Apparently the “longer you dont have sex”- the more you get a “Bozo Schofield type non existent wanker”
- Some of the things I see I swear...

I was uploading some more videos to Youtube this afternoon – for a guy that – a self professed “I HATE VIDEOS!” – a guy whose now started to enjoy them so much that I’m not only getting a hell of a lot better at ’em,  but can’t do without blasting the dumbphone while creating them, hehe – just goes to say. Never say never!

No Tik Tok though as YET. Never say never there as well, but I dont want the See Xi Pee harvesting any more of my valuable data than they already go – flip side, given you’re tracked through WeChat and Alipay from the minute you enter the country – well, they already know more than plenty about me.

Even the beggars there take payment via QR codes.

And given dumbphone usage in China is SO prevalent that if you dont use one, you’re like a fish out of water – many places wont even take cash these days – not to mention the new “virtual RMB” rolled out (different from WeChat money etc) … well, you’re pretty much stuck with it.

But again, another flipside?

They could care two hoots less what you buy, girls or guys included, hehe – or about the number of KTV’s you visit and do what not – so long as you don’t criticize them, everything else is kosher, WAY more open than even in the US or other places. Communist countries have their advantages, I’ve said this before.


So some video that kept popping up on you tube to the tune of “if you as a man dont have sex enough then you get a Glyn like non existent wanker which becomes more non existent by the day”.

Given the pretty face attached to the video – likely done for “likes”

Given the workouts these pretty faces do showing “it all” – granted, they’re flexible as heck but the import of those videos seems something else altogether if you get my drift, anyway, my take on it, and I didnt even bother listening to the video?

Well one, if I was on the other business, I could really write a lot – and ADD more to what Madam is saying, and two?

It’s the reverse for me – if you do it right, sexual abstinence can be such a wonderful thing “once you try it you’ll never go back” – no color puns intended.

Trust me.

Or ask Napoleon Hill.

Ask some of the old time boxers and wrestlers who refrained from weeks before a fight, ask ole Mickey “women weaken legs”.

To me, it’s not so much sex weakens you – maybe temporarily, but thats it but the BENEFITS You get from VOLUNTARILY going without are too numerous and INDESCRIBABLY AWESOME TO DESCRIBE HERE!

Trust me on this one, it plays a huge role in manifestation of ANYTHING does long term sexual abstinence (and it’s a key tool – reverse the game, hehe – hold it over THEM, guys – to bring a Nazi feminist to her mental knees VERY quick hehe – though there are more, this is one key too).

And so … size?

I dont know, to me it’s never mattered either way not because I’m well endowed or not, or I care either way but because – much like with any muscle, the “how you use it” or if you even can without “long you know what plumbing issues” as an ex once sagely told me about another ex or last at all, or what not – all of that plays a far more important role – to me, and to most women I know – in fact all.

When you cut past the B.S, it’s always about FUNCTION first and foremost, friend.

The only difference between, it ain’t gonna shrink if you dont use it long term, the REVERSE might happen if you get on some of my programs.

Whats all this got to do with YOU?

Well, our videos – NO hanky panky in any of them, and certainly no showing off going on.

Just hardcore brutal stuff that like with the series progressions in splits and dips, two of the best damn exercises you can do – get even more hardcore by the day.

You’ll want to check out the videos HERE – or on the channel.

And thats that!

Back soon – oh, the books that I did not link, I believe in the videos?

Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training

Corrugated core.

Have at. ALL of these manuals will have MORE exhaustive videos – paid version, much like with 0 Excuses Fitness, so stay tuned, for now though enjoy the free vids, and benefit!

And yes, I’ve answered a lot of questions y’all send me through email (thanks for doing that!) in these videos too (I’m sure given the subject of this email a lot of nutjobs will send me emails to the extent of “I want girls”. Ugh. Sorry. no dice!).

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some of the great videos we put up?

Indian Prison Workout – literally, hehe.

(watch with THIS)

And then of course more splits!

#3 in the core torching with splits series – and stay tuned for MORE.

I’ll arrange them in better order shortly as well. For now, I couldn’t be bothered BECAUSE – the sun is SHINING, and pull-ups BE WAITING!! Hehe.

Back soon.

The friendly neighborhood dentist done crushed my grip!
- He did. Hehe.

So there I was, returning from the park – where I had great fun filming a LOT of new videos – and shorts.

You’ll want to check out the channel NOW – lots of great info – dips, splits, and more!

I seem to be getting better at something I never thought I’d DO initially – hell, I hate videos y’all know that, now I am almost enjoying them (in any case, when Rahul Mookerjee gets to something, he either DOES IT OR NOT! So, professionally done it SHALL BE!).

On the way back I met the friendly neighborhood dentist who does my daughter’s teeth – and damn near EVERYONE in this place I’m at.

In Indian, his name translates into “fluffy oily TASTY … flatbread”. Hehe. The kind that makes you FAT.

Lest you think I’m “dumping on him” – I aint. From the horse’s mouth, as you’ll see, though I wont mention him, but he’s a great guy, as we shot the bull, I gripped his hand, he almost crushed mine.

Now I knew the dude had a strong grip before, but this, damn!

For reference, he’s a huge bear of a man – and FAT – ultra fat – by his OWN admission.

For me, I asked him this –

“Did you lift weights etc at some point?”

He sure has the forearm strength for it.

“No” he laughed, pointing at his stomach – and fat – and then making some comments about the same which I didnt … well hey. He’s being honest about himself, which is more than what I can say for many lardasses globally – kudos to you, Sir!

But that grip, I couldn’t stop myself from mentioning it. STRONG!

“I do swim though”, he said.

Ah, I thought to myself, chuckling. He probably did more than just that – but as he laughed, and told me “I need it for my work”, I was like well – dentistry requires PRECISION, not brute, bull strength does it. Hehe.

I wouldnt know!

Maybe Hannibal Lecter would know.

Anyway – his business is starting to pick up which is great, back in 2020, all down in the dumps as it were.

Maybe we’ll send Glyn Bozo with his yellow stained teeth to him, trouble is Glyn would do exactly what the guy hates and what many here do with him – BARTER, or try to.

Like, when I heard that, I was like fuck – CHEAPSKATE CENTRAL – I mean, who negotiates a dentist’s fee?

Then again, it IS Asia!

And it just goes to show you – strength and fitness dont go hand in hand, but fitness and strength -well, the former usually is accompanied by a healthy dose of the latter, and then some.

All for now!

Be sure to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

I’m back to watching the game, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

My chili fetish
- ????????


Its no secret to those that know me that I absolutely love – and cannot do without spicy x 10 food.

Spicy makes it way to the name of one of my businesses too, so much do I like it. Hehe.

I find a way to stuff spice – and CHILI – into damn near everything. And often times you’ll see me eating dinner sweating buckets – with a small bucket of freshly picked green chilis by my side that I just “gorge on” like appetizers or side dishes.

I just bite into it, feel the fiery juices FLOW!!

Some of the stuff they deliver online in that regard – utter crap.

I’d rather buy it fresh from the markets, even though I pay a bit more (or, get it delivered fresh from the market is what I do, actually. Best of both worlds).

I remember a discussion a long, long time ago with Bruce Clark, a friend of mine – we were discussing my love for Tabasco (literally – restaurants in China have been known to HIDE the stuff when I come, knowing they’ll run out – and they have. Hehe) – and how I “found it spicy, but not hot”.

Then we talked about a pepper that is about 100x as hot, and I said yeah, that might be hot as heck – but it’s INDIAN food that’s really spicy. Damn!

With all the spices and a ton of chilis, you can literally set your tastebuds on FIRE with some of them reciepes (dont worry though – I’ve kept Dish Delicious more for the Western palate in that regard!).

China – there is a reason I love the food from Hunan province – and Sichuan province.

Fiery hot, especially them noodles – I remember gorging on them in 2004 when I wasn’t used to China, and then being on the toilet for ages it seemed like – the girl at the bordello I visited that night wasnt quite as amused about it as I was. Hehe.


She was pretty hot herself too!

Anyway – point of all this … Not just my love for spicy food, but let me tell you – spicy food – fresh stuff that is – is actually some of the best food you can put into your system.

Regardless of what the so called experts say about too much hot pepper and chili messing your stomach up and that, if you exercise your core regularly, if you dont go overboard with it (like I tend to, hehe) – it’s also a great way to keep sluggish metabolisms fired up – and digestion moving along SMOOTHLY, as opposed to what “the experts” tell you on that.

I wouldn’t recommend slugging down bottles of Tabasco, of course – or overdosing on Indian spices for that matter.

Personally, me, I love the boxed spices, but I’ve always found the green and red chilis to be far healthier overall, and they delivery the same knockout “spicy” taste as a lot of the boxed stuff does. (which I try and stay away from anyway).

Ah food, food, food … Hehe.


I just got done with a very sumptious dinner of flatbread caked in layers of clarified butter – beans – potatoes – tomato gravy – and of course, my favorite green chilis…

I highly recommend you add some spice into your daily food my friend – it will HELP your health in general, not harm it.

And that, my friend, is the reason for my “chili fetish”.

Yes, its even been linked to weight loss.

But hear me out.

If you’re a lazy ass that doesn’t believe in any sort of real workouts, if your main workout consists of “dinner table – potty walk and back” – then by all means cram chilis down your gullet — but that by itself wont make you lose weight or jump start that metabolism or even keep it going.

Nothing except working out regularly the right way will.

But if you’re already on the 0 Excuses Fitness System, hey.

A few chilis might be just what the ole doc ordered!

And thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

How to get immensely VASCULAR forearms
- that LOOK!

I remember sharing a pizza with Marc the African Silverback Gorilla in 2017 at his place, or perhaps it was the early part of 2018 – I believe the former.

I remember him looking at my forearms – at that point completely relaxed, yet, you could – can – see the cords running up and down them arms like nobody’s business.

“You’ve got a nice chest, shoulders and biceps!” I still remember him saying.

Now, this guy is a solid boxer. Could knock my damn lights out, and he’s no slouch in the strength department (though when doing dips, I still remember him “quivering” on the bars – but hey that happens when you start with dips – guy’s got some decent strength though!).

But it’s something EVERYONE wants, along with the lean and mean look – it also goes ALONG with the latter, not in place of.

It is also a prime, prime indicator of your health and fitness levels overall, your CONDITIONING levels – most of all, your body fat levels.

And you dont necessarily need to be “skinny” for that sort of thing to show either.

This afternoon, I knocked out a super video on tigerbend pushups and regular pushups.

(I did two, but this one is just super!)

For a guy whose routinely trolled (and I love it, hehe) – for not having Sly Stallone’s photographer or angles or other nonsense, I gotta admit – I did put some “angles” in there , but I did them in a way to piss some people off (who judging by their reaction already done got pissed off, hehe).

But most of all, it’s great doing these out in the winter sun – and it’s a great little tutorial – and one of the Ship members (a fitness phenom in her own right is Madam “L” – we’ll call her) . . .  replied back with this.

“Love the vascularity on the forearms!”

Now, did I train specifically for that?


It’s a result of the type of training I do – if you train my way, you’ll naturally become lean and mean and cat like – so much so that cats will literally materialize out of thin air no matter where you go. Cut me open if you dont believe it, but its true!

Every damn place I go, I see a cat stalking damn near, and I love it – along with the hordes of monkeys, both human and not that I see so often around me.

Semi – jokes apart, this sort of thing is like “abs”

You can train the core all you like, even the right way, but if youre too fat, those abs wont show my friend.

Same thing for vascularity.

Don’t think you can lift a house and be FAT and say “but I do a lot of forearm work”.

That look only comes with minimal body fat my friend – and a decent amount of grip and forearm work done regularly.

Body fat being key, if you’re too fat, it simply wont show.

And theres no other secret to that.

If you want that sort of look, you have to be lean and mean, no exceptions to that rule.

And grip wise, well, Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) are some of the best, if not THE best training courses you can invest in my friend.

Do so NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This morning I got an email from a nutter saying (with regard to a prior email on Corrugated Core) “but more weight helps stabilize me during handstands!”.

Amazingly enough this clown thinks the “stabilization” needs to be done with the “backside”.

I swear, the nonsense people come up with to justify their laziness and “phat”  . . . Hehe. I give up – and I dont do that quite often! ????

More positivity from Amazon.
- YES!

I’ve been very public with my admiration for Amazon in general, and how they run things. I wrote THIS yesterday – as if on clockwork, this morning, my Amazon login – one of them – stopped working.

I was wondering what happened – this issue occurred with this login back in … May or June I believe.

Their support was tremendously helpful, we fixed it – but it happened again, so I contacted them.

I got a response from them – NOT a canned response, but an actual human being – on a Sunday, or Sat night depending upon where the person was located.

I went through their alternative means of verification, took me a while given mobile signal is crap where I’m at  – and also due to an annoying problem with my dumbphone that the battery keeps turning off (and I dont buy a new one, hehe, much to the chagrin of my daughter – although 5G is a great motivator, I dont know, I’d rather wait a bit longer – then again, maybe I wont. We’ll see). . . .

I finally got it done.

Wrote back to them.

It was a brain fart on my end, I’ve got so many damn logins now on the authenticator that I used the wrong one I believe, and I told them as much.

Ended up wasting 30 minutes of my time, I semi -grumbled, but happy I was “in”.

And their response?

“Well, at least it wasn’t something more serious!”

And she was right – spot on – that was positive, and I told them that!

True, it wasted 30 minutes of time I’d rather have spent on doing fingertip pushups, squats, and 100 pushups in general … Or drinking tea and doing nothing in general, or “Lord only knows”.

Life happens my friend.

Often times we’re dealt lemons.

Yours truly has been dealt many, many serious lemons over the course of his life, I’ve always managed to come out on top despite seemingly insurmountable odds – and a positive attitude above all despite the crap around me is what make it happen ultimately.

I’ve often, as a customer recently noted (on things I’ve been successful at) “started out at a level far lower than others” (I’m not going to get into why here, some of it is bloody obvious, but I’d rather it be that way than be “privileged” – it tastes FAR sweeter when it comes the other way around). (and no, not because I’ve consciously “wanted to”).

So be it, hey.

People pick up on the vibes whether they know it or not.

“You’re always so positive!” I remember a certain Tracy once saying in 2014, I believe, nothing going on there either, just a statement she made off the cuff.

There ain’t no other way to live life my friend.

You might get temporarily derailed, but you pick up, dust off, get back on the track and get going again as I am now.

(writing this to you once I’m “in”).

And that applies fitness wise.

Had a bad day? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Wife tripping over something or the other? Kids yowling? Boss going bonkers? Or just in general a crap day?

Unable to progress on pushups – thrown in the towel, then you’re getting back to it now .. .

Could be any number of things, any reason really.

It happens.

Let it happen .

Process it.

Be done with it.

And then get back to it!

Fitness wise, when you start on the 0 Excuses Fitness System, there’ll be times you’ll be sore, cranky, tired, hurting, not wanting to MOVE, let alone exercise…

It’ll happen, hey.

But you get up, get past it, and just do it . . .

And along with the way, if you need a little help – hey. We’re all rooting for you here!

And that, my friend, is the message I’d like to pass along this Sunday “morning”.

Back at it.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why listening to Buddhas on the bed is always a bad idea.
- Hehe.

Would you take advice from a fat man telling you how to lose weight?

Would you take sex advice from an eunuch?

Would you take … lets see, advice on growing HAIR – from a bald man? (or one that never grew his hair out at some point)?

Yada, nada, schnada.

I didnt think so.

Would you take advice from a lazy bum on “how to run your life and business”?

I didnt think so, my friend, yet, amazingly enough, 99% of the world seems to do nothing and do just that at the same time.

Last night, I was watching a documentary on Amazon “the World according to Amazon”.

I watched it mostly for Bezos, who is by far the only entrepreneur I truly admire and look up to – enough said on that one (Steve Jobs seems to be more popular, but for me, except for the great Henry Ford, nothing and no-one comes close to what Bezos has done, and he’s just getting started).

There wasn’t that much about him unfortunately.

In fact, the whole show was a whine fest basically, while watching, my overriding reaction was “so what”?

Amazon wants to be the go to online retailer, they whine.

Like so what I thought, thats a damn worthy goal to have.

Amazon wants to have a piece of the pie in everything.

Thats smart business, lady I thought.

Funnily enough, or aptly enough, a woman was doing the documentary with all the usual sob stories of “how Amazon caused this business to shut down and that biz”, and their well publicized battles in India (which to be honest the government is doing all they can to STOP them from succeeding even there) – while ignoring all the positives (like how many millions people have made from owning their stock for instance – no-one ever mentions that huh – or the fact that things can be delivered via Prime “next day”, we dont think twice about it NOW but back then …) …

They even had an ace programmer who worked on it when it was a startup, he started whining too.

“I’m not sure if what we created from a social perspective is something to be proud of”.

Typical whining from LOSERS!

To me, anyone thats serious about business should be happy doing biz with Amazon.

Contrary to what it’s made out to be – Amazon does NOT want it all its way or the highway – they go out of their way to make sure every penny a real biz man invests with them is returned manifold.

I know this from personal experience.

Of course, talking to idiots who have no clue on how to live life, do business in the first place – always an uphill battle.

Like with my wife, whose core accomplishments in life are sitting on the bed wacking away on the phone and gazing at moronic videos and sees fit to tell me “how I dont do my work well” – and “assuming the worst” all the time.

And claiming “but I have good vibes!”

I cannot help but thinking how STUPID she is getting by the day – stupider – every damn thing she buys falls apart, every penny she puts into something goes waste – right down to milk cartons suspiciously leaking or what not …

This morning’s Nazi feminist rant was fueled by “oh, SHIT, I woke up late, the daughter has disappeared as usual, and I gotta cook LUNCH when I never did the dishes like I was supposed to!”

If you can believe it, I volunteered to do them.

I did them for a day or so, she had a problem with that too.

“Whats your problem”, she yelled when I did the dishes and was done with them in like 12.5:45 minutes flat…

I time these things. Hehe. Life works on routine, the very thing people hate about Amazon, funnily enough routines and disciplines are what fuel RESULTS!

These Nazi feminists, my friend, I could have yelled back at her barbs and taunts, but whats the point?

It’s utter lunacy.

People are complaining about not having enough to eat, here when I get stuff, the damned fridge and larder are bloody well overflowing – her complaint is “you dont do anything well! This is too much!”

Like honey, dont eat too much then …

Damned fool I was thinking, not to mention the typical Damned if you do, damned if you dont.


There is a way to benefit from all this lunacy around you, my friend – from the liberals, the fat men who couldn’t run a mile to save their lives telling you to “lose weight” – from the Nazi feminists – the SJW’s – and so forth.

It’s not so much benefiting from trolls – you deal with those differently.

The above bunch though – my pathbreaking book on how to not only COMBAT – but win – against the SCOURGE that is Nazi feminism … will teach you how to do it, and none of the methods are direct, most dont involve even saying a word my friend.

But benefit you they will, while the rest droop in the summer heat, or winter freeze, what have you . . .

Last, but not least, those sage Bezos words that I keep in my mind all the time (to be VERY honest, I’ve thought of this for years myself).

“If you do something different, you have to be prepared to be misunderstood for long periods of time. If you dont want to be misunderstood, then for God’s sake, dont do something different!”.

I love how he surgically chooses his words, I’d be more brutal. Hehe.

Anyway – thats that.

Back soon – and dont forget – I just got done with my workout (interrupted by a banshee if you get my drift, ugh. I HATE IT! I’m breathing heavily in the zone, yet dumbasses just HAVE To show up to pester me) – have YOU got done with yours?

IF not, get to it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Chop chop, I should tell my lovely wife, hehe, oddly enough apparently that is what she is pissed about but wont be honest enough to say it…

100 handstand pushups?
- Oh yes...

While doing handstand pushups, which seem even easier than ever for me now – though they never are “easy”- I focus like a madman on every single rep I do, and slow it down to the utmost possible for one – I remembered a line, oft forgotten from one of my favorite bodyweight training books – after 0 Excuses Fitness, “the very best ever” as people have rightly said “nothing comes close” of course. Hehe.

He was talking about doing high reps – and low reps.

And how he combined the time honored principle of low reps and high weight (weightlifting) into bodyweight movements.

“On the other hand, if you take handstand pushups, it would be impossible for anyone but King Kong to do that many, and I doubt anyone out there has equalled Kong’s level of upper body development”.

As I watched an old video (VCR – remember those??) of Kubik getting through a marathon one hour workout – 315 lb trap bar deadlift – man!

Guy had some serious muscle on him back in the day – still not too bad NOW.

Handstand pushups, I remember Brooks talking about how even three freestanding ones done in proper form were GOOD.

I love ole Brooks. Hehe. Right from when we first started to communicate.  .  .

(pity I wasnt doing all this then, but then again, what I WAS doing and focusing on gave me fodder for my other business now. All in good time. Hehe).

But anyway.

I remember a conversation in 2017 with my buddy from the Marines that I’ve mentioned here numerous times where I spoke of doing 100 pull-ups daily, he said that was tough for anyone.

Which he’s right, but for me, it was easy, I said so.

I also said this –

“Now 100 handstand pushups per workout – man, thats something!” 

He replied with a “You’re goddamned right”.

We both were – are.

Back in 2017, when I wrote Battletank Shoulders, I was truly doing 150 pull-ups per workout, tons of pushups – hill climbing and such.

HSPU’s per workout never went beyond 75 though, and I was flagging on form towards the end on those!

(I did them in sets of 5-8 – 25 reps per “time”).

Is that a goal for NOW?

I doubt it – I’m doing fine doing around 30-40 per workout these days!

But I might well could make it a goal, especially given what turned to be the 1000’th post on the other site (I dont believe in coincidence, enough said – cryptically) about manifestaton

We’ll see, but I believe it’s very possible. Hehe. Just takes gallons of sweat to work up to it for once, much like ole Brooks in the 90’s hammering out them reps, sometimes two at a time in Louisville KY – hill city – YES!

They all count. Hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

Cold weather training tips.
- The obvious, mostly...

One of the things I hate about my current living arrangement is something most used to Asia, or those that have grown up here or belong to here, etc – look at me as I’m nuts when I mention it.

Dont worry – yours truly is used to that look!

It is this – during summer, I cannot stand not having central A/C – and during winter, I abhor not having central HEATING.

Those space heaters are great, nothing beats turning on one switch and having the entire apartment or house heated at one shot though – not to me.

If you’re Dr Lamar, a bit of a cheapass, you’ll do your bit to save on energy costs. No, this is not “now” – this was back in the day 99 when I was at the ex’s house, her Mom wouldn’t let us “sleep together”. Hehe. That sort of traditional! Hilarious..

I was wondering at that point where I was – in India, or the U.S of A ?


Anyway – this means during winter non heated areas are freezing cold, summer, they’re boiling hot.

And from a person that doesnt mind taking cold showers – indeed, the colder and icier it feels, the more I look forward to the challenge of staying in for long periods, especially during my night showers (no pun) – this might sound strange, but here it is – those last as a challenge for a bit, then I’m out – I’d like to be in comfort after that, not “perennial jail or Nazi camp”.

Anyway – in winter, training takes on new dimensions.

Those of you doing outdoor work in snowy weather and stuff – well, this isn’t so much about that sort of training (to me the closest I’ve ever come to snow on a regular basis was in New York, one winter and that was mild by NY standards – and ONE day in bonny China when snowflakes falling caused the whole city to go into a stir, hehe – I still remember freezing my BOOTOCKS off literally climbing the hill that day, bundled up in three layers…) …

… this is for indoor workouts in cold weather, sometimes, the indoors can be bone chillingly cold too.

To me, the best workouts have always been leg workouts – this takes on new dimensions in cold weather.

NOTHING gets that surge of energy – and “warmth” flowing from your soles like heavy duty leg work does – squats, hill climbing, whichever it might be. (or other heavy leg work).

Or – exercises that get the whole body moving – and get you huffing and puffing – which are usually the same thing – leg and back.

Animal kingdom workouts – or, my personal favorite – pull-ups, closely followed by pushups.

(PS – Kindly – I mean kindle, hehe – lovers, remember, a lot of this is in kindle format for YOU too!)

Then, another tip is this – BREATHE even more religiously than you do normally – this gets not just the blood flowing, but keeps the body warm.

Reduce rest time between sets even more – in cold weather, you shouldn’t be that exhausted anyway, not as much as if you were sweating buckets outdoors in hot weather.

That doesnt mean you speed through SETS. No.

It means you reduce breaks, time between sets even more, it means you work with even more laser focus – oddly this could mean, such as with pushups, your sets sometimes become slower as you focus MORE on form (and the body keeps heating up that much more).

Keep yourself hydrated – something most people ignore even more during winter, and plain ole water works best – not just when it’s hot, but when it’s COLD too.

If you can take icy cold showers to keep your metabolism going, thats great. Not essential!

But otherwise, those are training tips for cold weather, all basically nothing you dont know or haven’t figured out already, but thought I’d put it out there since I see so many people around me being Buddha on the bed swathed in blankets, shawls, and what not …

Workouts need to be done regardless of weather – indoors, outdoors, whatever.

Tis that simple, my friend!

And thats that – remember, along with parkas and wollens, Squat 101 is a MUST have for cold weather as well – get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Leave reviews, too!

PS #2 – Some tweaks – well, an all morning marathon today and some tomorrow means our already blazing fast downloads have become even faster for those of you on mobile etc. Check it out NOW!

As I walk meditatively up and down my living room …
- I thought fit to write to YOU!

“Khane ke bad 100 kadam chalna chahiye, khana pach jata hai!” 

I still remember a certain Ganesh – NOT the God, hehe – we used to rib the guy so much by calling him “Bhagwan Ji” (God, since his name was Ganesh – though for someone i.e. yours truly who used to be called Jesus due to my olive skin and long hair back in the day, well, who the joke is on – you decide! Hehe).

What he said was the following, and he’s right

Walk a 100 steps after eating, the food digests.

In China, they have this saying –

“Walk 99 steps after dinner, live to a 100”

The above Asian sayings are old, passed down from generation to generation and damn true. Not verbatim but thats the gist (close enough in terms of being verbatim though).

Walking slowly, meditatively without thinking of anything much at all, letting thoughts show up, escape, I do it often – after a huge dinner (something to be said for the meal after the meal after the fast!!) – I was doing it in my living room, blissful, without a care, thinking how I’m so EFFORTLESSLY manifesting all I want in my life right NOW (and what hasn’t happening in reality as yet is on it’s way at warp speed).

And I wanted to talk to you, if just for the incredible health benefits of the above.

Most people do nothing but crash after a heavy meal.


I remember asking my wife to install a stove (with me) once after lunch. She complained she was feeling lazy.


She says she feels even lazier in winter, and so forth.

No, I’m not carping on her, the average Joe or Jane would say exactly, precisely that …

Yours truly is the opposite as always.

I recommend doing this after dinner, or maybe lunch walk amidst GREENERY if possible. In China, I do it in my apartment complex which has a beautiful “garden” all around the flats. (apartments).

All around, all in between, replete with massive water rats in a certain portion too which I heard the security guards turn into “rat stew”.

Knowing China, thats nothing. Hehe. Some of the things they eat!

Anyway – I often walk in the afternoons there, blissful, on the grass, feeding the fish, without a care in the world, hours pass.

Some of my happiest times happen that way!

At night, I was doing it today in my living room, and I can, as is the norm these days – “feel” the food literally digesting as I walk – sit -type.

Getting to that level takes practice my friend.

But you can start, and its not as hard as you might think …

Anyway, thats the lesson – take a walk, preferably at least 100 slow (yes, you heard me, slow, not everything is for “workouts only”) steps or more post lunch or dinner.

I haven’t eaten breakfast in forever, and neither will I ever – so I couldn’t tell you there. Hehe.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Walking CAN be turned into a very powerful exercise, if you do it right.

In Advanced Hill Training I tell you how to – and then how to work up to sprints – and then sprints on hills – and MORE!

This book is one of the “hidden gems” amongst all our others.

Get it NOW.

The end of the fast report
- Short one!

well, I ended my three day fast last night – at the dot of 72 hours, almost – perhaps 30 min more.

And before ending it I did such a massive workout with clubs – Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness, that my sore shoulders – ringing even now (it’s more than 12 hours post that workout obviously, almost 24 soon) – and my Triceps, and core in general – that explains part of it!

Of course, I was working bodyweight exercises intensely – even more than usual -throughout my fast.

True tiger style, when it doesnt find food, it doesnt mope about “I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO exhausted, I have nothing to EAT!” or tired, or what not.

It hunts – even more so – and after that final successful hunt – which is as quick and agile and POWERFUL AS EVER – it EATS.

Big time.

So did I, I could barely finish all the food, but I stuffed myself. Hehe.

All healthy stuff, wheat, potatoes, LOTS of clarified butter, I could feel it entering my sinews and muscles almost!

Today, i was planning on another workout, but sore as I am – or more than that, as I feel myself getting STRONGER in a way that isn’t “workout stronger”, it’s different, you’ll have to fast for extended periods and then eat – and then you’ll know what I mean, you’ll literally feel yourself  “growing” (no pun) the next day my friend.

All I’ve done today is a lot of stretching, and I feel great, OK, I jogged a bit. Couldn’t resist!

But for me, thats nothing workout wise, yet, some of the isometrics I did are enough to kick most advanced trainees in the can – INSTANTLY.

So I broke several rules right there, did I not? Like I always do!

One, “minimize activity” during a fast is what the experts tell you, you’ll be SOOOOOOOO tired!


I had MORE energy!

Two, dont gorge upon the ending of the fast.


TIGER! Animal style ..

Three, “drink some juice or something to keep your strength up!”

Fooey again.

And four, well, I’m pretty sure they wont advocate tough, brutal workouts while on long fasts.

I’m sure I broke a host of other rules as well pal.

So be it.

I feel GREAT.

So will you if you follow my lead!

The Simple and Effective Diet, which is yours gratis with the 0 Excuses Fitness System has nothing on fasting – I thought about putting it in there when I came out with the book, but at the time I intended it to be, and it is, really “an add on for the latter”.

Therefore, be on the outlook for another book dedicated to fasting the way I do it, and you’ll be getting the results I do REGARDLESS of whether or not you’re currently in shape or not, fat or not, and so forth – if you just DO what I tell you.

In the meantime, GET the courses above.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee