Really scraping the bottom of that barrel aint we …
- And that barrel seems endless! Hehe

With all the price wanking, mongering, trolling and (of course the resulting SALES – YES!!!) goin on as of late, I had to mention THIS – but not so much to mention it for the sake of mentioning it.

First, some brief background – and some questions.

Why would an adult male choose to mooch off of – or live off – a woman – a perfectly (other than the self inflicted obesity and sloth bear like laziness) “healthy in all regards” guy who could go out and get a job if he so wanted as opposed to sit at home all day, pretend to “work” and troll all day long …

I dont know – as Rocky said “get a job, you bum!”

“The bum off the streets”, except this one is lucky enough to have a spoon stuck in his mouth for him, which I guess for some is the way to go.

Ask Bozo Schofield, he’s even given it to me in writing.

“The Bozo’s scams pay off, so why wouldn’t he!”

Believe it or not, that was Bozo writing about himself in the third party – apparently he picked up a hint or two from my writing -hehe.

Anyway this other fat adult male who whines and complains about any real exercises and workouts – and the way he looks “shows” – another “why” here – why would someone choose to first off sit at home all day is beyond me, but why they wouldn’t use that time productively – and they have a hell of a lot of it to be honest – to get in SHAPE – real shape – is beyond me as well, geez, with the amount of time fat boy has on his hands, it’s a pity he uses it to get – well, even fatter by the day apparently “jowly” is what comes to mind when I see him.

Of course, he pretends to “work” for a living by being an affiliate.

But hes been routinely booted from each and every fitness pro he’s worked with – including yours truly (when I say “worked with” – its me being kind – what he basically does is “throw shit against the wall and see what/if sticks”). . .

. . . not to mention his selling prowess, lets just say he struggles to sell even $8 ebooks.

If at all …

And the latest from this troll factory is “powerful supplements that are the VERY BEST ever” (literally crap that others have called out for being downright dangerous) (which I wonder, how do people like this live with themselves, literally endangering people’s lives – those foolish enough to buy stuff like that) – and “get it for LESS than $FIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE on Kindle”. Hehe.

Now, from his standpoint I get it.

He doesn’t need to actually pay any bills, or even buy his daily quota of slushy mushy doughnuts and beer – wifey handles it all. He simply pouts and takes what she gives him, again, if thats the way someone wants to live, by all means do it, but it doesn’t bode well for either being self reliant (not that he’d know the meaning of the word) or selling anything worth a damn (he has no incentive to do so).

These clowns and SJW types that constantly piss and moan neither have a life nor any money of their own and it sure shows!

Less than $5?

I dont know about you, my friend – but I DO know about me – and most of the “0 Excuses Fitness faithful”.

Show the last group – last two groups, actually – “a great product you can buy for CHEEEEEEEEEEEP!” – and chances are excellent and second to none we’ll run in the opposite direction my friend.

Really, I dont know what snake oil fat boy is peddling at the moment, but even snakes must be valuing their own work highly enough to sell for more than $5?

I’ve no idea … I’d rather I get comments like this on my books – indeed, I’ve put it up very proudly on my products page …

Hopeful “nutjob-cum-SJW” points out that the authors books are reassuringly expensive and I have to agree they’re not cheap, however, as I’ve pointed out in a previous review of the authors material, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the authors knowledge you have to pay what he is asking, otherwise you’ll miss out.


Reassuringly expensive is how I prefer my OWN products to be, and what I buy as well.

I was having this discussion about buying vegetables with the wife, buying it online is a hell of a lot cheaper, she gets them from the local “farmer’s market” (or equivalent) – and I get them from nearby vendors which I never thought I’d do.

First option – cheapest, yet, lowest quality.

Second, middle price – yet, you gotta GO there at THEIR time to get the stuff – decent quality.

Third – they charge you, yes. But it’s great stuff, fresh stuff, tastes awesome, and comes to your doorstep – along with other side benefits I have not mentioned here.

No prizes for guessing which I choose (ah wait, I mentioned it already).

And no I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, neither do I have one now, neither would I want it.

It’s simple, to me I go by this mantra – you get what you pay for.

And selling $5 fitness ebooks – never ever around here.

In fact, the price has already gone up on Pushup Central and Squat 101 with all the great video material we’ve added to the paid downloads.

No bottomless barrel to scrape here, I’d rather aim at the sky my friend.

So should you, but hey, only you can make that decision …

Alright, I’m out -but I had to mention that. Damn, that made me google – goggle, for those who understand, hehe – I’ll say that much!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Those of you wanting Jump Rope Mania – the time to invest is NOW. Price is still what it is before despite the workout and tutorial video being added, but it will go up in the New Year – guaranteed. Get your hands on the best damn course there is on jumping rope, straight from the old timers to YOU – NOW. (at the price it is NOW as well).

My thoughts on the hammer grip pull-up …
- & more!

I’ve been meaning to talk about this for a while now, and today is a great day to talk about hammer grip pull-ups – a variant many people love, and something which I’ve discussed the “is it better variant” question in the past as well.

Now, I’ve said in the past the hammer grip pull-up is a great VARIANT on the pull-up – much like Hindu pushups, and other forms of pushups are a great VARIANT of the regular pushup – but all too often, REGULAR is ignored in favor of fancier (and often easier).

And here’s the first bottom line – with regard to hammer grip pull-ups, they’re a LOT, LOT easier to do than pull-ups and chin-ups done right.

MUCH easier than pull-ups, and easier than chin-ups as well which the latter option I don’t really recommend for most people – reasons already stated before, my friend – how often do you pull that way “pronated” in real life at all??

Do what is NATURAL my friend – and pull-ups, my brother and friend – and SISTER – yes, women can do these much better at times than “men” or so called men kipping their way up or simply being fat, unfit or with huge beer bellies and such – – are the natural – and toughest form of the exercise – and workout – and therefore, everyone, bar one needs to get VERY GOOD at the pull-up – regular pull-up – BEFORE YOU start on what is mentioned in Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD – within weeks.

EVEN when you get to advanced level, never ignore the basic pull-ups my friend.

And as far as hammer grips, many people – especially those that are overweight – will do these and ignore the regular pull-ups – because they’re easier.

A lot easier to get your chin over the bar with these than the regular pull-ups done right, yet, thats not an excuse to ignore the regulars, or say “my body type is different so …”


Your body type ain’t different, your fat and unfit (to those that say it) or you have too much flab around the midsection , period, the pull-up brutally exposes this FACT like NO other exercise – or few other – can.

And if you’re doing hammer grip “because it’s easier” or the above FACT (ie too much fat around midsection, etc) then you’re turning it into the lazy man’s excuse making version of pull-ups which is not good- not right – the exercise deserves far better, and YOU – those of you this is applicable to – KNOW IT.

A person recently (well, weeks ago) that cannot do squats in anywhere near proper form and certainly NOWHERE near the fabricated numbers this nut keeps espousing “they’re boring!” he keeps saying about squats and pushups while “molly coddling himself or herself” with easier exercises like step ups etc – well, you’re turning another super exercise there (steps or step ups) into the lazy man’s excuse for not being able to do squats properly.

Sure, thats your choice pal – but the fact stands and back to pull-ups?

BIG people – STRONG people – not FAT people – can do PLENTY of pull-ups.  By that I mean REGULAR pull-ups, slow and steady, chin over bar, pause, all the way down, inhale, exhale back up and so forth.

Vince Gironda, Doug Hepburn, The Gama with his pulling workouts – the list goes on and on and on my friend.

Having said all this – if you’re content to bench the house and have a huge belly, by all means have it, but those that want a Corrugated Core for one will want to get damn good at pull-ups … done right. It ain’t my biz to tell you how to train – but it IS my biz to point out the facts, and I have.

And I’ve put some great, great tutorials out today on pull-ups – PART of those are available on my Youtube Channel. (these are PART of the paid download video for “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!).

Back to hammer grip pull-ups – ALONG with regular pull-ups, these are great for grip and bicep – and lat work – but a much ignored portion of pull-ups done right, and getting better at them is triceps.

PULLING with the triceps is an alien concept for most, however, it’s been covered in the video above, its ALSO a KEY to getting better, much better at pull-ups – or getting started if you cannot do a single repetition properly.

Anyway thats that.

Back soon!

And place your order for the products above NOW if you want to get better at pull-ups starting TODAY.


Rahul Mookerjee

200 pushups, diamond pushups- and more!
- I knew it.

I knew there was a reason I’ve been rocking out between 200-250 pushups over the past few days in addition to all else I’ve been doing (50 -70 pull-ups daily for one).

And while watching Top Gun (Maverick) with the seemingly ageless Tom Cruise, sunglasses and all in tow – that sound familiar guys?? Hehe – you see Tom aka “Maverick” – an ace pilot training rookies (albeit extremely talented) for a mission that is pretty much tantamount to “suicide” so tough and improbable it is.

“It’s not the plane”, he keeps telling the students as they simulate fights between 5G fighters and ageing F18’s.

It’s the pilot in the box that it all comes down to!

So true, my friend, and when disaster struck at the end of the movie, that is what it all came down to – MEN in the box seat vs machines, and man will ALWAYS come out on top if he THINKS right in those situations – or, more accurately, as Cruise keeps saying throughout the movie (which i can relate to!) – “dont think! DO”

Hey, I’ve ‘done’ in the flow all my life!

Anyway, during the the movie the trainees are told “either pass the test or do 200 pushups upon return i.e. either Cruise “loses the bet”, or they do”.

Turns out you see them all rocking out pushups sweating beads on the tarmac. Hehe.

But its a great number, 200.

“damn, thats a lot of pushups” one of the pilots remarks.

It is.

But even if you do 100 a day, my friend, you’ll get in great shape -and you’ll stay there and before you know it, you’ll gravitate to 200, 300 – and more.

Some fools have remarked “it gets boring beyond a certain point”.

The sheer impotency and lies behind those words – clear as daylight.

It can get many things, but boring ain’t one of them!

Anyway, tricep sizzlers aside – a note on diamond pushups.

I remember my friend Aaron telling me in college “look at them nikkas, chest as big as gorillas!”

And he wasn’t a small guy either himself. Hehe.

I remember him telling me to do pushups “like this” i.e. diamond, which seems to be all the rage in terms of triceps development, but I got this to say – done right?

You build the CHEST a hell of a lot more than the triceps with that movement!

Which, I’m sure is music to everyone’s ears reading this – “bro”!

On that note another one of those videos with the “more famous than me” sunglasses-  –

I can’t quite seem to locate the other one on diamond pushups, but this’ll do for now!

BAck soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushups, my friend, are old school, HARD CORE, and will build abs of steel and a core “from Cain” if done right – get on them now, and STAY on them forever. Get Pushup Central, which is by far the best course you can invest in on pushups (remember, tons of great instructional videos, bonuses etc with the digital purchase!) and start banging them out NOW.

Mammoth, yet LEAN triceps
- That LOOK!

Huge arms is something we all want, my friend.

Yet, most people focus on the WRONG things to get it.

People focus on the bicep curls, the bench press and so forth to get that “huge arms” look.

The first is an utterly asinine “preening” workout – unless done in the right manner, and sitting on your arse in the gym looking into the mirror while doing ’em isn’t the right manner.

There is a time and place and WAY for curls, but in and as of themselves, they’re not going to build the gigantic arms you want my friend.

Neither will bench pressing, unless you’re doing other supplentary work – and the bench is a dangerous exercise best avoided for the long term in my opinion .

If you must do ’em, RESIST the urge to keep piling on weight, instead focus on form – part of which involves pushing consciously with the lats.

Yes, you heard me, the lats.

And that brings me to pushing – and the very best exercise you can do for not only triceps and shoulders – but LATS too.

Pushups done “old time strongman” style are the very best not just in terms of conditioning my friend, they’re the best in terms of building BRUTE upper body strength like no other exercise can, and they will also build massive arms within no time flat.

Your arm is made up for mostly triceps, the BACK of the body as I keep saying is most important, not the front that you can “See”.

Goes for chest, goes for biceps, the idiotic six pack craze, all of it.

Work the BACK of the body hard, you’ll naturally work the front – the reverse, barring squats etc – is not necessarily true.

Can you back it up?

There is a reason that saying is there, much like there is a reason pushups are the MAINSTAY and exercise of choice for most doers – and those that have accomplished at high levels.

Bruce Lee, Iron Mike Tyson, Herschel Walker to name a few.

Caveat though?

And trouble these days?

People do them in LETTER … poor form.

People preen and pose, and bounce up and down.

People dont touch the chest all the way to the floor on each rep which you must do (and YES, there are strength benefits to going down all the way and pushing all the way back up, not half ass “nose to floor” reps as it were. Isometrically too, these are KING – and they build ligament and tendon strength and flexibility like NONE OTHER).

So the caveat and “trouble” is the same – do them in proper FORM and with the right breathing – most people do precisely the opposite ie “showboating pushups” which I cannot BEGIN to tell you (well, I did in Fast and Furious Fitness and 0 Excuses Fitness!) how much that bloody annoys me.

Where it all started, where it keeps going strong, forever WILL!

Be the guy – the real man that can do 25 pushups in letter perfect form, not 100 in lousy form.

Be the man that KNOWS its about REPETITION.

“I fear not the man who has practised 10,000 kicks ONE time, but I do fear the man who has practised ONE kick 10,000 times”. 

There is great truth in the above mentioned Bruce Lee saying and only a lazy ass would disagree in terms of reps.

Be the man – or woman – that knows its better to do 10 slow letter perfect pushups than 100 poor ones (and that the former – numbers included – is indeed tougher!).

And so forth.

Look, when you start getting good at pushups, you’ll stop thinking about “horseshoe triceps” and huge arms – those will come as a byproduct, as will your six pack.

Thats how it needs to be done, my friend.

And remember, most of the material out there on doing pushups is utter tosh – fancy crap that doesnt work.

Yours truly old school “bodyweight exercise Guru” as I’m called is the last of a “dying breed” – and I’ve got several stalwarts along with me today.

Together, we keep the spirit alive – in a manner that NO-ONE else comes close to.

If you’re interested in joining that very select bandwagon, my friend, then get Pushup Central NOW.

Truly the one course out there that will build those “huge guns” within no time flat if you do it right!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – We put out a great video on the “caveat” part yesterday that people are already raving about – check it out here –

Or, here if your email reader doesn’t support videos –

Penny pincher pushups
- Or, pushups for penny pinching sorts ??

The name I gave this pushup is sure to attract a lot of consternation and condemnation, much like the great “floor humper” did. Hehe.

But anyway, back in the day Bruce (a friend) and myself were talking about the different ingenious ways we could use “pinch a loaf” in a sentence or something (you can tell I really studied hard in college? Hehe) …

… It was something, I dont know, but we got onto the topic of pushups, and arm wrestling.

I still remember him saying the following –

“Nah, you could probably beat my ass at arm wrestling!”

Bruce at the time was your atypical skinny dude “asexual” he referred to himself as (me too, but clearly he was wrong there, heh – though there WAS a period in college I swore off girls I believe – more on that later – actually, wait, with my “no sex” vows even now? Anyway, different issue there, hehe) … I was pretty skinny too.

“You do pushups everyday though”, said Bruce.

Now, Bruce was one of those sorts who had a stunningly strong grip – I did not.

Tricep wise, I’d probably get the thumbs up at the time, but grip – nah – no way, not back then.

Now, it’s different but he had the sort of strength that comes from workin cars all your life – or maybe manual outdoor labor that requires  LOTS of gripping …

Ever shake an ironsmith’s hand, you’ll see. “smithy” as they call them in England, or “biffy” as ole Graeme Smith in SA is called. Some cricket on that last one!

An all time great, anyway, “Biff” aside,  we arm wrestled.

I lost.

Later, I arm wrestled an equally skinny Japanese dude.

I lost EVEN quicker.

Just goes to show, it is NEVER about size, admittedly arm wrestling is a lot more technique involved – in reality, a lot of the lengthy battles in movies like “Over the Top” are more fable than reality, most pro arm wrassling matches are over in a few seconds …

But either way, then “what about doing pushups when you have to pinch a loaf”, I quipped.

And for whatever reason we thought that insanely funny, with the requisite expressions and such!

Anyway – today – out there, I put together a great little video on one of the best types of pushups to do – wife grip pushups.

Ooops, I meant WIDE grip pushups, no pun or puns. Typos!

So these wife grip pushups are done with arms wide, except NOT as most people do ’em.

And wives, cranky or not (while doing these out there, a girl was sitting on the phone next to me whining about “do you love me or not”- and the dude, I can almost feel him tearing his hair out, hehe) … aren’t part of this.

Its a pushup – but for the lats.

Something I often say about push-ups, but especially for this variant – imagine you’re holding a penny tight between your shoulder blades as you go down – REALLY, really SQUEEZE the back muscles, really get your squeeze on.

Why – well, do it and you’ll know why.

And since I tell you to do it this way, I thought I’d name the pushup that – but actually it’s a great variant for everyone, penny pinching or not, hehe.

And that is that – more here –



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some of you have noticed the price for Pushup Central has gone up, but only the video variants. Well my friend, judging by how quickly these videos are flying off the digital virtual bookshelf, the price will go up MORE next year – so get your thang on while you CAN. FIVE tutorials, I believe, and a workout, and lots more, and then of course the world famous book in both pdf and Kindle. Enjoy!

The easiest way to a SIX PACK – and pushups for… BICEPS! *Yes, you heard me*
- Read on!

In the great book “Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture” by Martin Farmer Burns which was originally I believe, sold as one of those “mail order courses” in 1914 – he (Burns, he of the “20 inch neck that reportedly survived a hangmans drop”) put it in a great bit about abdominal training – and how “his own abs were soft enough when relaxed, but if he tightened them with all his force, they’d become so hard that it would hurt a person that was PUNCHING them with all his might” .

(Please note I’ve no idea if this hangman’s drop and him surviving it is true – it might well be, those old time farmers and strongmen were something – but I wouldn’t recommend the average pencil neck doing a week of shrugs or what not and then rushing out to try this. Sorry – I had to put that part in there, too many “locos” out there)

There was more, and this isn’t verbatim – verbatim, from memory is this –

“My own abdominals are soft enough when relaxed.

But when I contract them as hard as I can, they become so hard that they might well do more damage to the person punching me than myself!”

I know I got it a bit wrong.

It “dont matter”, like a customer Charles once said “I love the way you paraphrase, while keeping the gist the same!” (I got his statement not verbatim too, hehe)

Anyway – you on this list might think I’m about to promote the ole Farmer’s deep breathing techniques, specifically, ONE of the exercises on the list which involves nothing but contracting the abs to achieve the results above.

I wouldn’t be doing you a disservice either by doing so – but heres the naked, unvarnished, unmitigated truth – while thats not a bad exercise in itself, it is hardly deserving of all the adulation it gets in terms of “results” – it only really works when combined with other exercises – and ONE of those, the “vacum” is what really, really sucks that gut in – it’s covered in Corrugated Core, not because its there in Burns’ course, but because … well, it WORKS.

I’ve done the Farmer Burns exercise with a few modifications, and dont get me wrong, it’s good, but some of the adultation doled out to it “inches will disappear within DAYS” is not quite “on the mark” (though they will if you work muscle contractions in with other exercises).

My friend, what I’m about to tell you here though ?

Is the easiest way to a six pack – and weight loss around the midsection – and it’s something Mike Tyson used all the time.

Herschel Walker.

Yours truly. Any boxer or wrestler worth his (or her) salt.

It’s nothing fancy.

It’s not a fancy variant of the exercise.

It’s old school, simple, time tested – and true – and its the simple mighty PUSHUP – the regular pushup at that.

Sure, Hindu wrestlers did, and do tons of “Hindu” pushups all the time

But if you look at their builds, the real lean and mean ones do a LOT of other things – a LOT of pulling – rope climbing – and such.

If you look at someone like Mike Tyson, his routine consisted of conditioning (roadwork) – sparring – and tons and tons of pushups, done in sets of 50 – I doubt he ever did much else other than the regular pushup.

Herschel Walker did plenty of variants, but you’ll notice that most of HIS training was done in the plank position too – or the PULL-UP position (or for conditioning, hill sprints, tyre sprints and such).

Nothing against the hindus, I love ’em.

But bottom line is this – NOTHING, and I’ve said this before, beats the regular pushup in terms of core work and conditioning – and if you dont have hills around – or stairs – haven’t invested in a jump rope (though you should!) – and so forth, well, your own two arms, two legs and BODY will do it for you.

Trust me, get good at the regular pushup and its variants my friend.

There is a reason I devote SO much space to those in Pushup Central! Nothing beats form on pushups done right when it comes to “six packs” (although that should not even be on your mind when doing pushups, but unfortunately, thats what people WANT – and there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting a lean, carved abs look of course!!) so get good, damned good at these my friend and BROTHER (or sister).

You’ll never look back, and you may be amazed at how your runs improve, stamina levels improve etc as your pushups done right do too!

Now, last thing – pushups for biceps?

Most people dont believe that.

But there’s one style of pushup that even my buddy from the Marines did not know about and did not do in high reps – and you know if an ex Marine doesn’t know about, its special! – that truly targets biceps in an indirect manner like nothing you’ve ever felt before.

This one is covered in Pushup Central too.

I still remember my friend doing them, and then nodding.

“Yeah, I can see how that would work the biceps!”

As part of the book, and in the VIDEO tutorials – remember, the course, as Ship members no doubt are already (they get the best news FIRST) aware of … contains THREE – actually, four -exhaustive tutorials and a quick workout too for you – and all options are available for sale NOW on the sales page.

These go way beyond my very well acclaimed videos on the Youtube channel, my friend.

Subscribe there, but as I say in the one of the videos, the FULL DEAL will never be revealed on youtube alone – you’ll want to invest in the product if just for that reason.

Anyway – there’s a bit on it here –

Enjoy – and remember to get the best damn course out there on pushups ever, nothing like it out there (I challenge you to find one better or even anywhere remotely like it!) – and start to get in the best tricep and core SIZZLING shape of your life – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some of you that bought the book, but want the videos or digital version now? Well, shoot me an email, we’ll hook you up with the required codes etc.

And remember, folks.


Send me your thoughts via the review link you you get in your email post purchase, I’ll not only share them with the WORLD and (auto) give you a 10% discount off the next buy, but I’ll also include lots of other goodies for those interested!

Do this NOW without further delay.

(And remember, Jump Rope Mania prior customers, even those of you that have the digital download – contact me for the workout part of it – LIVE NOW WITH YOUR PURCHASE!)

(In the future, Ship members will be able to STREAM all these great videos live in the members only area without even having to download them. Keep watching, and stay tuned on that one!) (so much MORE to come for the Ship, including (very soon) hardcover and paperback book included for ONE subscription). Yes, that means you can order a copy of the book in hardcover and paperback both  – all the books – provided your subscription stays valid and active, and if you’ve let it expire, well, that alone is a great reason to renew it NOW.

PPS – A lot of you still have not updated your phone number on the subscription list – do so NOW – we send out a lot of SMS only special offers etc you won’t want to miss. 

No spam, it’s just you’ll hear from us through sms as well, thats all!

And yet another shout out to “non doers”  – if all you’re on here for is freebies, kindly do yourself and me a favor and click “unsubscribe” NOW (dont worry, you can still access “haunt, hehe, as so many seem to do” the website for the “freebies” and “free tips”). I’d just rather, for reasons mentioned galore in the past, have CUSTOMERS AND DOERS AND BUYERS on this list, not “do nothings”. Thanks!

Hindu pushups vs regular pushups 101
- A somewhat different argument. Hehe.

Now, I knew there was a damned good reason I named Pushup Central what it is, and not 101 or 102, years down the line it’s evident!

Much like what I said about Squat 101 in the last email, if you haven’t read it, DO SO and watch the video too. Much required for everyone! (no matter what level you’re at).


Like I said in that last email, the fancier exercises like “Hindu pushups” or squats (PS – if there was more proof you needed in terms of “originally it all came from India”, there it is! these exercises were part of ancient Iranian, Persian, even Chinese culture, but all came from ancient India – not even Tom Tomming there, heh) get the due – and place under the sun and this is great, they have manifold impact, but every time I hear people go “they’re just regular pushups” in terms of regular pushups and such?

I laugh out loud.

You saw my video of me training Prem, my friend – from India, from the Punjab, certainly from that area where they do these all the time.

Get him in the regular pushup position, well, you saw the result. And he ain’t the only one either.

Look, the arch in the back with Hindu pushup is GREAT – LOTS OF PEOPLE need it, and more!

But if you OVERDO anything, with hundreds of reps daily – and don’t do equal work on the other side of the body – I’ve been guilty of this in the past -then you have the opposite problem.

Hell, even me, Mr Pushup Central – I often notice myself with a very slight arch in the back occasionally while doing pushups – more than the natural normal arch in your back which should always be there!

Now, the argument is different in terms of regular squats vs bodyweight.

Hindu pushups are MUCH better for hamstrings than regular pushups ..

But the regulars tax the shoulders – and CORE specifically – and … the CHEST in a way Hindus cannot.

Hindus, again, of course, are great for the upper back!

My point is simple – dont ignore either one.

Do both – do them daily, do them for high reps, !

And theres more in the video.

Fuck, dog. I was going to head out to the park NOW , but I gotta do the video first, I’ve got Wifi here, and 5G is spotty at the park. Here goes!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Back soon!

Bodyweight squats vs Hindu squats 101
- This needs to be said - read and THOUGHT ABOUT.

I knew there was a damn good reason I did not name the book “Squat Central”. Hehe. With Squat 102 firmly in the works, the reason has revealed itself to me now months down the line.

anyway ……………………………

One of the main reasons I’m writing this -and indeed, one of the driving factors behind coming out with Squat 101?

Is that the great BODYWEIGHT Squat, my friend, much like the REGULAR pushup has never till this date gotten it’s due.

Goblet squats, bulgarian squats, one leg squats, bodyweight, kettlebell, there’s so many variants – and the Hindu – they all have their place under the sun, yet not this great movement.


Well, great question!

Most people, my friend, are way weaker in the LOWER BACK – and core – but in the “arching backwards position!”

And if you closely analyze form behind the Hindu squats and pushups that are so damn popular (not wrongly so!) – you’ll see one thing that is hard to explain in words, but I’ve put it in a VIDEO .

It’s this – the former movement no matter how well you do it, especially when you start, even if you dont know it, will induce a slight arch in the lower back – even without trying, which isn’t bad at all – most people need to arch their back more – not less.

But …. for those of us with weak hamstrings, and there are plenty?

Well, for this lot – those of us that can bend BACKWARDS easier than forward (indeed this issue persists with me till this day, was the case when  I was at lardass status even) ?

You need a different sort of motion to strengthen the MID BACK – and the …………… HAMSTRINGS!

I’ve spoken galore about how important it is to train the BACK OF THE BODY.

Most focus on the front “what they can see”.

Chest, six pack, all that – which is fine, but unless you work the BACK of the body – back, upper back, hamstrings, core and such – and lower back – you’ll never see real and lasting results in the front of the body.

Thats one reason in 0 Excuses Fitness I keep saying, do the FRONT bridge as well!

Thats one reason I keep saying dont “just do Hindu pushups” in Pushup Central – REGULAR – and it’s variants -all need to be DONE!

Even me, until this day, I’ve got a natural arch in my back backwards, which is great if you’re doing Hindu pushups. It’s also a great way to shift focus OFF the hamstrings during some movements, which you dont want.

Any martial artist will tell you powerful kicks come from the hip, core and hamstring, not just the thighs.

Anyone thats done Hindu squats right will tell you they’re really not just taxing the thighs which most people “feel” – again, not wrongly, it should really be felt in other areas!

Anyway …….

There’s a lot to all this, lot that probably cannot be explained in one email or video.

As you do them, you will understand.

For now, remember, NEVER ever ignore the squat – and any of it’s variants, if you aint’ squatting, you ain’t training.

And – do the bodyweight squat -do it right, do it daily, do it for reps, always shoot to IMPROVE.

More in the video …

And thats that.

Get Squat 101 now – and start SQUATTING!


Rahul Mookerjee

End of the year REPORT – and the BEST damned birthday present I could ever have gotten

As I sit here, or pace around the room, full of energy, thinking about my workout, I was recapping the year in my mind.

It’s been tumultous – full of surprises, and even for me, well weathered and used to challenges that would put most seasoned men “under” if you get my drift – I’ve had my fair share of challenges this year.

Yes, you dont hear me whine about them – even when people SAY it.

Yes, you dont hear me complain about it.

Because end of the day, boyo, Winners dont complain – they, as Sean Connery said so aptly in “The Rock” – go home and fuck the prom queen. Hehe .

Same here. I’ve fucked more Prom Queens in China, the US, and globally than I care to count – but take what he SAID – and ANALYZE it before whining about stuff that doesn’t really matter like notches on the bedpost.

He meant winners just DO – they find a way no matter what.

If you truly want it, you’ll get – by hook or by crook – come what may – you’ll survive a 1000 disasters – and so forth.


And as I write an email to John Walker (one of my best and most loyal customers) wishing him a very Merry Christmas, I also told him to let me know which book he  wants next – and prefaced this by saying this one aint about sales or profit.

As I’ve said so many times here, he handed me the best goddamned birthday gift I could have hoped for on Jan 4, 2022 – which was an equally tumultous day for me.

He noticed at that point something virtually NO-ONE else did – and pointed it out in his own inimicable manner – that I was slipping fitness wise below my own lofty standards.

True, what I was doing back then would kick most men in the can regardless, but the bodyweight exercise Guru sets very high standards for himself, BROOKS NO EXCUSES – and gets after it no matter what.

Find a way to get me down, you’ve just given me ten ways to SHOOT PAST PERSONAL BESTS.

That, my friend, is exactly what happened in terms of my immediate family who did all they could to do exactly the above in their own manner – and net result?

We all see it. Hehe.

(At a certain point my “death” or “demise” was apparently on the cards as well according to these loonies)

But either way, as I do my recap …

Business wise? In one of the toughest years ever since the 1980’s – we not only formally incorporated this year (which has been a dream for me since .. I dont know, 2010??) – but we also took our infrastructure, site etc – to new heights altogether.

We were brutally trolled and shot at every “round about” – or corner.

We hit back, hammered the idiots, and kept GOING – rising.

As I sit here thinking of sales and such, first thing that came to mind was John Walker so I wrote to him, telling him “this one aint about sales”.

It’s about returning the favor – about giving him a gift a year down the LINE – after I took what he said as CONSTRUCTIVE Feedback (most would throw a hissy, indeed, even he did not know how I would react!) – and blasted past personal bests – and – proved what he said was true “I think 2022 will the year you get in your best form!”.

Note he didnt say fitness only. I asked him. He said “I meant every word of what I said”.

Overall, with “my work ethic and discipline” …

And he was proven right.

And since I first did the thing, proved him right – well, I’ve got the RIGHT to now offer him a product – just “something he would love for christmas” – no other angle, and that is truly the bottom line. Hehe.

We’ll see which one he chooses!

But, he’s been going through some tough times financially – so I wanted to bring it up – and on that note?

Some of you DOERS have been going through tough times as well – hey, lets face it. Reality bites!

And remember, for you DOERS (not trolls or idiots) – our doors have always been open, they will always stay open, so write back in that regard if you need “help” with purchasing products you’ve really set your heart upon (look, end of the day, my products are a piece of my own heart I give to you if that makes sense!) … (lots of you have added to cart, not followed through, and so forth). . .

We did the bulk discounts etc last year, but with trolls all about the place even back then, hehe – PERSONAL is what works best, so write back, TALK TO ME – let me know – and we’ll go from there.

Remember, communication rules the nation.

Anyway – fitness wise, as I grow older, I’m called younger.

I look it, I feel it, my rep counts prove it, I’m even doing newer exercises now than my “step up galore” days , hehe (hill climbs, sprints etc) which is something.

My ROADWORK has gone to new levels altogether.

I realize there are those that claim “post 40’s one needs to start slowing down because joints etc can’t handle it”.

Maybe for some people.

For true doers, you keep going like ole Clint does, hehe – until the day you pass and even then.

And that, my friend is that – end of the year reviews are something I highly recommend you do (I dont know if I put it in Zero to Hero, but a version of it IS there) (as well as in 0 Excuses Fitness, Fast and Furious Fitness etc) … in ALL Regards as well.

Life, fitness, everything my friend.

Take stock, if you’re not or below where you were last year, you’re messing up – no excuses – so take action – rectify – and blast on up again!

When your back’s against the wall, friend, you dont just fight.

You ROAR like a tiger – or lion, hehe – and you dont just fight.

You come out fighting to CONQUER AND KILL!

Some of you need to hear this – so it’s been said now.

And it’s very true.

Do that review, get back to me – and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – As a buddy tells me “Rahul, I perform best when my back is against the wall”.

So true, Vincent. I couldn’t agree more! Heh.

Merry Christmas, Ho, ho, ho! (pardon the Brown Santa, hehe) (hey, insert color of choice!)

Young man Rahul calls the “plump ‘uns” – or the Plumpinators – out, hehe.
- Not the Trumpinator!

Nah, not the lovely Trumpinator!

I’d never do that, I love ole Trump!

But I mean, them plump fools – or not fools – you know, those BIG guys that claim to be strong but not fat, or despite the shopping at “Xtra” stores, hehe – and the embarassment that no doubt goes along with it claim despite the mirror painting reality as it IS for them that they’re “big” and have a different body type (hey, the liberal foolish era as it were!) …


To put it succinctly like only I can?

Fat nutters of either or gender pretending to be fitness virtusos when they’re the polar opposite – again hilarious it is…

Anyway – while doing pull-ups, I believe my … 32nd rep, Prem walked by.

“How are you young man!” he chimed in.

Young man, I laughed back.

“hey man”, I said. “I’m almost as old as you!”

And I am!

“No, because…” he pointed at my midsection and made a “wow” gesture with his hands at me doing pull-ups, repping out set after set nigh effortlessly, CHIN OVER BAR, pause at the TOP!

And he’s right. Hehe. Everyone says it, I feel like 20 – though I’m more than double that!

Birthday coming up very soon too.

Now, Young man uses a term for this one that he doesn’t usually – a cute little term I was once teaching Carol and her lovely girlfriends in class about “plump” .

I was wondering how to describe it, the girls were all, barring one, rather plump.

And I did NOT want to be Bobbitted, neither did Carol (y’all know the history there!)

God she’s gorgeous, spectacular, even at her age. And this is me saying it, >400 in and counting!

Anyway – Carol did the explaining better than I could, happily the way only women can be when they’re happy and getting lots of it (they put on weight – every woman does. Hehe. Getting fat together!) …

“Yes”, she giggled.

“Like me, I’m plump!”

Now for her, I dont want her any other way. She’s so cute when soft and plump!

NOT fat – she’d still do handstands with me supporting the feet.

But anyway – as I was thinking of which video to put out for my rabid fans this afternoon, it struck me – the ONE pose, not the pull-up or anything related that will call fat boys and people out more mercilessly than any other – something I’ve covered a lot before too!

It will BRUTALLY expose a weak core and PHAT around the midsection – even the basic hold will my friend.

There’s no two ways around it, this morning I said you can’t lie to yourself, neither can you to this exercise.

I haven’t done it for ages, yet, I tried a 60 second hold, came out easy peasy, I could EASILY have gone for 30 seconds!

What is it?

Well, watch the video for more –

And ……………… I did another one after that – the KNUCKLE PLANK!

Now, I dont do knuckle anything – yall know I find it ridiculously easy – I do FINGERTIPS.

But I figured I’d do this one knuckles within the brambles, scraping myself up as a real tiger might …

Enjoy – another one of those poses you wont be able to hold for very long if you’re fat and unfit, or have too much junk in the trunk, but truth be told it’s a lot easier – pushups, and planks, you can sneakily adjust the positioning of hands so it’s easier – not easy, but easier to do … Hehe.

I dont do none of that

I hit it hard, and tough.

And you’ll see me doing the thing here again ! –

Last, but not least my tiger crouch?

Well, Advanced Plyometrics my friend will have you leaping like the below – literally, a REAL tiger once you get on the routines therein.

And if that above picture appeals – well, get the book – or place the pre-order NOW. Truly a ONCE in a LIFETIME Book it is, and as my daughter meows at every cat she is, as every dog rushes up to this here “Bengal Tiger” (Prem asked if I speak Bengali at home, I said no-one speaks to me at home, and thats how I prefer it, hehe – they all hate me, so be it! Except the daughter) tail WAGGING away – I’ll say adios!

Well, he asked me a bunch of other inane stuff too, but I kept telling him.

“Hey man, so can YOU – if you DO the thing!”

I repeated it till he probably got tired of hearing it. Hehe.

But somtimes it pays to be a stuck record, quite literally.

I’m out.


Ho, ho, ho!

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – this here email would NOT be complete without an “ode” of sorts to John Walker, that ASS KICKING HE handed out – rightly so – on my last birthday was the best present I could have ever gotten, y’all know ALL ABOUT IT!

True, I was hardly unfit then, true, I could still do things that would kick most so called advanced men in the CAN. Big time, and it showed.

But, I was slipping – below my OWN lofty high standards.

He was the only one that noticed the bodyweight exercise Guru slipping. (albeit only below his own very lofty standards, but that matters!)

And, like everyone, I need a kick up the WAZOO sometimes too, hehe. I got it, and I can’t thank him enough for it.

(He said he didnt know what my current circumstances were, tru, they weren’t ideal – but bottom line? ZERO EXCUSES – NO EXCUSES – and thats that!)

Maybe I’ll send him Squat 101 for Xmas if possible!

But either way, John made the comment about “with your work ethic and discipline, 2022 will the year you’re in your BEST form”.

And he meant ALL around.

I confirmed anyway, did he just mean fitness.

“No, I meant what I said”.

And judging by the results as the year hankers to an end, he was right!

So be it.

So it will be.

Thank you, John. Guys like you make all of this SO WORTH IT!

And, I knew there was a reason I wrote down the main points on this one first! Hehe.