyway – its a morning thing this time.

“Your father doesn’t even arise before 1130”, I laughed. “Not me!”

And the way my daughter reacted – classic.

“Ye to jayega hi nahi, sota rahega”

A casual, “oh, he’ll never go, he’ll just keep sleeping”.

Now, if you know Hindi you understand the meaning of these words, and what I am saying. Indian and other languages from the subcontinent have this way of pronouncing and using grammar with words in a way that the SAME word means something else when used in a different tone.

Either respectful or disrespectful, there are tones you use with friends, with parents, all different.

(sort of like Mandarin Chinese where the same word can mean six different things, the Indians take it to another level with even the “tones” signifying different things)

Ah, good ole English. Hehe.

With dat TWANG.

Anyway, she said it as if she was referring to a classmate – or friend.

Not a Dad.

People often correct her on this.

And she still says it that way.

Even my so called wife who “respect” for me is the last thing she ever thinks about – corrects her on it.

But hey, I prefer it that way.

Years ago, before she was born, I said to myself I’d rather be a friend and an interesting one to my daughter as opposed to a “traditional father”.

And so I am, my friend.

What kids remember about their interactions with parents when growing up (when they grow up) is FAR more important than anything else you can give ’em.

Memories last – for a lifetime, and they MOULD. I’ve had enough horrible ones with my own to repeat that with my daughter…

And as she giggles about “why do so many people mention you, talk about you etc” – well hey, I’m famous in my own sphere – it happens (she was talking about someone on youtube that was mentioning me in my video on pull-ups which got something like 4K views or something – not that I care about those meaningless stats) …

“Hey, most kids these days can’t do pull-ups right, let alone most men – especially the fat ones, and most are fat boys out there these days” …

And that, friend is that.

Be a friend to your kids, support them, be there for them – and teach them how to workout right.

Enjoy life.

And thats all there is to it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Thats a great course I linked up there for kids – be sure to check it out NOW.

The HUGE strength and other benefits AFTER you break your fast.
- YES.

This morning, I woke up at 1130, feeling great. Went to bed around 4, though not because of a fast or anything – remember, I broke it last night, but I slept three hours after eating, giving the food enough time to digest etc — and even after I went to bed, business kept calling, I kept getting back to the computer.

While making my lemon grass tea and waiting for the darn thing to “Steep” (that is really, as with life, waiting a while, what brings BEST results with natural green tea that I source – be sure to check customer testimonials out too!) – I figured I’d do some dead hangs as the cat stared at me as she so often does with her green mysterious eyes – my browns boring a hole through hers too.

Two cats talking. Hehe.

I did an isometric for a bit – the Rahul Mookerjee patented squat.

Often I’ll do dead hangs to start my day in the middle of the day … as opposed to sets of pull-ups.

This time?

I grabbed the bar, and for some reason, wanted to let loose.

10 perfect reps later – my!

I’ve never done that right off the bat, right after arising …

You’d expect some muscle soreness, stiffness, but other than the ole digestive system taking its time to get used to food again, and even thats mostly a done deal – NOTHING else.

My muscles feel loose and limber as ever before ..

And, ready to be STRETCHED more.

My friend, the benefits of fasting dont just extend to WHILE you fast.

You get most of the benefits then, yes.

But a sizeable chunk of them is reserved for AFTER you finally gorge or eat in moderation, whichever.

I’m going to be doing a shorter fast next week again most likely – we’ll see. I’ll keep you tuned.

In the meantime, keep kicking ass – and remember to get the program on isometrics – it’s the best out there!


Rahul Mookerjee

Sticking points during the tiger bend pushup…
- So you dont fall flat on your face

Most people these days are so far gone doing ONE pushup in proper form is an impossibility – without them falling flat on their face that is.

If thats you, you really need to pick up Pushup Central now …

In it, a much ignored exercise that is done terribly by most folks out there is the tigerbend pushup.

Much of the advice of this is flat out wrong – including some of the crap you hear about “your butt shouldn’t be in the air when doing pushups” (sure, it shouldn’t in terms of a regular pushup, but some styles of pushups are different, especially if you have a “bubble butt” like yours truly does – hehe – a muscular well toned – yet “big” butt).

A dimpled one too!

On the other business which caters to mostly LGBTQ (but people like us too, we all have those hidden desires we never acknowledge even to ourselves) I keep seeing photos and videos of women working out – and I make it a point to praise them.

Especially when I see women doing perfect pull-ups, chin over bar for reps which most so called strongmen fail miserably at (not all, but most).

You go girl!

I’ve always said women can do pull-ups just as well, if not better than men … (especially with idiots who claim they’re big but not fat when reality is staring them otherwise in the face).

Anyway –

Sanya, who I can only assume is from India, is one of these trainees. I saw her “fall flat” on her face via another Twitter account while doing tiger bend pushups – which I Can relate to.

I almost did that when I first started.

My youtube channel has LOTS of videos on how to do tigerbend pushups, but for this email – the point is this – when doing tigerbends, first off, the point is to touch your FOREARMS to the floor.

Some of you might not be able to do that all the way to the floor, which is fine.

Focus on shoulders, tris and lats – mental focus – GET INTO THE MUSCLE MENTALLY!

With practice, you’ll do it.

Second, you dont necessarily need to touch the chest to the ground on these – but if you do, your butt will most definitely be up in the air whether you’ve got a bubble butt or not. Haha.

Third, these are some of the best triceps workouts out there …

And fourth, well, I’m on day four of my fast, the wife’s started her BS again after being ignored roundly for days on end … and, well, what can I say – life’s good!


Pick up Pushup Central now if you have not already, and make sure to take advantage of the great member’s only videos available for sale as well.


Rahul Mookerjee

When you should NOT be doing extended fasting.
- More on the yin and yang there ...

This afternoon, when I went out into the blazing heat (I remember Charles once saying “I dont know how you climb mountains in this heat!”) – which feels like a giant TRUCK my daughter was asking about bearing down on your CHEST – making it hard to breathe – do anything – I saw some guys working labor.

They were breaking stones, Rambo II style.

If there ever was pure machismo, two Stallone scenes sum it up.

One is in the movie “Cobra” where Sly walks up to a so called tough guy, does nothing initially after the guy talks shit to him – and then rips his shirt down the middle.

Then cooly walks away as the rest look on, mouths agape…


Second, the initial scenes of Rambo II where Rambo is showing doing hard labor wearing a denim shit and blue jeans (Sly could have chosen better for his attire) – in blazing hot heat that makes you sweat buckets just standing.

He’s breaking stones Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness style.

I’ve nothing but respect from a physical standpoint for these sort of guys – doing that day in and day in out in this heat ain’t easy!

And it’s a great, great workout – do that for a few hours per day, you dont need to do anything else at all – period.

But it got me thinking, with me on day 4 of my fast, slightly disturbed sleep last night (though thats because my body is cleaning out internally) – what if I had to do that NOW.

I COULD do it.

But I wouldn’t recommend fasting while doing it!

Again, you COULD do it.

But that sort of extreme stuff puts a lot of pressure on your body – so its best to do it “fueled”, now I’ve gone hoarse saying an extended fast doesnt mean sitting around and doing nothing.

It means following the way of the animal.

Mr Tiger doesnt prance about in the extreme heat of the afternoon.

He sleeps in a cooler place.

Even if he hasn’t eaten for more than a week, the tiger starts hunting when it’s COOLER.

It’s no coincidence that yesterday when I stepped out, the friendly neighborhood cat “meowed” at me twice – not my daughter (who thought she merely wanted food).


She was passing on a message.

And I accepted it.

The cat – or the tiger – doesnt stop moving or stretching when it hasn’t eaten.

It doesnt stop hunting either.

But it does so without putting it’s body under extreme duress.

Ancient cavemen went for days without eating.

They didnt necessarily do a lot of heavy labor all those days.

The key is to live like an ANIMAL – and maybe thats why, tiger like, I’m sleeping till 1130 AM these days – and going to bed around 4 or so in the morning. Hehe.

So be it …

So that’s the lesson for the day.

Animal Kingdom Workouts is your ticket if “the way of the animal” interests you and if you want to get into kick butt animal like shape in amazingly quick time.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You’ll want to place that pre-order above NOW, as the price WILL go up on it soon.

Why pushups are MORE a test of internal health and strength than pull-ups – and LOWER ab strength, though it’s close.
- It's not a foregone conlusion, my friend. Hehe.

Years ago, my buddy from the Marines once exclaimed upon hearing of my 100 pull-up workouts and 75 handstand pushups – before the hill climb – “thats tough for anyone!”

He was referring to 100 pull-ups.

“Youre goddamned right”, I still remember him saying when I said 100 pull-ups are not necessarily that tough, but 100 handstand pushups per workout, day in and day out, man thats something.

A few days later or perhaps earlier, then we were talking about how no-one, not even me could beat Trump when it came to being BRUTALLY HONEST.

My buddy looked at me quizzically.

“It’s not a foregone conclusion, Rahul!”


Anyway – PUSHUPS.

And Pull-ups.

The latter being a prime indicator of your physical fitness, strength to bodyweight ratio, conditioning and overall core health in general – and upper body strength.

So is the pushup.

Yes, I tell you in Pullups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within a matter of WEEKS! that pull-ups can give you immense cardio if done right.

And they can, and do.

Yet, with Pushups my friend, the very nature of the exercise – with the chest muscles being close to the heart, that cardio is amped more. Dont get me wrong here. It’s a very close call, but when it comes to LOWER abs? Problem area for most?

Although it might not seem like it, especially if you’re fat and unable to do a single PROPER pull-ups, or too weak to do it – – pushups hit the spot more.

Internally and externally.

Y’all that are constipated or have other digestive issues like bloating etc might naturally notice the lower back “sagging” a bit on high rep pushups.

You’ll also notice how the lower abs get stretched during the famous “floor humper” pushup which Ive popularized based on what Jack La Lanne did – all over again.

And in general, with pull-ups, you need a very strong core yes, but beyond a certain POINT, and only those that DO will get this – if your lower abs already have some degree of strength and internal health, then your lats and grip will take over eventually.

With pushups, that FORM dictates your lower abs never really get a break…

Something else that is great for lower abs is isometric stretches which seemingly dont target the lower abs at all. They target the HAMSTRINGS, my friend.

I wrote about these in the famous book “Advanced, PROFOUND, Isometric and Flexibility training“. These stretches are stretches, positions and movements that those that get it, the DOERS, like Jean Claude Van Damme for one, spend literally HOURS on daily. And so they should!

You might not think that taxes the lower abs.

But trust me, stretching the hamstrings and lower back FORWARD, which most ignore in favor of backwards (dont get me wrong – backwards is very required too) – is how you literally open your life up – the MERIDIANS of your body – deeper than you ever thought before.

The blockage on the highway of your body often without even knowing it happens in hamstrings and LOWER abs. And, your inner thighs to a degree, but first off, the above two.

And stretching this part of your body can do wonders for fat around your lower abs to go away – and overall strength and health as well.

Ok, thats it for now, my friend.

Shoot me an email if you have any questions. I’ll try and answer all I can ,though I might forget some things. Hehe.

Back soon!!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up Corrugated Core if you want a core corrugated, lean, mean, 12 pack beyond your WILDEST DREAMS! The cover says it all. Haha.

Workouts while on extended fasts
- Something I did not address before.

It’s something I do not believe I addressed either in the video I put out on this – or well, any of my earlier emails here.

And while it’s well known yours truly is well and truly DOGMATIC about his exercise routine (the discipline part – get her done no matter what) – and life in general, its also a very open secret that I do different things on the fly – lifewise, and workout wise, and keep accomplishing GREAT results.

The key is to TAX your body, my friend.

If you keep doing that, youll keep growing somehow – in some regard.

If doing 25 pushups is easy but one pullup is hard, if thats all you did one day, you’ll tax your lats way more than if you did just the pushups (which would tax you too, dont get me wrong).

But, on a fast – how far do you push yourself?

Well, my friend, the sky is literally the limit.

On day three, a LOT of you will feel “junk internally” starting to clean out if you’ve drank enough water.

Constipation from ages you did not even know you had will be released.

Your body gets a chance to HEAL and clean itself – not in that order on extended water fasts my friend. Eating is stressful on the digestive system.

On day four and five, you’ll feel surges of energy which are double and triple what you felt on day two , if not more.

Yet, how far to push yourself is a good question.

The answer?

As usual – per normal.

I don’t change a single thing workout wise on a fast. Yesterday I ended up with 110 pull-ups done throughout the day and a lot of isometrics.

Today, I’ve just done 15, but I’ve added stick isometrics in for lats and triceps.

(the day is “young yet”).

And if I feel exhausted, or if I feel like I need a nap, or break?

I dont care what time of the day it is – like a cat, I’ll take one.

I’ll BREATHE deeply. Your breath is indeed your power as 0 Excuses Fitness keeps saying, my friend.

And thats really all there is to it.

You might or might not choose to hit personal bests in workouts when on extended fasts. It all depends on what sort of shape and condition you’re in NOW – no, both aren’t the same thing either.

Do what you FEEL like – as an animal would.

Yet, never use that an excuse to be LAZY. As an animal does, do SOMETHING – all the time – throughout the day preferably or at least at one shot.

Throughout the day animal style works a lot better in my opinion – see the great course Animal Kingdom Workouts for more.

So thats it, pretty much the same as I’d tell you to do normally.

Enjoy, and remember, everything above is IF you’re in good (or decent) health. I obviously dont recommend this if you’re on your last legs or teetering on stilts or in the hospital bed or what not, or IV’s and such.

Sorry, but I gotta put that disclaimer out there like I do in my books – you’d be surprised at the nonsense people get up to.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

“Hindustan me Danda hi chalta hai “
- Hehe

That essentially means “in India, ultimately the STICK gets results”.

“Latho ke bhoot bato se nahi mante”

(Ghosts of kicks will never understand TALK).


These two things apply anywhere, actually.

When you put a BOOT to someone’s ass is when results really come, or when someone gets off their duff to DO Something they should be – and it doesn’t have to be physical either.

Last year, when I put out my great course “Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training” – actually year before last, boy, how time flies – most people didnt even notice it.

Till date, Isometric and Flexibility Training sells a lot more – which I get in some ways, they contain stuff that most people need in their day to day lives – but the advanced version is a MUST grab my friend, because you can progress to NEWER levels (why stagnate when you dont have to??) – feel BETTER – get FITTER – looser – stronger – improve health beyond BOUNDS … and, well, if you were to even take a look at the Stick Isometrics section in the book, that alone is worth what I’m charging you for it my friend.

Out there in the heat, I haven’t been out for over a month in the summer (afternoon) heat I tested myself – on the 3rd of the fast I wrote to you about and sent you a great video on to clarify a lot of doubts my list had. (has).

And I felt more focused, yet, the heat hit me a lot more – but I Suspect thats due to plans tossing and turning in my head all night, and not sleeping as soundly as I should have – and the T boosts from all the pull-ups and fasting I’ve been doing, and isometrics.

Plus, yes, fast after a while which I plan on extending beyond the third day (today).

We’ll see how that goes, but out there in the heat, I stood there and did squats with this stick – something I haven’t shown you guys how to do as yet (well, except in Squat 101) – but more importantly, I did ISOMETRICS – and man, my lats and grips are BUZZING.

Look, isometrics – the so called “simplest” stuff like pushing against a wall – or bamboo stick – can build strength like you never imagined my friend.

And its a great, great idea to include that along with your bodyweight exercises, Indian clubs, and other things you do.

No, they never replace anything else.

Neither does anything else replace it.

And thats that.

You owe it to yourself to pick up (if you’re in any way shape or form serious about REAL FITNESS!) –  copy of Advanced, PROFOUND, Isometric and Flexibility Training NOW. 

It’s truly PROFOUND.

Welcome aboard.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Almost forgot to state above that I “found” the stick laying around – like I did in the park the other year. Gave that one to the wife, of course, she never used it despite claiming she would. Didnt and dont feel like asking her for it – so I manifested another. Hehe. On the FLY.

Why I never bought into the “but it’s just a digital product” BS
- YES.

Back when I started this particular website (2017) – the other one’s been going pretty much since 2011 (when I was PHAT) – people kept telling me one thing.

“You need to forget about selling digitally!”

Even back then, if you look at most “guru” sites and so forth, they offered mostly DIGITAL products.

I never bought into the BS, and kept doing it my way.

Fast forward to today, gurus that have written bestselling books and have made more than a million dollars doing it have all jumped on to my bandwagon – if I might call it that.

More and more products, yes, fitness as well are being offered DIGITALLY.

Nothing beats a paperback, of course, but I can tell you one thing – what I learned the MOST from is a pdf of a book which I keep recommending to folks “for free” – no I get nothing from it “The Magic of Believing”.

Claude Bristol’s little gem is how I run my entire life, Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil and Think and Grow Rich as well.

I ain’t a fan of audiobooks, but I’ve even got audiobooks for these which I ain’t even heard!

My wife too is one of the horde who believes “it’s digital so it can’t be sold or command a high price”.

Back when I started selling green tea recently in 2019, she – believe it or not, WANTED to join that biz with me.

Of course, she was interested in the lure of what she thought was “easy money” – and in her words “money will rain from the sky” if we do this right!

Um, yes, IF you do it right and complaining about teething issues with business and expecting everything to be perfect all the time isnt how it works.

But most of all, why would she want to do anything with someone she hates – me?

Well, PHYSICAL product (plus my client base which I got “out of the blue” as it were).

This mentality persists amongst folks, I dont know why – but thats fine – my sales figures prove what I and many other sane people have been ranting about forever.

First, it’s not about the size of it – its about whats CONTAINED in it. Value of info in it basically – and second, in our digital world these days, there’s absolutely no goddamned reason a digital product should command a lesser price than a paperback or hardcover (sans printing costs and such).

Try telling that to the average blockhead though …

Anyway – thats that.

Even my haters recognize my sales figures. Hehe. There must be SOMETHING to what I do .. here’s this gem I got (hey, Benny – my auto delete within 1 hour works – so this is probably the last one you’ll get from me!)

Now it is clear I’m nowhere near your level of money making which I admit, you’re far better at sales than me but I do ok and I do my best to do what’s possible for the time being on top of the other stuff I make.

Well, at least he was honest in the first part of the statement, I wont waste y’all’s time with the meaningless tripe he wrote otherwise…  (not to mention “what he makes”, which is what his wife gives him basically or what he can badger/pester/otherwise get out here. Like dude, seriously, $300 (which is what he was tom tomming from some screenshot for the month or what not) … how far does that go in todays America? Internet bill to Tiky Tok more fake workouts – LOL)


Gotta give credit where it’s due though … ????

To learn how outsell your competitors at the highest levels – order the 10 Commandments of Successful SAles NOW.

And thats that, friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I love it when these nutjobs troll me up and down, yet keep re-subscribing to my youtube even after being booted. Hilarious! ????

Hey, I get it. You can’t stay away – hehe. So be it. Spread the word, make yourself useful, trolls, troll a little more! ????

Day two of a complete fast – WITH workouts
- I've said this before

I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again.

This morning I did something which I’ve never quite done in my life before my tea, or hill climb, or work, or other workouts – I knocked off 25 pull-ups.

Fresh off a load of Nazi fem BS from the so called significant other, and a complete fast – not even my preferred green tea (which I’ve rectified today – mint did not quite hit the spot the other day, although I suspect thats more due to the concentration of leaves) …

Anyway – for those that dont know, we SELL high quality green tea etc and other natural stuff that works way better in terms of overall health for your body than these crappy artificial supplements people love to stuff down their gullets “protein shakes” and other nonsense to “grow big muscles” and increase T levels, and so forth.

Akshay Kumar, Indian movie star and an icon (and the same guy whose “90’s hairstyle I tried to ape when I was 13 – hehe) had THIS to say about supplements.

There is a culture among our youth these days of using protein shakes and other supplements. I am really against it and I don’t understand why they take it. They are becoming a product of a product. People have forgotten to have ghee, milk, dahi, lassi and stopped eating home-cooked food.”

Most wont heed this advice.

(Dahi is curd, lassi is buttermilk, and ghee is clarified butter, all stuff which in moderation is good for you – despite what people think about it “putting weight on you”). (It’s sad, but even folks from the subcontinent have mostly forgotten that TRADITIONAL isnt bad for you!)

I write more about whats good for you in the Simple and Effective Diet (yours gratis with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System), maybe I’ll write more about the above in an upcoming volume of the same, but for now, Kumar – 5th degree Dan black belt, Muay Thai guy who struggled for years and years before becoming the mega star he is today – well, I’d listen to him.

Back to fasts, I’ve gone hoarse advocating the benefits of these.

You just feel DIFFERENT.

Most people think you’re weaker “since you hadn’t had a bite to eat”.

“I’m hunnnnnnnnnnnnnnngry”….

Well, my friend, sometimes it’s good to be a tiger and WAIT for that next meal, and WORK for it while you do so.

I’ve no idea how long my fast will last. Normally I do it for three days straight, and my workouts amp up a notch – and I can already feel 100 pull-ups coming along today.

Our website for green tea etc (the dedicated one) has been down quite a while, that will change most likely on Monday/Tuesday when you’ll see us back up in that regard too. We’ve been doing some major database upgrades on the other site, and I’m not sure if it’s just excess traffic causing the sucker to “crash” – sales would point to that yes, or if it’s some flaw with the site design which no-one’s been able to spot – I think a combo of the latter, but it’s kept me busy for the past month, last night till 2AM.

While fasting …

My friend, if there is ONE thing I would recommend most healthy people to do occasionally, or even more than “sometimes” – its fasting.

You will recover from your workouts better, you will sleep better, you will focus better, you will drive AWAY negativity from your life, your RESULTS will improve, I cannot stress how valuable fasting done right is.

It’s different. You breathe deeper, you SWEAT more, your form just improves, niggles in your body go away “naturally” – you’ll have to do it to see.

No product on that out as yet, but there will be soon.

In the meanwhile, if you want to learn how to crack off pull-ups right, easy peasy, chin over bar, smooth as butter, follow the instructions in the manual here.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

A Master of my craft, which I am …
- Or, was it "at"?

This email was swirling around in my brain all morning long – even while I slept (which was till 1030 AM this morning).

At 6AM I decided to send it (at that time), then lop off back to bed.

I never did.

At 1030, upon waking up I tried via mobile, but it didn’t go through, so I finally woke up and sent it via the computer.

Now, I often have these thoughts – these inspirations.

There’s no “why” to them.

I just follow through and do ’em, and no, it doesn’t mean instant sales or any nonsense of that nature (although this email yes, it’s one of the emails that is VERY popular with the DOERS on my list – not the lookie lou’s, the doers – and thankfully I’ve blocked most of the first category already).

Such are the ways of the subconscious mind which most will never be open to understand – relying instead on beads, chains, amulets, idiotic “tarot cards”, worrying about Saturn being in retrograde – apparently it is at this point, or got in there sometime in June … ?

Anyway, this isn’t about that.

It’s about MASTERY.

Now, my products and courses take you as close to mastery as you can get – in terms of whatever the product is teaching you.

There’s a good reason I call them MANUALS.

Much like taking a car engine apart, there’s no fluff, no BS, no stories, just “how to take the damn engine apart and put it back in” instructions.

Not that I’m bad with stories, am I? Hehe. But the manuals aren’t the place for that, and in those very manuals, I’ve often stated (and in my writing overall), that “10,000 hours of practice are required to get good, damn good – at any skill”.

Bruce Lee once made the comment about “I fear not the man who has 10,000 kicks, but the man who practises ONE kick 10,000 times”.

And he’s right. (was right).

Drilling it down to specific exercises – compound exercises (kicks are one of them if done right) – and focusing on THOSE – they can give you better results than anything else, and I (and those that follow my teachings) are living proof of this, and so are the greats.

Anyway – mastery.

I’ve got entire chapters on it in 0 Excuses Fitness, and some other books, and I very candidly tell you this, my friend.

I dont believe you can ever be a true Master or Mistress at ANYTHING.

The best will tell you this – you keep learning.

The minute you STOP learning, that bird (success) takes wings, and FLIES away – there are plenty others waiting to take your place at the top!

That isn’t me saying that, it’s the great Claude Bristol saying it, I’m LIVING it – much like I often feel I’m “Napoleon Hill” reincarnated, right down to my life experiences and such, but Claude Bristol, I often feel I could never come close to him no matter what I accomplish in life or how “high” I “rise”.

And thats the purpose of this message.

Yes, I can teach you how to accomplish your goals – fitness wise and otherwise – beyond your WILDEST dreams, friend.

But if you’re looking for get rich quick, or “manifest cash NOWWWWWWWWWWW” or “your life will change THIS WEEK! Type 111111 to affirm!” or any such horse manure, then I’m most definitely NOT your guy.

You’re not going to get super fit overnight with my products.

But if you follow through, do what I tell you (remember, I’ve been phat as phuck before, and know what the hell I’m on about) – then you’ll exceed your wildest expectations in ALL regards fitness wise, and life wise (because if you ain’t fit, you’re not vibrating at the highest levels my friend, and life will never flow as smoothly as it does if you’re super fit).

And that, my friend is that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’m STILL learning on pull-ups, squats, and this is ME – after years and years in the trenches, several very well received products, hordes of people learnin from me and so forth.

Oh, as John Walker said … and the title of this email.

“Keep your products expensive, my friend … (which I would anyway) … 

…. from a true Master of his craft, which you are”. 

And coming from a true doer, I truly appreciate the compliment – and comment – because as with everything else he says, good, bad, ugly – it’s TRUE which is what counts.

Thank you, John – I hope you’re well my friend!

(We were discussing sales, idiotic so called “reviews” (mostly all price wankers), Bozo Schofield, and the rest – and my policy of keeping my products high priced to weed wankers out – and he was saying “it occured to me that all you’d have to do to increase sales even more is simply lower the product price, but never do that my friend”.

I wouldn’t John. You know me too well for that. Hehehehe) …