When that Gorilla Grip wasn’t even required … so I thought!

This morning, I woke up to … well, doorbells ringing “off the clanger” which I absolutely hate, but some things must be put up with unfortunately “for the short term”.

Wife showed up saying “Mom wants you to open something in the kitchen for her”.

OK, so up I went a while later, and it was one of those tough metal contraptions – so it looked – that are part of kitchen grinders and such.

I prepared myself for an almighty battle – best way to start the morning off – against STEEL – cold, hard unforgiving steel that doesn’t budge!

Believe me, I’ve seen “strong people” (who I did not think were that strong) open these things in the past when they get stuck – jars etc too – while I always remember thinking “I wish I could do that too”.

Anyway ….

Mom asked me if I needed a cloth to grip since its freezing cold, that it was!

Metal, you know…

I replied in the negative.

Grabbed it, gave it the initial twirl – and holy shmokes, almost all too easy – it just flew off in my hands.

I was laughing a bit before I picked it up, the thing looked like …well, one of them things from the 80’s … but turns out I was right, easy peasy.

Thats it, I asked?

Kinda disappointed, I was looking for more of a battle with the STEEL!

Thats it, she said. Thanks!

I inclined the ole nut (for those not in the know, thats “English English” for head, hehe) courteously, and left.

Now, I’ve no idea if that thang was really that easy to open  – I do remember tugging a bit at it, but seemed way too easy.

I know I could regale you with stories about the almighty battle Rahul fought with the steel this morning, but I don’t want to – fact is this, when you work out the way I do, and when you work up to doing 500 pushups a day like I teach, and especially some of the grip variants I’ve really been focusing on as of late, EVERYTHING in life becomes easy, and flow comes into place – period.

There is a reason the 0 Excuses System repeatedly stresses that PUSHUPS are the BIG DOG OF FITNESS!

What really matters is this – strength you can use when it counts.

And last night while practising side kicks while pissed off at the wife for something or other, kicks coming out nigh perfectly – this truism hit me.

Strength you can use, strength that lasts, strength that doesn’t quit on you – most importantly, strength that is REAL world, functional, and helps when you need it the most.

Prying open jars, kitchen applicances, thats one thing, or perhaps clambering down  rusty steel pipe to save your life – or your ass when your daughter finds you in the bedroom with another woman that “is not Mommy”, hehe (not me).

And that, my friend is that.

Thats how I advocate training, hard, heavy, daily and regular, those are the results …

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Phat Benny goes to town … freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
- Hehe

A certain phat boy is providing us all with plenty of amusement with his trolling – and latest is, word has it, a few days ago he got booted from yet another fitness forum he’s been haunting – mostly due to inane nonsense he keeps repeating that people ultimately got tired of.

Sort of like what he kept doing here before he got the boot, sort of like what happened to him with other fitness guys he tried to promote.

Simple enough, most successful businessmen (or women) understand real life doesnt work according to liberal utopian BS so called values.

And they hang with their sort, Benny hangs with his sort – the trailor park trash losers living off their wives, people lazing around at home doing nothing except sit around and eat and pretend they workout etc – and more to the point, no business person wants someone around him thats not only a walking talking advertisement  for the exact opposite of fitness (blubbery monster that he is) – but also too lazy and incompetent to sell even the most basic of products (even when afforded all the assistance he can be given).

It’s a vicious cycle that repeats itself with this trollish sort, apparently the latest this clown is up to is doing public service by claiming “fitness should be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” and then whining about “if you need money to buy food or pay bills”.

Hey, Penny, by your logic shouldn’t food and bills be free too. Hehe. Probably in your world, it should be all free and the world should just revolve on its own carrying fat lazy fools in its wake with it …

(and really, free food – in Benny’s case, if only he stuffed his gullet a bit less, looks like he downs a house or something every night. Like an old customer once said “damn, he’s got a serious case of gyno, looks like he’d need to fast a year to burn all that blubber off”)

Um …

Hate to break it friend, but there’s no free ticket.

With anything in life, you get what you pay for.

And fitness is no different (I’ve no idea why as of late things like fitness and movies and a lot of other things, everyone wants it “freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” – but they’re just like any other biz vertical – I for one see no reason why everything should be free or “blue light special”) …

But liberals globally – well, thats how they are my friend, so he isn’t alone by any means – he just “stands out a bit more” – not because of the fat burbling tummy he brandishes as a badge of honor, but because of his loony comments everywhere, and a long rap sheet of getting booted from wherever he applies to work (including here).

This fat hypocrite did his best to promote our products too but then he realized he wouldn’t get freebies so he threw a hissy … hehe. Anyway, that story has been told, shared, numerous times, the point here is this  – as with anything in life, my friend, free comes with it’s own pitfalls.

Like a great customer here said …

Hello Rahul

Years ago there were some advertisements on tv for Stella Artois which stated that the beer was “reassuringly expensive” i.e. you knew the beer was great because it was priced accordingly and not some cheap garbage, which is a great way of saying you get what you pay for.

I believe that your products are the Stella Artois of Physical Culture and they are “reassuringly expensive”.

Listen to this boys and girls, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the knowledge you have to pay the price whatever it is.

If all you can see is price then it would appear that you’re not thinking straight, when does the cheaper something is equal the better it is? You’re trying to buy knowledge like you buy potatoes by the “pound” i.e. the more you buy the cheaper they are, this is erroneous thinking, if someone offered you a brand new Rolls Royce for £5,000 straight away you’ll be asking yourself what the hell is wrong with it, why is it so cheap, I know I would be.

Rahul Mookerjee’s knowledge of Physical Culture is without peer and if you want to acquire that knowledge then I suggest you pay what he’s asking and if that’s too much for you? Then that as they say is “life”.

Rahul, keep doing what you’re doing, I for one greatly appreciate it, thank you.

Warmest Regards


And thats it, thats pretty much it – much like you wouldn’t expect a Royce for free, I for one would rather buy a product from someone who values their own time and effort over all and charges accordingly.

Of course, for this liberal sort that lives on their wives and have no real responsibilities, have never paid any sort of bills in their lives, I suppose “free” is what they will want and promote, since they can’t sell products anyway, and since the lack of sales won’t hit their own phat tummies – unlike with the businesses they attempt to troll.

Sad thing, a lot of these businesses actually react wrongly to this sort of trolling.

This sort of trolling is to be welcomed, my friend – much like with Schofield Bozo, it can really set the cash registers ringing if you do it right.

And thus – for any serious business owner, two things – one, if you’re doing it right, this is exactly the path you’ll be following with morons hating your every move and your very guts for no other reason than you’re making $$ and moving up in life while they go exactly nowhere.

And two, you owe it to yourself, your family and your business to learn and APPLY the tips in the upcoming book Profit Troll where the Benny sort of troll is discussed in great detail as well. (as well as exactly how THIS business has profited from it – hehe).

Last, but not least, remember, yet another shout out –Advanced Plyometric Training will be in its own right the MOST brutal and effective of our courses around here till date – sure, Animal Kingdom Workouts, Pushup Central and BattleTank shoulders fit that bill – but this course takes stuff from all the above – to a whole new level altogether.

Some of you can’t wait to see what the Bodyweight Exercise Guru has planned for you in that course, and I dont blame you – I can’t wait till the book’s out either!

So, jump on that as well while the time’s RIPE – coz the price WILL go up shortly on that too.

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I highly recommend the “super wide grip” pushups you see me do SO often.
- Upper back, for one!

Well, before we start this one – a huge thanks to all of you that have been writing back with questions etc – most of them great ones.

Some dumb, such as the person who repeatedly questions me about “why I wear red so often” – like dude – does it really even matter?

Idiots will find a way to grip, moan, piss and groan no matter what – you could show them Da Vinci’s work, they’d find *some* inane fault with it *somehow*.

Past that, of course – and getting into it – we answered some of these questions (wider than wife grip pushup related) in a couple of great tutorials today – those are below but first, a bit of background on why I love these so much, and how I got to know of them.

To me, most of my life, I’ve done “boxer” pushups -mentioned in Pushup Central, which are great for the lats, core, triceps, a solid form of pushup.

Yet, I remember seeing the great Sunny “Pa Ji” once knocking out pushups differently in a Bollywood potboiler “Jeet” (victory is what it translates to).

He probably got it from his equally macho Dad Dharmendra (possibly and probably even “solider” than Sunny, even at his age (80+)).

say what you like about the Deols, they’re solid sons of the soil, traditional, and have their pushups and pull-ups right! Haha.

435, 436 he went, kid seated on his back for added weight. Suddenly, the weight increases, and he wonders what happened!

“How the hell did your weight increase, kid!” he growls.

Turns around upon getting no answer, sees the film’s heroine parked on his back … hehe.

Anyway, I tried that pushup the first time I believe in 2008, felt pretty good, for some odd reason though I never pursued it back then – I DID do the other style of pushup I keep recommending even now – the floor humper, or Jack La Lanne pushups, or arms out extended in front of you pushup – what have you.

And this sort of pushup isn’t done the way normal wide grip pushups are my friend, which is arms slightly wider than shoulder width – sort of like in a regular pull-up.

For THIS style of pushup you’ll want to think “wide wide grip pull-ups!” – and much like the mentioned exercise, this will really give you those “striated shoulders” so many people want (delts) – and also work the upper/mid back and CORE into the ground.

Not only that – the uppermost fibers of the pecs really get a workout with these (which are really the muscles making your chest “stand out” – or “packed chest“, as a friend of mine said I had – its NOT the lower chest that gives you that effect).

You put your arms out to the side as far as you can go – and this different angle means some of the cardinal rules of pushups change – one specifically that is VERY important to note if you want to get MAX benefit from the movement.

This one change in rule applies to the floor humper too, my friend.

What is it – well, these two videos (and perhaps the shorts I uploaded today, Gawd, seemed to be a day for shorts for sure today!) – will explain it all –

Last, but not least, lots of you have sent me e-mails thanking me for the on the spur of the moment workouts , tips etc – and I greatly appreciate it.

Remember though that is just the tip of the iceberg my friend.

Pushup wise, you really owe it to yourself (those that haven’t) – and DESERVE to get Pushup Central – NOW. Truly never seen before smokin hot variants on the pushups that will smoke you into shape quicker than bacon sizzling on the pan – or in the microwave if you have one of those gadgets you hang the damn bacon off, hehe.

And remember, we’re almost through another course that is more intense than any other (in terms of movements) I’ve put out until now.

That is Advanced Plyometric Training which it seems is still at the pre-sales price, which reminds me – it will not be at that price too much longer.

If you’re looking to get the skinny on how plyometrics can really up your game fitness wise and take things to the QUANTUM level as it were, then you’ll want this book my friend – truly never covered before stuff in this one as well that will boggle, blow and make your mind explode with the “overload of info” you’re getting.

And if you want in at the pre-order price, get the book NOW.

And thats that, I’ll be back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Rest is the way hell overrated
- And a bit more on losers.

I swear, the way laziness, being fat and out of shape and other negative attributes are not just tolerated in today’s society, but celebrated as well – is insane.

I meant to speak about an old timer I highly admire – him – everyone of his ilk – and even normal people like my grandfather for one would turn over in their grave and disgustedly say “I’m damn glad I ain’t in this world no mo” if they saw what things have come to and what is celebrated and what is ridiculed,and so forth.

Strong men make good times, good times make weak men, and weak men ensure it all goes to ruin, and the cycle starts ad infinitum all over again.

This has been worded differently over the last few years by many people, but bottom line – the world is in the fourth and most destructive cycle NOW – and amazingly enough, most of the loonies populating it stick their heads in the sand even when it’s right in front of them.

Here is a list of what a certain Earlier Liedermann recommend in terms of BASIC, I repeat, BASIC physical fitness for men – and note I left some things OUT.

Yes, thats right – it ain’t the whole list.

Just reading through that list would make the average man and most so called fitness fanatics faint.

  • Swim at least half a mile or more without stopping
  • Run at TOP speed 200 yards or more.
  • Jump  over obstacles higher than his waist
  • Chin himself (until his chin touches his hands) at least 15 to 20 times.
  • Dip between parallel bars / chairs at least 25 times or more.

Thats PART of the list. Yikes, most would say, yet, its not as hard as it sounds – especially not the last and second .. and definitely not the first.

As for the bodybuilders pumping, preening and posing – the less said the better.

Liedermann, the old timers, yours truly – we ALL Advocated this type of thing, because guess what, you never know what might happen.

When shit hits the fan, and believe me it does and will – then its  YOU that has to take care of YOU.

And being fat and unfit and generally unhealthy is a recipe for disaster my friend even during good times, let alone tough times.

Dont think tough times will hit you – times of war – destruction – any of it?

I hope you’re right – but I doubt it, my friend.

I remember talking about this very briefly with the wife once who pooh poohed it “oh, India’s forever safe”.

With a gigantic behemoth straining at the leash at it’s northern borders, everything else going on as of late … HA!

It’s a classic example of a response from a person who knows he or she is on the losing side, they have no choice, so they postpone the inevitable.


Recently I heard the wife hurt her ankle getting out of the famous bed she loves so. The way she yowled, you’d think a tiger took after her.

Sure, some of those sprains hurt. Shes had nasty falls from scooters etc before, but this – the amount of molly coddling going on, mom telling her “dont walk” etc … when I heard all of it, the word “LOSERS” popped up in my brain.

Oddly enough, when I had a nasty ankle swell up back in the day (excess fluid, most likely because I was overweight) – it hurt so bad I could barely touch it.

I went for a run.

returned, collapsed, dunked the ankle in a bucket of water (at that time the wife was “kind” enough to actually bring me that water – now, she’d be like “to hell with his ankle”. Hehe) …

First comment my parents made “you’re overweight!”

Which isn’t new to me, from saying I’d die at the age of 30 if I drank too much beer, lol, to other inane comments about “you exercise too much” …. to the results I’ve gotten, well, we all know who the joke is on.

Point is though, no goose and gander, apparently its ok for women to be fat lazy beached whales, but not men (not real men, at any rate).

It isn’t for either, but really, thats not the point either.

Hark back to when I had that nasty thumb injury, as painful as anything I’ve ever had.

Everyone told me to rest it, ice it, splint it, and so forth, even my buddy from the Marines who said they had meds for that at camp etc told me “its going to hurt in winter”.

All the ice cold showers I take in the dead of winter, all the exercise I do – the thumbs as good as new.

My treatment for it ?

hold an ice cold Corona in the hand that night, a good night’s sleep, and next day – back at it. there was no way I wasn’t doing fingertip pushups on my birthday two days later, and I did!

My point is this -the human body wasn’t meant to sit, rest, and be domesticated to the extent it is now.

When a monkey in the wild gets injured, it doesnt stop climbing trees, crocs dont stop swimming even when they get a leg taken off by other crocs, a tiger doesnt stop hunting even if it’s old, infirm, and hasn’t eaten for days, and so forth.

You dont have to take it to extremes.

naturally, if its something serious like a major surgery or what not, by all means rest up.

But MOST minor niggles and injuries need MOVEMENT, not rest – to get better quicker, and to recuperate quicker – the body knows how to heal itself better than any moron doctor who claims (true story) “light swimming is a no no because it taxes the liver” (back in the day from when my mother was tripping about something so I went to the doc for the hell of it, and thats what this fat genius – yes, obese doctor getting paid BIG bucks – told me)…

Isometrics – not necessarily static movements, but fluid isometrics for flexibility like I teach in Isometric and Flexibility Training are the key.

Dont get me wrong, static isometrics are super awesome, but if you’re injured, you need a steady supply of FRESH blood to the area to wash away the toxins and speed up recovery.

Some of the stretches in Advanced, Profound, Isometric and Flexibility Training as well.

Back to laziness, vast majority of fucks out there disgust me.

My wife for some reason when she does laundry won’t take hers out of the wash for hours on end, it sits there until night, if I want to do mine, I ask her to take it out – she either yells in a foul mood or wont take it out period, so I end up doing, or I dont do mine.

With me, I suppose I could do the same thing, but to me, its the most natural thing to dump it in the machine, dry it as soon as its done, be done with it, not letting piles pile up for ages – no pun intended.

It’s sad, the way laziness is not just tolerated, but encouraged.

and it pisses me off, typical liberal mentality, like throwing the trash on top of the can instead of in it which is common around these parts, like “fuck the next person so long as I’m OK” – I absolutely abhor that mentality “burns my ass up”, as a certain redneck in MS once griped about what were likely illegals jumping the queue at Mickey D’s, have to say i agree 100% and then some!

The only time the wife is ever in a good mood?

Late at night, when she knows there’s nothing to do but sit and gaze at mindless, moronic videos.

And of course, that late at night extends to noon wake ups, which i simply cannot fathom, sure, she doesnt work – doesnt need to – but a person’s surely got SOME goals, ambitions, desires?

Apparently not the vast majority of sheep out there, and dont get me wrong, I’m no whiz at waking up in the AM’s – I dont like it, but I do it anyway – and if I don’t wake up on time, I’ll hustle and bustle later to get it all done anyway.

Por ejempelo, I like to sit and drink green tea in the mornings if I’m not climbing hills or what not first thing upon waking up, but that tea time is shortened if it means I dont have time for 500 pushups (club work, pull-ups, whatever I might choose – I’m currently soon going to be at “super battletank” status with 500 pushups/100 pull-ups a day – currently the number for the latter is 60 – 500/60 – thats more than what I was cranking out even when writing Battletank Shoulders!!) …

(squats never an issue, you can knock those out real quick if you know what you’re doing).

Not so with the vast majority of folks out there.

Like a customer once noted “I wonder how you get so much done each day!”

Because I’m not a lazy liberal, hehe. And I dont associate with any either. Really its sickening.

Back to fitness, rest etc – most people “rest” way more than they should, and they need a kick up the wazoo way more than to be pampered and molly coddled to oblivious – kids included.

And, a look around at the constant coughs, niggles, sniffles etc around you – both kids and adults – should tell you a lot.

Anyway, bottom line – I’m all about old school and old fashioned, my friend, and guess what – its the only way that works.

Thats also why they call me “the goddamned survivor“, hehe.

Follow the 10 Commandments of Physical Training (and indeed, life) laid out for you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, my friend – also in Fast and Furious Fitness (currently being translated into Spanish) – and you cannot go wrong, period.

Remember, old school is what ultimately not just survives, but thrives – and wins long term.

Last, but not least, I probably should have put this disclaimer upfront – this message isn’t for loser, liberals and entitled Bozos who don’t understand the D of discipline, H of hard work, T of tough and so forth.

Its for the DOERS, the real men and so forth.

I probably would have said it in the videos. But the dumbphone keeps running out of space, I never buy a new one, its choc a block full of training pics for the upcoming book “Advanced Plyometric Training“, therefore, here it is.

Enjoy – I’ll be back soon. Btw, plyometrics as in that book – tough as fuck, and they will whip you into shape even quicker than my regular stuff. Be sure to place your pre-order NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why RESULTS (not so called being “nice”) matters- and why you aren’t helping a lot of people by “being nice” either
- Lots to talk about today !

Lots to talk about today, my friend, and as I’ve uploaded part one of what I’ve got to say – part two is in the works, and will be uploaded SHORTLY.

Both these videos should be watched TOGETHER.

In brief, this is for the ass clowns who keep complaining about me hurting peoples feelings, about “not being nice to fat people” – about calling a spade a spade – and so forth.

Nothing great was ever accomplished without being hated, my friend.

More on this in the videos, for once I won’t type it all out here but since I’ll no doubt get a lot of whining from the freebie seekers, cheapskates, fat focks, do nothings and so forth on this one – here’s one thing I did not say – or forget to say in the videos…

Those of you that want the house for free, those of you that want it all for nothing ,those of you not willing to move your little finger to get results, and then complaining, those of you that want full workouts on youtube so you dont pay a penny for it – well, go haunt the gyms my friend (though theyll sell you more than I ever would, could, or would want to, and wouldn’t deliver any sort of results to boot – indeed, they would HARM you more than help – fact) … or haunt those businesses that sell it all for “cheap” – whatever your definition of that is.

I’d rather sell to an exclusive bunch, and make a good living for me and mine while doing so (more on this in the video).

Reminds me of what Matt Furey once said in one of his newsletters I was subscribed to at the time “people will thank you up and down for the freebies, but they wont give you any money for it”.

Sage, Matt.

I can’t fault the man’s business logic, I’ve been the same since I was born.

More to the point, I’ll take it one step further.

You’re harming people by giving them stuff for free or by devaluing your work by selling at heavily discounted rates and so forth.

People value that which they pay for.

People pay for what they really want.

And people have a habit of actually doing what it takes to get what they want….

Enough said here – I think you get the drift. Video time –




Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Check out the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW.

You can only see how far you’ve come when YOU GET THERE!
- And, a key factors stopping a lot of people from starting to lose weight.

Other than big bloated muscles “fat loss”, specifically around the tummy, ass and chest is by far the #1 “wish” most people have when it comes to fitness, right?

OK, everyone knows about conditioning, strength, the theory etc, but what do we all really want?

Lets face it.

The lean, mean, carved corrugated core look – even if you’re aiming for bulk (without fat) – that look inspires – no two ways around it.

Chicks dig it too … thats precisely the sort of looks chicks prefer.

but anyway – when people are fat – out of shape – when they look at themselves in the mirror, even the nuttiest of nutjobs that claim publicly “they’re big not fat” – or “we have different body types” and such – KNOW what the facts are deep down inside.

Not all of these people are lazy (a significant portion are, and so they never get anywhere regardless) – some of these people actually have good intentions for themselves.

But, despite them having the imagination to know what “could be possible” – they’re too scared to allow the little voice inside to tell them “maybe, just maybe – it COULD be possible?”

Case in point being dude who keeps complaining about “wanting to do pull-ups”, yet never practices.

He hangs for a sec, despite all the encouragement I give him, it amounts to nothing because he wont put in the hard yards, because – well – he has no motivation to do so really and motivation is ultimately something that has to come from inside.

It also pales in comparison to PERSISTENCE – and DISCIPLINE. There’ll be days when you feel like shit – do you got it in you to go out there and just do it anyway?

Thats the difference between winners and losers in life – in any sphere of life.

I was no different from a lot of people when I was phat – and a lot of things at the time including being “happily married” (which I would never ever want again – an illusion of epic proportions designed to destroy men is what it is – and men buy into it) – doing well overall – working a stable job (sometimes) – and many other things, but FIT I wasn’t.


Yes, but only “lifting strength” – ie I could probably lift a fair bit – for a BIT of time. Haha.

Much like people tell themselves nowadays I sometimes did the same thing “oh, its OK”, “oh, girls like big guys too”, “oh, I’m strong – what does it matter if I’m a bit fat” (hint – I wasn’t a bit fat – I was WAY overweight, except I couldn’t see it myself!!) – and so forth.

Difference between me and the herd, I have always listened to two things over all.

Gut feeling, and inner voice.

I never let either one of those two be drowned unlike most other people.

I had a hard time believing and never even imagined I’d be the fitness phenom I am today pumping out 500 pushups daily for months at an age where most give up at HALF that age these days (what has the world come to eh? Ask gruff ole Clint for one…)

But, that inner voice led me to the right decisions ultimately.

The grind followed.

And the results ultimately came.

But it all starts with the mind, a mindset, that inner voice.

If you listen to it, you might well get somewhere – if you aren’t a cheapass who wants everything in life for either minimal effort or free – and if you aren’t afraid of hard work.

My programs only work if YOU DO, my friend – everything in life works that way.

And back to it – when I  look back at pictures “from then”, it never amazes me how out of shape I was back then and how normal I thought it was.

Sad part, thats what phat people think for the most part, that “its normal, nothing to be ashamed of”.

sorry, pal, but letting yourself get way out of shape IS something to be very ashamed of, it shows you dont value the most important asset you have in life – your health. and your fitness, the two go together.

sure, its your CHOICE…

But, it’s not good regardless. And its pathetic the way people justify it and molly coddle themselves, and let me tell one damn thing from my experience – molly coddling doesnt work my friend.

It doesnt, period, just look at kids these days – compare them with when WE grew up.

We were the exact opposite of mollycoddled, no?

yet, look at kids around with a host of mental health issues, obesity problems and so forth.

I dont think they’re in any way equipped to deal with the demands of the real world, I’ve been saying for years now that molly coddling is part of the issue, and parents are finally starting to wake up to this fact too.

It requires hard talk to get someone to acknowledge facts that might be painful to them – to most, it would seem “insulting”.

Sad part is, these folks dont realize the insults they’re hurling at their own self day in and day out by staying out of shape and making all sort of excuses to cover it up.

I’ll tell you one thing though – thats why I have my phat pictures on the covers of some of my books.

Such as the beginner level book on pull-ups – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

Or, Shoulders like BOULDERS! 

Battletank Shoulders! – and Pull-ups – from STUD – to SUPER STUD within WEEKS! have the super fit me.

So, you see what is possible.

If i can do it, anyone can (provided the words “lazy” and “slacker” dont exist in their vocab, excuses as well).

Trust me, when you get down to brass tacks at your goal – say 500 pushups a day – and you can do 0-5 now ?

When you’re pumping them out 500 a day, neither will you ever want to go back to the unfit days, nor will you say “I was fine back then”.

You will look back and say “God, how the hell did I ever get that out of shape!”

You will also realize that if you never made the journey, you wouldn’t ever get to the point where you knew – with proof – it was – is – POSSIBLE!

And thats when true realization comes my friend – comes full circle at that.

Now at this point, if this makes sense to you – youve got two choices.

One, flounder around for years trying to find the best ways to get what you want fitness wise. And then maybe, maybe, finally find the right way IF you’re lucky.


Learn from someone thats been there, done that, been forced almost to perfect his art at a level very few can begin to match – someone thats been on both, all ends of the spectrum, someone who most importantly understands that it’s as with everything else 99% MENTAL .. someone who can motivate you when required, but also bring you down to earth with a few sharp words when required -someone who can keep the fire burning in you if you LET it … someone, who in short, is known as the Bodyweight Exercise Guru for a damn good reason.

Last, but not least, let’s finish off with this …

Hello Rahul

Years ago there were some advertisements on tv for Stella Artois which stated that the beer was “reassuringly expensive” i.e. you knew the beer was great because it was priced accordingly and not some cheap garbage, which is a great way of saying you get what you pay for.

I believe that your products are the Stella Artois of Physical Culture and they are “reassuringly expensive”.

Listen to this boys and girls, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the knowledge you have to pay the price whatever it is.

If all you can see is price then it would appear that you’re not thinking straight, when does the cheaper something is equal the better it is? You’re trying to buy knowledge like you buy potatoes by the “pound” i.e. the more you buy the cheaper they are, this is erroneous thinking, if someone offered you a brand new Rolls Royce for £5,000 straight away you’ll be asking yourself what the hell is wrong with it, why is it so cheap, I know I would be.

Rahul Mookerjee’s knowledge of Physical Culture is without peer and if you want to acquire that knowledge then I suggest you pay what he’s asking and if that’s too much for you? Then that as they say is “life”.

Rahul, keep doing what you’re doing, I for one greatly appreciate it, thank you.

Warmest Regards


That wasn’t me saying it either …

Bottom line – get started on the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW, my friend.

Trust me,  a few months on this, or even ONE month, and you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come if you do what I say religiously and dont make excuses.

And thats that, my friend.

Live life “truly fit”.

its the only way.


Rahul Mookerjee

Some of these boxing related movies they make … damn!
- Can we say JOKE?

Man, I dont mean to say it – but that movie … but, let me back up.

This afternoon, after a sumptious lunch, I noticed the wife was … well, in a foul mood as she is for some reason or the other 99.99% of the time.

And so I tuned out, put on Amazon Prime Video – and .. though I didnt really have any intentions of watching a movie – I didnt even get the beer, hehe – I idly flicked one on “Apne”.

Yours truly doesn’t watch Bollywood for the most part, you know that – and certainly not sop stories like this – with boxing as a sort of “theme to the movie”.

Basically it’s about a family – father, mother, two sons, sister (who seems to be there more for show) – their two girlfriends (admittedly gorgeous – one’s a wife I believe?) … and the whole movie has way too much crying from men and women alike than I’d like to see anywhere – basically a male soap opera about a guy who was unfairly banned from boxing years ago, never let go, and brought heaven, hell and earth together to make his elder son a boxer – only son quit due to financial issues, father never forgave him despite the riches son brought the family.

Younger son takes up boxing, loses in the ring (gets cheated, funnily enough) – older son shows up – and well, you get the drift.

The whole thing is so comically done that it’s sad, I dont know if it was a hit in the Punjabi community it was aimed at …

Pity, because the lead – one of them – Sunny Deol used to be one of my favorite Bollywood actors back in the day – someone who did a shit load of pushups for one – he was never the Corrugated core type, but never fat either back in the day, but that changed with age, and this movie?

Man, you can literally see the man boobs jiggling on Booby (Bobby) – his “real life brother” as he fights, and you can see Sunny’s expanding middle aged waistline in the ring.

Between the two of them, it seems old man Dharmendra is in better shape than them – guy who was disgraced in the movie – and he’s like going on 80.

Old school, now THAT guy in his prime was IN SHAPE – driving those manual trucks in India by themselves will do that to you – he was a truck driver before making it big in Bollywood.

But really, its COMICAL – the punches they throw, everything in the ring, it’s parody you’d think, except apparently the “Emotion” is supposed to win the viewer over.

It doesnt unfortunately, I’d rather Sunny in Ghayal …

Anyway … point of me saying this?

The filmmakers seem to think “huge arms” eclipses all.

And biceps eclipse all …

Never mind the man tits, never mind the fact that Sunny in the movie can barely jog, let alone run, never mind the sloppily done pushups (ok, some of them are good, but not most) – and most of all, the FAT and the bellies on display in a sport which doesn’t tolerate even the slighest bit of blubber around the core.

Boxing, my friend, is a sport which doesn’t demand a corrugated core.

It tells you quite simply you’ll be ANNIHILATED if you’re not well conditioned, simple as that friend.

You dont even need to take my word for it, look at any real boxer and you’ll see conditioning is their mainstay my friend.

And the way boxers do it?

Roadwork, and lots of it – and pushups, lots and lots of them!

Sure, they spend hours working on their skills in the ring, the heavy bag – jumping rope and so forth.

But their conditioning (and strength) boils down to three things, rope jumping, roadwork, and pushups.

My course Pushup Central – and my great course Jump Rope Mania – part of the reason these two courses are SO popular is they give you old school like old school is supposed to be, not,as is said in the movie “anything for money”.

I charge what is fair, yes.

Given the wealth of knowledge in these two courses alone, I’d be justified in charging triple of what i do – but I’m not.

And as for roadwork, I don’t have a course specifically on that, but training on hills as I did for years is some of the best conditioning you can do my friend – period.

If you want get rid of fat QUICK, do some Advanced Hill Training at least three times a week – either on flat land or hills. Or stairs. It can be done on all three.

Key thing, remember.

If you’re fat, have too much around the ole core and chest, you won’t look like an athlete and neither will you FUNCTION like one, either pure stamina wise or overall conditioning wise.

Blubber is blubber no matter how much you might try to deny it.

It’s rank.

It’s unhealthy.

Its bad for your heart, mind and body.

And if there is ONE goal every athlete or trainee should have, it shouldn’t be huge muscles or rippling bicep or what not – all that is great- you’ll get there eventually, but FAT loss over the entire body – specifically the core  and working the grip and back hard like you mean it – these should be CORE goals for every serious fitness trainee my friend.

And if they arent, then you aren’t serious about your training. And, it’ll “show” as well.

Ouch, I know that hurts. For some people.

For some, of course, like me, they’d take it as constructive criticism and IMPROVE like I did years ago, like I do everyday even now … like I did even from last year (when I was hardly in poor shape to begin with, but slouching, and slacking from my own high standards, and that showed too).

I’m human like you.

I need a kick up the backside like you do – occasionally.

And I got one from a person that matters to me on Jan 4,2022.

And he also said “this year will be the year you’ll be in your best form”.

Boy was he spot on as always.

A year later … well, the proof’s in the pudding. Hehe.

Now, I lay down the challenge to YOU.

CAN you give me 500 pushups a day – no excuses?

CAN you do at least 25 pull-ups day  – no excuses?

Can you LOSE that fat around the midsection you’ve been carrying for so long – and pretending to yourself “it doesnt matter”?

I dont know, I can show you the way, only you can decide whether or not to FOLLOW the path I lay out for you …

My courses above show you the how.

All you have to supply is the YES, and the DO.

And the world is yours my friend, if you only DO.

Out for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Benny and his undulating belly …
- And the jiggle, hehe.

I swear, of all the tomfoolery on Youtube … I saw THIS – but wait. First, a trip down memory lane we’ve already taken here,  but I’ll take it again.

In 1999, I believe, I was taking the great Dr B’s class CSC 404 “internet concepts”. Those were the days when HTML webpages looked “cool” – there was literally no Python I believe, and C++ and Php ruled the root.

No Nuke, No WordPress, none of that, but there was plenty of COBOL to go around!


I loved that class.

And when the final project (you could either do it solo or with team members) was announced, I did it solo – unlike in his CSC 414 DB class, where I did it with a couple of lovely black girls – who were even kind enough to wake me up at 10AM on a Saturday morning to open a computer lab I should have an hour ago … ah, but I digress.

Those were the days. Hehe. On campus jobs, hot chicks and more…

Hot chicks of course never left me. ask a certain “Christina Lou “that – anyway, so the web project, I did a good job.

Of course, with my sense of humor – I put in a couple of large beer bellies in there.

A couple of nights ago, I was drinking beer with  my friend Rueben who noticing my growing belly gave me the “Dickie Doo award

When quizzed on what it was, he claimed “when your belly gets so big that you can’t see your dick when you look down in the shower”. ????

Which a certain guy “Benny Boy” we all cackle at around here fits the bill perfectly on that one, but we’ll get to him (but he’s got some weird dick fetish apparently – apparently Glyn “rubbed off on him”. Ugh).

Hilarious, but Dr B’s grader didnt think much of the beer bellies, definitely smaller than Benny’s tum tum, and gave me a B.

Rueben wasnt impressed.

You should go to him, he pressed me. He’d give you an A!

He’s probably right, I’ve reversed these idiot grader’s decisions tons of times – one time with Dr B himself when a certain Ricky gave me a D on a paper because guy was too damn stupid to figure out there’s more than one way to access a database, too lazy to check (he just ticked off the answer sheet basically) – and of course, pissed at me at the time so thought he’d take it out on me that way.

Nothing doing pal.

“You have a different way of doing things”, noted Dr B sagely.

“But if it works…!”

And the D on the paper became a B, and an A in the class later, ditto for Internet concepts (and so I never really went to him about the website, wouldn’t have mattered in the overall scheme of things anyway!).

This conversation took place in a Barnes and Noble – remember those?

Anyway, I saw This video today –

And back to tom foolery and the nonsense people post on Youtube, it was admittedly hilarious, but ONE LINE in it reminded me so of this dude Benny Boy.

“Hey, I’m making my belly undulate” he goes, while airport security is poking what seems to be his belly but is actually some chick’s “half ass” – see the video. LOL.

Not to mention the thing about buying one ticket, Benny’s so cheap he’d try and buy half a ticket – he goes to the supermarket most likely and probably gets pissed when they ask him to pay for his groceries. It should be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he goes. ????

But that “undulating belly” comment – my friends reminded me of Benny boy, another recent entrant into the long list of trolls who applied for a job here, got the boot from yours truly, and then set about trolling, or trying to, hehe – books he praised to the high heavens in the past to make a quick buck which he couldn’t (he’s too much of a clown to sell anything) – and books that he trolls now in a very lame manner (but it makes me money, so hey…).

He claimed I copied Jump Rope Mania! from someone, I’d love to know who.


Ditto for the great book 0 Excuses Fitness … (which those smart enough to get it have truly called it “the best bodyweight fitness book ever, NOTHING even comes CLOSE to it” (not my words, customer words those) …

But anyway, the videos he posts on his channel, my word, it’s one thing to post Tik Tok tomfoolery that passes for workouts (he posts 2 min workouts and then sleeps all day on the couch apparently) – but those man boobs he jiggles and parades and pretends to know it all about fitness – just ugh.

Goes to show what sort of world we’re living in where the blind feel compelled to lead those or try to lead those who can see … Hehe.

Anyway – why do I mention this?

Any idiot like this selling fake supplements (downright harmful in some cases) and spouting off about stuff he knows zero about should be ignored, period, but in the fitness world, especially the fitness world …

A customer summed it up the best about out of shape folks in general preaching on about fitness – (fat folks, basically) –

it’s just that I feel if someone is putting themselves up to give any kind of advice to people with regard to physical conditioning they should at least look the part.

It’s like one of those obese doctor’s (we all know at least one) sitting at their desk and telling their patients they need to go on a diet and exercise more for the sake of their health???

And he wasn’t EVEN referring to Benny Boy. Hehe.

With Benny, he made the “serious case of gyno does Brain Dead Benny have” which I can’t argue with , hehe.

And yes, from the fat dentist (downright obese these days) next door -but I gotta give the man credit, he admits he’s out of shape, and I RESPECT honesty – to a fat doctor who once told me to “stop swimming because it would impact my liver” or some nonsense … I’ve seen plenty like this.

We all know docs like that!

… and we all know Benny’s like that for that matter, hehe (that dickie doo award would fit a LOT of people these days to be frank)

Back to fitness tho –

How guys like this can even pretend to be into fitness is beyond me  – literally on a good day Benny is jiggier, wigglier, wobblier and fatter than the contraption above … LOL. And I’m being nice there!

Anyway – thats my point, if you’re sane, you’ll avoid this sort in terms of taking advice from them and you certainly shouldnt, if you value your health, fitness and SANITY even a tad – buy an iota of anything from these lunatics.

Let Bozo “millionaire with stained teeth” Schofield do the honors.

Back to sanity – here’s a GREAT video that has been getting plenty of likes, comments and such –

People have been wanting MORE on this one, there’s more in the paid download for Jump Rope Mania! – but even that will be enhanced pretty soon.

We have stuff around here the likes of which NO-ONE out there has, so you’d be doing yourself a favor to get Jump Rope Mania! Now. Remember, if the trolls see fit to work themselves up about it, there must be something to it no?

And believe me, that workout video in there is one for the ages, will whip you into shape nigh quick. Phew!

And that’s that. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Oh, fat boy got pissed I was making money off him .. Hehe. Well, if he’d stop haunting this place and stickin his Pinnochio where it dont belong, hehe … but then again, I’ve got them all addicted, those that love me can’t get enough of me, same thing for those that get SOOOOOOOOO pissed off by me saying it like is.

I especially welcome the latter sort, because … well

More later!

“Disappearing belly” splits that hit every muscle in your body and some you never knew you had.
- MY!

This afternoon while knocking out 330 pushups, I did some splits in a style that can only be described as the Rahul Mookerjee “sunglasses split” workout. Hehe.


Not really, but the way I took the video on youtube, so it seemed!

But while bending backward, forward, in a circular motion, all sorts of way – I felt muscles in lower and mid back work like they never had before – muscles all the spine – all ignored muscles, muscles that work when you do the back bridge -but NOT in the manner they do when you do splits.

Its different.

Do ’em right, and you’ll see.

And thats just the basic “on the ground” splits, I’ve got so many more variants of the split in Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Truly, I felt so profound I did not want to get out of the splits at all.

But I did eventually, and standing up, I felt … well, HIGH – on LIFE!

I also felt something strange.

Along with my lower back which was hammered, something odd was happening around the stomach region, I felt it … and?

Nothing was there!

No, it’s not Ravi Shastri talking about Shikhar Dhawan during a cricket match and his fitness and therefore core “there’s nothing there” (meaning guy’s lean as heck).

It’s me trying to feel my stomach … and it .. seemed to have gone back by 2 more inches!

Not that my core isn’t lean anyway. But damn, that was a workout and a half, and when I Came home later, I felt my upper abs – rock solid in a manner I haven’t felt them feel like in a LONG time – not even THIS time.

There are few better core exercises than the splits.

Core, lower back and overall body – combine with pushups etc, you’re truly on your way to a Corrugated Core.

Anyway – thats the tale for the day.

Back soon … and remember to pick up Pushup Central NOW.

Advanced Plyometrics as you can tell is on the way too – place the pre-order for this as many of you have before the price goes UP (which it will soon).


Rahul Mookerjee

Yet another reason I dont like preening and posing …
- Pointless, my friend.

Yet another reason I dont like it – well, in a word, its utterly … pointless!

Lots of people in the fitness world, gyms etc – preening, posing, oiling … “strong armssssssssssssss bro” – which I find utterly ridiculous and retarded. Does it bring home the bacon, for one?

I suspect not, if you’re a movie star, or model, hehe – both of which I’ve been rightly likened to multiple times  or porn star – hehe – then yes.

But even I dont do it – I did it once, only to be met with “you think you’re a porn star” or, actually what she said was “keep being a porn star in China!” comments from idiots and morons (no prizes for guessing which jealous Bozo said this) … and then never again, too much hassle.

First thing you know, you dont need to prove yourself to anyone, as a certain John Walker once rightly said when discussing something related, and I then told him about my dislike of bear – bare? – hehe – chested except for the other biz, where being a porn star, is well, GOOD. It should be that way – of course, this is fitness and that sort of thing is related too.


Well, pang ren qiu dian, and I hate to break it to you boys, or boys that call themselves men – think about it – it’s true.

Fat boys – or men – do have “small penis” Hehe.

There’s also a very direct correlation between not being able to get it up, or keep it up, and then make excuses – one of Paula’s friends was complaining about “hurting balls” when the reality is, and she told me this “he has a lasting problem”.

Indeed. Snicker.

Too fat too most likely.

Anyway – point of this, and another reason why?

Sometimes its OK – if the picture displays genuine strength with intention to do that – like for some people – not the majority of folks doing it, its  a VIBE. It shows through!

For most people, the thing is this – they have ONE body part they try and show off, while “disguising their weak points” – which makes them look even weaker.

No dice, pal – and thats my entire point.

If you’re in shape it’ll show whether your clothed or not, you dont even need an overly discerning eye to probe the same.

If you’re out of shape, same thing.

All the preening and posing in the world wont cover up double chins, weak legs, fat bellies and so forth.

And I focus on results and function and plus as my Dad once snarkily commented “I’m sure the girls will find you attractive anyway!”

That they do, they always have, so … Hehe.


It’s of course quite another thing if you do it for marketing or promotion, but again, like the vibes part above, that shows when that is the case – such as my inventive and “one in a million” innovative ways to take selfies of what someone called my “Striated” shoulders (I hate the term, but he’s right, hehe – and I got them without doing a damn thing on machines, weights or the Jim) using my world famous sunglasses (more famous than me! Haha) …. (isn’t it interesting how they find a way into all my workouts as well? Haha).

Another great video out today for those into functional training.

Fat trolls with nothing better to do than complain and write about books they haven’t even read and couldn’t afford in a lifetime – well, this one is food for you too! (food? More of it, hehe) …

Sometimes I wonder if I actually welcome this trollish sort more, with the profit they bring me – yesterday was $1370 – and when you multiply that sort of thing by X number of days while factoring in the fact that these fools are trolling the very books that then bring me sales, hehe – and they’re doing it unknowingly for the most part … well, all I got to say is this.

My wily ways!

Enjoy –

And remember, the best way to get phat off your midsection quick is by doing pushups and a lot of them.

The workouts that will get you there are listed in Pushup Central. 

Enjoy, and let me know how it goes!


Rahul Mookerjee