“Stop man! You’ve done too many already! Enough!”
- So I heard!

That, my friend was what I heard when I was on rep #150 – I believe, after yesterday’s super tough yet low rep workout – there was no way I was NOT getting back to my 500 pushups a day workout, and so I did.

Was a rare break of sorts yesterday, but I hit it hard anyway, but today – while the reps totalled 500 for sure, it was a mix of super tough pushups for most of the workout, and easy ones (for me that is – those being “floor humpers”, hehe, which I love, which give you GREAT core training while you’re at it).

Easy ones were done in sets of 30, the rest … well, we’ll get to that!

“You’ve been going an hour already! Stop!”

I looked around, there was Prem, same guy who I trained in a video prior to this a few weeks ago – same guy who keeps “wishing he could do pull-ups”, yet wont put in the work to do so.

Or even try.

Same guy who I counseled on pushup form, yet he does them in the same ole sloppy manner…

Now, all of this is fine, but to me, I replied rather gruffly …


I think thats what I said, at least. Stop at 150? No way, I said. I do 500 a day and …

“You should do ’em too””, I finished.

Huh, he stared.

I repeated in Hindi.

I did them in the morning, he said, but his expression did not inspire any sort of confidence.

Later on at rep #330, I took a couple of great, great videos.

One the “side to side pushup”, which is great for working the pecs even more than with regular pushups and “isolating” them in the sense that you build them up even more while working in conjunction with the rest of your body.

Might sound strange, but you’ll see when you watch the video. Lots of people call this the archer pushup, which is fine, it ain’t about nomenclature to me.

I dont know why they call it that, maybe because the stretch looks like an archer about to pull back on the arrow of a bow when seen from a top on angle.

The second, well, plyometrics with floor humpers, and bear in mind, both of these – ADVANCED. You’ll want to work up to them my friend. Dont think just because you can do 10 perfect pushups that you can knock out tons of these. You wont be able to without a) practice, b) lots of practice – c) tons of practice and d… until you can knock off at least 100-150 pushups per workout anyway.

Now, I hadn’t been going an hour for the 150. More like 20 minutes I believe, but it was probably 45 minutes or so at 300 – slow going for me, but I was doing toughies all throughout – except for sets of 30 of the regular floor humper pushup.

Shirt off videos, floor humper, girls sitting next to me trying not to stare, guys looking away in that “man, that guy is SOMETHING” sort of vein. (since they were all mostly too lazy to do anything but sit down and chat about nonsense in the sun).

You know what I mean!

And on that note.

Right at that point, I was asked by the guy I mentioned above – replete with dumbphone in hand, lead in one ear “remember, soooooooo busy” – “how many sets and reps I did to get to 500”

Now this time I was really gruff.

“However many it takes!”

I didnt mean to be that gruff but I hate being continuously interrupted during my routine! Two, I was out of breath.

Three, most importantly, it was conversation for conversation’s sake which I absolutely hate and abhor, usually comes from non doers that dont do, they just talk.

This guy talks a lot.

He’s got all the knowledge in the world -gyms, machines, bodyweight – IN THEORY.

Practically, practically zero is the bottom line. And thats the crux, what irritates me the most about such people.

I dont care how much you read about driving cars, until you’ve never got behind the wheel – all that knowledge is worthless. I dont care how much you know swimming taxes the lats, if you never get in the pool, lake, ocean, or river – nigh worthless.

Get it?

Same thing fitness wise, bro.

If you want to do pull-ups, get my book Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS! – which rightly promises to turn you into a stud at pull-ups quickly if you apply the information given to you in the book, if you get it, you read from cover to cover, then you read again, then you assimilate, but end of the day after all this, if you dont get down to brass tacks and do, then I’m sorry but the book wont do a damn thing for you.

“This author knows his stuff from the inside out”, went one recent review.

“But here’s the kicker, his methods only work if you do”.

So true, John!

And it’s interesting, Idiot Evangelist to whom John replied seems to have withdrawn his review, or Amazon deleted it for being spam (since he never bought the book he so called bitched about). More on that here … https://www.0excusesfitness.com/2022/11/06/grizzly-power/) (including Bozo’s original review which John tore apart in his own inimitable style. Hehe).

No, for the morons who claim “I only allow positive reviews” I have no say in what Amazon does with reviews … should be bloody fuckin obvious – but then again, I’m not thinking “nimrod level” I guess. Hehe.

Anyway – back to it –

Same thing for pushups, or anything else, Pushup Central has all the info you need to turn yourself into a beast, a well conditioned human being to be RECKONED with in all regards – but if you yap on about nonsense and never do – then aint nothing gonna happen.

I hate that sort of thing, I also dont like people making conversation for conversations sake, first thing you know, these type of people are usually always on their phones WHILE doing so, like dude, either talk to a guy, or talk to a guy is what I say …

What has the world come to, eh.

Its not even considered discourteous these days for someone to stare at their phones when talking to you. Ugh! (or so called talking).

Ricky, a former friend of mine, just like that, every time I asked him if he was busy, never too busy he kept saying, yet, he’d disconnect me every damn time I called, “because he got another call”.

OK, call back when free.

“But I’m always free”, he’d reply.

I HATE that kind of attitude. Man!

Anyway ………….. Enjoy the videos, great stuff –

And last, but not least, my usage of the word “Habib” in one of the videos, someone has already asked me about this, believe it or not. Hehe.

Yours truly chameleon used to be called that back in the day by the black guys in the dorm.

“Habib, Habib, Bib, bib”, these guys would chant as I came in or went out, was absolutely hilarious, but for a chameleon like me – par for the course amigo. Hehe.

Habibi means friend in Arabic. Habib, probably similar. It isn’t gender specific as far as I can tell . . .

A couple of white guys used to call me Jesus, so I guess it evened out (along with TEMB, him of the “floor humper pushups” who called me a rainbow pimp. Hehe).

Anyway ……. those weren’t my fitness days.

I was either skinny as heck, or fat – and those big massive black dudes chanting Habib, hehe – I still remember attempting to put the Gorilla Grip on one of them and him asking why I gripped so hard, and then replying with … “thats a MAN’s grip!”.


In actuality, dude could have crushed my hand.

Anyway, reminds me of what Vincent – my buddy from the Marines once said in that regard “black guys are the real Gorillas” (strength wise).

And they are. Even if you look at top sprinters etc, all black – I’ve got no idea if genetics and the atrocities they were subject to played a role, but hey – who knows. Every race has it’s own thing, stamina wise apparently Caucasians are #1, brains wise Asians … and so forth.

Stereotypes – I wont even get into the “down there” one. Hehe.

But its interesting, I can sit here – and talk about all this, white guys do the same, they’re called racist.


Goose and gander my friend, and plus it aint like we’re in the Jim Crow era – live, let live, move the fuck on is what I say – I hate shit like that.

So if you’re a white dude reading this and have comments, by all means pass it on – I’ve no idea why saying the word “slavery” means someone is racist, but hey. Takes all types!

I’m out.

Be sure to place the pre-order for Advanced Plyometric Training NOW – it promises to be a SMOKER of a book.

And of course, get thy PAWS on Pushup Central if you ain’t already.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The #1 way in which people cheat themselves out of the benefit of bodyweight exercises.
- Form, in case you had not guessed!

I see this so often, my friend – and I was debating whether or not to write about it again, but I had to.

Its what you guessed, form, but more than that – “full extension” is where people really miss out – Ive seen a lot of so called fitness gurus claim “full extension” is harmful for the joints, tendons etc – when the reverse is true.

And therefore, here are some home truths from the bodyweight exercise guru – again – I dont know who needs to hear this, but here they are –

Its not a real pushup if your form isn’t immaculate (ie back straight, body tight in a plank position,no you do NOT look down, you look straight ahead while performing the exercise (most of the styles, at any rate)) and chest isn’t touching the floor on each rep – and if you aren’t pushing ALL The way up.

Lots of people dont go down all the way, which is cheating yourself, the further down you go under control, the more it works your muscles – simple as that (and the ligaments, the stretching part).

Even more people think they go all the way up, but they dont – a LOT of you stop short of a FULL lockout, which is a mistake.

All the way up, all the way down – same thing for pull-ups.

If your chin isn’t over the bar (bare minimum – ideally Adam’s apple touching the bar) – its not a proper pull-up, if you’re not starting from a dead hang, its not a proper pull-up either.

Kipping, poor form etc – all that goes without saying.

But it’s the full extension either way a lot of people miss, my friend-  and you’re missing out on some real strength benefits from the movement if you skip this part of it.

Squats – same damn thing, should be ass to grass, not “thighs parallel to the floor”.

Some of these things, when you first start out, might be incredibly difficult for you, so doing what you can, and going from there is good – but if you’ve been doing these exercises a while my friend, if you claim to be “fit” – then there is no way you can break the above rules and claim that same thing – you simply are not in that case.

And any fitness instructor or “in the know” person worth his or her salt will tell you the same thing – no matter how grudgingly.

If you claim you do “plenty of or enough cardio” – but you’re either fat or rail skinny with very little strength – then what you do either isnt working, or you dont do it all, period.

If you’ve got a huge belly hanging over your pants and claim “I’m big but not fat”, the only person you’re sort of fooling is yourself, not very successfully at that …

The last two were home truths I know.

But pay attention to the full extension part when doing bodyweight exercises, my friend – the goal should always be, with the possible exception of dips – to go full extension of most of everything you do.

I dont know who needed to hear this … I bet many do.


Follow the 10 Commandments of Physical Succcess laid out in Fast and Furious Fitness, and in a different style in 0 Excuses Fitness.

And you cant go wrong, period.

And thats that – back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

How I made 110 pushups tougher than 500 today, 28 pull-ups tougher than …
- ... well, I didnt decide. Hehe.

… I dont know about an exact number for the pull-ups, but … “than 50” I’d say.

And, how 5 hammer grip pull-ups can be tougher than 15 done super quick!

When you do any exercise super quick, or quick, even WITH focus on form – proper form – the form will be a bit off compared to if you do them super slow mo.

And yesterday – well, it was a super tough workout day – 500 plus pushups, 500 plus club swings, roadswings, 100 squats (and stretches) – and 35 + pull-ups.

Super tough, I’ve been going like that for a while now, certainly on the pushups – 500 daily for over a month now, and today, I felt it – in the CNS.

Central Nervous System

Now, before I continue on here, let me preface everything I am saying or will say here with something I’ve always said, always will say.

High rep workouts are KING, and you should never ignore them, and you should do them preferably daily.

There is a very good reason boxers pound out 500 pushups a day without fail – in addition to all else they do.

There is a reason Phelps swam 14 hours a day – daily.

And it ain’t just that they have time to do it …

Its the physical benefits of putting your body through the grind day in and day out – without fail.

Some so called gurus will tell you this harms your body, does the tendons more harm than good.


At the ripe ole age of 42, years of hill climbs, high rep workouts behind me, and I keep improving, in better shape every year – I call fooey upon that, the only way it can and will injure you is if you do them in poor FORM.

Form, my friend, is key.

And back to the central nervous system and high reps – the corollary to what I said above?

“Not everyone is Mike Tyson”, for instance (and I dont mean just ability and talent).

I mean – elite athletes have a job.

Thats to be an elite athlete.

Prisoners in prison look like elite athletes despite their crappy nutrition and why?

Super hard work is one reason, but the other is they have no other responsibilities other than to train – and in prison, if you dont train hard, you’re someone’s bitch, simple.

So there’s two very basic reasons.

YOU, on the other hand are likely neither in jail nor an elite athlete.

Working jobs, managing multiple businesses, or wives, hehe – families – it all takes a toll on you.

When your daughter is up coughing daily till 3 AM in the morning, for one, when your new born wont let you sleep, and so forth, plenty of other reasons – not excuses – for you to feel a bit depleted, especially if you’ve been hitting it hard and heavy.

Some days, you’ll see you’re just not up to those high rep workouts.

Its different, you’ll feel it, not being “lazy”.

Yet, you do NOT do what most would in this situation ie “Rest up”

You hit it hard.

With the knowledge that a) super high reps are not ALWAYS required for a solid superior workout – and b) the principles of what are sometimes referred to as “co contraction”.

Look, I did some videos on this today – focusing on form for pushups – done SLOWLY – FEELING the muscles as you go down, and really increasing the difficulty of the pushup while keeping every muscle as tight as possible and in alignment as it should be.

Done that way, I can make 10 pushups harder than a 100 if I so choose.

Contract the legs. keep the back straight, and so forth, but what I really focused upon was two main things – one, move the hands closer to the WAIST.

Most people do pushups with hands underneath their shoulders, which is not really the way to do them.

Do ’em like when you first start, ideally though they should be at chest level or lower, and NO, you do NOT look down, you look straight ahead while doing ’em.

YES, you go all the way down and all the way back up.

And – you focus on the shoulder blades to make it tougher!

Penny pinching, as I once wrote about, except here it’s good. Hehe.

You do the same with pull-ups – and today’s workout, well, best described as intense as usual, but took less time overall and … definitely lesser reps, and my triceps are STILL sore, not just from yesterday but today as well.

Before I send you to the videos, let me again say – this shouldn’t be an excuse for lazy asses to say “500 pushups are useless” – or 400 or 300 or whatever the number might be. They ain’t either.

But sometimes, you switch things up – when your nervous system gets burnt out from super high reps etc, you’ll know yourself.

It happens.


When writing Battletank Shoulders, I was doing high rep handstand pushups and pull-ups for ages – like three or four months straight.

“You do nothing but train!” my friend remarked.

Yes, to an extent at the time he was right, yet even then, I eventually switched things up.

Or, before that – my daily four hour hill hikes in hot humid weather – without fail, sometimes more than four.

Eventually, even Mr Advanced Hill Training burnt out on that …

Without further ado, here you go – enjoy!



And, I’ll be back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you haven’t yet gotten Pushup Central now what are you waiting for? Get it NOW, my friend, nothing like pushups to WHIP you- SMOKE you – into shape – nigh FAST!

Unstoppable today, my views on pushup handles – and then some!
- Lets gO!

As I listen to the song “Unstoppable today” which seems to be blaring out in the daughter’s online class, one thought struck me.

If there is ONE thing that makes you unstoppable – FEEL unstoppable – and ultimately conquer all – it is MINDSET.

It matters not, as Dr Maltz wrote in the super book “Pyscho Cybernetics” which I’ve read before in 2016 – “if no-one is cheering for you in the bleachers, but YOU ARE!”.

Conversely, if the entire world roots for you, but you yourself don’t believe in yourself – it – whatever the “it” is – will never happen.

Thats a great book (no I dont get anything for mentioning it here) – but the point holds whether you’re talking fitness – life -business – motivation – or whatever it is.

Set your mind to win at all costs, to persevere no matter what, ultimately you’ll get there.

I mentioned the story of the Indian batting great and maestro Virat Kohli in the last email, and his recent dip in form – how most people – experts included wrote him off pretty much – and how he bounced back.

Self belief is key to this, without that it will never happen.

Self belief is key to your FITNESS too, my friend.

BELIEVING you can make it from Zero to Hero – to be able to see the final picture BEFORE you or anyone else can – even fitness wise – in your mind’s eye, albeit unconsciously at times – is how that magic happens, no exceptions to this rule, I should know – I’ve been following this natural law (really, THIS is what the so called self help gurus should be teaching instead of “Law of Attraction” or affirmations which do not work in most cases the way they’re taught, at least) since childhood, pretty much because I had to/was forced to by circumstance (some of which I have gotten into here in this emails, some of which I won’t get into , period).


That self belief is what makes you FEEL unstoppable – once you feel that way, reality ends up manifesting that way too!

And the one exercise physically that makes you feel that way ?

All workouts done right do, of course -but for sheer brutality, “pushing power” – and … well, the overall effect – its pushups, and pushups done for high reps.

There’s a reason the greats all did hundreds, if not thousands of pushups daily.

Sure, that isn’t all that they did, but pushups are the cornerstone of any serious fitness trainee’s routine – along with heavy duty squats, my friend, no two ways about it.

And they’ll make you feel like a beast – and unstoppable – if you get after it, believe in yourself, do everyday – believe that you can reach exalted levels at this exercise, and soon enough if you put in the effort – you WILL.

No exceptions.

My great book Pushup Central – with seven or so tutorial videos at last count, I believe! – teaches you how to get there, and if you don’t have it as yet – you’ll want to get it NOW.

Along with that, remember to invest in the 0 Excuses Fitness System as well – more great books included (one free) – and FIVE great videos if I’ve got it right – so dive in NOW.

Watch the PS for a recent question from Johnny from the UK.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – “what are your views on pushup handles and swiss ball pushups?”

Interesting one there J!

Swiss ball pushups are great, not covered in the book – but they’re GREAT for working the balance, grip, and in general the entire core and body.

Are they required?

No – much like the ab wheel isn’t “required” – but you can do pushups with that too to smoke the core!

(and GRIP)

Its great if you have those tools lying around, but end of the day, the book is about a bodyweight exercise, therefore, with the exception of chairs and sofas (old ones, heh) – you wont see any equipment being used at all other than a WALL which everyone has.

Not so much the great “Wall of India” Rahul Dravid with defence so solid people couldn’t break through it for days often – happy birthday Sir, albeit belated by a day! Truly an Indian batting great… anyway, if you do the “floor humper” – or extended arm pushups – or arms out in front of you pushups – or Jack La Lanne pushups -again, nomenclature is NOT the point – you’ll do great.

Now, pushup handles?

They’re great if your wrists hurt in the regular pushup position, but work on pushups with palms on the floor regardless WHILE you strengthen your grip and wrists by using pushup handles.

One great thing about pushup handles is even advanced grip men will notice their grip being worked a lot differently – and heavily – when doing pushups with these, so they’re great if you have ’em or want to use ’em – do so!

Cons – they’re not that adaptable in terms of different types of pushups, there are only so many different types of pushups you can do with them in terms of hand positioning, and nothing beats fingertip pushups – or fingers placed otherwise – pushups in terms of building grip and forearm power through pushups.

Otherwise, nothing wrong with using ’em.

But, I view them as an accessory more than anything else..

The only piece of equipment you really “need”, and this is coming from someone who has (almost finished) written Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness – is a sturdy doorway chinning bar – other than that, as you can see Johnny, my programs require zip all in terms of equipment or accessories, and so it should be (no, I don’t advocate gloves either – get used to the damn calluses! Hehe).

And that, my friend is a long answer to a short question. Oh, pushup handles sometimes allow for a much greater range of motion in the dip ie down portion of the movement, but fingertip pushups do too …

Pushup Central is making WAVES globally my friend – its being praised and trolled in equal measures (actually the latter more which is good) – so you’ll want to get your mitts on this superlative course NOW if you haven’t already, and start blasting yourself into super shape starting TODAY.

And thats that!  (PS #2 – Here is what an ex-man-in-blue i.e. ex cop had to say about this superlative course – check it out NOW – https://www.0excusesfitness.com/2021/03/25/what-an-ex-cop-from-nyc-had-to-say-about-pushup-central/  

Respect, CHarles!

Cats coming up to me while..
- When you train NATURAL!

A brief note, my friend – I’m about to head out to do 500 pushups soon.

I woke up late, so I’m in a bit of a hurry!

I’ll get there – but yesterday, winter sun, shirt off, pants rolled up, getting into the 500 pushups I was doing – or actually, it was day before yesterday I believe – I saw the cat.

It was prowling as usual, and walked up to everyone sitting there, walked away.

I saw it from a distance – staring at me.


I unconsciously said it – it meowed back.

I did a tiger bend, and some pushups.

Cat lifts one leg up, as if to either pounce, or check out what the “other cat is doing” (a movement I haven’t taught as yet per se but highly recommend for ENERGY – martial artists are huge on this too).

It stared at me, meowed back – now, normally, with people around, I’d never do this kiddie stuff I do with my daughter all the time, but out there in the sun, nature around me, seemed like the most natural thing to do!

I dont know how to explain it.

When you live in the flow, train naturally and in the flow, nature joins you provided you do the thing – and do it daily.

Your wishes, desires, all of it fades into the workout – becomes ONE – and animals, birds, hawks (I KEEP seeing those next to me) – ALL of them come up to YOU as if you were part of Nature itself, which you are.

The feeling, my friend, is indescribable, and only those who have trained this way in the flow will know what I’m talking about.

Cats, monkeys even, specific numbers – hawks – all of what doesnt come to “normal” people – comes to me. The hawk even sat on that damn bar while I did a pull up as if to say “I trust this cat!”.

Train natural, my friend.

Train the 0 Excuses way.

Do so daily.

Listen to what this cat says, YOU too will be on the path to grand accomplishment in terms of life, fitness, and a hell of a lot more if you just listen, and DO.

I’m out, and I’ll be back soon with more great stuff – in the meantime, remember, nothing beats pushups to get that core in shape -QUICK.

Check out what the fuss is all about HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

How to do one arm pushups – and one arm floor humpers, hehe.
- And more!

Long overdue this one, and a brief shirt off tutorial – and some “shorts” too (no, not my Pajama legs rolled up in the warm sun outdoors) – for today!

Before we get into that – and obviously given the title of this its about one arm pushups –  a few things.

First, most of you will be too enthused upon seeing one arm work ‘finally’ be covered, and a lot of you are going to jump off the couch and try what you see right NOW.

Nah – dont do that, my friend.

Not unless you’re ready for it, and being ready for one arm pushups means you can knock out at least 25 in proper form and cadence (and breathing) – at the very least do 150 odd pushups per workout – and some other things, including having your TUMMY at a reasonable “size” if you get my drift.

It ain’t no fun falling flat on your face – this sort of pushup is even tougher (what I show you) than the regular one arm pushup.

Believe me, I’ve had nasty injuries from weight training – even nastier ones from bodyweight only, the thumb crack “in and out” (ouch!) while doing fingertip handstand pushups on a cold January in China remains one of the top most painful ones – so i dont want YOU to do these until and unless you’re ready.

Second, and importantly.

These are GREAT movements for building strength throughout the upper body – back, arms, upper chest, triceps, all of it.

But due to the sheer nature of the movement, how tough they tend to be, and form being different on most than from regular two arm pushups – word of warning – or “advice” – please do not, as I’ve said in the past, rely upon this for your primary means of conditioning.

Please do them by all means – but remember, nothing beats regular two arm work.

Even if you’re aiming to be Bruce Lee, or better – who could knock off tons of one FINGER pushups in one set – remember even he would tell  you his conditioning came from two arm work (in that regard).

And not everyone is aiming to be Bruce Lee …

That said number three?

Trolls, fat people, unfit people and such will naturally whine about “but we dont want to do that”.

Or make some excuse for not being able to do one arm work.

Which is fine, but they have some serious strength benefits – in terms of muscle – and also supportive tissue/ligament strength, not to mention BALANCE.

Much like the one legged squat I show you in Squat 101, you should aim to get good at one arm work – but never replace regular pushup strength and conditioning workouts with “purely one arm” work.

That said, video updates for today –


Those of you that cannot see this in your email readers, links will be included in the email you get…


And remember to pick up Pushup Central – the very best damn course out there to turn you into a BEAST just by doing pushups. Trust me, when you’re knocking out 500 per workout daily, you’ll see what it does to your shoulders, arms, back, triceps, core, and even legs, at that point you won’t need to ask ME – you’ll know, see and feel the sheer, unparalleled VALUE of this superb, splendid course yourself.

and thats how it should be!

Back soon


Rahul Mookerjee

When that Gorilla Grip wasn’t even required … so I thought!

This morning, I woke up to … well, doorbells ringing “off the clanger” which I absolutely hate, but some things must be put up with unfortunately “for the short term”.

Wife showed up saying “Mom wants you to open something in the kitchen for her”.

OK, so up I went a while later, and it was one of those tough metal contraptions – so it looked – that are part of kitchen grinders and such.

I prepared myself for an almighty battle – best way to start the morning off – against STEEL – cold, hard unforgiving steel that doesn’t budge!

Believe me, I’ve seen “strong people” (who I did not think were that strong) open these things in the past when they get stuck – jars etc too – while I always remember thinking “I wish I could do that too”.

Anyway ….

Mom asked me if I needed a cloth to grip since its freezing cold, that it was!

Metal, you know…

I replied in the negative.

Grabbed it, gave it the initial twirl – and holy shmokes, almost all too easy – it just flew off in my hands.

I was laughing a bit before I picked it up, the thing looked like …well, one of them things from the 80’s … but turns out I was right, easy peasy.

Thats it, I asked?

Kinda disappointed, I was looking for more of a battle with the STEEL!

Thats it, she said. Thanks!

I inclined the ole nut (for those not in the know, thats “English English” for head, hehe) courteously, and left.

Now, I’ve no idea if that thang was really that easy to open  – I do remember tugging a bit at it, but seemed way too easy.

I know I could regale you with stories about the almighty battle Rahul fought with the steel this morning, but I don’t want to – fact is this, when you work out the way I do, and when you work up to doing 500 pushups a day like I teach, and especially some of the grip variants I’ve really been focusing on as of late, EVERYTHING in life becomes easy, and flow comes into place – period.

There is a reason the 0 Excuses System repeatedly stresses that PUSHUPS are the BIG DOG OF FITNESS!

What really matters is this – strength you can use when it counts.

And last night while practising side kicks while pissed off at the wife for something or other, kicks coming out nigh perfectly – this truism hit me.

Strength you can use, strength that lasts, strength that doesn’t quit on you – most importantly, strength that is REAL world, functional, and helps when you need it the most.

Prying open jars, kitchen applicances, thats one thing, or perhaps clambering down  rusty steel pipe to save your life – or your ass when your daughter finds you in the bedroom with another woman that “is not Mommy”, hehe (not me).

And that, my friend is that.

Thats how I advocate training, hard, heavy, daily and regular, those are the results …

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Phat Benny goes to town … freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
- Hehe

A certain phat boy is providing us all with plenty of amusement with his trolling – and latest is, word has it, a few days ago he got booted from yet another fitness forum he’s been haunting – mostly due to inane nonsense he keeps repeating that people ultimately got tired of.

Sort of like what he kept doing here before he got the boot, sort of like what happened to him with other fitness guys he tried to promote.

Simple enough, most successful businessmen (or women) understand real life doesnt work according to liberal utopian BS so called values.

And they hang with their sort, Benny hangs with his sort – the trailor park trash losers living off their wives, people lazing around at home doing nothing except sit around and eat and pretend they workout etc – and more to the point, no business person wants someone around him thats not only a walking talking advertisement  for the exact opposite of fitness (blubbery monster that he is) – but also too lazy and incompetent to sell even the most basic of products (even when afforded all the assistance he can be given).

It’s a vicious cycle that repeats itself with this trollish sort, apparently the latest this clown is up to is doing public service by claiming “fitness should be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” and then whining about “if you need money to buy food or pay bills”.

Hey, Penny, by your logic shouldn’t food and bills be free too. Hehe. Probably in your world, it should be all free and the world should just revolve on its own carrying fat lazy fools in its wake with it …

(and really, free food – in Benny’s case, if only he stuffed his gullet a bit less, looks like he downs a house or something every night. Like an old customer once said “damn, he’s got a serious case of gyno, looks like he’d need to fast a year to burn all that blubber off”)

Um …

Hate to break it friend, but there’s no free ticket.

With anything in life, you get what you pay for.

And fitness is no different (I’ve no idea why as of late things like fitness and movies and a lot of other things, everyone wants it “freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” – but they’re just like any other biz vertical – I for one see no reason why everything should be free or “blue light special”) …

But liberals globally – well, thats how they are my friend, so he isn’t alone by any means – he just “stands out a bit more” – not because of the fat burbling tummy he brandishes as a badge of honor, but because of his loony comments everywhere, and a long rap sheet of getting booted from wherever he applies to work (including here).

This fat hypocrite did his best to promote our products too but then he realized he wouldn’t get freebies so he threw a hissy … hehe. Anyway, that story has been told, shared, numerous times, the point here is this  – as with anything in life, my friend, free comes with it’s own pitfalls.

Like a great customer here said …

Hello Rahul

Years ago there were some advertisements on tv for Stella Artois which stated that the beer was “reassuringly expensive” i.e. you knew the beer was great because it was priced accordingly and not some cheap garbage, which is a great way of saying you get what you pay for.

I believe that your products are the Stella Artois of Physical Culture and they are “reassuringly expensive”.

Listen to this boys and girls, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the knowledge you have to pay the price whatever it is.

If all you can see is price then it would appear that you’re not thinking straight, when does the cheaper something is equal the better it is? You’re trying to buy knowledge like you buy potatoes by the “pound” i.e. the more you buy the cheaper they are, this is erroneous thinking, if someone offered you a brand new Rolls Royce for £5,000 straight away you’ll be asking yourself what the hell is wrong with it, why is it so cheap, I know I would be.

Rahul Mookerjee’s knowledge of Physical Culture is without peer and if you want to acquire that knowledge then I suggest you pay what he’s asking and if that’s too much for you? Then that as they say is “life”.

Rahul, keep doing what you’re doing, I for one greatly appreciate it, thank you.

Warmest Regards


And thats it, thats pretty much it – much like you wouldn’t expect a Royce for free, I for one would rather buy a product from someone who values their own time and effort over all and charges accordingly.

Of course, for this liberal sort that lives on their wives and have no real responsibilities, have never paid any sort of bills in their lives, I suppose “free” is what they will want and promote, since they can’t sell products anyway, and since the lack of sales won’t hit their own phat tummies – unlike with the businesses they attempt to troll.

Sad thing, a lot of these businesses actually react wrongly to this sort of trolling.

This sort of trolling is to be welcomed, my friend – much like with Schofield Bozo, it can really set the cash registers ringing if you do it right.

And thus – for any serious business owner, two things – one, if you’re doing it right, this is exactly the path you’ll be following with morons hating your every move and your very guts for no other reason than you’re making $$ and moving up in life while they go exactly nowhere.

And two, you owe it to yourself, your family and your business to learn and APPLY the tips in the upcoming book Profit Troll where the Benny sort of troll is discussed in great detail as well. (as well as exactly how THIS business has profited from it – hehe).

Last, but not least, remember, yet another shout out –Advanced Plyometric Training will be in its own right the MOST brutal and effective of our courses around here till date – sure, Animal Kingdom Workouts, Pushup Central and BattleTank shoulders fit that bill – but this course takes stuff from all the above – to a whole new level altogether.

Some of you can’t wait to see what the Bodyweight Exercise Guru has planned for you in that course, and I dont blame you – I can’t wait till the book’s out either!

So, jump on that as well while the time’s RIPE – coz the price WILL go up shortly on that too.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I highly recommend the “super wide grip” pushups you see me do SO often.
- Upper back, for one!

Well, before we start this one – a huge thanks to all of you that have been writing back with questions etc – most of them great ones.

Some dumb, such as the person who repeatedly questions me about “why I wear red so often” – like dude – does it really even matter?

Idiots will find a way to grip, moan, piss and groan no matter what – you could show them Da Vinci’s work, they’d find *some* inane fault with it *somehow*.

Past that, of course – and getting into it – we answered some of these questions (wider than wife grip pushup related) in a couple of great tutorials today – those are below but first, a bit of background on why I love these so much, and how I got to know of them.

To me, most of my life, I’ve done “boxer” pushups -mentioned in Pushup Central, which are great for the lats, core, triceps, a solid form of pushup.

Yet, I remember seeing the great Sunny “Pa Ji” once knocking out pushups differently in a Bollywood potboiler “Jeet” (victory is what it translates to).

He probably got it from his equally macho Dad Dharmendra (possibly and probably even “solider” than Sunny, even at his age (80+)).

say what you like about the Deols, they’re solid sons of the soil, traditional, and have their pushups and pull-ups right! Haha.

435, 436 he went, kid seated on his back for added weight. Suddenly, the weight increases, and he wonders what happened!

“How the hell did your weight increase, kid!” he growls.

Turns around upon getting no answer, sees the film’s heroine parked on his back … hehe.

Anyway, I tried that pushup the first time I believe in 2008, felt pretty good, for some odd reason though I never pursued it back then – I DID do the other style of pushup I keep recommending even now – the floor humper, or Jack La Lanne pushups, or arms out extended in front of you pushup – what have you.

And this sort of pushup isn’t done the way normal wide grip pushups are my friend, which is arms slightly wider than shoulder width – sort of like in a regular pull-up.

For THIS style of pushup you’ll want to think “wide wide grip pull-ups!” – and much like the mentioned exercise, this will really give you those “striated shoulders” so many people want (delts) – and also work the upper/mid back and CORE into the ground.

Not only that – the uppermost fibers of the pecs really get a workout with these (which are really the muscles making your chest “stand out” – or “packed chest“, as a friend of mine said I had – its NOT the lower chest that gives you that effect).

You put your arms out to the side as far as you can go – and this different angle means some of the cardinal rules of pushups change – one specifically that is VERY important to note if you want to get MAX benefit from the movement.

This one change in rule applies to the floor humper too, my friend.

What is it – well, these two videos (and perhaps the shorts I uploaded today, Gawd, seemed to be a day for shorts for sure today!) – will explain it all –

Last, but not least, lots of you have sent me e-mails thanking me for the on the spur of the moment workouts , tips etc – and I greatly appreciate it.

Remember though that is just the tip of the iceberg my friend.

Pushup wise, you really owe it to yourself (those that haven’t) – and DESERVE to get Pushup Central – NOW. Truly never seen before smokin hot variants on the pushups that will smoke you into shape quicker than bacon sizzling on the pan – or in the microwave if you have one of those gadgets you hang the damn bacon off, hehe.

And remember, we’re almost through another course that is more intense than any other (in terms of movements) I’ve put out until now.

That is Advanced Plyometric Training which it seems is still at the pre-sales price, which reminds me – it will not be at that price too much longer.

If you’re looking to get the skinny on how plyometrics can really up your game fitness wise and take things to the QUANTUM level as it were, then you’ll want this book my friend – truly never covered before stuff in this one as well that will boggle, blow and make your mind explode with the “overload of info” you’re getting.

And if you want in at the pre-order price, get the book NOW.

And thats that, I’ll be back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Rest is the way hell overrated
- And a bit more on losers.

I swear, the way laziness, being fat and out of shape and other negative attributes are not just tolerated in today’s society, but celebrated as well – is insane.

I meant to speak about an old timer I highly admire – him – everyone of his ilk – and even normal people like my grandfather for one would turn over in their grave and disgustedly say “I’m damn glad I ain’t in this world no mo” if they saw what things have come to and what is celebrated and what is ridiculed,and so forth.

Strong men make good times, good times make weak men, and weak men ensure it all goes to ruin, and the cycle starts ad infinitum all over again.

This has been worded differently over the last few years by many people, but bottom line – the world is in the fourth and most destructive cycle NOW – and amazingly enough, most of the loonies populating it stick their heads in the sand even when it’s right in front of them.

Here is a list of what a certain Earlier Liedermann recommend in terms of BASIC, I repeat, BASIC physical fitness for men – and note I left some things OUT.

Yes, thats right – it ain’t the whole list.

Just reading through that list would make the average man and most so called fitness fanatics faint.

  • Swim at least half a mile or more without stopping
  • Run at TOP speed 200 yards or more.
  • Jump  over obstacles higher than his waist
  • Chin himself (until his chin touches his hands) at least 15 to 20 times.
  • Dip between parallel bars / chairs at least 25 times or more.

Thats PART of the list. Yikes, most would say, yet, its not as hard as it sounds – especially not the last and second .. and definitely not the first.

As for the bodybuilders pumping, preening and posing – the less said the better.

Liedermann, the old timers, yours truly – we ALL Advocated this type of thing, because guess what, you never know what might happen.

When shit hits the fan, and believe me it does and will – then its  YOU that has to take care of YOU.

And being fat and unfit and generally unhealthy is a recipe for disaster my friend even during good times, let alone tough times.

Dont think tough times will hit you – times of war – destruction – any of it?

I hope you’re right – but I doubt it, my friend.

I remember talking about this very briefly with the wife once who pooh poohed it “oh, India’s forever safe”.

With a gigantic behemoth straining at the leash at it’s northern borders, everything else going on as of late … HA!

It’s a classic example of a response from a person who knows he or she is on the losing side, they have no choice, so they postpone the inevitable.


Recently I heard the wife hurt her ankle getting out of the famous bed she loves so. The way she yowled, you’d think a tiger took after her.

Sure, some of those sprains hurt. Shes had nasty falls from scooters etc before, but this – the amount of molly coddling going on, mom telling her “dont walk” etc … when I heard all of it, the word “LOSERS” popped up in my brain.

Oddly enough, when I had a nasty ankle swell up back in the day (excess fluid, most likely because I was overweight) – it hurt so bad I could barely touch it.

I went for a run.

returned, collapsed, dunked the ankle in a bucket of water (at that time the wife was “kind” enough to actually bring me that water – now, she’d be like “to hell with his ankle”. Hehe) …

First comment my parents made “you’re overweight!”

Which isn’t new to me, from saying I’d die at the age of 30 if I drank too much beer, lol, to other inane comments about “you exercise too much” …. to the results I’ve gotten, well, we all know who the joke is on.

Point is though, no goose and gander, apparently its ok for women to be fat lazy beached whales, but not men (not real men, at any rate).

It isn’t for either, but really, thats not the point either.

Hark back to when I had that nasty thumb injury, as painful as anything I’ve ever had.

Everyone told me to rest it, ice it, splint it, and so forth, even my buddy from the Marines who said they had meds for that at camp etc told me “its going to hurt in winter”.

All the ice cold showers I take in the dead of winter, all the exercise I do – the thumbs as good as new.

My treatment for it ?

hold an ice cold Corona in the hand that night, a good night’s sleep, and next day – back at it. there was no way I wasn’t doing fingertip pushups on my birthday two days later, and I did!

My point is this -the human body wasn’t meant to sit, rest, and be domesticated to the extent it is now.

When a monkey in the wild gets injured, it doesnt stop climbing trees, crocs dont stop swimming even when they get a leg taken off by other crocs, a tiger doesnt stop hunting even if it’s old, infirm, and hasn’t eaten for days, and so forth.

You dont have to take it to extremes.

naturally, if its something serious like a major surgery or what not, by all means rest up.

But MOST minor niggles and injuries need MOVEMENT, not rest – to get better quicker, and to recuperate quicker – the body knows how to heal itself better than any moron doctor who claims (true story) “light swimming is a no no because it taxes the liver” (back in the day from when my mother was tripping about something so I went to the doc for the hell of it, and thats what this fat genius – yes, obese doctor getting paid BIG bucks – told me)…

Isometrics – not necessarily static movements, but fluid isometrics for flexibility like I teach in Isometric and Flexibility Training are the key.

Dont get me wrong, static isometrics are super awesome, but if you’re injured, you need a steady supply of FRESH blood to the area to wash away the toxins and speed up recovery.

Some of the stretches in Advanced, Profound, Isometric and Flexibility Training as well.

Back to laziness, vast majority of fucks out there disgust me.

My wife for some reason when she does laundry won’t take hers out of the wash for hours on end, it sits there until night, if I want to do mine, I ask her to take it out – she either yells in a foul mood or wont take it out period, so I end up doing, or I dont do mine.

With me, I suppose I could do the same thing, but to me, its the most natural thing to dump it in the machine, dry it as soon as its done, be done with it, not letting piles pile up for ages – no pun intended.

It’s sad, the way laziness is not just tolerated, but encouraged.

and it pisses me off, typical liberal mentality, like throwing the trash on top of the can instead of in it which is common around these parts, like “fuck the next person so long as I’m OK” – I absolutely abhor that mentality “burns my ass up”, as a certain redneck in MS once griped about what were likely illegals jumping the queue at Mickey D’s, have to say i agree 100% and then some!

The only time the wife is ever in a good mood?

Late at night, when she knows there’s nothing to do but sit and gaze at mindless, moronic videos.

And of course, that late at night extends to noon wake ups, which i simply cannot fathom, sure, she doesnt work – doesnt need to – but a person’s surely got SOME goals, ambitions, desires?

Apparently not the vast majority of sheep out there, and dont get me wrong, I’m no whiz at waking up in the AM’s – I dont like it, but I do it anyway – and if I don’t wake up on time, I’ll hustle and bustle later to get it all done anyway.

Por ejempelo, I like to sit and drink green tea in the mornings if I’m not climbing hills or what not first thing upon waking up, but that tea time is shortened if it means I dont have time for 500 pushups (club work, pull-ups, whatever I might choose – I’m currently soon going to be at “super battletank” status with 500 pushups/100 pull-ups a day – currently the number for the latter is 60 – 500/60 – thats more than what I was cranking out even when writing Battletank Shoulders!!) …

(squats never an issue, you can knock those out real quick if you know what you’re doing).

Not so with the vast majority of folks out there.

Like a customer once noted “I wonder how you get so much done each day!”

Because I’m not a lazy liberal, hehe. And I dont associate with any either. Really its sickening.

Back to fitness, rest etc – most people “rest” way more than they should, and they need a kick up the wazoo way more than to be pampered and molly coddled to oblivious – kids included.

And, a look around at the constant coughs, niggles, sniffles etc around you – both kids and adults – should tell you a lot.

Anyway, bottom line – I’m all about old school and old fashioned, my friend, and guess what – its the only way that works.

Thats also why they call me “the goddamned survivor“, hehe.

Follow the 10 Commandments of Physical Training (and indeed, life) laid out for you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, my friend – also in Fast and Furious Fitness (currently being translated into Spanish) – and you cannot go wrong, period.

Remember, old school is what ultimately not just survives, but thrives – and wins long term.

Last, but not least, I probably should have put this disclaimer upfront – this message isn’t for loser, liberals and entitled Bozos who don’t understand the D of discipline, H of hard work, T of tough and so forth.

Its for the DOERS, the real men and so forth.

I probably would have said it in the videos. But the dumbphone keeps running out of space, I never buy a new one, its choc a block full of training pics for the upcoming book “Advanced Plyometric Training“, therefore, here it is.

Enjoy – I’ll be back soon. Btw, plyometrics as in that book – tough as fuck, and they will whip you into shape even quicker than my regular stuff. Be sure to place your pre-order NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee