Pushups vs DIPS
- Another one of those million dollar questions...

Another one of those million dollar questions eh?

And it has a very simple answer – much like a lot of questions I’ve been getting on “is this variant of the fingertip pushup better than the other?” and so forth.

First off, better is relative. All depends upon your strength, current conditioning levels, training goals and so forth – I always tell people they’re not better or worse – they are DIFFERENT variants of an exercise. And you should get good, damn good at both, or ALL variants of an exercise to really reap the benefits and say you’ve “progressed in it”.

(honestly that is).

Now dips obviously – completely different movement from pushups.

But again, thats like asking “are pushups better than pull-ups?”

Neither is better.

Dips are FAR tougher than pushups in terms of “strength” alone – but strength is relative again.

If you’ve got a weak core and lower back, chances are you might struggle with pushups – especially the table variant – Hindus – regular pushups and all their variants – more than with dips.

Chances are you might even be OK on the handstand pushup, but weak on the regular pushup – I’ve seen it happen over and over again. Trust me!

The body is great at compensating for a weak core in a lot of exercises, the pushup being one where the legs sneakily sometimes “bend” if you dont maintain 100% focus and form – and focus on form!

So do both is what I say.

Neither is better.

Overall, pushups have far more benefit, so if you had to choose an exercise – the pushup would be it.

But do both, and watch those shoulders EXPLODE ….

There is a reason dips are mentioned in Shoulders like Boulders! and why all the old time strongmen did plenty of them along with pushups – not in place of – as a pure shoulder and chest builder, they’re right up there with the handstand pushup – in terms of chest alone, perhaps more so than the handstand pushup, even!

As a pure upper body strength builder, few exercises come close to the pull-up – not even the dip which in Fast and Furious Fitness, an oldie but GOODIE – I said was the upper body equivalent of the SQUAT!

In terms of core blasting and overall gains in the upper body, and a true old fashioned ass buster – few exercises including the above two come close to the pushup.

See what I mean, my friend?

Theres no better or worse, get better at ALL of them is what I say, and do things sensibly – work at your own pace – do it daily – and focus on form.

And thats that, my friend. Not the answer most wanted I know, but so it is …


Rahul Mookerjee

His shoulders were shaking like an ASPEN leaf in the TORONTO breeze!
- Maple??

Or MAPLE!  Hehe. It reminded me of Marc the African Silverback Gorilla who could knock my damn lights out at mach speed, no wonder his name came through that way, hehe when I was typing it – an avid weight lifter and machine user – and when I got him to hold the up position of the dips – that happened!

MAN, the dude literally shook at the top!

His arms and shoulders were quivering so much you could see it, today, as a friend of mine showed up while I was filming some damn tough variants of the fingertip pushup (unlike what I showed in the video yesterday – these two are covered in Pushup Central -see thats the thing with videos, in the flow, on the spur of the moment, I can teach you so much more I couldn’t or didnt remember to put in the book, you never remember it all the first time or even second or third – so SIGN UP and subscribe ,like – y’all!).


You’ll want to check out the video below.

And be careful you have the strength and conditioning to do regular fingertip pushups in proper FORM WHICH IS TOUGH ENOUGH!

I know I sound ANAL about form, I always will, for a reason, and shaking like an aspen leaf in proper form – one reason.

My friend when he showed up – I wanted to chat with him but I was filming, to his credit he did not disturb me, I’m glad he waited around because I wanted to chat with him and  so I did.

Second reason – oh, on form – a couple of kids were yelling “there comes Rocky” when I was doing roadwork today, something I recently started again – shades of Advanced Hill Training on mostly flat land, just as effective.

And – Rocky didnt even wear the sunglasses? Hehe.

The iconic ones. More famous than I!

Anyway – point of this is to say ..FORM!

My friend has been doing a pretty good job losing weight -he had some weight issues, not completely gone as I wrote about the other day, but he’s getting there.

He truly is!

And he does pushups, dips, squats etc.

Now – – I have seen him do these before, but beyond a cursory “please do them in proper FORM!” – I never really said a lot more. You know me, I dont bother people when they’re training!

But today, as I was showing YOU proper form in the videos, letter damn perfect – well – I had to get him in on the action!

You’ll see him do several things WRONG in the video – including arm positioning etc.

But I showed him the main reason most fail at pushups even though they think they’re doing it right.


Yes, even advanced trainees are guilty of this sometimes during high rep workouts.

And anyone can knock out lots of pushups this way (well, not anyone, but anyone thats been doing ’em a while).

It’s the attention to form and detail that makes you STAND OUT, that puts you a cut above the HERD, that really gets your health and fitness levels going and turns even the most humble of pushups into an ASS KICKING exercise and workout for all levels when done RIGHT.

Thats why I keep saying QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.

In Fast and Furious Fitness I tell you it’s better to do TEN pushups properly than 100 lousy ones, and its tru. You’ll see why in the video!

And … you’ll see what I mean about form – again. Hehe.

You wont see him really quivering in the video – partly, but the real quivering came AFTER that video when I got him to do squats – FULLY – ass to grass, not the rubbish he’s been advised to do them “just for thighs” – and when I told him to touch the chest to the ground on EVERY REP OF the pushup – and put my hand there for emphasis!

All lots of fun.

His face literally turned red at the end of it all like my little girls does when she does handstands.

And that, I told him, as I gave him pointers on BREATHING right – and GRIPPING right when doing pull-ups (see videos and Gorilla Grip for that) – are keys to getting in shape faster, and getting that CORE working and conditioned.

As Herschel Walker famously said, GET the core ready,. you’ll handle anything.

He’s damn skippy spot on!

Corrugated Core is a must along with the courses above – and watch the video – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Write back – let me know what y’all wanna see NEXT!

Is looking young “creepy”?
- Interesting!

A white knight recently responded to something I posted on Twitter – in response to a girl (somewhat well known) saying “she got carded at the bar, then she showed them her Wiki page or something, and they let her in without being carded, and she’s ordering drinks now”.

At least you look young enough to be carded, I laughed back.

At the age of 19, yours truly once grew a long beard and was never carded. Useless law anyway I think!

Anyway – at the age of almost 42, when people call me 26 or so, I dont really get carded any more.

Thats because I always have SOME stubble on the face.

If I dont, all bets are off.

Anyway, I didn’t even post that. I just posted the first part about she’s looking young enough to be carded.

Some girl replied.

Then deleted her tweet.

White knight jumped in saying “he’s part of her target audience! Anyone that follows her is creepy!”

Girl replied back.

“NOT creepy”.

White knight shut up real quick. HEhe. Probably an idiot liberal too …

Anyway  – that aside, my workouts certainly not just keep you looking young, but feeling young which is the entire point – the entire shebang, the entire creepy or not ke …

And today I put out more “keep young” videos – one focusing on grip and pull-ups and doing them RIGHT on thick bars.

Source (for those on the text only list) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_jwTfTp-OI&t=278s

And, one detailing a DIFFERENT sort of knuckle pushup I have NOT covered in Pushup Central as yet – which will SMOKE the “front shoulders, deltoid”, whatever it’s called, you get the drift.

Source – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD8VFb7NV_c&t=377s

You’ll want to check these out NOW.

And remember, the videos along with the manuals are FAR more exhaustive than the free youtube videos I put out, so if you’re thinking you’ll learn all I have to teach from the youtube channel ALONE – you’re wrong my friend.

They all need to be worked on TOGETHER, not seperately.

And thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – So much to teach, Im just getting started – stay – TUNED!

Another exercise that brutally exposes FAT – or the lack of it, hehe – around the MIDSECTION
- Not the pull-ups! Hehe

Some people are so fat and take pride in doing pull-ups so comically that other than the walk from the “dinner table to potty and pulling their pants up” – its hard to imagine any sort of pull-up they do. I can think of five people right off the bat, all liberal entitled nutjobs that whine on about how they’re big – and not “fat” when the mirror itself says otherwise as do the plus size clothes they wear to “conceal that ever expanding belly ” …

Ah but I’m getting ahead of myself!

Today I did a long, long session of roadwork – good ole fashioned brutal boxer style elbows in RUNNING. Shades of Advanced Hill Training given most of it was done either on open road dodging traffic, or a hilly (sorta) park I often go to – or used to. These days, I go to another.

I went to this one today.

This guy who I met there in 2018 – I wrote bout him too – he was observing me do pull-ups, and wanted to do the same.

“I can never manage to do pull-ups”, he went today as well after exchanging pleasantries and noting “how good I looked” – and of course, when I told him “you can do it too!” – he noted how I used to be super fat before, far more than him (he’s seen the pictures) and congratulated me again on my transformation which I very graciously accepted, but all throughout, my tenor was on “you can do it too”

Alas, if only.

This guy was havin trouble with his weight too, he’d wear XXL shirts to conceal the girth – albeit Louis Vetton shirts. Hehe.

And now, after a few months I see him, and I saw he lost weight – yet, something was off.

A sunken look to his face, and he looked – not weak as I told him, but FATIGUED.

“Yes, he responded to my question about “did you stop eating or what??”

“Very little carbs”, he went. 

That sort of fad diet will do it to you, my friend.

But anyway he’s lost some weight around the midsection, some still to do, so I congratulated him anyway. Hey, results matter.

Then he asked me what I do, I laughed, told him …

I asked him what HE does.

Pushups and squats as always he went.

And then pointed to the thick bar I was working out on and said “But I still can’t do a single pull-up”.

I then proceeded to tell him how the pull-up brutally exposes fat around the midsection like no other.

If you’re fat, you simply wont be able to do ’em no matter how you try and convince yourself you’re not fat, I said. (not saying that to him).

He nodded.

And you wont be able to get chin over the bar for reps, let alone hold for time, I went.

Anyway then I asked him to show me the pushups he does, I knew something was off.

On the squats, he just goes halfway down.

And the pushups?

Well, he showed me a “pause and go” variation of the dive bomber, which I nodded politely and pretended to “learn”.

I did not correct form etc.

But then he showed me something, and I had to pipe up.

It was a decline pushup.

“There it is”, I said. “Those work the shoulders – and upper body into the ground – they’re excellent”.

But if you want to do CORE workouts, I said – the floor pushup is far better.

I’ve written galore about floor pushups vs handstand pushups.

I’ve also written about why the pushup is the BIG DOG of fitness bar none!

And it’s true, my friend.

You simply cannot beat doing slow and steady regular pushups …

As for why they work the core better, well, I did the best thing possible in that regard – I did them – both styles – and I put it in a fantastic VIDEO for you guys to watch and learn from.

Enjoy –

And remember, my friend, Pushup Central is the one and only book of it’s kind on pushups out there. I challenge you to find a book that is better or even comes close to it (no, trolly comments made by idiots who haven’t even read the book obviously don’t count) …. and I’ll eat my non existent hat, but it’s not tinfoil unlike with the Bozos, heh.

And thats that!

Back soon with the original video of the day, or what it was supposed to be (why you should not fear, but WANT negative reviews for your business, life, whatever you hold dear).

Yes, I realize this runs contrary to what most think.

But patience, grasshopper, much like the video I did on why you shouldn’t fear – but WELCOME trolls with open arms, this one is about a different sort of troll – which will be in Profit Troll as well.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – As for dude, great guy, but I told him to work hard on pull-ups in 2018, he didnt, and now … well, he still can’t do ’em despite me telling  him galore “if I can do it, so can YOU!”.

Thats the problem, you can lead a horse to water.

But you can’t make it drink.

Ah well … (I was going to find what I originally wrote in that regard, maybe soon).

One arm pushups -or NO arm pushups??
- Really, some of the stuff I see out there!

Really, a lot of the crap I see these “two second” Tik Tok influencers spout (or wanna be anyone’s pretending to be someone – to be frank, one thing I’d NEVER want to be called? An “influencer” – here today, gone tomorrow…) …

Anyway, last night I was uploading some more member’s only pushup videos to the Ship.

Some great, great stuff, “arm sizzling workouts” as a certain man put it.

Almost 55 is that guy, stellar stuff R ..

Anyway – while doing so, Youtube popped up this odd notification of “no arm pushups”.


And I forgot about it.

Yet, later it rankled in my mind, so I clicked through – and cripes!!!

Seems to be a thing with some people much like the “look at how much food I stuffed down my gullet and threw up after that” Korean girls in Korea fad … or some of the other equally silly fads out there (some downright DANGEROUS).

And when I clicked through to the video, geez, I’ve heard of levitating Babas ignoring the laws of space, time and Physics, but these are average looking Chinese or Korean dudes doing a one arm pushup – then so called progressing to a “no arm pushup” which is basically a good pushup – and then the arms suddenly disappear and the body magically lifts itself – in perfect form as well!

I aint shitting ya.

Google, you’ll find it (Bozos globally will no doubt do just that for freeeeeeeeeeeeee since I mention it here. Hehe).

There’s some video of a (supposedly) Russia solider doing this as well.

The depths to which people will sink to – and I dont mean the Russians, I mean whichever nut job thought of putting Chinese or Russians in the video. Everything bad has to be either china or Russia! It’s just hilarious, these damn liberals.

Back to fitness – apparently thats a thing with some.

I wouldn’t advocate it though – no way, not unless you want several busted noses, chins, all at once.

What I WOULD advocate – in terms of strength workouts – ONE arm work – although I’ve been very vocal about saying they should NOT be a main workout unto itself as they lend themselves more to showboating than form – they DO build some serious strength if done right.

Plus, some around here demand courses which give ’em that – so I will!

But for the most part, one arm – or two finger – or maybe one finger work is where it should stop for most people.

Unless you want to be that levitating Baba, hehe.

Literally, it’s hilarious, it looks like an invisible string behind the scenes lifting the guy up.

And these moronic Tik Tokkers love it … (and think it’s real fitness).

Stick with what you’ve got in the no nonsense course Pushup Central my friend.

Not only is there no other course out there like it, but it will build a lifetime of strength, health and conditioning most can only DREAM of if you DO what is said there (and in any of my other courses)


A certain Pooja just asked me “Sir, how did you lose so much weight!”

“I’m not so thin now am I”, I cackled back. Always fun flirting with her! (as is the reverse, hehe)

“You’re perfect now”, she grinned back, that vixen like GLINT in her eyes!

It’s interesting chatting with, she’s canny as ever, knows her customer, those sly knowing eyes, that realization knowing she’s trying to fob stuff off on to someone whose been selling – legit – from a very young age, anyway, as she yells outside – at least she has half a brain. IT’s fun to talk to her! (at times, anyway).

And I told her how, but she interjected with “let me cut some more spinach up for you” and then proceeded to tell me what I know already, the health benefits etc.

I laughed.

“Yes, you’re right”.

“But” and I winked at her belly – if you eat TOO much of even a healthy thing, it’s gotta go someplace.

And thats the answer, I Told her, why I dont buy “daily” from her, hehe – or I’ll turn into what I used to be in 2010 (Which of course given my bodyweight workouts back then were still stellar is most than what most fat fuckers could do – but hey, I was fat, no bones …)

(made about it, I mean, hehe).

Anything in excess is never good, my friend – that includes taking things to extremes in terms of “no arm pushups”.

Now selling to excess, she does that – but hey. Like she said, it’s a matter of “eating” for her, hehe. And I’d rather that than a lot of men who sit around at home doing exactly F all letting women bring home the bacon, thats just downright pathetic to me, losers with ZERO life basically. Ugh.

(My paternal grandmother’s father was apparently this sort too, so I know. UGH!)

Perhaps the best thing about the 0 Excuses Fitness System other than it being the best damn bodyweight course out there “nothing even comes close”?

Well, that it’s safe, sane and SENSIBLE …

And that alone, given the lunacy and hypocrisy raging in every corner of the world should be a welcome throwback to saner times, perhaps thats why I attract the sane customers that know in order to get true knowledge, they must pay the price – and happily do.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way – thank you!

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

The “lovely” Marjorie Taylor Greene … and her NOT so lovely pull-ups!
- Hehe.

I wish I could find the video to share with you guys. This was in 2020 apparently when  Greene, one of the politicians on the right I highly admire (though again, my man for President remains the SAME i.e. Mike Pompeo if he runs – I hope he does!!) …

Well, first lets talk Pompeo!

They were bitching about Pompeo the other day when he called a lot of America’s educators (teachers) a far more insidious and harmful enemy than external enemies, a lot of pansies and fuckwadded liberals had their knickers in a twist, including the school teacher he was referring to.

Well gee whiz, lady.

It’s one thing what consenting adults and Bozos do in the bedroom, so long as it aint shoved down my throat in the form of public parades, “accept us or else” nonsense and other utterly foolish and UNNATURAL LGBTQ nonsense (again keep it in the bedroom if you have to do it, thats fine but shoving it down everyone’s throat??) .

It’s QUITE another to teach kids as young as four that its OK to question your gender, that there are 72 genders – that there are more than just “male or female” gender – and – to teach them about sex in the classroom (remember, we ain’t talking teens here either).

Just utter BULLSHIT, Pompeo was right in what he said, of course, that opened him up to attack by the trolls – he replied in a sage manner only he can – remorselessly logical (I can be that way too, but I generally mix in a healthy dose of emotion hehe) – “come and debate me, there is no point in personal attacks”.

These idiots (libs) couldn’t debate their asshole if they turned their fat little necks to take a look at it – or if they ever got it out of it if you get my drift (the way Herschel Walker KICKED the other fool’s ass in the debate was classic, much like the Trumpinator literally almost gave Joe Blow a heart attack during the first debate simply by pointing out facts albeit uncomfortable ones).

Much like Rahul Mookerjes gives Bozos, fatsos, liberals and entitled sycophantic buffoons living in fantasy la la land while wifey wears the pants and pays the bills (if there’s ONE type I have zero respect for it’s that – not to mention the utter BS they spout all over the place – and it shows, hehe)  heart attacks and “rage attacks” on a regular basis.

Anyway, back to the lovely Greene. I’m not going to get into the more salacious thoughts I’ve had about her, but she’s a bit of a vixen in that regard, those thoughts are well warranted, and it’s a compliment – she could probably do a lot of things in bed that would give the average Joe a heart attack. Hehe.

Seriously though – I admire her guts for saying it like it is. Not saying I support what happened at the Capitol, but she’s right in that it could have been handled – or organized differently (by the way, all the idiots that claim Trump just bailed from the scene – no he didnt – Secret Service never let him accompany the crowd) …

But she’s spot on in her politics, and hey – what can I say – I kinda admire/like the lady! ????

And she was damn sure spot in terms of 2020 when the plague from China was running riot (now of course it’s Russia – in 2020, everything “bad” had China attached to it, now the liberals have found a new country to blame for everything – Russia! It’s hilarious, I can just hear Putin chuckling away at the “Russia flu” madness that people are griping about now, it ain’t even anything to gripe about in the first place…) … and she posted a video of her working out in response.

True dat, lady.

I say the same damn thing, any idiot that thinks vaccines etc (and I said it back then too) are required and are fool proof etc, nutjobs like Glyn shoving bleach up their backsides because Trump said it killed germs – well, the proof is in the pudding there about vaccines – and I’ve been saying it forever, ever since 2020 that vaccine wouldn’t be the solution and they likely wouldn’t work either.

I’m very proudly still unvaccinated.

And just as I predicted, finally, most countries have realized what people with actual money and business acumen think and how they feel about this rubbish – and quietly, except in China, most vaccine mandates for people entering countries have been – RELAXED. Haha.

I knew it would be, and it has now.

Anyway – Greene used to own a gym I think, did her own version of Cross fit or what not. Quite nice pictures from what I said, but the other day – my word.

She did some weightlifting in that video, maybe a stiff legged deadlift, I wouldnt know – I was concentrating more on the legs (sorry guys, hehe).

But then she did something utterly horrific.


In fact, I’ve made my disdain for kipping and pull-ups with leg pumps very clear in the past, they’re utter rubbish and utterly useless.

OK, like I said in one of my videos maybe if you’re trying to escape a house on fire yes, you do what you have to, but that isn’t the case when you’re working out every time is it?

And Greene – well, the only way I can think of to describe what she did was kipping x 100 and FLYING damn near all around the bar in a semi circular arc, not so much pulling herself up at all!

It’s NOT a variant mentioned either in “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!” – or “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!“.

It never will be either.

I knew there was name to it.

I did not want to put that name here, but I know I’ll have people pestering me for it if I dont.

Its a butterfly pull-up, and if aside from lat pulldowns there is ONE exercise I recommend you NEVER to do it is this one.

Of course my saying that will mean some idiots or fatsos or Bozos will Google and try to figure out what it is, and even post videos of themselves performing this idiocy, by all means do so, but please dont blame me for blown out shoulders etc.

(I certainly aint gonna post it here. Thats not fitness!)

Greene herself likely did that as a publicity stunt, that woman ain’t stupid. Hehe.

And her build in that regard is pretty solid, she could probably DO regular pull-ups slow and steady, at least a few of them (and like I’ve said before, a lot of women kick men’s asses when doing pull-ups, especially fat men…) ..

But that, my word, that was just … horrendous!

We learn something new daily…


Thats the politics for this one.

Remember the 0 Excuses Fitness System, safe, sane and sensible – and for you liberals out there, consensual too, hehe. Pardon the Obama (i.e snake oil salesman) “bathroom” jokes I make in the videos though- but they’re true!

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The healthiest cheese ever!

Something odd for a lot of people – my pictures of pasta lunches – literally swimming in thick tomato sauce – homemade!

Not canned, not tinned, homemade freshly squeezed tomato sauce and herbs and such if I want – and of course, a ton of green chili – raw – and fresh. Hehe.

But there’s one ingredient missing a lot of time – cheese!

Not that I dont love copious helpings of cheese and beef with my pasta.

In the good ole days, I wouldn’t eat pasta without that at all – these days, I still dont eat pasta for the most part – but the only way I DO eat it, and gorge upon it – is the presence of the tomato sauce my wife dishes up.

My, thats delicious – and equally healthy!

This evening I was going to take a photo of dinner as well, but it ended up going down the gullet FIRST before I could be bothered to take pictures.

It was that damn good, thick tomato gravy and cottage cheese – and spinach – all blended into one tasty paste with the cottage cheese tons of it – in the gravy.

I’ll have to take a picture sometime, but eating it, I was reminded of that Dish Delicious review – and I gotta give it to my wife – one of the best cooks I’ve ever known!

Yes, I call a spade a spade, but fair’s fair, I give her credit too when that is due, and boatloads of it (with the limited equipment she has right about now she does a great job) …

Anyway, dont get me wrong. I love cheese – but as of late, I’ve switched mostly to versions of cottage cheese – and I’ve never felt before.

Cottage cheese is low in fat, packed with protein – much like lentils – and while I’m certainly not against eating meat, you dont necessarily need to eat meat (chicken being the prime culprit here) jampacked with hormones to get your protein – there are far better alternatives, packed with not just protein, but vitamins and all sorts of minerals as well, and great for the gut, digestion, your entire body.

A rule of thumb – for vegetables – if its bright in color, it’s probably damn good for you.

The next experiment will be with potatoes and a thick version of chili … which my wife made once in 2015, I could barely eat it -it was that spicy – and if I could barely eat it, you know it was spicy!

Anyway, thats the way to live.

Great workouts, great FOOD!

Dish Delicious just goes with the 0 Excuses Fitness, so much so I’m considering doing a package deal or something for it, not to mention Volume Two of the former – long overdue.

And thats that. Back soon!

Oh, all the healthy stuff – and my daughter?

No-one’s happier than me when she eats it all, but she only does so apparently when Mommy tells her “Dad told you to eat this!”

And the dressing down I got from the little girl for “feeding her egg curry” (which if my wife told her it was cottage cheese she’d never eat it, even then it had to be fed to her hehe) … and a particularly tasty version of roasted brinjal and spring onions and the lot – and cauliflower – and other things – well, I’ll always remember ’em, so will she when she grows up. So it should be. hehe.

(given all the junk food she stuffs down her throat regularly, more than a dose of HEALTHY stuff is required too!)

Right down to the kicking dust when she comes back from school, wait until age 13 to see how that reverses. Hehe.


For a guy who once was so drunk at the age of 19 he put an uncooked hump of rump roast in the microwave and took a huge bite out of it while the BLOOD was flowing out of it – literally – or a guy who cooked salmon once so hurriedly it was half .. pink, I believe, or whatever color uncooked salmon is, pale white or whatever and then promptly had gastric trouble (I wont mention more, heh) … I seem to be quite enjoying the vegetarian stuff these days.

I’m sure I’ll return to my meat gobbling roots someday though …


Thats the update for now.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Building crazy grip and overall strength through isometrics. . .
- . . . and why most people do it WRONG!

If you read the email on officious buffoons, you’ll know the day did not exactly turn out “sane” if you get my drift.

Not that it ever seems to around this neck of the woods, seems to be something in “yonder” air that yours truly “redneck” can’t wrap his brain around no matter hard he tries, and he wouldn’t want to either.

I’d rather think the way I do. Hehe.

Anyway, after all that, I made my way to another park, did 100 pushups in relative solitude, did some grip work (Gorilla Grip!) in NOT so relative solitude, pushed off to do splits, and finally, lo, suddenly, not only was I at peace, but so was the world around me.

Isometrics tends to do that to you eh?

Sure , but then I thought about the day and the video I was fixing to take on gymnastic bridging this morning before picking up the daughter from school, never got around to it due to situation with bearded Jackass basically – and some other crap at home I wont even mention here, as theres virtually no use and literally no point in me doing so. Ugh.

So there I was, sitting in the park.

In the splits.

I decided to do the videos another day, do some more grip work, trundle on home, then it hit me.


And thats the video I did out there in the park, including show you how to build super strength with these movements – how and why they UNFAIRLY get a bad rap of being “easy just hold the pose!” – and why anyone that thinks “they’re too simple” is a fool.

Last one, well, all the old timers, greats, Bruce Lee, The Gama, they did tremendous workouts for hours – which most modern day men in gaggles and scores couldn’t match.

They focused on the basics the most, that includes isometrics, when an idiot who wanted me to apparently hire Sly Stallone’s make up artist for the famous book “Isometric and Flexibility Training” which customers have RIGHTLY pointed out is the CRUCIAL link – missing link – that ties all my other excellent books (or the excellent info in those great books, as he said!) TOGETHER – and it’s the missing link in most peoples training too – anyway, when that idiot said “it was too easy” – I wonder what he would have told the Gama, for one, whose main isometric was pushing against a tree post or pre or during workout.

“When I can budge that tree, a man becomes easy”

Try explaining that to price wankers and morons, anyway, this great book, and the “sequel to it” i.e. Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training does NOT have a workout video out as yet, but we are planning on rectifying that shortly.

For now, I thought good ending to the day.

Little did I know, Fate wasn’t done with me as yet. Hehe.

I showed up back home, Yotube showed the video as uploaded, I deleted off the device, next thing you know, damn thing is missing. Aaarrggh!

All’s well that ends well though, as you see from the re-taken video, and why – well, the why its actually good things panned out this way is covered in the video. Truly, all for the better!

I’m exhausted,

Enjoy –

And get the books above “to go as well”!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why officious fools should mind their own damned business!
- Aggravating as heck!

So there I was, sitting in the park, without a care in the world – in the splits.

Then something happened which happens all the time.

Although the entire damned area was empty, some idiot HAD to come up to me – when I wasn’t even looking at him – and complain about “they need to water the park, I need to move”.

Oddly enough, they told me the same thing when I showed up two hours later yesterday, so I adjusted my time today.

I told them to wait a bit.

I was then approached by someone strolling in the park asking me to move (very politely) and I responded equally politely.

Then I was approached by an officious lookin bugger “Sir, please move!”

I asked him to please wait 5 minutes.

He shouted out something about “Sir has ordered you to wait 5 minutes!”

I responded “I didnt order. I’m requesting. It’s like I’m taking orders from you guys!”

the whole thing, so comical when I think about it in retrospect.

Of course, on go the sprinklers right then, I’m almost soaked, and getting furious – or sort of – with last dude.

“You’re in charge”, I went.

“So why not just wait 5 minutes like you said you would!”

And so forth.

He replied aggressively – without really foul language – “who the fuck are you”

I stared at him.

“Weren’t you in charge here?”

No, he responded.

“well then why did you come up to me saying … ” I started, but at that point it was too late, and he started on an angry rant about how he could kick my ass RIGHT THERE!

(oddly enough, I saw something similar on a whatspp video yesterday – some parent for whatever reason getting the same with with an equally officious guard)

(I dont know the precise issue there, but I can see why the parent was pissed – not so much excusing his daughter being late for school, but that school is a bloody joke to be honest, fake, show off, hardly even have any classes at all, yet they charge out the ass for seemingly F all).

Anyway – I asked fat guy – fat older guy – with a stomach the size of … Jupiter? why he was getting so pissed off.

“I thought you were in charge, so I got angry at you – momentarily”.

Then the strangest thing happened – I felt this urge to laugh, looking at this fat guy with a massive gut that hasn’t seen any sort of physical activity in YEARS – talking about kicking ass when he could barely move his own. Heh.

And I got it.

He was pissed I thought he was “in charge” as opposed to “what I thought of the other dude, a regular guy like me”.

Class divides is what was going on in HIS mind.

When nothing of the nature was going on in MINE.

Other dude interjected, I explained it to him, he understood why I was pissed.

Then I tried apologizing to fat guy.

Amazingly enough, with one apology about “I misunderstood that one”, his entire tenor changed for the opposite.

“It’s not your fault, Sir, it’s not your fault!”

I swear, the subcontinent, I Dont get this BS they have about class divides, and why people can’t keep their noses out of other’s businesses.

(and if dude was that pissed before? Now? Ah yes – I gave him the all important FACE BY apologizing -so fucking STUPID this “face” theory is both in China and India). And likely in Asia in general.

(Remember the idiot who once showed up with keys in hand wanting to box like a woman when his kid was pestering me while I was stretching “Im the lao wai in China, so I have to teach the kid English for free” bullcrap – if I simply said so much as “sorry” to him and did a show and dance of folding my hands, he’d likely do double.

I dont get it! I’d rather good ole Texas, where it’s “Welcome to Texas Motherfucker, double barrelled shotgun and “Chainsaw Massacre” – hehe – not really, but at least everyone knows where they stand without this indirect horse manure everywhere!)

Of course, why just in the subcontinent.

I will never forget the foreign devil who showed up in China at the park when I was doing pull-ups demanding to know “why I Was working my body and not my mind”

And he persisted before suddenly taking off like the wind when I turned my back to him and banged out 6 pull-ups.

People are just fools in general, the “sheep” that is.

Like, spend your damn time productively fella is what I should have told him …

Not that he’d understand anything remotely related to common sense? Hehe.

Anyway ………

So, some of the videos I had planned got delayed, I did mange to get some thick bar work in though

I’ll be heading on to a different and much larger, saner park in the afternoon as opposed to this “slum” like park I went to today, not that I give a rats ass about slums or slumdog (millionaires) so long as everyone leaves me the fuck alone, which apparently no-one wants to. Uggggggggggggggh.


Back soon!

And in the meantime, remember the great workout videos (finally) part of the downloads (And you can get them with paperback/hardcover too) for Pushup Central and Squat 101.

I’ve no idea which is next, but if you’ve got the books above, then shoot me an email, I’ll give you a PERSONALIZED DISCOUNT on the price which you can then get “just the video”.

And if you ain’t got the manuals, well, get the entire package NOW.

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – We’ve integrated a brand new SUPPORT system into the website. Bottom right hand corner for more details. Pretty soon you’ll be able to create tickets directly from your account for tech related issues etc so I can free my time up for other more important things. Stay tuned!

Squat 101 -the WORKOUT! – and more.
- YES!

We’re on a roll aren’t we! Hehe.

The workout video for Squat 101 which lots of you have been CLAMORING for – is now … LIVE!

You’ll be able to access it from the sales page – you’ll see an option to purchase it either with the default download – or with the other options available.

Now, whats different about this video and what we did for 0 Excuses Fitness?

Well, lots of things.

First off, this video like with the Pushup Central workout – shows you that workouts dont necessarily have to have super high reps – so long as you keep going, dont pause for forever between reps, and do TOUGH variants of an exercise (whatever is tough for YOU, not what I or someone else deems easy or tough!).

Thats KEY.

Second, 0 Excuses Fitness focused on the basic Hindu squat, which is fine – here I focus on the bodyweight squat, variations of jumpers, and even give you some isometrics to stretch your thighs out at the end of it all. Trust me, these can make you sore – very sore!

I’m writing this at the time of uploading the videos, but they will be live very very soon – when you get this in your Inbox, they will be AVAILABLE for purchase.

Naturally with this invaluable in person instruction the price will go UP – like I always said it would for my books.

And so, you’ll want to grab this NOW.

Last, but not least, my workouts with Indian clubs on youtube – well, one of the videos generated this question – how much should the person BEND their legs while doing ’em high rep, and without a pause?


Basically in the video you see me going non stop for 100 reps, clockwise, counter clockwise, and I bring the HIPS into it – and I have a slight bend in the knees.

Now, thats one way to do it, but ideally what I do is keep the legs straight – ALMOST – and then torque from the midsection.

That variant blowtorches the lower back and core even more, I’ll have a short Youtube video out on it very very soon indeed.

But for now, remember – when you start, its OK to start light.

And it’s OK to have a SLIGHT – emphasis on SLIGHT bend – in the knees when doing these.

No more than maybe 5 or 10% if that makes sense.

Try and keep them straight if you can, maybe a 2% bend, and you’ll see what I mean by BLOWTORCHING the sides etc.

Alright, back to it.

Get these great videos NOW!

And place the pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness while the price is still very reasonable given what you are GETTING – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee