Overcompensation, weak links and more…
- More on weak links.

This afternoon while stretching, the most basic of stretches, I had to remind myself – again.

Keep the legs straight, Rahul!

This while doing basic toe touches, splits etc – which I’m very good at – and yet, I gotta keep reminding myself “creature of habit with naturally weak hamstrings for most of my life, naturally (therefore) SHORT hamstrings” to “lengthen” consiciously (Bozo Schofield, no puns please).

Though even that muscle can be lengthened I’m sure, but we ain’t talking about that.

While doing splits, I’ve got to consciously remind myself to let the hamstrings “stick to the floor”.

And other such minor details.

Now, this can often be a problem not just “weak link” wise, but weakening a weak link further.

When doing high rep pushups, squats, you’ll naturally have the tendency to slack a bit on form.

And – you’ll slack even more weak area wise.

I ain’t saying pushups are done for hamstrings – though they certainly do strengthen and stretch them – but what I AM saying is, as an example, you’ll often see people do high rep Hindu pushups on toes.

This is great.

But, not stretching to heel all the way back neglects the hamstrings.

Ditto for overreliance on Hindu squats as opposed to bodyweight.

Sometimes, this “overcompensation” might be good even, and cannot be avoided.

Yours truly “monkey” has his left arm slightly longer than the right, and therefore, I have to adjust while doing pushups, pull-ups etc – else I get elbow strain etc.

So will you.

But other things, like hamstrings – every time I find myself consciously slacking – I slow down, reduce reps, get into the muscle mind wise, and focus on form.

Which I’m about to do again since I interrupted my splits to write to you.

Point is this, friend, weak links in your chain are where you’ll be attacked and where you’ll slack, and you cannot be truly strong and healthy without strengthening weak links to the point they become a strength for you  – grip being an example for me there, and back.

And core …

Hamstrings remain.


Point also is, while you might think “compensating” with your thighs, for instance, while doing squats when it should really be the HIPS coming into it, leaning too far forward etc is “ok for now”, it is not.

You dont do much for the already strong part, since form will be off, and you weaken the weak part further, and it leads to injury or worse – and same thing for if you’re fat and have a huge belly.

Ultimately, it’ll catch up to you and you’ll have all sorts of painful injuries it will take you forever to recover from.

Fact, my friend.

Leading up to this – train FULL body, train daily, train smart, train sane, sensible.

Do so via the techniques outlined in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and you cannot go wrong.

Join the Ship for more such golden nuggets, free videos, real life examples and more.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

More on Manifestation …
- ... Yes, it's a thing.

Yes, as I’ve said before, it’s a thing.

Yes, it happens.

Yes, your WILDEST dreams and fantasies DO come true – albeit maybe not always at the timeframe you set for them … (“rushing” things in itself is a huge mistake most folks make – and one the so called “gurus” out there never bother to correct – so they can keep making their money off the “herd”).

My manifestation, my friend, is accomplished in the POLAR opposite manner of what most so called gurus advocate.

I also get far better results – including, but not limited to-

Making SALES – on auto pilot – bigger amounts than I’ve ever made. (without “working harder” for it).

Thinking of what I want to eat – and then getting it – on auto pilot – without doing a thing extra other than the thinking (no, I’m not referring to the cooking part here).

(Lets assume you were getting X, but you wanted X And Y, and then … you got offered just that).

Thinking someone will ask me for something – or show up at my doorstep – and have that happen – like clockwork, almost on schedule …

Thinking the phone will ring – and it DOES.

Looking at myself in the mirror daily, getting better and better with (so called) age – as most wither around me, get fat, and so forth – now granted I work out HARD, but it isn’t so much what I do as HOW I do it.

Claude Bristol writes about folks finding “bundles of money” by the wayside “using this mind stuff” in the Magic of Believing. He writes about some things that aided HIM in making the massive fortune he eventually did.

He talks about many practical things, and I’ve advocated this book so often to folks that I sound like a stuck record – and yet, the teachings in that book, as most of MINE – are immortal.

You cannot digest the book in one sitting, it will take you YEARS in many cases to truly understand the meaning of what is being taught. The true student will read, re-read, apply to their own lives, modify, and so forth …

Now, just so you know – none of this involves the following –

Thinking “I deserve it” so I should get it

Thinking “think and it will happen” (just think)

“Spreading good vibes” (thats part of it yes, but most people do it WRONG) 

Religious tosh, wearing beads, chains, amulets etc … 

None of that, my friend. (and none of the nonsense most self help gurus advocate about saying “I am this, I am that”).

It ain’t about spending money you dont have and think “more will come to me” – NO.

Most of my magic is accomplished without saying a word, but with deep THOUGHT. The same way I explain in the book on defeating Nazi feminism

Although hard work is part of it – it certainly isnt the whole picture either. If it was, well, the world’s laborers would all be millionaires…

And it’s literally scary – jn a good way at a times, as I unconsciously, yet consciously (there is always a reason for me saying anything) said to the wife the other day when she was asking for something I had predicted she would days in advance with no real reason …

“Now THATS manifestation – truly”.

Hehe. It is!

And these principles, my friend, are laid out for you in Zero to Hero! – from someone that has been there, done that – and continues to do so.

From someone that has seen the giddy highs and extreme lows, and probably will in the future too …

… You’ll want to grab the VIDEOS for that above product too – those are the real icing on the cake.

And remember, everything works as well today as it did years ago. No, the economy, or state of the moon, or religious BS has got nothing at all to do with it.

These principles work for ANY goal you set your mind to – fitness, women, money, spiritual development – all of it.

And the proof, my friend is nigh in front of you (yours truly).

The teacher is truly here, my friend, and the student shall appear soon too.

Back soon!

Best ,

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, Ship members get access to all of this wisdom and more for ONE set membership fee. Get your membership NOW before the fee goes UP – again.

And to apply for private coaching – you can do so here.

Bodyweight squats
- Yes!!

The great Gama who reputedly did thousands of squats and pushups daily started at a tender age, and do it should be.

Old habits die Hard. Enough said.

At the age of 9, he participated in a competition not just slomgside ordinary adults, but wrestlers, some great of the time.

The Maharaja – one of Indias many at the time has organized the competition “a last man standing” sort of thing .

No man stood.

The Gama did, and was reportedly bed ridden for weeks after that.

Now, why this story?

Lots of folks have this very erroneous idea that bodyweight squats are somehow “inferior” to Hindus. Including yours truly when I first started…

These, and many other wrong ideas is why I wrote squat 101.

Don’t get me wrong.

Hindu squats are great.

But ignoring bodyweight squats in favor of the former …well, you’d be Ill advised to do so.

I’ve started why before and in the book

And as I get done with 250 squats, heart hammering as I write this on the dumb phone – man!!

I focused on breath. With each rep.

Ass to grass letter perfect form.

I did not overly worry about time, yet, when I finally looked at the clock (yes, still have one!!) .. wow. It did not take much longer than normal.

I’ve always said and rightly so you shouldn’t take forever and a day for 500 squats.

You keep going.

But not and never at the expense of your form and breathing.


You don’t take long breaks either. I paused for breath yes, but I remained on my feet. Do this right, you will understand the great wisdom behind the saying “Your breath is your power”. It really is!

More in the book, but for now, and again, nothing works hamstrings and butt better than bodyweight squats done right.

And halfway thighs parallel to the floor ain’t the right way.

“Pump in thighs” my ass – pun intended.

Bottom – pun – line.

Get Squat 101.

Read, learn, and then apply.

And that’s that!

Rahul Mookerjee


PS – Overreliance on Hindus or any one way of exercising is ill advised. A strength over extended does become a weakness. In this case, your thighs get stronger, hamstrings weaker. Not good. The back of your body is where the power comes from .. coming from someone with naturally weak and majorly inflexible hamstrings, you better listen!

Why I play to WIN.
- And always will.

Long term that is, and following on from what I wrote yesterday about making yourself indestructible.. (that email caused a lot of idiots, morons, and flakes to unsubscribe) …

… “There’s no second best. Second – SUCKS”.

  • Bull Hearley, Over the top.

… Your BEST? Losers whine about their best. Winners go home and **** the Prom Queen!

(that was the great Sean connery in “The Rock” taunting Nicholas Cage to “grow a pair” – hehe – when he was whining about doing his best).

(apparently Cage did ultimately eff the prom queen, but thats a different story!)

And so on and so forth, I could tell you many tales like this, the one that most comes to mind is something I’ve thought about a lot.

In a fight between Herschel Walker and Iron Mike – just who would WIN?

Brawl of the legends!

Turns out I ain’t the only one thinking about it …

Turns out Walker already thought about it years ago.

As he said “I think I could beat him”.

Remember this was when Walker was a star football player yes, but not much else (though thats plenty!) …

That CONFIDENCE in himself he had – at  a time Iron Mike was killin the boxing world – that spoke volumes, and folks remember it till this day.

I love both of these guys, now if you were to ask me, in the ring I’d give it to Tyson even at his age, but other than that I’d say Walker hands down (though of course there are many other variables – all things being equal that is).

Both legends to me, tip of the hat to BOTH – but if I had to really choose one, I’d go for Walker, but it’s a very tough choice, one I would NOT want to make!

Anyway …

It is why I’m writing this email (in part) to explain my philosophies again.

Training wise, life wise, career wise – I dont play to lose or settle.

I play to WIN.

No matter what the cost be.

There has been and will continue to be tremendous collateral damage, often times at huge so called “costs” to me as I keep playing this way, and I know it – realize it – and accept it gladly.

End of the day, I dont want to be remembered as a whiny wimp whining about getting injured, doing their best, sitting in some cube their whole life wishing “oh, I wish I had that freedom”, not having money ever, and so forth or depending on wives/significant others, or having to scam old women like Bozo Schofield – you get the picture, the list goes on.

I play to win, friend.

That philosophy exudes through to my list as well.

And here’s a note I should have added yesterday.

Although the recent culls on the list have removed a lot of non doers, “sitting on the wall” sorts that continue to be Humpty Dumpty, the fact is this – some of you have signed BACK UP sneakily.

I’ve noticed this.

And while I’m not removing you for now, I will if you continue to be a bump on a log, and the next time you ain’t returning, because the software will not just remove you, but BLOCK you from resigning up.

Let that be a warning to all the do nothing’s out there, the “postpone purchase” sorts, and so forth …

And this philosophy, and results like you’ve never dreamt of before are there in each and every one of my products, all my writing, anything I say, do, think and so forth.

It always has been, it always will be, if you ain’t on board, tough.

And thats that, friend.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Play to WIN! There’s no point otherwise, no-one remembers the hordes and second bests in life. Fact.

Make yourself indestructible
- YES.

There is simply no other way, my friend.

Back in school, we had this strange concept of “back” – which basically meant “backup”.

For the uninitiated, this means that the bullies and tough guys at school were usually the back – while the skinny runts and those that refused to conform despite their lack of physical stature (yours truly)- and those that got WHACKED the most, humiliated the most … well, were the ones that “called the back” (I’m translating from Hindi to English here).

I remember talking to a good friend of mine Rajinder who was SOLID – back then, at least – and could easily have fit in “back” along with a few others I knew (oddly enough, I never called upon them).

And I was complaining about how I got my ass kicked all the time, and he made this sage comment while tightening his stomach muscles.

“Hit me as hard as you can!”

I did.

My fist might as well have bounced off (and note this guy wasn’t necessarily lean either – he was SOLID, like an oak tree) (with a fair bit of fat too yes).

He laughed.

“Make yourself so that no-one can hurt you!” were the words I heard back then in grade 11, and I’ve always remembered it, carried it around with me.

Years later, at the age of 37, I invited my buddy from the Marines whose a mountain of muscle to “give me one in the gut”.

He laughed.

“I’d be wasting my time!”

I laughed back – though I Didnt want to find out! Hehe. I did find out with Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once in the gut and the upper chest – POW!

“Youre a man! You can take a punch!”

So I can.

Bullying, physical violence and the such has not been new to me growing up despite what many think.

Where am I going with this?

Certainly not the state of the school bullies today, most of whom are sad sorry “cuckolded” tubs of lard TODAY – probably not all, but all I’ve met.

How time changes things.

My point here is this – make yourself indestructible.

Charles Mitchell once made this point about the variations of pushups in Pushup Central building what he called “truly indestructible humans”.

And he is right… spot on.

Think about it.

What do pushups build the MOST.

Yes, entire body, but most?

Stamina, core and grip (if you know how to on that last one).

And while strength is definitely on that list, that holds true for pull-ups and other workouts too – but when it comes to the above three together, few things hold a candle to the “best bodyweight exercise ever” – the pushup (squat yes, on the first two, but still!).

In life, you make yourself indestructible.

You have plan A, plan B, plan C and more, and all from the subconscious.

This don’t mean you wont have damage, or collateral damage, but end of the day – YOU win.

It’s that simple.

The current geopolitics between Russia and the West, and I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again – you’d have to be an utter fool to think Russia doesn’t have, and hasn’t had all the aces in hand before taking action.

You’d be an even bigger fool if you ignored the goose and gander here – wars and bigger ones have been started for far less provocations than the Russians were subjected to (and warned folks about in advance).

I realize what I said about the current “war” got a lot of unsubscribes the last time I sent it out, I realize lots of folks will “cancel” me, but I could give a rip less – and no, I am NOT going to stop talking about politics or anything under the sun I so desire.

End of the day, Russia was done wrong here, and thats really the bottom line.

I bring this up not to debate that issue, but to simply state again – make yourself indestructible.

End of the day, thats what really counts.

And physically, it boils down to grip, stamina (which involves legs) and CORE.

There is NO better one exercise than to tax all these, my friend, that being the mighty yet humble pushup, and NO instructor better to kick your ass – and HELP you while doing so – at it – than Rahul Mookerjee and his pathbreaking book Pushup Central, my friend.

And yes, you’d be a fool to ignore this email, click away and do nothing (if you have not already – if you have, then Pushup Central – the TIPS! waits).

And thats that, friend – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Pistol squats, high reps plus low reps … and more!
- My workout today

I’ve always wondered why one legged squats are commonly called “pistol squats” – OK, the shape your body makes, but what about one arm pushups?

Maybe the angle – Haha.

But either way, nomenclature has never been big for me – this afternoon was another “low rep”workout – with super low reps – 20 pull-ups (ok, maybe 25) – and 20 handstand pushups – a LONG stretching session – and lots of isometrics and static pauses.

The only high rep workout I did was 2 sets of 100 “ass to grass” squats – on both legs, even there, the speed was moderate – what I focused upon was perfect form and BREATHING.

I cannot emphasize this enough – deep breathing, my friend!

You exhale with every “downward” motion on the squat, inhale up – it’s reverse on the regular pushups – pull-ups, you exhale up – inhale down.

Think of it as the “compression” motion = exhale, and the reverse i.e. elongation (Glyn’s wanker fetishes aside, lol) – “inhale”, and you’ll get the picture for most exercises.

Isometrics, it’s different, you have to breathe “steadily and continually” depending upon which movement you’re doing, but either way, your breath, my friend, is truly the most important part of your workout – followed by form.

Reps are important, yes, but not near as much as many folks make ’em out to be.

Examples of isometrics I did for my legs today – the “horse” stance – and several other “mid squat” stances held for at least 60 seconds each.

Then the wall chair without a wall.

Some calf work, and the splits of course – but pistol squats, you ask?

I have not done these in ages my friend.

And I was keen to see if I could still do ’em, and right leg, I drop down – presto – 70% there.

Thats the power high rep REGULAR squatting workouts build, and the tendon and thigh (and hip/ass) strength they build.

Pistols are HEAVY on the hips and ass if done right, my friend – or glutes for you politically correct folks out there (ugh).

And form is paramount, as with the one arm pushup.

I’ll cover form etc later, videos too on it later – but for now, it’s a precursor to books on one arm (or limb) work, which I have not put out as yet, but will soon.

Last, but not least – I did 10 reps per leg on the pistol squat x 3. Thats all.

And I felt it!

Handstand pushups were done SLOWLY, feeling the lats every step of the way – ditto for grip and lats with pull-ups.

And I feel GREAT!

And that, my friend is the way to live – regular hard workouts that dont take forever and a day to do.

Stuff you can throw in during the day.

If you’re fatigued from high rep workouts the previous day, then you do low rep PLUS tough movements, and you’ll shed fat – big time – and get STRONGER Too – the videos on vascularity being but one “proofs in the pudding” as it were.

And that, friend is that.

Building a base is of course the most important for any sort of fitness.

And the best, by far system out there that shows you exactly what to do, how to do it, how often and answers just about every training question you might have ever had and will ever have “under the sun” is, well, the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Get this now, and get cranking!


Rahul Mookerjee

Rising above circumstance, and I couldn’t sleep worth a damn last night, and …
- more!

For the past couple of days, I’ve been exhausted, and not hitting my 500 pushup workouts as I do daily otherwise.

Now, as I’ve written to you about – this doesnt mean I am slacking.

There are many ways of getting her done.

But 500 pushups is 500 pushups – those that do it regularly know what I mean – as is anything above and beyond regularly.

And I was tossing, turning, last night – all in all, the whole night, I was thinking getting back to workout!

Sound familiar?


If you’re a doer it will.

This morning, I pumped out squats and pushups before anything else, and 10 pull-ups, but this thought struck me while doing pushups – – this imbroglio we’ve got with Amazon right now – which to be honest for this business isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but I’d still like the account back up – wasn’t my fault to begin with!

Something fishy at work there…

Or play!

On that note, it’s been a huge blow to the other business, but hey – for reasons mentioned above, we’ll live.

Now, a point I did not make to Amazon as yet is – and this holds especially true for the other business, in fact, its APPLICABLE to the other business – is this – the “minorities and under represented segments of the population” crap.

Some people write back telling me they feel “uncomfortable” reading my books (though none dispute the value of the teachings) because – and I’ll quote –

There are comments intended to be humorous but in this ultra-sensitive environment (especially in the U.S.) these comments may be seen as misogynistic, transphobic, fatphobic and derogatory humor towards people with disabilities.

Or, more … I’ve spoken about it before.

Thats the price one pays for being brutally honest – none of these people saying what I’m saying is WRONG or factually incorrect, just the usual politically correct BS I refuse to adhere, the goose and gander I refuse to let go of, and so forth.

It’s not ok to say Merry Christmas, but other religions – all good – wtf?

Just one shining example from a man that has never been religious or believed in the crap his entire life. Truly the opium of the masses, I’d rather mine be pushups and beer. Hehe.

Again, they dont dispute the VALUE of the books …

From that same email –

By the way your advice to do squats to heal faster by boosting blood circulation worked, the “explosive knees to chest squats” are my favorite and were the ones I wanted to do the short video on…

So a lot of folks basically privately agree with me, these same folks dont necessarily want to say that PUBLICLY THOUGH … and would rather my info (most valuable!) be packaged “differently”.

Unfortuntely, it wont.

Being brutally honest and politically incorrect has always been part of who I am – my journey, chances are I would NOT have learned all I have if I wasn’t this way, chances are I would not be able to bring it to YOU either.

Now, I dont care about the loss of biz etc from being brutally honest – I dont care how many people jump ship etc – I’ve always been upfront about that, and have stated why too.

But point is this – the other business, that caters almost exclusively to this “under represented” group.

LGBTQ, gay folks, minorities – its a HUGE market, folks.

And thats what the erotica side of things caters to, except …

…. it’s not just them.

We ALL have those hidden desires and thoughts, we all have a second side to us most never acknowlege and are scared to, even to ourselves “what will they think”.

I could probably make that point to Amazon, stressing the “minority” crap. Hey, technically I’m one too Amazon …

.. .but you know what?

Despite scores of people telling me that though I dont believe in race discrimination and this crap about “minorities being underrepresented” and so forth (maybe back in the Jim Crow era, certainly NOT now) – I should get “benefit” from the trend anyway.

Maybe I could, even for this biz.

But you know what?

I wont.

I dont care, to me the main thing has always been being true to myself, living with myself.

I could never look myself in the mirror right if I pulled that sort of crap, regardless of the benefits, and I wont.

That doesn’t of course mean I wont make the point LOGICALLY to Amazon.

Not that I care two hoots about it in the long term, like I said Amazon doesnt even make up most of the sales for THIS business, but just putting it out there…

End of the day, it’s about being true to yourself, fella.

“Fang”, a Chinese guy in the US once urged me to “get US citizenship” by marrying my girlfriend at the time.

“You dont know how lucky you are”, he kept moaning. “So many Chinese would kill for the opportunity!”

Yes to the latter.

No to the former, we make our own damned luck.

Herschel Walker didnt bitch about civil rights and other crap – he just went out and did it day after day, month after month, year after year – and the results are there for all to see.

Ditto for Iron Mike and a host of other illuminaries I write about.

We can’t control circumstances, but we can RISE above them.

Some may have a tougher journey than the rest, but the rewards loom greater too at the end of it. Bottom line, and a fact no-one can argue with (though you could try).

We can’t control situations sometimes – but we can control our REACTION to them.

Be true to yourself.

Do the thing.

Stop making excuses.

Rise up – and ABOVE. We can all do that, friend  in our own ways.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – What – no sales pitch? Here is one now … take our pick!

It doesnt ALWAYS HAVE to be super high reps, my friend.
- More on workouts throughout the day

And more on workouts throughout the day.

This morning, I was doing my usual – thinking, pacing, more pacing, isometrics for the legs (the Rahul Mookerjee patented squat) as I thought, a few squats here and there, and so forth.

While David Quiros is going to mention a very salient benefit of bodyweight workouts in his upcoming review for Squat 101 – the TIPS! – one being he learned there isn’t any need for warmups with bodyweight workouts … sometimes, you’re a bit stiff, sore, and if you want to “warm up” – the best thing to do is this – remove rep counts from your mind altogether, and just begin DOING the thing.

Odd things happen when you START, friend.

Ideas flow, both fitness wise and writing wise.

And while I normally do my pushups all 500 at a go, over the past three days, my CNS has been burnt out.

Yesterday I did squats and isometrics.

(mainly the splits).

Today, although I feel much better, muscles growing etc (the “feeling”, not the look) – the idea of pumping out 500 at a time – nah.

I dropped down, did … get this. ONE pushup.

Yes, right.


I did that in PERFECT Form, really SQUEEZING everything isometrically as I did so – making sure to minimize MOTION as I always do – even more so.

Most of all, my focus was on my BREATHING.


Inhale down, exhale up.

A short while later, I did FIVE fingertip pushups.

I repeated this process with sets of 10.

Now lots of folks ask me if I count these in my rep counts – it depends.

IF I’m just loosening up, no.

But these are proper, nigh proper pushups – and they not only get the “oil flowing” tendon wise, but they also build lots of health and strength due to the right form and breathing.

So long story short, I’m 30 in already.

I dont even know how many reps I’ll do. (in all).

I do know I’m feeling great, and that CNS has almost bounced back so I have to be careful about not overtaxing it (dont confuse this with being a lazy ass, by the way).

Moral of the story – do something – anything – even if it “seems” too less.

Find a way to squeeze the max out of each rep, each exercise.

Dont get overly caught up on numbers. 10 can be a magic number, as I state in Fast and Furious Fitness, I can make 10 pushups harder than a 100.

VARIETY is key – Pushup Central. 

And that, my friend is that.

Find a way that works for you, mesh it in with what has worked for folks over the ages – and you’re golden.

And our products pave the WAY for you!

Get you some NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

The fine line between abuse and tough love, and …

One of the best, if not THE best – certainly the steamiest relationships I’ve been involved in, and that says a hell of a lot (you know the girls in love when she happily giggles in class “I’m plump” – when you explain plump to her – and freely admits the happiness due to the relationship was in small part responsible for some of the extra, in her case “oh so cute” pounds) was Carol and myself in 2015.

It ended stormily too – yin and yang.

And it was the best damn thing that ever happened to me – fitness wise – life wise – in all regards – both the relationship itself and the ending.

Lets talk fitness, friend.

I was in my somewhat phat and unfit days those days – though I still hiked hills, but nowhere near what I should have – and certainly not as fat as I used to be before, and people always made a point to tell me about it.

Apparently my confidence, doing pull-ups even at that weight (yes, getting chin over bar) pissed them off so much that they had to call the fat boy out for being fat – which is what he was – big time.

It never bothered me one damn bit.

When I started (restarted) hiking after years, it still didnt bother me.

When I was with Carol – both of us exercised for reasons other than fitness if you get my drift. Hehe.

I’m not even going to get into “women love something extra to grab onto” – no – the X shape is what everyone, male/female likes.

Know when I really, really started to get super fit around 2016 ?

AFTER my breakup with Carol.

I felt rage and anger of the sort I never felt towards anyone else – no I wasn’t angry at or with her – it was “one of those things”.

I couldn’t concentrate – focus – on anything.

To get this out of my system, I started climbing hills x 5.

Hiking first twice a day then thrice – then four times.

Along the way, I kept getting astonished comments about my rapid, almost magical weight loss daily – and when in 2016 (again, reasons not important) I went completely cold turkey off beer – oh boy.


Now, point being made is this – and it’s a common whine a lot of folks have about “hurting feelings” and other crap.

Sometimes, you call a spade a spade, and that ain’t abuse, friend. It’s tough love that hits home – and that hitting home- that EMOTION is what channels into your ACTS thereafter and gets you results.

Unless you’re content to be a loser and sit at home and whine while the world passes you by in terms of results in all areas, emotion is key.

If you ain’t fired up and ANGRY about something, chances are you wont achieve that something – period.

Or, overly enthusiastic about it …

If it’s not a red hot DESIRE, something you have to DO, though you dont quite know why – it wont accomplish squat.

No pun intended.

In my own case, the jibes etc never bothered me.

Hey, all good.

What did bother me was the breakup – and boy did I use that rage constructively – though even I did not know it at the time!

Getting things out of your system physically can sometimes be the best thing you do for yourself!

And I would NEVER Have got into the shape I eventually did if it hadn’t been for that ANGER starting a RED HOT FIRE INSIDE OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if you’re one of the many people that gets “offended” if you’re fat and I call you fat, and whines about feelings – well, feeling is exactly what this is about.

What seperates the doers from the fools (see the latest review Pushup Central – THE READER!…) got in that regard HERE … is taking action backed up by EMOTION which FUELS it.

Bottom line, friend.

And that key concept is explained in many different ways over and over again in Zero to HERO!

Further, most of these whiny sorts – the phat, out of shape lazy sorts – have – some very notable exceptions excluded – ole Donald being one – SHIT going on in their lives period, and it makes sense. If you cannot respect your own body enough to the point, as noted Indian actor Akshay Kumar once said “the day I dont train and take care of my body daily – that day is the day I’ll break my own body to pieces” – then nothing and no-one will ultimately respect YOU, my friend.

I dont even know if this makes sense to a lot of people reading it – probably not, but the doers, well, you know who you are.

As a lady recently told me – I dont care if someone marries a giraffe, just dont make me pay for their love child. Hehe.

And she’s right.

This fat and lazy sort is exactly the sort that doesnt understand goose and gander, and it shows in their lives …

Funnily enough, it was that sort who used to call me out for that – when I was doing far more at that weight than those idiots ever could.

OK, thats that.

Take from this what you will – and get in the best shape of your life starting NOW – ZERO EXCUSES!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Another case in point? The ole significant other, and the numerous hired helps she goes through – dissatisfied.

It’s the subcontinent she is in, so for those saying “wow! Maids! She doesnt realize how lucky she is!” – well, they’re all “lucky” – if you can call it that – around that part of the globe. Cheap labor and that (yeah right – like the submissive women in China myth – but I wont go there!).

Is it a coincidence that the in shape (well over 50) worker she hired before (and let go because she got flirty with me – hey, those boobs. I couldn’t resist!) used to do a damn fine job, show up on time etc – never take off’s without informing her in advance for the most part …

… and that the fat Nazi feminist c*** she’s hired now is the polar opposite? Ugh!

I dont believe in coincidences, never have, but thats how it goes, my friend …

Again, take from this whatever lessons you may.

They’re all TRUE!

Yet another SUPERLATIVE heart felt review from David Quiros on Squat 101 – the TIPS!
- Lets do something different!

Let’s do something DIFFERENT HERE, my friend!

We’ll do up a VIDEO review this time for Squat 101 – the TIPS – which David Quiros sent in as a “retail audio sample” for the soon to be released audiobook – here it is!

And that is so heartfelt – along with the superlative, excellent, and SOLID job he does – even when he “segues” into the part about the subconscious mind in his audio – all of it just hits home so well!

Be on the outlook for the audiobook for this – it will truly ROCK your world (fitness world, and others too) in ways you’ve NEVER imagined or thought of before, and you’ll get yourself into the best shape of your life NIGH QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further – for now, pick up Squat 101 – the AUDIOBOOK -narrated by David – and along with that, Pushup Central too – – some great, great work out there my friend – waiting for YOU!

And of course, for the regular books and products (paperback, digital etc) – ya know where to go!

See you ABOARD – AHOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And remember.

If you ain’t squatting?

THEN YOU AIN’T TRAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rahul Mookerjee